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You must have 1,500 points or more to include the Red Terror as a Fast Attack choice.

WS 6 BS - - S 5 T 5 W 3 I 3 A - 3+2 Ld 10 Sv - 3+ Points: 104 Bio-weapons: The Red Terror is armed with 2 pairs of scything talons, in which the bonus number of attacks have been included above. Special Rules Deep Strike: The Red Terror may enter play via Deep Strike. Fast: The Red Terror moves 9" in the movement phase and can assault up to 9". For moving through Difficult Terrain, the Red Terror adds +3" to the 3D6. The Red Terror rolls 3D6 for falling back. Tyranid Monstrous Creature Swallow Whole: If the Red Terror scores 4 or more hits in the Assault Phase, it may select a model in base contact with it and swallow it whole! No need to declare swallowing before hand. No further rolls to hit or wound can be rolled the turn the Red Terror swallows it's prey. The swallowed model can't make any saves, armour or invulnerable saves can't be made. The model is removed from the game without having to roll to wound. The Red Terror can only swallow models with Strength and/or Toughness value of 4 or less. Modifiers like Mark of Nurgle or Power Fist will disallow the Red Terror from swallowing the victim. The Red Terror can't swallow anything with an armour value, meaning vehicles and walkers.

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