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To keep an eye on public opinion regarding different issues, to present arguments on behalf of the council, to respond to inquiries of the

student body, to conduct internal and public communications, to plan public relation programs, and to monitor public perceptions of the entire college. Those are the main tasks of a PRO, or Public Relations Officer.

Fellow inhinyeros, faculties, teachers, administration, a pleasant evening to all of you!

The names Darren Carlos Dela Cruz, BSCVE 1, vying for the position of PRO. I stand before you today, urging you to vote for me. Todays election is of dire importance to both short-term and long-term future of the College of Engineering. That is why we need strong leadership next year. I would like to remind you all that the position of PRO is not a figurehead. This is a real job with real hard work and strong dedication, and I feel that I am the best qualified candidate to perform the job and assume the role. Im a freshman and I come out bringing new energy and new enthusiasm to the student council. I have a modest track record in the school academic as well as active participations in activities. Furthermore, I am ready to work with willingness for your benefit. If you empower me with your confidence and trust, I will do everything but the impossible to represent your interests and achieve our common goals and ideals. Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot encourage you enough to make the right choice and vote me/us. But our dedication and hard work will lead us into a golden age.

Before I conclude my speech, I would like to present to you one of our platforms for the coming Academic Year. PLATFORM: Transmission of Information OBJECTIVES: Thoroughly develop the college paper, The Engineering Perspective We will serve as a mediator between the students and faculty members in different fields of their studies especially during the arousal of problems Advanced information announcement --- As one of our plans before, we will make an online account or group in order for us to easily disseminate important information sang to gather data, comments, and suggestions from students regarding our performance.

I apologize if Im not popular enough to earn your votes. But I hope that have shown you that I am devoted enough to the cause of making the College of Engineering a better one. I can assure you that you can trust me with any task or any request. Once again, I am Darren Carlos Dela Cruz, vying for the position of PRO. Thank you very much for your attention.

Leadership is a way of life.

Leadership is not about power or charisma. It is not social class or distinction. Leadership is about influence, nothing more, and nothing less. Under this definition, every man, woman, child, in this nation of 90 million is a leader in his own right. Yes is a response. Leaders must be responsive. A leader should care not only for the task at hand, not only for the members of her team, but also for herself. Second, yes signifies acceptanceyou have to accept the fact that you are not perfect. Yes, is a positive reaction. Leaders should react positively no matter the situation may be. If we recognize the fact that we are all leaders, and that we all have influence, and really use that in our daily lives, we will bring out change. integrity of heart and excellent skills A great student leader always learns the knack of maintaining the right balance on any issue or situation. Many good leaders have burnt their hands at the start of their careers trying to find the right balance in their decision-making abilities as well as policies and speeches prepared by them. Some have used their experiences as a guide to fine-tune their ability to strike a balance on any issue, while others have managed to develop an intuition for the same. You might get disappointed with the results you are able to get at the start. But remember a good student leader never gives up easily. There is not a single leadership skill which any student cannot learn over a period of time. Be a winner by striking the right balance on all matters important in your circles.

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