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Promoting Biofertilisers in Indian Agriculture

Premsukh Godara

Biofertilisers, more commonly known as microbial inoculants, are artificially multiplied cultures of soil organisms that can improve soil fertility and crop productivity

Nitragin, a laboratory culture of Rhizobia in 1895 by Nobbe and Hiltner Azotobactor & BGA Azospirillum 7 Vesicular- Arbuscular Micorrizae(VAM) INDIA N V Joshi, 1956, Rhizobium commercial production in India

Commanly explored Biofertilisers in India

RhizobiumRHZ Fixes atmospheric nitrogen into symbiotic association with plants, forms nodules in roots AzotobactorAZT Useful for cereals, millets, vegetables, cotton & sugarcane Free living & non-symbiotic N-fixing organism AzospirillumAZS N-fixing organism for non legumes Blue Green Algae BGA Free living Photosynthetic N-fixer Improve soil aeration & WHC, add growth promoter & Vitamin B12 Azolla Aquatic fern of shallow fields of rice Symbiosis with BGA Phosphate Solublising / Mobilising Biofertiliser PSB Enable uptake of Phosphate in plants

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