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Sorana Mailat


Put the words in the correct order to form sentences

Word = cuvant To put = a pune, a aranja Correct= corect Order=ordine, ordin To form= a forma Sentence=propozitie Hungry= flamand Happy= fericit
prof. Sorana Mailat

To translate= a traduce

prof. Sorana Mailat

have/hotel/a/nearby/we Ana/map/has/new/a Brasov/look!/theres had/eleven/I/islands castle/is/it/a date/the/is/what of/May/the second the/for/this/English/is/what

prof. Sorana Mailat

foggy/is/it understand/I/dont shining/the/sun weather/is/bad/it they/had/farm/a he/happy/is you/are/hungry is/your/name/what

prof. Sorana Mailat

II. Translate

A happy village. We are hungry. He is thirythree. We had a new castle.

prof. Sorana Mailat

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