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Providing Care for the Elderly (Part I) By peter mangiola. Published on Approval Message Meter ..

Providing care for the elderly is an essential issue being confronted by the bab y-boomer generation, who are now around 45-65 years old. Those who provide care for the elderly know that not only it is a multi-faceted job, but it can also be emotionally difficult. It requires that the caregiver, especially if its a famil y member, should always be willing to forgive and forget old hurts. When providi ng care for the elderly, family members should consider the following matters: Provide a home

Deal with medical issues associated with aging such as Alzheimer s, de mentia, etc. Arrange for a senior care Help with their financial obligations Meet their needs for socialization Offer legal help and support

Help the seniors in making decisions, especially involving those matte rs related to dying, such as living wills, powers of attorney, etc. All this shows that providing care for your senior parents involves so many fact ors. Indeed, it is such an enormous responsibility. Often this consists of helpi ng your senior loved one deal with his aging and failing health issues while pre serving his dignity and maintaining your respect for him. Perhaps youre wondering how youre going to face the challenges of providing care f or the elderly member of your family. But take heart knowing that youre not alone and you have such a wonderful commission.

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