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NATIONAL BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY (NBOS 5) University Ambassador Program (UAP) under the NBOS 5 is an initiative across the

ministries involving students of higher institutions of learning (IPT) to execute activities that will benefit communities. All activities conducted will be reported to the steering committees ie the National Strategy Execution Summit (NSES) chaired by the YAB Prime Minister. IPT students who have been selected are known as the University Ambassadors (UA) and been trained for these purposes: (a) to be youth leaders (b) to be connectors between the local communities and government agencies (c) to guide the local communities with regards to current issues, education, economy, technology and et cetera (d) to organize and support activities of
the local communities

LIFELONG LEARNING In recent years, changes in lifestyle have drawn recognition of the need to move towards lifelong learning. Lifelong learning is a variety of learning processes throughout life that transform experiences into knowledge, skills and attitudes. It should be understood as the expression and fulfillment of the naturally-occurring curiosity that is found in healthy human beings. A lifelong learning culture requires a shift in our mindset from the fundamental unit of education in organized learning institutions to the learner as an intelligent agent with the potential to learn from any and all of his/her encounters in the world around him/her. Learning itself expands your viewpoint. It gives you new knowledge you can use to improve your life. Even if you discount the worldly benefits, the act of learning can be a source of enjoyment. (Edited from a newspaper article A Closer Look at Lifelong Learning by Dr Gan Siowck Lee) Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it Albert Einstein Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.John Wooden Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you have still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life-Henry L. Doherty The day you stop learning is the day you begin decaying. Isaac Asimov

MOBILE SISWA Mobile Siswa is a project initiated by the UA of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) based on the NBOS 5. This program is a collaboration between MOHE, IIUM, National State Library and Perak State Library. The First Phase of IIUM UAs activities is from January 2012 until June 2012. This phase will include 4 series of activities focused in Perak. The objective of this project is to create the awareness of lifelong learning particularly through reading to propel Malaysia into the league of developed nations, be a high income nation and knowledge-based economies by 2020. It is hoped the project will nurture a learning society. Components of Mobile Siswa: University students as the driving force behind the project Perpustakaan Desa and E-Pustaka as the promotional tools for the project to promote lifelong learning .

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KAMPUNG SENGGANG Kampung Senggang is situated within the Kuala Kangsar District, in the Mukim of Senggang, Perak Darul Ridzuan. To be exact, the village is located in the middle of the road from Kampung Sayong to Tanjong Belanja, just about 14 kilometres from the Royal Town of Kuala Kangsar. It was a project to build settlements for the hardcore poor in the Kuala Kangsar district. Kampung Senggang has been equipped with facilities since the early 80s. They were constructed gradually following the construction of a road connecting Sayong to Parit. Since the basic facilities such as water and electricity were made available in the new settlement area, the residents who initially lived along the banks of Sungai Perak began to move in. Among the facilities provided are a multipurpose hall, library, mosque and others. All the facilities are for the use and comfort of the residents. Perpustakaan Desa Kampung Senggang stands in the midst of Kampung Senggang next to the village public hall. Due to its strategic location, visitors find it easy to patronise the library. Kampung Senggang was once awarded second place in the Village Cleanliness Competition in conjunction with the Independence Month celebration. (Edited from

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