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16.01.09 Issue 02


Hundreds of Distributors turned up in Dublin on Saturday 10 January for the Kleeneze New Year Showcase Ireland. With the largest crowd the event has seen in recent years, the Radisson Hotel in Irelands capital was buzzing with inspiration, motivation and a great deal of fun. This is a sign of your commitment to the year ahead, said Michael Khatkar upon opening the event. Youve given up the time to be here. Because of this sort of effort, the business in Ireland is growing. Distributors eagerly lined up in the morning to take part in the event that will act as a springboard to the rest of their year. And they werent disappointed. After a rousing welcome, Managing Director Jamie Stewart took to the stage. This is the first time that Ive been to a Dublin Showcase in my 18 months as Managing Director of Kleeneze, he announced. And Id forgive you if you thought that maybe Im not so interested in the Irish business, but nothing could be further from the truth. Ive had to spend a lot of my time solving problems - like the big problem of moving our warehouse 200 miles from Bristol to Accrington and the problem of Amtrak going into administration. So all being well I now plan to make The Dublin New Year Showcase a regular fixture in my diary. The buzz word of the day was recession. Or rather, as Gold Senior Executive Distributor Marie Ryan put it, what recession? 2009 is an opportunity to grow your businesses by sponsoring in those who will in some cases desperately need a second income. Maries training went on to point out that recession is nothing new. After all, the world experienced one in the 1970swhen Bill Gates emerged. The 1980s brought another economic downturnand with it came Richard Branson. When the early 1990s saw another recession, Kleeneze thrived and Bob Webb flew up the Sales Plan becoming one of the most successful Distributors of all time. Now were facing recession once CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE more, so could it be you who emerges successfully?



Were determined to make 2009 our greatest year ever and to help maintain and improve the success weve already seen in Ireland, he informed the audience. Throughout the day there were fantastic testimonials from Kleeneze up-and-coming Distributors, Niall Donaghy, Vincent Tsoi and Gilly McCrone. All relative newcomers to Kleeneze, their businesses are already thriving and their stories all ones we hear of in everyday life redundancy, thinking of starting their own businesses, goals they wanted to reach. Although everyday kind of stories, the twist on theirs happens to be now their dreams are coming true, their goals realised and their futures secured. Guest speaker Mike and Susan Pirie also took to the stage for some serious training. The Gold Senior Executive Distributors addressed everyone at the Showcase, speaking of how success is dependent on only one person YOU. Theres no one here whose business is a million miles of track, Mike explained before launching into how to ensure youre on that track heading firmly down the path to success. Likewise, the other half of this successful Distributorship, Susan spoke of the recipe for success ingredients including consistent retailing, communication, self-education and practice! It was a truly inspirational event and one that we are in no doubt will kick start Irelands greatest year to date. Having just come back from the Kleeneze Dublin showcase we have to say it was a brilliant day! It was fantastic to have Jamie Stewart there and as always the Kleeneze team did a brilliant job. Mike and Susan Pirie gave some great tips and really fired everyone up for 2009. Marie Ryan showed us how the other half is living in a depression about the recession and how we are working with a fantastic company that has gone from strength to strength over the years. The recognition was fantastic, probably the biggest we have seen in Dublin, and it is only going to get bigger! It was very special for us as we had our newest team members there getting recognised for achieving their 10% bonus level, which considering they achieved this in period 13 and the fact that they are both in wheelchairs is absolutely unbelievable. Gilbert and Suzanne

you are superstars! They are a complete inspiration to everybody and they are proof that anybody can do this business and be successful. 2009 is the year for us all to shine! Emma and Richard OToole Senior Distributors Dublin is great for meeting up with the people who couldnt make it to Birmingham for whatever reason. I think everyone should at least try to get to one Birmingham Showcase, but Dublin is definitely one to go. I went to Birmingham the week before, and the Irish Showcase is like having a refresher course! Its also much more intimate the people you see in Birmingham are the people you actually get to meet and speak to properly in Dublin. Plus you can also speak to all the people behind the scenes on the corporate side. My highlight was seeing Mike Pirie speak. Ive been in the business seven months, but now I really want it and I want it now! Ive been to every single meeting since I started and you do hear some of the same things, but this time I saw it in a different light. His training has made me much more focused. Susan Keenan Silver Distributor I love the Dublin Showcase, because the speakers are right there to talk to, you can introduce your team to them and its much more personal. The highlight of the day had to be Mike Piries training. His whole attitude is so laid back and he makes it all seem like fun. It was very motivational. Marie was right were at the right place at the right time now. Now all we need to do is take action. Niamh OConnor, Gold Distributor Saturday was brilliant! I had a signing on the day, one on Sunday, two on Monday and two on Tuesday! Two of these were off the back of the Showcase. I always try to bring guests to these events this time I just sent out a broadcast email to all my contacts. In this current climate, where people just need money, I think Kleeneze is a real alternative for them. I didnt contact any of these prospects they contacted me. People just dont have access to money at the moment. I think the Showcases are great Dublin especially as you can meet with the company representatives face-to-face and speak to them about your feedback, whatever it may be. Its nice to come somewhere where you can meet other people who may have the same challenges as you in your business and just talk about it. It makes you feel youre not on your own and it gets you so focused on your goals. My goals for 2009? To go Bronze, win a car and get to Cape Town! Laura Cleland, Gold Distributor



Trio of trophies for Network stars

think hey we could actually do this! Our team worked even harder and we did too. When a couple in our team worked so hard, fitting it in between a 12-hour shift job, and went Gold it felt amazing - such a proud moment. Watching our team members, Fiona and Simon, go across the stage as Gold was as proud a moment for us than us going on the stage. It's true what they say - it means more to you when you see team go over the stage than when we went over. For one part of the Network, the New Year Showcase was particularly special. For a team to come home with one of the trophies is a great feeling. For a team to come home with THREE though is a feeling like no other. On Saturday 3 January, Geoff and Fiona Webb took the SED Challenge Cup, while Downlines Andrew Buxton and Laura Kelly clinched the Distributor Challenge Trophy and Gail and Darren Drew won the Harry Crook Trophy! It was an amazing hat trick and heres what they had to say: The New Year Showcase at the NIA was, for us, the pinnacle of our amazing Kleeneze journey to date. Where do we start? Well, a record turnout from our fabulous Rhino Group with team synergy at an all time high as we celebrated together the end of an awesome 2008, and the beginning of an even more spectacular 2009. But for us, the reason this day was our career highlight was not only to see new Golds and Seniors being recognised for their achievements across the stage, but to see two of our Distributorships picking up those coveted Kleeneze Trophies for their outstanding success throughout 2008: Gail and Darren Drew for the Harry Crook Trophy and Andrew Buxton and Laura Kelly being presented with the Distributor Challenge Trophy. We were then honoured to be presented with the SED Leaders Trophy, which we collected on behalf of ALL our amazing team. Being on stage again at the end to wave our flags with Andy and Laura as we were again recognised for Club Med 2 qualification - a day doesn't get much better than that. We would like to add our personal congratulations to Mike and Jean Day on their well deserved recognition as Distributors of the Year - they have truly blazed a trail to inspire us all. With the company announcements, we KNOW that we are poised to achieve even greater things in the years ahead - how about you? Its out there for all of us. Thank you Kleeneze. Geoff and Fiona Webb, Silver Senior Executive Distributors and SED Trophy Winners In the beginning, we werent actually going for the trophy, so when we were told that we were on the top end of the trophy table, we didn't believe it! Our focus was really just to earn as much money as possible to pay our rent and our debts. We have a fantasic small team - the Phoenix Team, due to the fact that we were in so much debt, we joined Kleeneze for a bit of extra cash. After a while, we quit our jobs and, as you know, the phoenix rises from the ashes, which is exactly what we started to do! When we went to the top of the trophy table, Darren started recording everything and tracking everyone very closely we started to Period 13 was a nightmare as we don't get to see any results, so it was a case of just doing your best and waiting. We couldnt believe it when we were told we had won we had never won anything before. The day we received it will stay with us forever. It was the proudest day of our lives when our names were called out - seeing our team and all of the Rhino team standing and cheering was amazing. Standing on the stage with all the top earners in the business was amazing, but just as special was having our team with us, as we couldn't have done it without them. It was also so special being there with Laura (Kelly) and Andy (Buxton) they are our inspiration. They are everything we want to be and we'll be following in their footsteps so that way we cant go wrong! As for Geoff and Fiona (Webb), words cant describe how we feel about them. They are not just team leaders they are amazing friends to us all. They had belief in us the whole time and we are so proud to have won the trophy for the Rhino and Phoenix teams. Our first week has been amazing with so many messages of congratulations. I believe that the trophy has inspired everyone in the team to think that anything is possible, as we are just all normal people - no special gifts or diplomas just a work ethic and a will to learn. Now we are focusing on the future. Our goals this year are to be on the Cape Town Conference and to be Silver Executive by the end of the year, of course earning loads of money along the way! Our other goal is to help as many of our team to reach their targets , as we all know help enough people and you get what you want anyway and it is a simple task as we have a fantastic, coachable team! We would just like to finish by saying a massive thank you to Geoff and Fiona Webb, our Upline. They are amazing people who have helped us so much in the last few months and we were so proud to be standing with them with the trophies. Also thanks to Tony and Muriel Judson who have always had belief in us all the way. Gail and Darren Drew, Senior Distributors and Harry Crook Trophy Winners Bronze Executive Distributors, Andrew Buxton and Laura Kelly stormed 2008 - hitting the double, qualifying for the Caribbean and Vienna, and now the pair have snapped up the Distributor Challenge Trophy to boot. EWB spoke to them to find out how their 2009 is shaping up so far. How has your first week as trophy winners been? It was actually back to work straight away! The group have been tremendous. The belief levels have risen dramatically as a trophy winning team. We encourage and help each other a lot and this team achievement has fuelled the enthusiasm to achieve more in 2009.



Does winning the trophy help any other aspect of your business sponsoring for instance? Of course. We are marketing the fact that the company have recognised the group for its success. Everyone wants to be part of a successful team (look at the sales of Man Utd Shirts worldwide!) We know that sharing this opportunity and our achievements shows Kleeneze as a company geared for success , one that rewards its team members with incredible incentives! That can only be a massive positive for the Kleeneze brand! Youve had a great 2008, so what do you have lined up for 2009? Thats a secret! No seriously though, we want to build on the fact we

had nine team members in Vienna. We are absolutely thilled to have qualified for the next Autumn Destination through winning the trophy and want to help as many of the group as possible to also experience how fabulous these conferences are. We want to help all our team members to achieve whatever it is they want from the business remembering to value those who only want to do a little. Once people achieve small goals they often progress to larger ones! Any advice on achieving your goals? One step at a time. Have a plan. Don't mistake movement for accomplishment, use the system, take action, and most of all have some fun and enjoy the price of success (the hard work really is worth it!).

We look forward to welcoming you aboard!

Time certainly has flown by and were now just THREE WEEKS AWAY from the end of the qualification period for the Ultimate Destination Club Med 2. On 22 March, Distributors will be jetting off to the stunning islands of Guadeloupe, Antigua, Jost Van Dyke, Virgin Gorda and St Martin. The 200 crew members you can see above are on hand to go out of their way to place your enjoyment of this experience above everything else after all, you will be the only ones aboard! This is the most lavish way to travel you can imagine and its all yours exclusive to Kleeneze for the week! Relax on the opulent teak deck in the Caribbean sun and know that this is your reward for all that hard work. Dont lose that motivation in your last few weeks keep going and join us!

Steve Johnson and Rosemary Rowntree Peter and Jackie White Mike and Jean Day

As announced at the New Year Showcase, you can save money on your Internet charge up until 28 February 2009. Simply make a one-off payment of 82.50/121 by credit and debit card and well give you 13 periods of service for the price of 11, saving you 15/22.50! It gets better...all Distributors who take up this 20% savings offer will be entered into a draw and 10 lucky winners will get their annual Internet fee completely refunded and WIN 1 of 20 KITS FREE, worth 127/190.50! Its really simple to take advantage of this amazing offer, but you need to get in quick. Speak to our Service Centre today.



A mini incentive with giant reward

Put your business into gear this quarter and you could drive off with a brand new Mini Cooper, worth 13,000. Weve four more of these gleaming cars to give away and all you need to do in order to win one is take action to drive your business forward in 2009! This year will be particularly exciting. - So many Distributors have told me theyre really going for the Mini Cooper incentive so who will it be? The reward is certainly worth the effort, Michael Khatkar, Head of Network Development THE CRITERIA A MINI COOPER can be won in EACH quarter of 2009 (Periods 1 to 3, 4 to 6, 7 to 9, 10 to 12) The car will be awarded to the Distributorship that has moved the highest number of Sales Plan positions, in any single quarter (the starting position is BRONZE EXECUTIVE). The qualifying Distributorship MUST maintain the new Sales Plan position for THREE CONSECUTIVE SALES PERIODS (this includes the Period the new Sales Plan position is achieved in). The qualifying Distributorship MUST also show POSITIVE YEAR-ON-YEAR GROWTH over the same quarter in the previous year. In the event of a draw, the Distributorship with the greatest year on year growth (Bulk Sales), over the previous year will win the car. Heres what our last Mini Cooper winners, Peter and Myrna Wellock had to say: A huge thank you to Kleeneze for making this possible for us. We have always considered Kleeneze to be a magical company, with magical people at its helm, and after so many major knocks in our past, we cannot believe there is such a company, or indeed an institution, as Kleeneze that would come along and turn our lives completely around and ask absolutely nothing in return, but a little commitment. There are so many people out there who have totally failed to understand what Kleeneze is all about, and have dismissed this golden opportunity out of hand, in favour of selling their labour for the benefit of another, purely because they have not been blessed with either the mental attitude to succeed in the first place, or they do not have the capacity to appreciate what they are throwing away. You will know the famous saying of Winston Churchill, when he said: most people stumble upon opportunity at least once in their lifetime yet get up and walk away as though nothing has happened. Thank goodness that we were guided in the right direction in the early days when we joined this wonderful company of ours.

...and speaking of cars

Thank you to everyone who attended the New Year Showcase on Saturday 3 January and those who sent their pictures of their best dressed cars in. Due to a technical hitch on the day, we were unable to show any pictures, however, last week we asked that you send us your pictures to be judged by our esteemed adjudicators. We can now announce our top prize winners are Silver Distributors Graham and Shaun Ford. Congratulations! Your Retail Kit is on its way.

Best dressed vehicle circa 1940s...

It wasnt just a picture of their own van, Graham and Shaun sent in. Customer, Mrs S Hopkins kindly gave them this picture for our newsletter. This is my brother-in-law, George McKear from Plymouth who was a Kleeneze salesman in the late 1940s, she tells us. In those days they had these small trykes to take their wares about.



11 Feb 4 Mar 7 Mar 22-28 Mar 9 May 16 May 5 Sept 12 Sept 15-18 Oct 9 Jan 2010 16 Jan 2010 2-9 Mar 2010 Gold Rush Training Day STONELEIGH PARK Kleeneze Gold Day KLEENEZE HQ (Book now: email Kleeneze Success Seminar PARK PLAZA HOTEL, BELFAST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Kleeneze Spring Destination Conference 2009 CARIBBEAN CRUISE Kleeneze Summer Showcase THE NIA, BIRMINGHAM Kleeneze Ireland Summer Showcase THE RADISSON SAS HOTEL, DUBLIN AIRPORT Kleeneze Christmas Showcase and Gala Dinner 2009 THE NIA and HALL 3, ICC, BIRMINGHAM Kleeneze Ireland Christmas Showcase THE RADISSON SAS HOTEL, DUBLIN AIRPORT Kleeneze Autumn Destination 2009 TBC Kleeneze New Year Showcase & Gala Dinner THE NIA and HALL 3, ICC, BIRMINGHAM Kleeneze Ireland New Year Showcase THE RADISSON SAS HOTEL, DUBLIN AIRPORT Kleeneze Spring Destination CAPE TOWN

20 Jan

(four weekly) NEW Business Opportunity/Training meeting at COVENTRY, The Novotel Jct 3, M6. 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. 3.00 per distributorship, guests free. Guest speakers Andy Buxton and Laura Kelly. Business dress please. Everyone is welcome. Further details from Margaret Moore, 01780 782797. (18/02, 18/03, 15/04, 20/05, 17/06,15/07, 19/08, 16/09, 21/10, 18/11, 16/12) Redruth Business Opportunity Meeting at Trickys, Tolgus Mount, Redruth, CORNWALL, TR15 3TA. 7.45pm for 8pm start. Everyone welcome. Still only 2.50 per Distributorship, Guests free. Hosts: David and Jenny Gerry. Contact on 01209 714067,, ITS 297533. (18/02, 18/03, 15/04, 13/05, 10/06, 8/07, 5/08, 2/09, 30/09. 28/10, 25/11) West Sussex Business Opportunity Showcase at the Royal George, Upper Shoreham Road, Shoreham-bySea, WEST SUSSEX, BN43 6TA, on the Holmbush Roundabout. Fantastic training from guest speakers followed by a scintillating sizzle for only 2.50 per Distributor, Guests FREE. 7.30pm for 8pm prompt start, Business dress please. Hosts:- Judy & Gordon Seldon, 01903 893887. (18/2, 18/3) Open Opportunity Meeting at The Summit Centre, Pavilion Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, NOTTINGHAM NG17 7LL, Jct. 27 or 28 of the M1. 8pm-9.30pm. 3 per distributorship, guests free. Parking facilities available and good access for wheelchairs. Contact Mike and Margaret Drayton on 01623 722500. (18/2,18/3,15/4,13/5,10/6,8/7,5/8,2/9,30/9,28/10,25/11) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting at The Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 5NF, J28 M25. 7.30 for 8pm start. Business Dress please. Everyone Welcome Hosts Richard & Vanadis. Voicemail: 184496. Kleeneze Opportunity Presentation Evening. Holiday Inn STOKE ON TRENT M6 J15 Postcode ST5 4DL Business dress only. Please arrive early for a prompt start Doors open at 7:30pm, presentation from 8:00pm until 9:15pm. Hosts: Adele & Jaime de Caso 01260 500081. (23/2) Westcountry Open Evening at Padbrook Park Hotel, CULLOMPTON EX15 1RU (signposted 5 mins from J28 on M5) Special Guest speaker Network Leader John Hawkes. All from Red and Blue groups welcome. Prospect focused Business Opportunity Presentation, Book Stall, Bids table, Testimonials,raffle and business related stands. Booking in starts from 7.30, and the event starts at 8pm. Distributors 3 per person and 4 per couple. Guests FREE. Ample parking. Accommodation, meals, coffee and bar available. Contact Sheelagh & Paul 01392 462710 (ITS 516275) or Nigel & Lucinda 01392 874412 (ITS 516688). (26/2,26/3,30/4,28/5,25/6,30/7,27/8,24/9,29/10,26/11,17/12) Showcase Opportunity Briefing, Tottenham Green Leisure Centre, The Gold Room, First Floor, 1 Philip Lane, LONDON N15 4JA. 7.30PM. Registration for 7.45PM start. Special guest speakers each month. 3 per distributorship, guest free. Everyone welcome! Hosts: Gary Dixon & Team. Contact 07973 712 425, I.T.S.113915, or e mail: (Open to Blue & Red Groups) Eltham Open Evening at the Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street, ELTHAM, London, SE9 1AA. 7.30pm registration for prompt 8pm start, ends around 9.30pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle plus visit our well stocked Sales Aids table. 3 per distributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual. Hosts Joyce and Pete Rowe. Tel: 020 8463 7133. ITS: 317 688. THE ONLY BOM IN SOUTH EAST LONDON. (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm for 8pm start, . 2.50 per person. Business dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on 01425 480675 or ITS 119727. (four weekly) Business Opportunity Meeting, Newton Regis Village Hall, Austrey Lane, Newton Regis, TAMWORTH, B79 0NL. Doors open 7pm for 8pm start (9.30pm finish). 3 per Distributor, guests free. The Kleeneze business presented in a fun and informative presentation. Whilst providing an easy and relaxed atmosphere. The ideal combination for you to introduce your friends and family to Kleeneze. Contact David Pemberton-Smith at, tel 07739 041843. (04/03, 01/04, 29/04, 27/05, 24/06) Business Opportunity Open Evening, All Welcome. Comfort Inn A17/A52 Jct Bickers Bar, BOSTON, Lincs, PE20 3AN 7.30pm start. 2.50 per person, Guests FREE. Contact Andy & Amanda Holland (e.mail: or v.mail 137713).

10 Feb (10/3; 7/4; 5/5; 2/6; 30/6; 28/7; 25/8; 22/9; 20/10; 17/11) Bristol Opportunity Meeting. Ship Inn (next to Premier Inn),Thornbury Road, Alveston, BRISTOL, BS35 3LL. 8.00 PM start. Business dress please. Distributors 2 per head, guests FREE. Host: Andy Cooper, ITS 124171. T. 01179 819526. 11 Feb (1/3, 8/4, 6/5, 3/6, 1/7, 29/7, 26/8, 23/9, 21/10, 18/11, 16/12) Somerset Business Opportunity Meeting, The Bathpool Inn, Bathpool, TAUNTON, TA2 8BE, 7.30pm for 8pm start. 3 per Distributorship, guests free. Carlsberg dont do BOMs, but if they did, theyd probably say this is the best BOM in the world...but you need to come along to find out! Contact Chris and Jacqui Hill on 01458 851046, 0967 661442, ITS 237999, email 11 Feb (second Wednesday of every month) Business Opportunity Meeting, Chobham Rugby Club, Fowlers Wells, Windsor Road, CHOBHAM, Surrey GU24 8NA. Doors open at 8pm for 8:30pm start. 2.50 per person, guests free. Business dress is the norm. Everyone welcome! Business presentation, recognition, testimonials, training. Sizzle in the bar afterwards. Hosts Vicky and Hugh Scott. Contact Steve & Rosemary for information 01252 343376

21 Jan

21 Jan

21 Jan

15 Feb Gavin (Mega Scott) Training, the Midway Hotel, PORTLAOISE, 12.30pm. Places are limited, so book your ticket in advance by sending a self-addressed envelope to 99 Ardmore Hills, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. Guests are free but need to be registered in advance. Tickets are 7.50 per person and are on a first come basis. It is limited to the first 75 Distributors and the first 20 Guests. If there are any spaces left it will be 20 on the door. Please book early for yourself and your team to avoid disappointment. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; 5 April The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. KILDARE, 12pm. Tickets cost 10, guests free. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; Training Meeting at the Midway Hotel, PORTLAOISE, 12.30pm. Guest speaker Lyn McDonald. Tickets are 7.50 per person and are on a first come basis/20 on the door. Please book early for yourself and your team to avoid disappointment. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826;

21 Jan


18 Jan Gill Nicholsons Wealth Event, Thurrock Hotel, Ship Lane, Aveley, ESSEX, RM19 1YN. Guest speaker Michael Khatkar. Doors open 1pm for 1.30pm start, 4pm finish. Business dress please. Distributors 4, guests free. Arrive ready to learn, leave ready to earn! Contact Gill Nicholson at, tel 0708 763058. Cornwalls Coast 2 Coast Training. A chance to give your business TIME (Training, Inspiration, Motivation and Education - Kehelland village Hall, Nr CAMBORNE TR14 0DE 2 4.30. Contact Sandy or Rebecca on ITS 525550. 2.50 per distributorship, guests free. (four weekly) Fast Start Training, Newton Regis Village Hall, Austrey Lane, Newton Regis, TAMWORTH, B79 0NL. 12noon 2pm. 3 per Distributor. A two-hour meeting that covers all you and your team need to know in developing your Kleeneze business. Come along and join in a fun and informative gathering of experienced and committed Kleeneze people. Contact David Pemberton-Smith at, tel 07739 041843. Fast Forward Northwest Millionaires at the Holiday Inn, RUNCORN Junction 12 on the M56. Starts at 12 noon. We have managed to negotiate no increase in room hire so tickets are still 8 at the door, including FREE CD and bumper raffle. Great line up of speakers including Lyn MacDonald and Silver Premier, Andy Stephenson. BIDS will be there for all your sponsoring aids. Further details from Mel Wilson 01524 720192 or ITS 137603. 21 Jan

24 Jan

26 Jan

21 Jun

25 Jan

25 Jan

29 Jan

26 July The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. KILDARE, 12pm. Tickets cost 10, guests free. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; 23 Aug Training Meeting at the Midway Hotel, PORTLAOISE, 12.30pm. Tickets are 7.50 per person and are on a first come basis/20 on the door. Please book early for yourself and your team to avoid disappointment. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; 18 Oct The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. KILDARE, 12pm. Tickets cost 10, guests free. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; Training Meeting at the Midway Hotel, PORTLAOISE, 12.30pm. Guest speaker Bob Webb. Tickets are 7.50 per person and are on a first come basis/20 on the door. Please book early for yourself and your team to avoid disappointment. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. KILDARE, 12pm. Tickets cost 10, guests free. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826;

2 Feb


28 Jan (every four wks) North East Business Opportunity Meeting, Quality Hotel, Boldon Business Park, SUNDERLAND. NE5 9PE. Easy Access from A19. Open meeting, everyone welcome. 8.00pm START 2.50 per head. Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table Steve Geldard and Cathy Brookes, tel: 0191 521 4564, ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS 514235. (4/3- 1/4-29/4 every four weeks) Business Opportunity Meeting Parkside Hotel PONTEFRACT 1/2 mile off Jct 32 M62 towards Pontefract 7:30 for 8pm start guests free Hosts Graham & Georgina Long 01757 268830 ITS 119857.

8 Nov

3 Feb

6 Dec

4 Feb

3 Feb

24 Jan (21/2,21/3,18/4,16/5,13/6/11/7,18/8,12/9,3/10,31/10,28/11, 19/12) New venue - Hotel van der Valk de Cantharel, Van Golsteinlaan 20, 7339 GT APELDOORN. Special guest Michael Khatkar will be presenting the Khatkar Trophy. 1pm 3pm. Email Rita Weyn & Frank Kamsteeg at

11 Feb (every 4 wks) TEESIDE Opportunity Meeting, The Windmill, a purpose built Conference and Seminar Centre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directly on A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Open meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start 2.50 per head. Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. Geldard and Cathy Brookes, tel: 0191 521 4564. ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS 514235. 4 Feb

19 Jan (third Monday of every month) South East Open Evening BOM with a twist. Forest Suite, Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, Berks, RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors 3 single/4 joint, guests free. Business dress please. Contact Debbie Gee on 01628 626327 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540 to reserve your table for your team sizzle! Everyone welcome across the Network (Blue and Red groups).

Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in your area? Let us know, at and we will include them in our weekly meetings diary. DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY.

10 Feb (10/3,7/4,5/5,2/6,30/6,28/7,25/8,22/9,20/10,17/11,15/12) Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn, Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA. 3 per distributor, guests free. 7:30pm for 8pm start. Business dress please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank Pocock. Tel: 01442 256405.



100,000 And Above
Bob Park & Lynn Macdonald Nasko Ratchev & Oksana Karachun Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes Bob Webb Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat Terry Carr Rob Forster & Ray Aziz John & Jeanette Hawkes Gillian Nicholson Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks Freda Fenn & Heather Summers Mike & Amanda Bibby Muriel & Tony Judson John & Audrey Gardiner Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull Terence & Jean Ash Gary & Esther Watson Peter & Jackie White Robert Gibbons Derek & Eileen Wagstaff Claire & Peter Rea Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch David & Anne Pemberton-Smith John & Sarah Mckie Keith & Vie Robertson Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer Tony & Katharine Briffa Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan Margaret & Roy Japp Victor & Una Brown Robert & Mary Higgins Stephen Geldard & Catherine Brookes 1,962,656.63 1,960,809.46 1,936,291.80 1,055,681.22 831,382.04 704,353.11 704,197.32 516,808.47 348,211.56 338,870.45 311,622.65 310,063.61 309,032.95 308,310.36 294,122.53 293,155.02 293,155.02 287,836.42 264,763.74 262,643.73 234,369.82 168,951.81 163,376.04 151,226.67 150,190.62 142,434.11 140,327.98 132,664.11 129,964.06 126,286.14 113,182.90 109,917.87 106,994.81 106,464.81 101,760.13 Brian Harwood Julie Collier & Peter Richards Tracy & David Sheehan Debbie & Trevor Collins Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin Geoff & Fiona Webb Su & Jas Bains John Webb & Kathryn Price Melanie & Andrew Wilson Rhian & E Anthony Jones Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi Caroline & Philip Thompson Anthony Greeves John & Sophia Clements Carole & Benny Morris Martin & Yvonne Boyce John & Jenny Holden Andy & Carolyn Cooper Alison & Michael Ogden Andrew & Sue Boswell Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth Graham & Georgina Long Michael & Sandra Laydon Steven Clements Christopher & Louise Brown Toby Acton & Donna Gold Angela & Stephen Burchell Trish & Lee Fisher Declan ONeill Tom & Bernadette Hingley Joseph O'donnell Justin & Olivera Toner Deborah & Allan Dewar Keith & Pauline Blythe Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree Carole & Peter Bristow Nicola & Jerome Neville Angela & Norman Campbell Marcell & Joanne Treanor Chris & Julia Norton Derrick & Maria Longwright Keith & Patricia Phillips David Pope & Stephanie Garrod Allan Ledwidge Abigail Colclough Brian & Gay Redstone Christine Lappin & Simon Place Kodwo Anderson Keith & Veronica King Colin & Charlene Sadler Graham & Catherine Hyde Alan Meldrum Gareth & Jeanette Jones Debbie Gee Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman Robert Gould Gerwyn Duggan Gill & Donato Sepe Christopher & Lynne Marshall Alexandra Tuesley Christopher Young & Helena Edwards Jack Kirby & Chantelle Molloy Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark Barry & Cecilia Bradbury Coleen & Stephen Batchelor Robert Wellock Rosemary & Christopher Day Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris Cindy & David Brown Ron & Judy Speirs Gareth & Gil Duffy Susan & David Darton Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy Andrew & Cheryl Williams Terry & Jane Hodge Gaynor Morgan Angela & James Macleod Tony & Wendy Vallerine John & Janice Halsall Steve & Cathy Chambers Terry Drew Peter & Sheryl Dutton David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin Warren & Pamela Sewell Gloria & Clive Davies Ian & Agnieszka Clarke Narendra & Kashmir Kalon Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey Andrew & Ann Meldrum Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain Richard & Clare Chantler Claire & Paul Howells 33,953.60 33,606.66 33,291.42 33,270.75 32,951.69 32,939.69 32,611.56 31,922.20 31,332.97 30,501.55 30,193.48 30,073.35 29,663.99 29,336.08 29,045.32 28,740.00 28,426.30 28,285.47 28,066.95 27,769.46 27,760.41 27,233.95 26,982.65 26,959.04 26,906.30 26,903.43 26,719.65 26,129.17 25,332.54 24,946.24 24,778.88 24,680.44 24,430.93 24,140.86 23,610.35 23,415.20 23,396.76 23,396.76 23,382.40 23,132.73 23,102.42 23,076.26 22,492.85 22,311.95 21,958.20 21,885.73 21,465.95 21,018.82 20,346.51 20,346.51 20,165.39 19,411.11 19,370.71 18,829.90 18,658.45 18,600.85 18,444.86 18,444.86 18,371.19 18,288.51 18,210.30 17,932.85 17,907.12 17,851.56 17,797.95 17,768.24 17,581.97 17,573.15 17,470.30 17,452.02 17,357.99 17,170.43 17,014.09 16,964.88 16,951.93 16,910.53 16,805.68 16,788.75 16,703.34 16,544.85 16,260.04 16,256.63 16,253.61 16,228.93 15,799.70 15,795.53 15,782.72 15,597.95 15,504.80 15,491.96 15,483.59 15,383.32 15,271.20 Seph OConnell & Sarah Watson Darren & Christina Simmons Amanda & Andrew Holland 15,256.51 15,208.77 15,048.84

10,000 And Above

Carol & Bruce Manktelow Helen Lambert & Richard Woods Stanley & Roy Stewart Denise & Stephen Neal Dawn & Bruce Marsden Lesley Burroughs Richard & Judy Taylor Chantele & Barry Travis Raymond & Lorraine Satchell Markus Kltzer & Petra Romoser Brian Manchester Roselyn & Gavin Thomson David Belcher John Smith Karim & Juliet Karmali Linda & Tony Gower Caroline Harris & Craig Cox Clive & Pamela Lennard Gary & Iris Dixon Mike & Dawn Gough Phil Curtis Richard & Helen Peuleve Shirley Pere & John Barnes Bev & Dave Townsend Richard Houseago Debra & Oliver Pusey Martyn Cunningham Colin & Sarby Turnbull Kerry & Paul Stonall Alison & Kevin Thomas David Potter Geoffrey & Berenice Davey Christine & Ian Brennan Harry Hancock Clare & Martin Whitelock Tavis Taylor Jon Turner David & Jenny Gerry Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan Paul Tawn & Clare Bason Sunil Popat Cheryl & David Amison Philip & Alison Wimbles Kevin Sands James Dale & Claire Daniels Stuart & Gail Mckibbin Wendy Fielding Donna & Charles Warr Pamela Jarvis Linda Wood Barbara Margaret Webb Roger & Simon Mantle Elizabeth & Ian Hyams Julie & Anthony Cornick Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard Jane & John Dunkerley Gill & Tim Evans Paul Bray Stephen Clark Alf & Carol Bell Michael Amor-Wilkes Tracey Payne Amelia & Hannah Mchard Doug & Sandra Roper Paul & John Meikle Sharon & Andrew Bird Patrick & Helen Loftus Lyn & Tony Davies Michael Godwin Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz Brian & Grainne Quigley James & Jane White Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks Patricia Fisher Jerome Hadley & Marissa Gigg John & Karina Beesley Louise Puttick Tim Sandom Jeffrey & Frances Topple Karen & Steven Glew Christine & Con Browning Ann & John Coe Michael & Janet Wallace Catherine & Stephen Lord 14,821.85 14,769.97 14,733.11 14,709.37 14,268.45 14,228.45 14,190.48 13,997.33 13,899.82 13,876.02 13,835.45 13,660.58 13,647.46 13,625.62 13,614.13 13,461.02 13,300.99 13,224.29 13,219.66 13,214.51 13,185.28 13,174.68 13,111.20 13,102.96 13,075.55 13,048.91 12,978.81 12,881.04 12,850.11 12,809.89 12,700.49 12,517.20 12,345.64 12,344.53 12,272.37 12,131.77 12,070.33 12,070.33 11,997.12 11,941.27 11,939.58 11,939.58 11,935.70 11,859.30 11,830.73 11,695.29 11,657.13 11,629.79 11,583.93 11,490.93 11,487.36 11,456.44 11,397.76 11,387.61 11,282.75 11,260.81 11,129.69 11,101.18 11,084.02 11,083.07 11,011.67 10,935.24 10,910.35 10,831.29 10,816.30 10,784.91 10,734.71 10,642.46 10,618.95 10,611.14 10,603.41 10,556.67 10,541.74 10,396.80 10,354.86 10,269.52 10,250.82 10,216.29 10,207.50 10,171.90 10,169.82 10,163.66 10,030.08 10,001.76

35,000 And Above

Jill Corlett John & Steven Sharp Raymond & Miriam Turnbull Hazel & John Stephen Phil & Jean Warrington Gordon & Judy Seldon Dave & Susie Horton Mel & Irene Wilson Craig & Magdalena White Sue & Claire Ferguson Heather & James O'neil David & Rosie Bibby Nuala & Ronan Mcdonald Lauren & Peter Jackson Stephani & Bill Neville Michael & Jean Day John & Wendy English Judy Jodrell Mark & Delfina Prosser David & Samantha Branch Ramon & Sylvia Laing Sue & Geoffrey Burras Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young Steve & Debbie Roper John & Anne Donaldson Glenn & Caroline Royston James Curtis Karen & Neil Young John & Christine Prosser Michelle Kennedy Stephen & Debra Nell Helen & Paul Allgood Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw Helen Brooks Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva Eve & Norman Branch Gene De Donatis & Janet Tynan Eamonn & Anne Roe Steven Curtis & Sarah Kellow Jay Singh Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock Peter & Myrna Wellock Craig & Mary Hawkes Michael & Susan Pirie Sylvia & Jack Hood Ram & Joginder Singh Malcolm Ashmore Adele & Jaime De Caso Trevor Mitchell Roger & Barbara Green Rosina & Frank Pocock 93,332.16 88,493.79 88,155.06 86,502.70 83,422.43 80,387.52 80,023.67 76,195.25 75,141.69 71,903.13 69,922.29 69,722.09 66,804.07 65,721.54 61,919.26 61,485.91 60,600.98 60,513.42 56,298.33 56,164.55 55,800.71 55,787.12 50,098.34 49,879.66 48,796.50 48,339.02 45,883.64 45,863.83 45,772.87 42,782.22 42,310.84 41,891.72 41,599.65 41,158.25 40,864.07 40,848.75 40,715.92 40,521.46 39,958.42 39,470.21 38,927.66 38,557.82 37,314.96 36,719.76 36,651.50 36,638.30 36,328.86 36,328.86 35,972.46 35,738.81 35,127.42

15,000 And Above

Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan Belinda Clarke 34,373.22 34,050.72

7,500 And Above

Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison Ron & Heidi Body 9,899.27 9,871.89

Charlie & Gillian Whitton Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning Keith Sandland Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester Paul & Carolyn Blaxall Darryl Allen Terry Card Andrew Nicoll & Danielle Young Sandra Brown Maria & Lee Kowalkowski David & Lynn Bole Marion & Anthony Homer David & Heather Flannagan Omran Zaman Lynne Flaxman Gordon & Patrick Davidson Conor Treanor & Linda Jameson Andrew Medlam Ellen & Sean Friedberg David & Gail Slee Raymond & Susan Kirkland Richard Tibbetts & Suzanne Pilcher Steven Harding & Narissa Mather Sheila & Nigel Fowler Bernie & Barbara Klinger Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly Henry & Diana Crosby Christopher Conroy Lorraine & Ian Balcombe Linda Charles Sarah & Ivan Darch Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso Elaine & Martin Spafford Kulwant & Mandeep Kalon Lorraine & Mark Collins Johanna & Stuart Peuleve Karen Olivant & Peter Flitton Paul Flintoft Joy Dwyer & Verena Clarke Susan Hook Caroline & Simon Harvey Mariya Dimitrova & Mitro Dimitrov Sharon & Craig Davis Bill & Joyce Rowe Sarah Jenkins Kevin Rider David & Deborah Lord William & Agnes Burgess Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham Declan & Monica Manning Tim & Freda Drinkwater Paul & Avril Coleman Paul Smith & Angela Solomon Seamus & Clare Houghton John & Jenny Caton Diane & Geoff Owen John & Mary Marsh Timothy Murphy Barry & Nina Mitchell Barbara & John Russell Michael & Jennifer Allsop Mark & Sarah Wildman Stefan Frienling Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr William & Sharon Stevenson Julian & Karen Pike Negin & Michael Backhouse Ivor & Myra Collins Timothy & Tina Pace Amy Warrington Paul & Andrea Towler Graham & Marion Whitaker Peter & Cathy Legg John & Lesley Mcnally Melissa Squires & Ian Slade Steven Bond & Susan Blunt Tom & Kathryn Forbes Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson Bob & Diane Goulding Sarah Trim Mark James Chris & Nicky Evans June & David Love Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras Jen & Garry Luke Ronnie & Chris Mclachlan Karl-Josef & Brigitte Mergler Trevor & Janet Rawding Victoria & Matthew Lawrence David & Diane Wraight Kelly & Steve Elliott Nichola & David Walmsley

9,789.82 9,665.35 9,645.34 9,636.56 9,536.36 9,507.65 9,455.06 9,425.05 9,420.84 9,383.61 9,333.03 9,328.57 9,256.59 9,145.46 9,102.47 8,965.40 8,959.81 8,940.35 8,920.52 8,867.90 8,841.08 8,831.53 8,790.27 8,774.06 8,736.22 8,734.44 8,726.06 8,724.56 8,724.56 8,715.96 8,705.78 8,698.50 8,692.61 8,674.66 8,663.78 8,637.81 8,626.86 8,615.82 8,602.49 8,562.30 8,533.13 8,526.41 8,522.55 8,511.82 8,511.82 8,508.06 8,501.66 8,489.88 8,407.22 8,379.24 8,375.68 8,373.06 8,326.02 8,319.49 8,271.61 8,267.47 8,234.38 8,210.92 8,155.57 8,151.91 8,096.20 8,083.18 8,032.31 8,015.10 7,945.92 7,933.90 7,844.03 7,834.26 7,818.08 7,776.02 7,774.35 7,758.29 7,743.62 7,727.47 7,695.68 7,636.01 7,605.99 7,602.90 7,600.10 7,598.40 7,598.11 7,586.08 7,578.39 7,575.92 7,574.17 7,558.11 7,550.35 7,528.41 7,514.76 7,514.76 7,512.85 7,508.06



As we all know, customer service is the most important aspect of this industry and thats why keeping your business up-todate is paramount to achieving business success. One of the key ways of doing this is ensuring you have the right catalogues for the job.

Best for Retail Sales

Best for Blanket Dropping


Silver Distributor, Martyn Regan is already making use of what he learned at the New Year Showcase. Still in his first full period in the business, he put out 44 catalogues on Monday 4 Jan, picked them up one day later and had orders for 280.50! He put the reason down to talking to people, and when they asked him how we was he told them he was fantastic based on Ed Ludbrooks training!

Best for the Bin!

Dont let your customers down ensure you have the RIGHT catalogues.

People in business dont stop for Christmas!

Well its Christmas eve and while most normal people are rushing around getting last minute presents or in some cases, just getting started (you know who you are), I have been out dropping the last of my deliveries and wishing the people I bump into a Merry Christmas in anticipation of my 12:30 appointment with a very special lady. Emma is part of a hard working and dedicated team of people raising funds for Naomi House Childrens Hospice. A very humbling and yet heart warming place for poorly children and their families. They have long been my local charity of choice and as such I spread this the word this Christmas by pledging to all my customers that for every Christmas Reindeer they bought over Period 13, I would donate the another one to Naomi House to use in their fundraising throughout the year. Well despite the short notice we did have some success and it was a very proud moment when I was able to hand over our little herd to Emma and the team and grabbed the opportunity to bag a picture for the Kleeneze Olympians (Go for Gold). We will be doing the same thing next year and encouraging others in the Olympian Team to do the same. It would be great to turn up next year with a whole car load of reindeers, snowmen or whatever else Kleeneze chose as next years Cover Item. It was a great end to crazy few months which have seen my wife leave me, having to move out of my home into lodgings and then, on a plus side, qualifying as a Gold with over 9000 personal retail. Just shows that we may take a kicking from time to time, but we keep on ticking. Jerry Egerton, Gold Distributor

No matter how clean your car is to begin with, after driving around dirt and smears are always picked up; especially noticeable on the windscreen! Now there is an answer to this problem in the form of Clear View. This is a product every driver should own- it literally ensures you always have a clear view through your windscreen. It forms an invisible film, which repels rain or spray and can reduce wiper use by a massive 70%! It can be easily applied either with a cloth or by adding to the washer reservoir. Order the Q-Tech Clear View now from page 131 of The Main Book, code 049379-86, only 6.00/9.00. Do you love taking the dog out for a walk but get tired of their endless pulling on the lead? If so this product is perfect for you. The Tweeter attaches simply between the dogs collar and lead, and is designed to let out a high pitched whistling sound whenever your dog starts to pull. This is an effective deterrent which will cause no harm to your dog and enables you to take your dog out for the walk and not the other way round! The Tweeter, available on page 128 of the Main Book, code 048933-86, only 13.00/19.50. Do you have a sweet tooth but hate the thought of the calories in chocolates and sweets especially when youre trying to shed those extra pounds you put on over the festive period? If so our Australian soft Traditional Exclusive Liquorice may be the perfect solution for you. This delicious SAVE 1 snack contains many essential elements including Vitamin E, B-Complex, Manganese and many more and at 98% fat free is a healthier alternative to other sweets. Choose between tasty Original or scrumptious Strawberry flavours. To order your Liquorice see the back cover of the Health and Beauty Book. Code 037125-92 for original flavour and 036749-92 for Strawberry flavour, both only 3.95/5.90.



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