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The file contains information about how to link STAAD Analysis Engine with FrameWorks PLUS program.

Step 1: Copy Posta.exe and Posta.Ini files in directory where FrameWorks PLUS executable is located. Step 2: Modify "ExeName" entry in the Posta.ini file so that it points to appropriate STAAD executable. You must have STAAD/Pro already installed on your system. Following is the list of STAAD executable names for different design codes. Design Codes -----------British Canadian German Indian Indian US US + TT Codes US + Aluminum + TT STAAD Executable Name ---------------------SProStaadBr.exe SProStaadCn.exe SProStaadGer.exe SProStaadInd.exe SProStaadJp.exe SProStaadUS.exe SProStaadTT.exe SProStaadUSAlTT.exe

The STAAD executables will be in the <STAAD/Pro intallation path>/STAAD/SProStaad directory. For example, if you have installed STAAD/Pro Rel 2.0 in C:\SPRO2_0 directory, then for US codes the Posta.ini file should look like [StaadExe] ExeName=C:\SPRO2_0\Staad\SProStaad\SProStaadUS.exe For further clarifications please contact Research Engineers ( ) or Intergraph.

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