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05.06.09 Issue 21


From Wednesday 20 May until Thursday 28 May, your orders came flooding in meaning hundreds of you were entered into the Retail Challenge with the chance to win loads of fantastic prizes. Your brilliant burst of fervour for retail, over spilled into recruitment too at the same time and sponsoring shot up as well! Well done to everyone who took part in the Retail Challenge and congratulations to the following Distributors for winning these brilliant prizes: BOX OF OPPORTUNITY BROCHURES Jim Ridgway, Anthony Mervin, Lesley Davies, Sarah and Maggie Lovelock, Peter Murton, Julie and Jerry Bridgeman, Byron and Pam Botha, Christopher and Ewa Richardson, Yvonne and Ronald Eveleigh, Elizabeth Stockbridge and Thomas Thompson. BOX OF OPPORTUNITY DVDS Penelope Jamson, Gerald Brett, Robert and Jacqueline Dolan, Peter and Claire Tyler, Patrick McKenna, Gemma Rose, Andrew Dunning, John Colclough, Alistair Bowe, Ian and Elizabeth Aitchison. PACK OF REDUNDANCY FLYERS Donna Holmes, Martin and Tracy Davies, Robert Milne, Tim Sandom, Gareth Daw, Michael and Mercy Radbourne, Karen Lucas, Catherine Kaye, Rita Hunter, Malcolm and Brenda Avery, Angela and Michael Wood, Heather Vinten and Christopher Boxall, David Gilroy and Melanie Price, Phillipa and Gordon de Sousa, Roger Sharp, Gary and Hoda Whitear, William Tonner, Stephen Burns and Chris Phillips, Suzanne and Richard Woolven, Dennis and Ann Champion, Susan Rickard and John Morgan, Kenneth and Yvonne Allan, Martin and Carol Guest, Gabrielle and Christopher Brace, Mary and Peter Whinfrey, Michael and Carol Pearce, Alex and Kathleen Langler, Graham and Janet Holloway-Smith, Alan and Lisa Tegg, Tracey and Stephen Gray, Katherine Thompson and Hugh McCardle, Anthony Rouse, Thomas Betjemann, Tracey Payne and Harvey Kent, Marie and Jeremy Simmonds, Peter and Caren Neesham, Robin and Lynne Green, Priya Chauhan, Graham and Julie Bennett, Teresa Fairburn, Jeremy Egerton, Lynne and Stephen Kelly, Paul and Carolyn Blaxall, John Bennett, Helen Kendall and Penelope Kelham, Gordon Pratt, Lisa Henley,

The Kleeneze Network is unlike any other with literally people from all walks of life; from 18 to 80, from all sorts of professions and all sorts of backgrounds. However, you all have one thing in common. You all LOVE a challenge!

William Mellor and Sophia Arab, Susan and Julian Brunton, Kay and Jeff Langford, Louise Wright and William Coton, Gillian Austin, Michael and Emma Williams, Lesley and David Keen, Michelle and Stephen Fox, Keith and Donna West, Peter and Lisa Houston, John Fowler, Susan and Peter Foulsham, Robert Brown, Lee Roberts and Rebecca Norcup, Robert and Katie Parkinson, Erika Tesarova, Kiersty Andrews and Paul Scriven, Lorraine Clark, Jeff Mann, Christine Burrows, Nicholas and Diana Roberts, Elaine and Stephen Turner, Joanne Skinner, Chris and John Betts, Seamus and Lena Nugent, Niall and Eileen McKenna, Mark Davenport, Christopher and Ewa Richardson, Emma and Richard OToole, Ursula and Brian Morgan, Patrick and Pamela Byrne, Pearl and Geoffrey Moore, Brian Goodspeed, Diana and Robin Morgan, Paul and Helen Wilson, James Clark, Bill and Joyce Rowe, Michael and Patricia Scordellis, Brian and Jean Carroll, Pamela Jarvis, Mike and Anne Airey, Ian Bath, Phillipe and Carol Ives, Michael and Diane McCaul, Kathy and Ian Peace, Joanne Hawkes, Patricia Ogundero, Val Tardif, Andrew Horne, Anthony and Gladys Hammond, Jonathan Farmer, Debbie Green and Keith Curtis. RETAIL KIT Mavis and John Davies, Deborah Bennett and Yvonne Clark, Richard and Ranti Fallowfield, Yvonne and Andrew Graham, Keith and Carol Jones, Simon Allen and Francine Westmoreland, Catherine and James Newbery, Mark and Louise Keye, Diane and Christopher Kilner, Christopher Mason and Mo Brown. ONE WEEKS SELF-CATERING ACCOMODATION IN CYPRUS (EXCLUDING FLIGHTS) AND 100 TOWARDS A HIRE CAR Omran Zaman, Karen and Trevor Cook.


Theres no doubt that attending meetings is a vital part of keeping your business booming. Whether youre new to the business or a practised Distributor, your presence at meetings will ensure that youre kept in the loop when it comes to all the latest news, you can meet others in the business and, most importantly, you can find out what it takes to succeed with Kleeneze from those who already have!

Kleeneze Distributors do su

Gold Senior Executive Distributors, Dave and Anne Pemberton-Smith run a more unusual type of meeting in the Network one that started 10 years ago really as a camping holiday and is now, not only helping people run their businesses, but also raising money for a good cause at the same time. The name of the meeting? Team Camp. The location? Up a mountain in Wales!

How did the idea for Team Camp come about? When we started Kleeneze we were, like a lot of people, short of cash. So a cheap camping holiday was an ideal solution. Anne and I decided to take a long weekend break and mentioned to our team that we were going away. Before we knew it we had 7 team members with us. So the first year was by accident really. We climbed a mountain, and went white water rafting, but the annual camping event had not entered our minds at this point. The following year, the 7 that came with us previously almost demanded we do it again, hence the birth of Team Camp. It was on the second camp that we brought in the training aspect. I think once you start to develop a team you step into the arena as a coach. Youre always thinking of ways you can coach people. It was whilst climbing a mountain that it hit me. We are all emotionally driven, and over a camping weekend we can create a positive emotional environment for people. Add to that the trainings and there you have it - Team Camp Why do you think this works better than a more traditional meeting? The best way to learn is in a fun environment. Camping is a great leveller, everyone is in the same situation together - from someone who has just joined to SED - we are all camping, cooking and having fun together. We all attend meetings and trainings and have always found it frustrating that you can sit through a training event, take notes and within a couple of hours you have forgotten most of the content. In contrast, you can go on holiday and even years later recall your holiday experiences. This is all to do with how many of your senses are being stimulated. In a training event you are not in a very high emotional state, whereas climbing a mountain, everything is being triggered, so it becomes more memorable. Then, when you add training to the memory, the lessons being taught are also memorable.

We have found Team Camp is a total immersion weekend, from setting up camp to packing away. Everyone goes home with new friends, a great weekend of memories and they have learned more about themselves (and their team) than ever before. This year, youre climbing the 2,930ft Cadair Idris for charity. Tell us more about that The mountain climbing is always the main feature; most people have never climbed one. It is free to do and so exhilarating. The evening after the climb is amazing, everyone is aching and sore, but with the biggest grins and smiles you have ever seen. They have achieved something for the first time, something that they never thought they would do. Getting to the summit and seeing everything below you is an awesome sight. Then chatting how the climb equates to building your Kleeneze business - talking through those times that you considered giving up, but found it inside to carry on. It truly is a magical experience. Raising money for Macmillan is really a by-product of the weekend. In 2007 we raised money for Leukaemia Research, this year we decided to raise for Macmillan as everyone is linked through Kleeneze and it is the businesss chosen charity. Also it helps us to unite the 2009 Team Camp group: we get everyone together a few times before the camp to stimulate friendships. Raising money for charity is a great way to do a couple of things, firstly it gives everyone a common goal, and makes Team Camp a celebration of all their efforts, and secondly as we are climbing the mountain anyway, raising money for Macmillan just adds another dimension. How can other Distributors get involved with the climb? The climb and Team Camp are one and the same. We used to keep it exclusively for our team, but over time I have mentioned it in my trainings and other people from other teams asked if they could come


ummit completely different

along. So we decided to open it up to anyone. It has turned out to be a great decision. The cross network friendships that have been developed are brilliant. We have a maximum attendee number of 50. The people who attend this year will have a 1 week window to register for 2010, and then it will be open to anyone. All the details can be found at: or e-mail Kleenezes official charity, Macmillan Cancer Support improves the lives of people affected by cancer. You, as Kleeneze Distributors, have already raised thousands of pounds for our charity over the past year. If you wish to help and carry on increasing our charity donations, you can sponsor the 31 Distributors who will be climbing the mountain on 1 August by visiting

Unexpectedly we have a few spaces this year. If anyone is mad enough to want to join us please get in touch.

Do you have a more unusual method of running your Kleeneze business that works for your team? Perhaps you donate the profits of your business to charity. Or have an annual team building event? Let us know at

Have you reached the milestone that is Gold Distributor? Well, its time to mark the occasion with a visit to Kleenezes Head Office. Yes, Gold Days are back! This is your chance to meet all the people behind the scenes who are there to ensure your business runs as smoothly as possible. You will receive a tour of the remarkable warehouse facility in Accrington and its also a great chance to receive coaching and training, enhancing your existing skills. The next Gold Day is on 28 July and we have a limited number of places available, so make sure you book yours today! The day is open to any distributor who reached Gold this year and your Uplines are more than welcome to attend as well. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow network members, share tips and advice and get a better understanding of your business. Book your place today by emailing



Were two Periods into the qualification stage for Cyprus your first stepping stone on the way to Cape Town. Of course, up until a few weeks ago, we were all under the impression that we were off to Blackpool come October, but the official reveal of the Autumn Destination at the Summer Showcase put paid to all the speculation were actually off to the stunning Cypriot seaside town of Limassol! Last month, EWB started to follow four Distributorships through their bids to qualify for Cape Town and Cyprus. Our new monthly column is set to document the four couples way through qualification to the Autumn Destination 2009 and Spring Destination 2010. Is there anything else youre doing to ensure you keep your eye on the prize that is Cyprus? Were both really visual so we have the posters up around the house and have written in big letters on our office white board that were going to Cyprus, five-star and for free. That way well see it every morning and every evening. CAPE(D) CRUSADERS: Andrew Shaw and Ricardo Ferreira So, the Destination has now been revealed what do you think? We were delighted with the Destination. We have been to Cyprus before, but needless to say we did not stay in five-star luxury! The weathers been really up and down over the last month is motivation to get out there harder when its not so sunny? Weather is not a problem. We are in the catalogue distribution business come rain or shine! Our Upline says we are not proper Distributors until we get wet through! And hey, we started back in October when it was really miserable weather this, on the other hand, is a breeze!

Autumn Destination 2009 Cyprus

CAPE(D) CRUSADERS: Sharon Waters and Dave Allsop The Autumn Destination was launched at the Summer Showcase were you saddened it isnt really Blackpool?! We couldnt believe it when Michael revealed it was Cyprus; weve always wanted to go there, but have never had the money. I was a little disappointed it wasnt Blackpool as Ive never been! Daves happy though because he gets to invest in the lovely swimwear Mike Bibby modelled! Seriously, though, we cant believe it and knowing where the destination is it has really pushed us to work that bit harder. What challenges in qualifying have you run up against so far and how are you keeping yourself motivated? As Dave is working the business full-time, he has found the good old British weather a bit of pain although it hasnt stopped him yet. We have really been working hard on the team building by talking to everyone we meet and leaving a paper trail wherever we go. Daves kept motivated by listening to trainings and downloads whist retailing and weve both been listening to Jim Rohn whenever were in the car.

You both work full-time as well as working your Kleeneze businesses. Is time management important and how do you keep motivated? We have to admit, planning has never been our strong point, but we have had to get over it in these last few months so we can drive our business quickly. We now do a weekly plan which Ricardo is in charge of. We have Cyprus brochure in front of our desk in the study. Ricardo also has a picture of a Mercedes A-Class as he is learning to drive currently and this is his dream car. We have set our sights high and in another 18 months want to be earning at least 2K in our spare time. If we do this then Ricardo will get one of these cars! Are you watching the Cyprus DVD regularly too? Whats helping you keep your eye on the prize? We have only watched the DVD about 6 timesquite reasonable we think!! We have had and are still getting some amazing support from our sponsors, Karen and Colin Popiolek and our Upline, Carol and Alf Bell. This has really helped us to really focus on what we want from this business and plan for what we want to earn and what action we need to take to get there. This business is full of amazing inspirational people that really want us to succeed and qualify for Cyprus. We will do it!



CAPE(D) CRUSADERS: Steve Geldard and Cathy Brookes Many people see the Autumn Destination as a stepping stone to qualifying for the Spring Destination; how are you keeping up team motivation to reach this first goal? Well we got off to a great start with our plans immediately after the Summer Showcase by holding a group sizzle at our house on the Sunday evening with a dozen or so people turning up. We focused on each of us re-thinking and re-setting our goals and thinking about what we all really want out of the business. Then we worked on some weekly activity planners to see how we would put it into action. What challenges do you anticipate along the qualification period and what are you doing to counteract them? As we know from past experience not everyone, in fact most people wont do what they say they will, (the 80/20 rule) and weve been guilty of that ourselves in the past so were helping those who are willing but at the same time taking responsibility for increasing the business ourselves. Were doing this in two ways: a) Extra retailing in new areas whilst at the same time doing activity and speaking to absolutely everyone to find Distributors and b) Focusing on more activity, getting information out, doing appointments and keeping on the ball with the phone calls and contacting people. Our aim really is to consolidate our newest Gold leg by helping her get to Bronze, but we also want to move up the plan again ourselves. How are you keeping yourselves and your team motivated to achieving your goal? We keep in touch with our active team regularly and we also have a copy of their goals which we are just busy putting up on our office wall to remind us what they are when we speak. We encourage them to attend as many meetings as possible of course and read books/listen to tapes etc. and were always available for help and advice. We have the Cape Town DVD beside our TV to watch and also the CD is excellent when played full blast in the car, and for some strange reason Steve seems to be obsessed with The Lion Kingcant think why? We know the results arent always instant and more often than not come in later rather than sooner but were just focusing on the activity and are already seeing some progress.

Spring Destination 2010 Cape Town

CAPE(D) CRUSADERS: Steve and Debbie Roper With Cape Town nine months away, whats keeping you focused on your goal? Our greatest motivation for qualifying for Cape Town is to inspire our team and others in Kleeneze to strive for this Destination and others in the future. The Autumn and Spring Destinations are always magic, but there is no magic required in order to qualify; just the simple application of the proven system. How is your route to qualify progressing? Does visualisation play a part in qualifying for your goals? Our goal is to qualify by progressing up the pay plan because that will almost certainly mean that others in our team will be qualifying too and that is going to be magic! Also, for leaders to move up the Sales Plan to Bronze Executive and beyond, will almost certainly mean others in the team will be moving up to Gold and qualifying for Cyprus. As with everything about this business, its a win for everyone! We can picture ourselves with stars from the team and Kleeneze, sipping champagne watching the sun set over the Cape. We watch the Cape Town DVD frequently, have a Cape Town picture on our goal board and keep our goals at the forefront of our minds. Youve qualified for Destinations before how are you anticipating and overcoming the challenges that may arise? We know there will be some challenges along the way, for us and for everyone else that is aiming to qualify and we understand that it is these challenges that will sort the qualifiers from the non-qualifiers we just have to rise to the challenge. To help create further growth throughout the entire team we started a National Buddy Week following the fantastic Summer Showcase. We had loads of team members going out with a buddy from their Upline to start generating leads, often for the first time. Going out with a buddy helps to boost courage and confidence to do something that at first is uncomfortable and quickly demonstrates how easy the lead generation activities are. Weve seen some terrific teamwork and lots of people in the team have benefited. Working with a buddy is great for team spirit, motivation and of course results!


I joined Kleeneze last week and Im already finding it enjoyable. I have just got back my first orders - 257 with 50 catalogues. I hope everyones having the same good start as we are! David Fox and Sarah Sutton, Distributors

A gem of a product
We all know how great Kleeneze products are, but its always nice to receive written confirmation! Silver Premier Executive Distributors, John and Jeanette Hawkes received this letter from the owner of a jewellery shop.
Dear John, air, it does tarnish silver is exposed to the asonic As you know, when we invested in an ultr cleaning so after time and needs mended to us, chine, that was recom jewellery cleaning ma at 17 per bottle. h the cleaning liquid together wit and earrings into this TLY tarnished chains We put some SLIGH ed to VERY nt from slightly tarnish ing machine, the silver we k with anything includ not bring it bac tarnished! We could ing cloths etc. silver dip, silver polish rk, we didnt just put vinced this would wo d the As we were most con So we decided to sen in loads!! a few items in, we put y as scrap. the jewellery on eBa machine back and put tle of SILVER PLATE ed you sold us a bot UNTIL....I remember from Kleeneze. s this product is. It ws you how marvellou The attached photo sho !! cleans it back to new do for a start! more - 5 bottles will Please get us some

Plating Spray, page 30 of the Main Book, code 085707-86, 10.


I was a Kleeneze customer for many years, so when I noticed in the catalogue that I could join the business on a part-time basis, I rang my Distributor immediately to arrange an appointment. As a self employed decorator, the difference between work and no work is one job. I have had a lot of no jobs recently, and having tried every get-rich quick scheme there is selling everything from novelties to life insurance. So it was refreshing to learn that Kleeneze was a proper business, but also that you could earn money from day one and not a ladder in sight! My start up costs, were less than it would be, if I was to buy paint for a decorating job. Plus, in my first four weeks, my efforts rewarded me with recognition of the SOS incentive which means I get all my start-up costs back. And for achieving over 1,000 of retail sales, Ive got a 10% certificate and 50 free books. I have only worked for a few weeks but everything has happened the way I was told it would.My sponsor, Carol Freeman, has helped me every step of the way. I have now sponsored my first team members, Emma and Mark Maggs, into my business. Duplicating the system has resulted in them achieving over 1,000 of sales and their 10% certificate and bonus cheque plus 50 free books in their first month. Which meant, I received my 13% certificate and bonus cheque too. We all attended our first Kleeneze Showcase last month, which has inspired us all to make a new plan, to qualify for the Autumn Destination, Cyprus. I feel that I now own my future. Jon Stevens, Silver Distributor Sponsoring is flourishing at the moment, so make sure your new Distributors arent losing out by using the SOS incentive. All they need to do is achieve 400 of personal sales within their first 4 weeks and sponsor someone into the business who also achieves 400 of personal sales in their first 4 weeks and theyll get a full refund of their joining fee. To order the latest SOS flyers for your prospects use code 04081 for a pack of 200 for only 2/3 or download it from the DSA.
* Subject to achieving

1. Join Kleeneze between 2. Produce a minimum Friday 1 May 2009 and Monday 31 August of 400/ 600 four weeks after 2009 of product orders registration (personal retail) 3. During your within first four weeks, introduce a team 400/ 600 of member who produces product orders within four set-up date. This can be easily achieved, weeks of their own account Simply complete through only 100 the sales per week! and you will receive three steps above a full refund on your start-up fee (maximum 165/247. 50).

Heres how it works:

Join between Friday 1 May 2009 and you can set up your Kleeneze and Monday 31 August 2009 business for FREE* the required steps ! (below).

Set up your business for Kleeneze FREE!

Discover the incredi ble opportunity of Kleeneze


Statutory Wealth It is illegal for any Warning participant in a promoter or trading to persuade anyone scheme to payment by promising make from getting others benefits to join a scheme. Do not be by claims that high misled are easily achieved. earnings



100,000 And Above
Nasko Ratchev & Oksana Karachun Bob Park & Lynn Macdonald Gavin Scott & Bonnie Arapes Bob Webb Allan & Billie-Dee Moffat Terry Carr Rob Forster & Ray Aziz Gillian Nicholson John & Audrey Gardiner Glyn & Elizabeth Hobden Chris & Wendy Mason-Paull Freda Fenn & Heather Summers Margaret Moore & Carren Arscott Muriel & Tony Judson John & Jeanette Hawkes Peter & Jackie White Sue Marshall & Bob Dalton Stephen Bourne & Anne Binks Mike & Amanda Bibby Terence & Jean Ash Gary & Esther Watson Margaret & Roy Japp John & Steven Sharp Hazel & John Stephen Robert Gibbons Andy Stephenson & Claire Branch Claire & Peter Rea Gordon & Judy Seldon David & Anne Pemberton-Smith Phil & Jean Warrington Melvyn & Lucy Mortimer John & Sarah Mckie Craig & Magdalena White Vie & Keith Robertson Tony & Katharine Briffa Eamon Lynch & Marie Ryan Michael & Jean Day Stephen Geldard & Catherine Brookes Judy Jodrell Victor & Una Brown Robert & Mary Higgins Trevor Mitchell Mark & Delfina Prosser Michael & Susan Pirie Sylvia & Jack Hood Jill Corlett Geoff & Fiona Webb 2,395,799.81 2,393,158.75 2,357,147.62 1,266,836.32 1,031,020.09 872,890.83 872,733.56 866,305.38 739,400.24 739,400.24 718,337.01 688,665.32 683,450.92 656,928.93 635,731.42 508,129.62 414,967.74 378,892.77 375,864.15 322,613.82 320,833.84 310,629.89 256,543.52 249,534.00 204,660.89 190,360.10 190,308.17 178,055.78 177,767.27 177,573.09 166,789.70 164,930.31 154,368.37 153,174.26 145,818.18 138,912.92 132,576.46 131,423.89 127,177.69 126,238.01 123,105.43 114,777.32 111,963.15 111,550.66 107,783.24 106,614.00 102,891.84 99,797.11 99,152.25 98,722.39 98,392.87 96,739.44 93,611.82 93,192.80 92,682.73 90,400.66 90,176.15 88,056.76 85,611.90 85,239.31 85,090.23 84,770.01 83,603.31 79,596.77 76,159.53 76,041.80 73,747.77 73,336.32 71,330.40 70,212.92 68,954.83 66,754.15 66,097.26 64,660.16 64,542.60 64,542.60 63,233.97 60,907.10 60,655.46 58,423.31 58,361.92 58,352.34 57,779.98 57,779.98 56,317.13 53,938.33 52,508.56 52,475.37 52,441.38 51,694.20 49,735.70 49,358.44 49,311.90 48,948.74 48,909.25 47,603.53 47,438.80 45,948.36 45,585.70 45,403.02 45,279.55 45,163.16 44,941.78 44,537.44 44,512.65 43,986.48 41,764.34 41,392.81 41,288.51 40,378.07 40,364.65 39,651.59 39,552.19 39,270.77 39,058.96 38,954.63 38,849.01 38,518.08 38,387.40 37,619.77 37,545.24 35,925.03 35,876.64 35,785.32 35,333.21 35,125.84 34,699.42 33,970.13 33,930.55 33,878.39 33,173.49 Stephen Smith & Dennis Chamberlain Roger & Barbara Green Melanie & Andrew Wilson John & Sophia Clements Seph OConnell & Sarah Watson Carole & Peter Bristow Nicola & Jerome Neville Barbara Ann & Alan John Peachey Martin Gardner & Allison Butterworth Alison & Michael Ogden David Pope Tracy & David Sheehan Alexandra Tuesley Denise & Stephen Neal Graham & Catherine Hyde Steven Clements Michael & Sandra Laydon Angela & Stephen Burchell Debbie Gee Steve Johnson & Rosemary Rowntree Keith & Patricia Phillips Conor Treanor & Linda Jameson John & Janice Halsall Gill & Tim Evans Stuart & Gail Mckibbin Chantele & Barry Travis Brian Manchester John & Karina Beesley Abigail Colclough Karim & Juliet Karmali Clare & Martin Whitelock Joseph O'donnell Sharon & Andrew Bird Lesley Burroughs Elizabeth Pope & Jason Hardy Stephen Clark Robert Gould Gerwyn Duggan Laurence & Rosemary Wiseman Richard Houseago & Vanadis Fox Martina & James Mcgrath Allan Ledwidge Sunil Popat Cheryl & David Amison Christine Lappin & Simon Place Paul Tawn & Clare Bason Peter & Sheryl Dutton Ian & Agnieszka Clarke Jack Kirby & Chantelle Molloy Brian & Gay Redstone David Birtwistle & Angela Tonkin Steve & Cathy Chambers Michael & Jennifer Allsop Toby Acton & Donna Gold Doug & Sandra Roper Gordon & Patrick Davidson Harry Hancock Rosemary & Christopher Day Colin & Charlene Sadler Ivan Darch Alison & Kevin Thomas Kerry & Paul Stonall Narendra & Kashmir Kalon Keith Sandland Stuart & Robyn-Lee Heard Maria Monaghan & Shane Treanor Linda & Tony Gower Amanda & Andrew Holland Robert Wellock Cindy & David Brown Gareth & Jeanette Jones Terry & Jane Hodge Dawn & Bruce Marsden Paul Flintoft Gareth & Gil Duffy Pamela Jarvis Kenneth Rooney & Karen Jordan Harold & Minnie Fulton Martin Bell & Caroline Roberts Tony & Wendy Vallerine Debra & Oliver Pusey Robert & Rosemary Annan Christopher & Lynne Marshall Kodwo Anderson Keith & Veronica King Andrew Ridley Amy Warrington Christopher Young & Helena Edwards Karen Olivant & Peter Flitton Brian Mooney & Sharon Treanor Ann & John Coe Barry & Cecilia Bradbury Caroline & Simon Harvey Timothy Murphy John Gilham & Wendy Nimmo Gloria & Clive Davies Angela & James Macleod Mark & Sarah Wildman Jillian & Peter Griffiths Mira Herman & Natalie Lofthouse Paul & John Meikle Maria & Lee Kowalkowski Timothy & Tina Pace Sharon & Craig Davis Steven Harding & Narissa Mather Carole & James Sunter Jen & Garry Luke Terry Hayden Linda & Ian Stanley Charlie & Gillian Whitton Coleen & Stephen Batchelor John Morgan & Gilly Mc Crone Keith & Teresa Faulkner Elaine & Martin Spafford Roger & Simon Mantle Fay & Andrew Roe John Smith Clive & Pamela Lennard Amelia & Hannah Mchard Phil Curtis Robert Webb & Dawne Kovan Andrew & Cheryl Williams Andrew Medlam & Michelle Womersley Warren & Pamela Sewell 33,167.11 32,354.59 32,123.61 31,916.34 31,766.93 31,713.09 31,713.09 31,297.43 31,067.10 30,768.27 30,765.17 30,435.94 30,065.58 29,667.25 29,400.30 29,191.71 28,956.72 28,797.28 28,698.33 28,363.94 28,313.08 28,241.79 27,857.45 27,620.20 27,459.68 27,308.26 26,792.56 26,761.32 26,468.82 26,378.55 26,293.77 26,190.89 26,075.02 25,882.72 24,633.55 24,358.25 24,344.57 24,344.57 24,236.91 24,036.27 24,035.15 23,804.35 23,710.25 23,710.25 23,576.69 23,543.06 23,375.48 23,051.85 22,851.93 22,834.48 22,547.99 22,044.58 22,036.64 21,883.43 21,557.01 21,234.63 21,217.80 21,164.53 21,150.36 21,145.53 21,051.40 21,041.39 20,640.42 20,562.09 20,535.38 20,506.72 19,815.43 19,648.01 19,357.06 19,357.06 19,354.85 19,321.51 19,239.52 19,203.32 19,094.24 19,041.46 19,023.13 18,861.02 18,845.13 18,815.92 18,726.47 18,723.12 18,635.47 18,602.59 18,602.59 18,579.68 18,448.65 18,384.90 18,375.08 18,371.09 18,243.43 18,217.50 18,090.87 17,661.21 17,557.10 17,258.58 17,253.84 17,107.13 17,074.93 16,767.16 16,443.02 16,350.54 16,276.82 16,123.60 16,069.76 16,037.57 16,031.28 16,020.21 15,924.00 15,781.52 15,759.56 15,663.53 15,576.95 15,553.20 15,538.04 15,387.98 15,385.75 15,320.38 15,271.22 15,216.81 15,189.27 15,118.53 15,049.46 15,013.02 14,991.88 14,929.52 14,894.94 14,859.82 14,856.77 14,845.86 14,716.79 14,679.34 14,679.34 14,654.83 Bill Caddy Leslie & Moira Harris Angel & Stuart Hill Colin & Sarby Turnbull Richard & Judy Taylor Robert & Jennifer Clifton Donna & Charles Warr Heather Brown Ian & Carol Parker Barry & Nina Mitchell Kevin Rider Darren & Christina Simmons Ron & Heidi Body Martyn Cunningham Michael Amor-Wilkes Ellen & Sean Friedberg Kathleen & Dominic Carolan Raymond & Barbara Mann Tim Sandom Tom & Kathryn Forbes David Belcher Bev & Dave Townsend Terry Drew Richard & Helen Peuleve Robert & Jennifer Radbourne Mark James William & Jane Warrington Gavin Thomson Sara Eyres & Christopher Burras Stephen & Joyce Milne David & Lynn Bole Christine & Con Browning Marie & Jeremy Simmonds Raymond & Lorraine Satchell Michael & Julia Tolton Michael Godwin Diane & Geoff Owen James & Jane White Ann Searle & Philip Linsey Michael & Mercy Radbourne Lucinda Bennett & Nigel Manning James Dale & Claire Daniels Patrick & Helen Loftus Norah Bohan Markus Kltzer & Petra Romoser Alana Hampshire & Keith Banks Susan Hook Shirley Pere & John Barnes Paul Bray Jeffrey & Frances Topple Wendy Fielding Brian & Diane Holmwood Linda & Steve Tinkler Suzanne & Richard Woolven Cliff & Linda Parker Kimberley Sunter Linda Wood Christine & Ian Brennan June & David Love Seamus & Clare Houghton Elizabeth & Ian Hyams Lyn & Tony Davies David & Deborah Lord Tim & Freda Drinkwater Kevin Sands Jon Turner David & Jenny Gerry Denys & Laura Harris Elizabeth & George Kerr William & Sharon Stevenson Laura Thorpe & Les Ward Ian & Elisabeth Aitchison Karen & Steven Glew Isobel & James Orr Bill & Joyce Rowe Sarah Jenkins Mikaela & Andrew Brown Philip Wimbls & Alison Wimbles John & Jenny Caton Margaret Wright & Jacqui Whittingham Catherine & Stephen Lord David & Judith McCreath Rosie Ward & Jack Kerbel Carlo & Cherry Hrynkiewicz Helen & Andrew Walsh Shirley Gowland & Josephine Davies Andrew & Vicky De Caso Louise Wellock & Nathan Sylvester Darryl Allen Sandra Brown Lesley & Keith Ridden Karen Bradley & Antonio Alonso Barbara Margaret Webb David Potter Peter & Cathy Legg Brian & Grainne Quigley Karen Lewis & Kevin Marriott Pierce & Janet Hartley Omran Zaman Declan & Monica Manning Christine & Jim Foster Sarah Trim Rachael & Chris Wild James & Vicky Holmes Raymond & Susan Kirkland Steven Mee & Jaqueline Mullings Jim & Vicky Smith Arthur & Susan Cuthbert 14,642.05 14,628.20 14,628.20 14,586.91 14,498.98 14,488.54 14,473.93 14,395.40 14,390.61 14,349.25 14,329.39 14,288.56 14,284.73 14,202.24 14,165.71 14,120.59 14,117.48 14,086.38 13,928.04 13,881.14 13,828.12 13,789.39 13,778.15 13,700.46 13,697.46 13,662.79 13,565.36 13,496.94 13,333.59 13,187.01 13,111.60 13,104.26 13,092.53 13,023.22 13,005.05 12,954.42 12,938.03 12,936.07 12,886.55 12,866.73 12,837.52 12,813.92 12,625.70 12,587.51 12,524.54 12,523.33 12,484.45 12,474.49 12,465.20 12,362.31 12,228.89 12,178.11 12,117.63 12,110.94 12,042.59 12,024.45 12,020.56 11,897.25 11,896.87 11,828.03 11,812.71 11,602.83 11,581.21 11,581.21 11,558.52 11,493.74 11,493.74 11,460.95 11,435.89 11,366.51 11,364.86 11,333.16 11,282.98 11,244.66 11,211.34 11,211.34 11,143.88 10,960.34 10,919.11 10,878.56 10,829.21 10,819.37 10,802.27 10,751.09 10,741.88 10,703.99 10,691.16 10,654.62 10,654.62 10,654.62 10,569.11 10,515.66 10,458.72 10,406.36 10,394.47 10,365.31 10,332.07 10,302.26 10,267.83 10,245.81 10,224.35 10,218.78 10,192.74 10,192.74 10,176.92 10,084.07 10,034.48 10,006.83 9,939.94 9,932.81 9,929.31 9,895.20 9,883.86 9,874.14 9,816.29 9,816.29 9,794.65 9,793.17 9,786.24 9,724.32 9,696.23 9,682.46 9,679.55 9,663.67 9,549.84 9,515.35 9,489.42 9,483.26 9,454.65 9,454.30 9,453.72 9,445.09 9,445.09 9,435.65 Graham & Christene James Bernadette Murray Chaitali & Ajit Nath Geoffrey & Berenice Davey Angela & Robert Clark Ann & Robert Campbell Antony & Aileen Gunn Kira Mckibbin & Andrew Thomas Peter Gallant & Claire Mckay Mary Hession & Geraldine Twamley Louise Puttick Angela Wallace Mark Cornthwaite Diana Schuch Iain & Jackie Swanston Jake Ellington David & Heather Herring Paul & Avril Coleman Graham & Jennifer Shaw Julian & Karen Pike William & Agnes Burgess Michael & Anne Barnaville Joy Dwyer & Verena Clarke Peter & Jean Monroe Stephen & Laine Shepherd Richard & Greta Brownridge John & Anita Orr Mark Law & Diana Searle John Greenwood Patricia Fisher David & Elaine Luke Alan & Barbara Rea Tammy Mullins & Simon Lanning Christopher & Emmanuelle Elmer Kathleen Watson Lesley & Gordon Whittington Bentley & Catherine Knight Patricia & Dennis Corser Julie Cotton & Neil Tomkinson Ron & Sue Keeler Deborah Morgan Michael & Lianne Rust Janet & Terry Mulley Sarah Sancho Stephen & Rebecca Gilbert Paul Smith & Angela Solomon Douglas & Theresa Hack Bernie & Barbara Klinger Steven Bond & Susan Blunt Georgina & Phil Gale Trevor & Janet Rawding Paul Melville Jeanette & Roy Bonella Michael Prior Margaret & Michael Drayton Linda & Graeme Kirkwood Joe Croll Stewart Carnson Marsha Barras Craig & Linda Lomas Janet & Roger Bowen Anne & Michael Grieve Justin Rowe & Tracy Bell Lesley & Steven Tombs Diana Babbage & Joanna Turner Mary Mullins Richard Tibbetts & Suzanne Pilcher Samantha Rushton & Dean Worrall Tracey Payne Frederick & Karen Mason Richard Radbourne & Yvonne Kirk Mary & Peter Whinfrey Linda Charles John & Lesley Mcnally Johanna & Stuart Peuleve Javid Khan Robert Young & Clare Mears Anna & Paul Scott Allan & Maxine Lawford Fiona Deans & Michael Lunn Maryan & Don Nicolson Martin Douglass & Jane Rollings Jacqueline Akhurst & Steven Ellis Sue & Tony Mincher Paul & Carolyn Blaxall Rebecca Nisbet-Forster & Matthew Forster Peter Savidge Sharon Waters & David Allsop Kenny Liggett Graham & Marion Whitaker Tony Henshall & Sarah Whittall Alex & Kathleen Langler Alan & Rebekah Larner Jayne & Gary Burcombe David & Christine Rhodes Gail & Darren Drew Jane & Andrew Connor Negin & Michael Backhouse Neil Jeffery & Caroline Jeffrey Peter & Caren Neesham Margaret Jarman Kate & Lee Russell Ian & Anita Saville Andrew & Denise Hunt Jeanette & David Ward Melissa Squires & Ian Slade Emma & Richard OToole Marcus & Joyce Emerson Gavin & Trish Conway Joanne & Tim Powell Geoff Taylor & Alison Moore Christine Sykes & Aidan Fisher Jerome Hadley & Marissa Gigg Veronica Nixon Sheila & Nigel Fowler Tony & Julie Brown Emma & Mark Mackelden Emma & Chris Shafe Mervyn Baxter Jackie & Stuart Bower Lena & Stephen Parsons Sarah Darch Vincent Tsoi & Lorraine Lawlor John & Mary Marsh Lesley Brown & Mark Veidman Debi & Simon Allsop Susan Coleman & Robert Holdford Daniel & Michelle Marshall Andrew Nicoll & Danielle Young Paul & Andrea Towler Dean Rothwell & Rachel Launchbury Susan & Tony Cater Anna & Nigel Lacey Ian & Pauline Pilkington Karen & Colin Popiolek 9,434.70 9,418.41 9,412.90 9,386.93 9,386.31 9,351.42 9,337.04 9,306.76 9,300.25 9,276.26 9,267.96 9,194.82 9,161.32 9,157.54 9,156.93 9,146.26 9,138.89 9,124.96 9,102.97 9,072.33 9,070.58 9,050.74 9,016.93 9,006.10 8,993.53 8,990.78 8,980.02 8,959.61 8,957.80 8,948.30 8,947.11 8,910.95 8,893.18 8,849.48 8,841.89 8,804.37 8,783.98 8,771.47 8,754.63 8,715.62 8,677.42 8,643.72 8,643.72 8,615.83 8,597.37 8,544.72 8,480.20 8,477.17 8,465.99 8,462.47 8,458.67 8,452.67 8,433.03 8,432.43 8,418.87 8,417.31 8,383.37 8,332.27 8,300.59 8,256.99 8,243.42 8,225.58 8,200.72 8,194.65 8,186.95 8,165.74 8,161.92 8,147.16 8,137.38 8,100.02 8,095.19 8,094.44 8,049.97 8,049.97 8,040.27 8,031.28 8,025.34 8,024.37 7,985.55 7,950.46 7,941.86 7,936.56 7,928.34 7,918.06 7,917.18 7,916.40 7,914.70 7,894.21 7,882.40 7,862.07 7,859.16 7,850.07 7,834.49 7,832.46 7,825.22 7,823.83 7,809.20 7,805.89 7,780.83 7,769.43 7,754.80 7,751.15 7,750.71 7,746.38 7,726.38 7,716.70 7,703.49 7,702.91 7,674.23 7,671.73 7,668.82 7,664.50 7,657.48 7,657.38 7,655.64 7,642.29 7,641.74 7,641.02 7,632.59 7,632.16 7,613.15 7,609.54 7,601.58 7,597.59 7,592.23 7,588.05 7,559.55 7,544.17 7,542.62 7,539.21 7,538.42 7,531.65 7,522.10 7,506.92 7,504.67

35,000 And Above

Raymond & Miriam Turnbull Anthony Greeves John & Anne Donaldson Carole & Benny Morris Martin & Yvonne Boyce Heather & James ONeil Dave & Susie Horton John & Christine Prosser Declan ONeill Justin & Olivera Toner Mel & Irene Wilson Angela & Norman Campbell Marcell & Joanne Treanor Nuala & Ronan McDonald Andy & Carolyn Cooper Lauren & Peter Jackson Sue & Steve Ferguson David & Samantha Branch Sue & Geoffrey Burras Stephani & Bill Neville David & Rosie Bibby Steve & Debbie Roper John & Jenny Holden Julie Collier & Peter Richards Andrew & Sue Boswell John & Wendy English Ramon & Sylvia Laing Malcolm Ashmore Adele & Jaime De Caso Lindsay Gonsalves & Danny Young Gaynor Morgan Rosina & Frank Pocock Andrew & Carolyn Walkinshaw Carol Simpson & Douglas Clark Susan & David Darton Robert Branch & Marianna Grineva Eve & Norman Branch Karen & Neil Young Stanley & Roy Stewart Glenn & Caroline Royston Alf & Carol Bell Helen Brooks Brian Harwood Peter & Myrna Wellock Deborah & Allan Dewar Jay Singh Gabrielle & Paul Broadstock Caroline Harris & Craig Cox Mike & Dawn Gough Stephen & Debra Nell Alan Meldrum Gene De Donatis & Janet Tynan Michelle Kennedy James Curtis Chris & Julia Norton Eamonn & Anne Roe Helen & Paul Allgood Ram & Joginder Singh Belinda Clarke Ron & Judy Speirs Christopher & Louise Brown Richard & Clare Chantler Debbie & Trevor Collins Rhian & E Anthony Jones Caroline & Philip Thompson Helen Lambert & Richard Woods Steven & Sarah Curtis Julie & Anthony Cornick Su & Jas Bains Gill & Donato Sepe Teresa Divers & Bryony Hayward Jane & John Dunkerley Gary Cooper & Jackie Norris John Webb & Kathryn Price Christopher Reay & Lesley Coan Graham & Georgina Long Trish & Lee Fisher Derrick & Maria Longwright Gerry Melanephy & Maureen Mcloughlin

7,500 And Above

10,000 And Above

15,000 And Above

Tom & Bernadette Hingley Alnashir & Yasmin Ratanshi Keith & Pauline Blythe Andrew & Ann Meldrum Andrew Buxton & Laura Kelly

Nichola & David Walmsley Richard & Ranti Fallowfield Claire & Paul Howells Sadie OBoyle Michael & Janet Wallace Robert & Jacqueline Dolan Colin Roy Scott-Smith Jean-Marc Bordeau & Alexis Thorpe Neil & Susan Maclean David Byatt & Janet Smith

Allan & Myra Collins Terry Card Glyn Thomas & Shan Parry Henry & Diana Crosby Vivienne & Richard Washington Kate Lee Christopher Conroy Lorraine & Ian Balcombe Kelly & Steve Elliott Ian & Lorraine Barnfield John & Kath Clease Claire Mires Marion & Anthony Homer Tavis Taylor Martin Stoves Rhys & Susan Williams Bob & Rosemarie Hardy Bob & Diane Goulding Keith Glass & Margaret Holvec Gerard & Claire Tucker-Mawr Lynda & David Buchan Norman & Joanne Grundy Anthony & Leslie Carrick Warwick & Christine Blakemore Cath & John Wilkinson Gethin & Lynwen Thomas



1 Jul 28 Jul 12 Aug 5 Sept 12 Sept 17-21 Oct 9 Jan 2010 16 Jan 2010 2-9 Mar 2010 Kleeneze Gold Rush III WARWICK UNIVERSITY Kleeneze Gold Day KLEENEZE HQ (Book now: email Kleeneze Gold Day KLEENEZE HQ (Book now: email Kleeneze Xmas Showcase THE NIA, BIRMINGHAM Kleeneze Ireland Xmas Showcase THE RADISSON SAS HOTEL, DUBLIN AIRPORT Kleeneze Autumn Destination CYPRUS Kleeneze New Year Showcase & Gala Dinner THE NIA and HALL 3, ICC, BIRMINGHAM Kleeneze Ireland New Year Showcase THE RADISSON SAS HOTEL, DUBLIN AIRPORT Kleeneze Spring Destination 2010 CAPE TOWN 24 June (22/7, 19/8, 16/9, 14/10, 11/11, 9/12) Business Opportunity Meeting Parkside Hotel PONTEFRACT 1/2 mile off Jct 32 M62 towards Pontefract 7:30 for 8pm start guests free Hosts Graham & Georgina Long 01757 268830 ITS 119857. 1 July (every four weeks) Teeside Opportunity Meeting, The Windmill, a purpose built Conference and Seminar Centre, Dalton Piercy, HARTLEPOOL, TS27 3HN, directly on A19, just north of Wynyard Park turn-off. Open meeting, everyone welcome. 8pm Start 2.50 per head. Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table. Steve Geldard and Cathy Brookes, tel: 0191 521 4564. ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS 514235. 1 July (29/7, 26/8, 23/9, 21/10, 18/11, 16/12) Leeds Business Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn, Brighouse, Clifton Village, LEEDS, HD6 4HW. 7.30pm for 8pm start. 3 per distributor, guests free. Business dress please. Contact Angel Hill on 07931283957 or Stuart Hill on 07792002402. 22 June 7EH 7.30pm, 3 per distributor, Guests free. Contact:- Andy & Amanda Holland ( Eze Reach:01553 886597. (17/8, 14/9, 9/11, 7/12) Open to Blue & Red Groups. Eltham Open Evening at the Eltham Conservative Club, 254 High Street, ELTHAM, London, SE9 1AA. 7.30pm registration for prompt 8pm start, ends around 9.30pm, then relax for a drink and a sizzle plus visit our well stocked Sales Aids table. 3 per distributorship, guests free, dress code: smart casual. Hosts Joyce and Pete Rowe. Tel: 020 8463 7133. EzeReach No: 020 3393 2408. Still the only BOM/Open Evening in South London. (four weekly) Burton Upon Trent Opportunity Meeting, The Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive, Brandson, Burton-UponTrent, STAFFORDSHIRE, DE14 3EP 8pm-9.30pm (doors . open 7pm). 3 per distributor, guests free. The Kleeneze business presented in a fun and informative presentation. Whilst providing an easy and relaxed atmosphere. The ideal combination for you to introduce your friends and family to Kleeneze. Free entry to guests. Hosts: David & Anne Pemberton-Smith, contact, tel. 07739 041843. (30/7,27/8,24/9,29/10,26/11,17/12) Showcase Opportunity Briefing, Tottenham Green Leisure Centre, The Gold Room, First Floor, 1 Philip Lane, LONDON N15 4JA. 7.30PM. Registration for 7.45PM start. Special guest speakers each month. 3 per distributorship, guest free. Everyone welcome! Hosts: Gary Dixon and team. Contact 07973 712 425, I.T.S.113915, or e mail: (28/7,25/8,22/9,20/10,17/11,15/12) Hemel Hempstead Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn, Breakspear Way, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD HP2 4UA. 3 per distributor, guests free. 7:30pm for 8pm start. Business dress please. Hosts: Rosina & Frank Pocock. Tel: 01442 256405. (28/7; 25/8; 22/9; 20/10; 17/11) Bristol Opportunity Meeting. Ship Inn (next to Premier Inn),Thornbury Road, Alveston, BRISTOL, BS35 3LL. 8.00pm start. Business dress please. Distributors 2 per head, guests FREE. Host: Andy Cooper, ITS 124171. T. 01179 819526. (29/7, 26/8, 23/9, 21/10, 18/11, 16/12) Somerset Business Opportunity Meeting, The Bathpool Inn, Bathpool, TAUNTON, TA2 8BE, 7.30pm for 8pm start. 3 per Distributorship, guests free. Carlsberg dont do BOMs, but if they did, theyd probably say this is the best BOM in the world...but you need to come along to find out! Contact Chris and Jacqui Hill on 01458 851046, 0967 661442, ITS 237999, Ezereach: 01458888065 email (First Tuesday of every month) Business Opportunity Meeting. St Leonards Hotel, Ringwood Road, St Leonards, RINGWOOD, Hampshire, BH24 2NP 7.30pm for 8pm start, . 2.50 per person. Business dress please. Hosts Bob Dalton and Sue Marshall on 01425 480675 or ITS 119727.

23 June


7 June FastForward Northwest Millionaires training at the Holiday Inn, RUNCORN, just off junction 12 on the westbound side of the M56. 12.00 noon start, still only 8 on the door. Admission includes a bumper raffle and free CD. Speakers include, new Gold, Graham James, Steve Smith (Gold), John Hawkes (Silver Premier), Mike Gough (Gold SED), Michael Khatkar (Kleeneze's Head of Network Development). Further details from Mel Wilson, 01524720192. (four weekly) Fast Start Training, The Riverside Hotel, Riverside Drive, Brandson, Burton-Upon-Trent, STAFFORDSHIRE, DE14 3EP 12-2pm. 3 per distributor, . guests free. A two-hour meeting that covers all you and your team need to know in developing your Kleeneze business. Come along and join in a fun and informative gathering of experienced and committed Kleeneze people. Hosts: David & Anne Pemberton-Smith, contact, tel. 07739 041843. (23/7,20/8,17/9,15/10,12/11, 10/12) Opportunity Showcase / Going for Gold Glasgow, 6th floor, Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Ingram St, GLASGOW. 7.30pm for 8pm start. Business dress please. 3 per Distributor, guests free. Everyone welcome. Contact Tom and Kate Forbes 0141 626 0013, Andrew Walkinshaw 07915 063458, Bob Park 0191 247 1821. (every four weeks) Aberdeen Opportunity and Training Meeting, Holiday Inn Express Aberdeen Exhibition Centre, Parkway East, Bridge of Don, ABDERDEEN, AB23 8AJ. 10am 12.30pm, 3. Contact Lynn Macdonald at or tel: 01506 414456. (every four weeks) Freedom Training. 10.00am 1.00pm (Doors open at 9.30am) Best Western Moat House Hotel, Festival Way, Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST1 5BQ. Bookings only, 6.00 per person. Please send cheques (payable to A de Caso) to: Adele & Jaime de Caso, 38 Poplar Close, Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent ST11 9RJ (names will be held at the door, no tickets are sent out) Business dress only please, everyone welcome. Gillian Nicholsons Wealth Events Training Thurrock Hotel, Thurrock, ESSEX. Registration 13:00 for prompt start at 13:30hrs. Finish 4pm. 4.00 per distributor Guests free Guest Speakers: Geoff and Fiona Webb Further information email: Gillian Nicholson at Arrive ready to learn, leave ready to earn! Wealth of Income, Wealth of Knowledge, Wealth of Friendships.

8 June (6/7, 3/8, 31/8, 28/9, 26/10, 23/11,16/12) Norwich Business Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn, Ipswich Rd, NORWICH. NR4 6EP 7.30pm for 8pm start. 3 per Distributor, guests . free. Business dress please. Contact Stephen on 07810126010. (four weekly) Second of our new Business Opportunity Training Meetings at COVENTRY, The Novotel, M6 Jct 3. 7.30 for 8.00 start, 3.00 per distributorship, guests free. Everyone is welcome. Further details from Margaret Moore 01780 782797. (8/07, 5/08, 2/09, 30/09, 28/10, 25/11) West Sussex Business Opportunity Showcase at the Royal George, Upper Shoreham Road, Shoreham-by- Sea, WEST SUSSEX, BN43 6TA, on the Holmbush Roundabout. Fantastic training from guest speakers followed by a scintillating sizzle for only 2.50 per Distributor, Guests FREE. 7.30pm for 8pm prompt start, Business dress please. Hosts:- Judy & Gordon Seldon, 01903 893887. (8/7,5/8,2/9,30/9,28/10,25/11) Essex Business Opportunity Meeting at The Holiday Inn, Brook Street, BRENTWOOD, CM14 5NF, J28 M25. 7.30 for 8pm start. Business Dress please. Everyone Welcome Hosts Richard & Vanadis. EzeReach: 01206 804 635. (8/7, 5/8, 2/9, 28/10, 25/11) Open Opportunity Meeting at The Kingsway Hotel, Kingsway, Kirkby In Ashfield NOTTINGHAM NG17 7FN, telephone 01623 407187. 8pm9.30pm. 3 per distributorship, guests free. Guest speaker Michael Khatkar. Contact Mike and Margaret Drayton on 01623 722500. (second Wednesday of every month) Business Opportunity Meeting, Chobham Rugby Club, Fowlers Wells, Windsor Road, CHOBHAM, Surrey GU24 8NA. Doors open at 8pm for 8:30pm start. 2.50 per person, guests free. Business dress is the norm. Everyone welcome! Business presentation, recognition, testimonials, training. Sizzle in the bar afterwards. Contact Steve & Rosemary for information 01252 343376; Ezereach number 01483 604386. (third Monday of every month) South East Open Evening BOM with a twist. Forest Suite, Bracknell Leisure Centre, Bagshot Road, BRACKNELL, Berks, RG12 9SE. 7.45pm for 8.30pm start. Distributors 3 single/4 joint, guests free. Business dress please. Contact Debbie Gee on 01628 626327 or Kate Lee on 0118 9268540 to reserve your table for your team sizzle! Everyone welcome across the Network (Blue and Red groups). Westcountry Open Evening at Padbrook Park Hotel, Cullompton, DEVON EX15 1RU (signposted 5 mins from J28 on M5). All from Red and Blue groups welcome. Prospect focused Business Opportunity Presentation, Book Stall, Bids table, Testimonials, raffle and business related stands. Booking in starts from 7.30, and the event starts at 8pm. Distributors 3 per person and 4 per couple. Guests FREE. Ample parking. Accommodation, meals, coffee and bar available. Contact Sheelagh & Paul 01392 462710 (Ezereach 01803 898592) or Nigel & Lucinda 01392 874412 (Ezereach 01803 898652) (12/8,9/9,14/10,4/11,2/12) Folkestone opportunity evening, The Firs club, Firs lane, Cheriton, FOLKESTONE CT19 4QF. 2 per distributor, guests free. 7:30pm for 8:00pm start. Business dress please. All welcome. Hosts Emma & Chris Shafe. Ezereach: 01227 808744. (15/7,12/8) The Herts Open Evening (open to Blue & Red Groups), Express Hotel by Holiday Inn, (next to Matalan) Danestrete, STEVENAGE, Hertfordshire, SG1 1XB. Welcome/Opportunity/Testimonial/Recognition/Crazee Raffle/Success Training/Bids Tools Table/Networking. 7.30pm for 8.00pm start. 3 per person - guests FREE. Business dress and open mind please. Contact: Mike Lunn & Fiona Deans. Tel: 01438 361 794. Mob: 07508 025008. Email: EzeReach: 01462 889 461. (15/07, 19/08, 16/09, 21/10, 18/11, 16/12) Redruth Business Opportunity Meeting at Trickys, Tolgus Mount, Redruth, CORNWALL, TR15 3TA. 7.45pm for 8pm start. Everyone welcome. Still only 2.50 per Distributorship, Guests free. Hosts: David and Jenny Gerry. Contact on 01209 714067,, ITS 297533. (20/7 17/8 14/9 12/10 23/11) Business Opportunity Open Evening (Now on Mondays), All welcome The Lincoln Suite, Lincolnshire Oak Hotel, East Road SLEAFORD, Lincs, NG34 25 June

9 June

14 June

10 June

30 June

30 June

25 June

10 June

1 July

10 June

27 June

28 June

10 June

7 July

21 June Training Meeting at the Abbey Leix Manor Hotel, ABBEYLEIX, 12.30pm. Guest speaker Lyn McDonald. Tickets are 7.50 per person and are on a first come basis/12 on the door. Please book early for yourself and your team to avoid disappointment. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; 1 July (four weekly) Open Opportunity Meeting at Brennans Green Isle Hotel, Newlands Cross, DUBLIN 22, at 8pm; 5 per distributorship, guests free. Contact Audrey 086-8352012 or Jim 087-2103983. 26 July The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. KILDARE, 12pm. Tickets cost 10, guests free. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; 23 Aug Training Meeting at the Abbey Leix Manor Hotel, ABBEYLEIX, 12.30pm. Tickets are 7.50 per person and are on a first come basis/12 on the door. Please book early for yourself and your team to avoid disappointment. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; 18 Oct The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. KILDARE, 12pm. Tickets cost 10, guests free. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; 8 Nov Training Meeting at the Abbey Leix Manor Hotel, ABBEYLEIX, 12.30pm. Guest speaker Bob Webb. Tickets are 7.50 per person and are on a first come basis/12 on the door. Please book early for yourself and your team to avoid disappointment. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826; 6 Dec The Glenroyal Hotel, Maynooth, Co. KILDARE, 12pm. Tickets cost 10, guests free. Contact Eamon Lynch and Marie Ryan on 044 9330826;

5 July

15 June


(13/07, 24/08, 21/09, 19/10, 16/11) Merseyside Business Opportunity Meeting, Holiday Inn RUNCORN, Wood Lane, Beechwood, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 3HA. 2.50 per person, guests free. Business dress please. Hosts:- Mary & Harry Fullerton email: or Tel: 0151 601 2972. 9 June (second Tuesday of each month) BOM meetings at Carlisle. Border Gate Premier Inn, Carleton, CARLISLE CA4 OAD tel: 01228 633311. 7.30pm for 8pm start. All distributors and prospects/guests welcome. Hosts Alistair Townsend and Malcolm Bullough and will feature a presentation of the opportunity and a guest speaker. For information, contact: Alistair Townsend 01228 528126 email: Malcolm Bullough 01228 675553 9 June (every four weeks) Edinburgh Opportunity Meeting, Edinburgh Training Centre, 16 St Marys Street EDINBURGH, EH1 1SU. 8pm 9pm. Contact Lynn MacDonald at 10 June (every four weeks) Kleeneze Opportunity Presentation Evening. Holiday Inn STOKE-ON-TRENT ST5 4DL. M6 J15 Business dress only. Please arrive early for a prompt start. Doors open at 7:30pm, presentation from 8:00 till 9:15pm. Hosts: Adele & Jaime de Caso 01260 500081. 17 June (every four weeks) North East Business Opportunity Meeting, Quality Hotel, Boldon Business Park, SUNDERLAND. NE5 9PE. Easy Access from A19. Open meeting, everyone welcome. 8.00pm start 2.50 per head. Guests free Opp/Training/Recognition/Raffle/Table Steve Geldard and Cathy Brookes, tel: 0191 521 4564, ITS 119822 Sue Phoenix ITS 514235. 23 June (every four weeks) Glasgow Opportunity Meeting, Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Ingram St, GLASGOW 8pm- 9pm. Contact Lynn Macdonald at or tel: 01506 414456. 8 June

15 June

17 June

17 June

13 June (11/7,18/8,12/9,3/10,31/10,28/11, 19/12) Hotel van der Valk de Cantharel, Van Golsteinlaan 20, 7339 GT APELDOORN. 1pm 3pm. Email Rita & Frank Kamsteeg at

17 June

22 June

Do you have any Training or Opportunity meetings in your area? Let us know, at and we will include them in our weekly meetings diary. DEADLINE FOR WEEKLY SUBMISSIONS 4PM TUESDAY.


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