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Resepi kek pisang 1 Bahan-bahan ( - )

4 biji pisang sederhana besar 3 biji telur sederhana besar 1 3/4 cawan tepung naik sendiri 1/4 cawan tepung jagung 1 cawan gula 1 cawan minyak 1 sudu teh bicarbonat soda secubit garam


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Pukul telur dan gula hingga kembang Masukkan pisang yang telah dilenyek dan gaul Kemudian masukkan tepung dan gaul lagi Akhir sekali masukkan minyak dan kaup balikkan adunan hingga sebati Masukkan dalam acuan yang telah disapu sedikit margerin dan dialas dengan kertas minyak 6. Bakar hingga masak selama 45mins dengan api sederhana atau pastikan kek telah masak dengan mencucukkan lidi dan jika lidi bersih bermakna kek telah masak Resepi kek pisang no. 2
2 cwn tepung gandum 1 s/k baking powder 1 s/k soda bikarbonat 1 cawan gula 3 biji pisang yang telak dilenyek 1/2 cawan minyak masak esen vanila 2 biji telur Caranya 1. Ayak tepung gandum, soda bikarbonat dan baking powder, gliss acuan kek dan panaskan oven 180 darjah. 2. Kemudian, putar telur dan gula hingga kembang, masukkan esen vanila dan pisang, putar lagi dan kemudian masukkan tepung. 3.Akhir sekali baru masukkan minyak masak dan kacau sebati, selepas itu masukkan dalam acuan kek dan bakar pada suhu 180 darjah selama 40 minit atau satu jam. 4. Setelah siap dibakar, keluarkan dari acuan dan sejukkan atas redai, sedia untuk dihidangkan, selamat mencuba.


Some 51% of teenagers think science lessons are boring, confusing or difficult, a survey suggests. Figures from the OCR exam board, which interviewed 950 children aged 13 to 16 in England, showed 7% thought people working in the area were "cool". The number of pupils choosing to study physics and chemistry at school and university level is falling. According to the survey, some children thought singer Madonna and explorer Christopher Columbus were scientists. Giving up When asked to name a famous scientist, 39% suggested Isaac Newton and 29% Albert Einstein. Also on the list were Marie Curie, Charles Darwin and Alexander Fleming. The survey reveals that 79% of pupils associated scientists with being clever. The children were asked if they would study science subjects if they were not compulsory. Some 45% said they would take biology, 32% chemistry, 29% physics and 19% combined science. But 16% would not choose any of them. Clara Kenyon, director of general assessment at OCR, said: "The results go to show the growing apathy in today's students about science and their ignorance of modern day achievements. "It is startling that no students named those responsible for recent scientific advances, for example, Ian Wilmut who cloned Dolly the sheep or Professor Colin Pillinger who headed the Beagle 2 space probe to Mars project." OCR is launching a different type of science GCSE from next year, which it says will encourage more involvement with modern topics such as cloning or mobile phone technology.

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