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1. Don’t be too accessible

2. Do not dominate initiations
3. communicating with you deepens over time (call)
4. trust is difficult to obtain and extremely easy to lose.
5. men who follow through on the commitments they’ve made
6. don’t make promises that you are simply incapable of keeping
7. being in a relationship with a “might do it”, “might show up”, “might follow through”
kind of guy can be a rollercoaster of insanity.
8. Take away your attention and feminine affections. Stop entertaining his half-hearted
communication attempts (you know what they look like). Turn your attention towards
other more insistent suitors. Seek the company of your friends and prioritize your own
personal development. If he has any kind of real desire for you, he will pull out all the
stops to get you back. If he does nothing, the only thing you’ll have lost is a man who
wasn’t right for you.
9. If a man respects, responds to, and returns your love with greater displays of loyalty
and commitment…he’s a keeper. If he doesn’t, kick him to the curb.
10. Sometimes a man won’t commit because the time isn’t right for him. In such cases, it
may be better to move on and wait for something a little better to come along.

You never trust that someone’s not gonna betray u. u just trust that you’ll be able to handle it
if they do. U’ll be able to walk away. Stop worrying about whether u can trust someone else.
Maybe u can’t?? We dunno that, only time will tell. Trusting someone else is a pointless
waste of ur energy to worry about. Worry only about yourself. Trust u, don’t trust them. I can
walk away if I need to.
What happens when we don’t trust is that we suffocate people. We get overly jealous, we get
controlling, we started playing detective in their life in a way that invades their privacy, steps
over their boundaries. We start doing things that are unfair to the other person. And we start
damaging the relationship for a fear that hasn’t necessarily even come true yet. Now your
relationship is damaged not bc of what they’re doing but bc we are now violating the integrity
of the relationship.
So, you must have a standard, I’m gonna play my part in creating a beautiful and healthy
relationship. I’m gonna give this person space, enough to hang themselves, enough to betray
me. I have to, that’s what a great relationship is. I have to give u enough space where u can
betray me, where u can do something wrong. It can’t be that u only don’t betray me bc I’m
monitoring u the whole time, right? Idk what I have if the only conditions for u not betraying
me is that bc you’re under surveillance.

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