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Labor Comparison Chart

Component Contractions Timing 1. Pattern 2. Frequency 3. Duration Strength Location True Labor Regular frequency Stronger, last longer, and are more frequent Felt in lower back, radiating to abdomen Continue despite comfort measures False Labor Painless, Irregular frequency, and intermittent Felt in lower back or abdomen above umbilicus Often stops with comfort measures such as oral hydration

Activity (walking)

Walking can Increase contraction intensity

Decrease in frequency, duration, and intensity with walking or position changes

1. When should a woman in active labor go to the hospital?

Stay home until contractions are 5 minutes apart, and last at least 45 to 60 seconds, and are strong enough so that a conversation during one is not possible - then go to the hospital or birthing center.

Labor Comparison Chart

2. What two actions can you instruct a woman to take when trying to determine whether labor is true or false? Try getting up and walking around. Walking increases contraction intensity with true labor, whereas walking decreases intensity with false labor. Also, true labor continues despite any comfort measures made, where false labor will typically improve with comfort measures.

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