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1. If organizations truly want to achieve greater productivity, they must be more generous with ownership and power.

-ALEX MIRONOFF 2. I think that knowing how to deal with people is the main element of business. - Mark McCormack 3. The shape of things to come suggests managers must develop a much greater degree of cross-cultural understanding. - Stephen J. Wall 4. It is essential- perhaps even a matter of survival- for us to learn to see and appreciate the world from the perspective of cultures other than our own. - Dean C. Barnlund 5. Without open communication, without tons of it, you wont succeed. - David Deleo 6. [Employees are] Saying, tell me where were going, where we need to get to, how I can help, and tell me how were doing along the way. - David Kistle 7. Expectations are driven partly by goals, vision, symbols, semantics, and partly by the context in which people work. - Ralph Stayer 8. Its always better to have a racehorse you have to rein in than a donkey that you have to whip. - Thomas J. Pritzker 9. Never love a company that cant love you back. - Lane Kirkland

10. The ideal approach to managing change recognizes that this is a powerful psychological event. - Ronald D. Elliott 11. The ability to create peak-performance teams will be a critical, competitive advantage. - Mark Bassin 12.Truly effective organizations do not exist in pure form. Henry Mintzberg 13. To be a manager is to work through a world of glass, your every gesture magnified, fragility everywhere around. - Laura Beauvais

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