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Gnosis Draconis Dragon Shen Tao TM Way of the Dragon Spirit Skolomance Correspondence Course

The Royal Craft A complete course in Rejuvenation, Psychic Development, Healing, and Self-Empowerment

Written and Edited Charles Johnson (Bodhinath) w/excerpts and teachings from Sunyata Saraswati

Originally published as Gnosis Draconis Dragon Alchemy and Magic 2010 Dragon Shen Tao ISBN 978-0-557-79971-B All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Dragon Gate Course Siglivium Ordo Draconis Order of the Dragon 1985

DISCLAIMER The Dragon Gate Mysteries are a system of practices promoting health, well-being and psychic development. Caution and common sense should be utilized in following any of the suggestions about food, exercise, breathing, sexual activity, and states of consciousness. These courses are not meant to replace competent medical advice or medical regimens. Anyone suffering from high blood pressure, or any infirmity that hampers the following of these practices should consult a physician before practicing the methods taught here. Anyone with a history of emotional instability or who is currently in a time of high stress is advised to consult a therapist before practicing the methods taught here. This be known medical as well as other advice will be offered. Bodhinath DragonShenTao 2010

Contents: Part 1 Jade Dragon Formula 10 Esoteric legends from the Star Fire Ritual to the Fountain of Youth originate in the Royal Craft and Tantra of internal alchemy and martial arts. Brain Development 12 As we refine our energy bodies and empower our sensitivity to these energies we become the directors of those energies. The Philosophers Stone 15 Star Fire: Combined and mixed, creating the spark of life, this elixir is ingested and used for heightened spiritual awareness of the consumers. Plant of Birth: Through the refinement and enhancement of our endocrine system the bodys natural chemicals balance and improve. Alchemy . 18 Golden Elixir is another name for ones fundamental nature. There is no other Golden Elixir outside ones fundamental nature. Immortality Training Golden Elixir . 20 A science of regulating time, the formulas implemented by a Taoist scientist bring youthfulness to the aging process. Inner Smile . 25 We carry the tools of perfection and transformation to create all of our desire and to experience all the joy and happiness from that source. Six Healing Breaths 28 An exchange for cool life force energy generally maintains the proper temperature of the organs. I. Dragons Roar II. Dragon Emerging from the Sea III. Dragon Balancing Heaven and Earth IV. Dragon coils Inward V. Dragon Produces Elixir VI. Dragon Expels toxin VII. Marriage of the Sun and the Moon Awakening the Dragon 40 In the Wu Chi Tao Temple we always learned psychic healing and chi projection along with chi massage, so that our bodies became a living antenna, receiving and transmitting cosmic energy. Cosmic Dragon Meditation .43 The purpose of the cosmic Dragon Meditation is to attain a state, beyond all known states of sense, data, phenomena, visions, hallucinations, etc. This is a state transcending all intellectual descriptions. Meridian Stretch ..44 The meridian stretch stimulates and opens all the main meridians of the bodies and the 3 Dan Tiens. These stretches will increase circulation and energy. Microcosmic Orbit .46

Esoteric Psychosomatic Exercise 53 Catalysts for radical change and will have a tendency to unravel outdated beliefs and energy depleting habits and life styles. Various levels of energy and dimensions will be awakened with these methods. Tibetan Tantric Meditation 56 These esoteric psychosomatic exercise will stimulate and generate tremendous internal flows of life force energy as wells as psychic/spiritual energy Human Condition 59 Any true spiritual/magickal practice then does not actually create something new, but instead strips away layers of ignorance, pain, confusion, and misunderstanding, until unreasonable joy and happiness remain. Eye of Revelation60 System of sexual rejuvenation has been known and used in the Himalayan monasteries for thousands of years and belongs to a far vaster system known as Dumo Fire. The Five Tibetans 62 Four breaths of the Tantra of Seven Mudras The thymus gland is the seat of greater enlightenment, the seat of love and the seat of the life force energy. Breath of Fire or Kupla Bhakti.70 Breath of Fire will entirely charge the nervous system, while expanding the lungs, causing the glands to secrete and purify the blood. Turtle Breathing .71 Observing the longevity of turtles, the ancient Taoist created a breathing method to increase the years of ones life. Cobra Breath Preliminaries ..72 Complete a rotation at the bottom of the spine. This is a very profound breathing technique Immortal Breath ..73 This kriya super charges the entire glandular system, very beneficial for optimal health, while activating the chakra and kunda switches stimulating strong flow of kundalini. Brain Charging Breath 74 This breath strongly stimulates brain function, by flooding oxygen into the brain and stimulating both the frontal lobe and cerebellum the most neuron dense part of the brain.

The Microcosmic Orbit or the 'Self Winding Wheel of the Law' and the circulation of light is a Neidan and Taoist alchemy energy cultivation Wu Shen Chi Kung .47 As you perform these dragon exercises, surges of life force energy, pleasant tingling energy, will flood your body. Wu Chi Breathing 49 Part 2 Tantric & Kundalini Rejuvenation50

The Alter of Agni .75 At the inner sanctuary, concentration and meditation with seed, (intention) becomes meditation without seed, (trance) using contemplation (visualization) while centered in Samadhi the connected Kunda Shakti to the pineal and pituitary (transmitter and receiver) the spell is completed. Cultivating the Human Bio-Electric Field 80 Bone Marrow or Iron Shirt is a system of ancient mental and physical Taoist techniques of internal body building that is implemented to rejuvenate bone marrow strengthen the bones, and regenerate vitality to the organs and glands, preventing bone diseases and marrow related blood diseases. Healthy Bones and the Production of Blood 81 Aging and the breakdown of vitality and youth begins in the bones. Obesity can be prevented by maintaining a healthy percentage of red bone marrow within the bones Bone Consciousness .82 Nei Kung gives us a way to systematically increase the purity and range of our bodys tuning fork so it hums with a crystal clear vibration. Our bones are like invisible wands concealed within the shrouds of our flesh. Nei Kung 84 Reverse the effects of aging by regenerating the bone marrow. Assuming that we will all die most have no understanding of the control they have over the death process and the longevity one has in determining the death they one day will transcend. Tao Tan Pai 86 These short formals can be completed in 5 to 15 minutes producing tremendous internal energy. Yen Shen 1 Iron Cross White Crane Cross Projecting Shen Thumbs on top of Fists Raising and Falling Palms Pyramid Posture Palms on the Hips The Taoist Secret of Breath Control 94 Percentage breathing, the secret of internal alchemy. Taoist breathing is very simple but profoundly powerful. Siu Lian Nei Kung breathing exercise to convert oxygen into life force energy.

LING CHI (Taoist Sword) 95 These energy moving pranyamas develop extreme energy sensation through the palms. Dragon Breath This chi kung fire breath is to be used with all movements for the projection of Wai Chi with your tia chi sword mudra. Dragon Palm Ling Chi 98 For the projection of energies effecting ones surroundings for healing, martial arts, psychic development, remote viewing, Psi, etc Inner Fire Meditation 100 The first Level of Inner Fire will give you a working knowledge of the art that is considered to be the most secret of the inner tantric schools. Kundalini Yoga Breathing Cosmic Cobra Breath Divine Light and Sound

Appendix Discussion.

The cultivation, refining and empowering of our inner fire will transform an entire culture into liberated, passionate and compassionate beings of power.

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