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Karl Degler III-Micah Connector

1. A man should believe in himself. - if you do not believe in yourself you can never accomplish anything. You would always rely on someone else.

2. When you are young, you are bold and independent; you assert yourself. - if you are young won't care what anyone thinks but when you grow older you become conscious to the people around you.

3. However, if you won't to be a man, you must be a nonconformist. - if you won't accomplish something great you must not look to copy others. You must be able to do or make something they would think of.

4. I do not need or want the approval of man. - one must be able to do what they want, not waht other people want you to do for it is better to be able to express oneself.

5. Men who listen to themselves rather than to the common herd are true men. - if you listen to other people too much, you are a puppet. You must be able to do something that no one else has ever done yet to be truly great.

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