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Pronunciation symbols

/p/ = pen /w/ = way

/b/ = bad /e/ = let
/t/ = tap // = add
/d/ = do /i/ = teeth
/k/ = can /i/ = bit
/ / = get /ɑ/ = art
/f/ = few /ɒ/ = dog
/v/ = view /ɔ/ = form
/θ/ = throw /υ/ = put
/ð/ = though /u/ = do
/s/ = see // = cup
/z/ = zoo / / = skirt
/ʃ/ = shop /ə/ = the
// = measure /ei/ = make
/tʃ/ = cheese /əυ/ = home
/d/ = join /ai/ = fly
/m/ = man /aυ/ = now
/n/ = not /ɔi/ = enjoy
/ŋ/ = ring /iə/ = near
/h/ = hot /eə/ = care
/l/ = let /υə/ = poor
/r/ = rain / / = main stress after / ɑftə/
/j/ = yet / / = secondary stress afternoon / ɑftə nun/

noun = podstatné meno
adj. = prídavné meno
verb = sloveso
adv. = príslovka
pron = zámeno
prep = predložka
number = èíslovka

Pearson Longman Slovak Ventures, s.r.o

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Published 2009
Get Ready blue /blu/ adj modrý The walls in her bedroom are blue.
book /bυk/ n kniha I like reading books about science.
about /ə baυt/ prep o, okolo Talk about your family with bookshelf, pl bookshelves / bυkʃelf, bυkʃelvz / n
your friend. polica/police na knihy, knihovnièka/-y Please, put
Africa / frikə/ n Afrika Gorillas are from Africa. the books on the bookshelves.
Alsatian /l seiʃən/ n vlèiak, nemecký ovèiak box /bɒks/ n škatu¾a The camera is in the box.
Alsatians are very clever dogs. boy /bɔi/ n chlapec There are five boys in my class and
American /ə merikən/ adj americký, Amerièan She‘s six girls.
American. She lives in Chicago. boyfriend / bɔifrend/ n priate¾ My boyfriend is a geography
answer / ɑnsə/ n odpoveï I don’t know the answer to your teacher.
question, sorry. British / britiʃ/ adj britský, Brit Pierce Brosnan is British.
April / eiprəl/ n apríl Her birthday is in April, not in May. brother / brðə/ n brat Her family is large. She‘s got six
area / eəriə/ n oblas My area is very nice. There are many brothers and two sisters.
trees and gardens. brown /braυn/ adj hnedý Our dog is brown and black.
Argentina / ɑdən tinə/ n Argentína She‘s not from Canada / knədə/ n Kanada James Carrey, the actor, is from
Brazil. She‘s from Argentina. Canada.
Argentinian / ɑdən tiniən/ adj argentínsky Inez is Canadian /kə neidiən/ adj kanadský, Kanaïan
Argentinian, from Buenos Aires. Céline Dion is Canadian. She‘s from Montreal.
armchair / ɑmtʃeə/ n kreslo There are two armchairs in captain / kptən/ n kapitán Charlie is a very good athlete.
this room. They are very comfortable. He‘s the captain of the football team.
art /ɑt/ n umenie My favourite school subject is art. carpet / kɑpit/ n koberec What colour is the carpet in
at /ət, t/ prep na, u, pri, v/vo Look at the Key Expressions your living room?
and complete the dialogue. / She lives at her grandparents´. CD (compact disc) / si di, kɒmpkt disk/ n CD
at home /ət həυm/ prep phr doma He‘s tired. He wants to (kompaktný disk) I‘ve got a new CD. Do you want to listen
stay at home tonight. to it?
August / ɔ əst/ n august His birthday is in August. CD player / si di pleiə/ n CD prehrávaè When I want
aunt /ɑnt/ n teta My mother‘s sister is my aunt. to listen to music, I take my sister‘s CD player.
Australia /ɒ streiliə/ n Austrália Nicole Kidman is from chair /tʃeə/ n stolièka She can‘t sit down because she
Australia. hasn’t got a chair.
Australian /ɒ streiliən/ adj austrálsky, Austrálèan child, pl children /tʃaild, tʃildrən/ n diea, deti
Russell Crowe is Australian. She‘s a mother - she‘s got two young children.
back /bk/ n chrbát Sit with your back straight. chimney / tʃimni/ n komín Look! There is smoke coming
bag /b / n taška, vak, vrecko There are three books from the chimney.
and a notebook in her bag. class /klɑs/ n trieda Margaret and I are in the same class at
basketball player / bɑskitbɔl pleiə/ n basketbalista school and we are friends.
He is a basketball player and is the captain of the school close /kləυs/ v zatvori Please, close the book and open
basketball team. your notebook.
bath /bɑθ/ n vaòa We have a big bath in our bathroom. computer /kəm pjutə/ n poèítaè Liz uses her computer
Bathroom / bɑθrυm, rum/ n kúpe¾òa Their house is very to go on the internet.
big and they have four bathrooms. concert / kɒnsət/ n koncert I want to go to the Jennifer
bed /bed/ n poste¾ John is in his bed. He‘s sleeping. Lopez concert, but I haven‘t got a ticket.
bedroom / bedrυm, rum/ n spálòa How many bedrooms cooker / kυkə/ n sporák The cooker in our kitchen doesn’t
are there in your house? work and we can‘t cook.
behind /bi haind/ prep za She is in the park behind my correct /kə rekt/ adj správny Your answer is correct. Well
house. done!
between /bi twin/ prep medzi The armchair is between course book / kɔs bυk/ n uèebnica I like my new course
the table and the sofa. book. It‘s very interesting.
big /bi / adj ve¾ký This dog is very big. It‘s an Alsatian. cousin / kzən/ n bratanec, sesternica Martha is my
bin /bin/ n smetník, odpadkový kôš Please throw the cousin. She‘s my aunt‘s daughter.
rubbish in the bin. cupboard / kbəd/ n skrinka Put all the boxes in the cupboard.
black /blk/ adj èierny The black bag is mine. The grey bag curtains / k tənz/ n záclony, závesy The curtains in
is yours. the living room are pink.
blackboard / blkbɔd/ n tabu¾a The teacher writes all dad /dd/ n ocko His dad is a teacher of English.
the new words on the blackboard. dark /dɑk/ adj tmavý Jason has dark hair and blue eyes.
daughter / dɔtə/ n dcéra Madonna has a daughter, floor /flɔ/ n podlaha, dlážka Don’t sit on the floor. Sit on
Lourdes, and a son, Rocco. the chair.
December /di sembə/ n december My birthday is on foot, pl feet /fυt, fit/ n noha/chodidlo, nohy/chodidlá
the first of December. My sister has got big feet. She has problems getting shoes her
desk /desk/ n lavica There are 15 desks in my classroom. size.
dictionary / dikʃənəri/ n slovník Use the dictionary to find football team / fυtbɔl tim / n futbalový tím Barcelona
the meaning of the new words. is a fantastic football team.
doctor / dɒktə/ n doktor, lekár When the baby is ill, we forty / fɔti/ number štyridsa There are forty books on
call the doctor. this bookshelf.
dog /dɒ / n pes She likes animals and she‘s got two dogs four /fɔ/ number štyri Four students in my class are from
and a cat. Italy.
door /dɔ/ n dvere The door of the living room is white. fourteen / fɔ tin/ number štrnás She works fourteen
double / dbəl/ adj dvojitý We spell ‚door‘ with double O. hours a day and she‘s very tired.
downstairs / daυn steəz/ adv dolu (schodmi), na fourth /fɔθ/ ordinal number štvrtý J.K. Rowling‘s fourth
prízemí The kitchen and the bathroom are downstairs. book is fantastic.
DVD player / di vi di pleiə/ n DVD prehrávaè France /frɑns/ n Francúzsko Johnny Depp is American,
Sometimes I watch a film on the DVD player. but he lives in France.
ear /iə/ n ucho His ears are red because it‘s very cold today. French /frentʃ/ adj francúzsky, Francúz Audrey
eight /eit/ number osem My little brother is eight years old. Tautou is a French actress. She was in The Da Vinci Code.
eighteen / ei tin/ number osemnás When you‘re Friday / fraidi, dei/ n piatok We don’t have a lesson this
eighteen, you can learn to drive a car. Friday. We can stay at home.
eighteenth / ei tinθ/ ordinal number osemnásty She fridge /frid/ n chladnièka Put the milk and the cheese
had a party on her eighteenth birthday. in the fridge.
eighth /eitθ/ ordinal number ôsmy The eighth month of the friend /frend/ n priate¾, kamarát Irene is my best friend.
year is August. We go to school together.
eighty / eiti/ number osemdesiat My grandmother is geography /di ɒ rəfi, dɒ / n zemepis In geography,
eighty-nine years old. we learn about different countries in the world.
elbow / elbəυ/ n lake Don‘t put your elbows on the table. girl / l/ n dievèa Many girls in our class do ballet lessons.
eleven /i levən/ number jedenás There are eleven granddaughter / rn dɔtə/ n vnuèka He‘s from a very
students in my class. large family. He has four children, six granddaughters and eight
eleventh /i levənθ/ ordinal number jedenásty Marie‘s grandsons.
birthday is on the eleventh of January. grandfather / rnd fɑðə/ n starý otec My grandfather
English / iŋ liʃ/ adj anglický She‘s from Australia. She speaks is very old. He‘s eighty-nine.
English. grandmother / rn mðə/ n stará mama My
fantastic /fn tstik/ adj fantastický, úžasný The Pirates grandmother and my grandfather got married in 1927.
of the Caribbean is a fantastic film. grandson / rnsn/ n vnuk He loves his grandson. He‘s
fat /ft/ adj tuèný My father is tall and a little fat. a very nice little boy.
father / fɑðə/ n otec What‘s your father‘s name? great / reit/ adv skvele, výborne, fajn I‘ve got a new
February / februəri, febjυri/ n február February has computer game for my birthday. Great!
twenty eight days. Greece / ris/ n Grécko He‘s from Greece. He‘s from the
fifteen / fif tin/ number pätnás She‘s a teenager - she‘s island of Crete.
fifteen years old. Greek / rik/ adj grécky, Grék Nana Mouskouri is a Greek
fifth /fifθ/ ordinal number piaty We have a holiday on the singer.
fifth of March. green / rin/ adj zelený His favourite colour is green.
fifty / fifti/ number pädesiat My mother is fifty years old. grey / rei/ adj sivý The walls of the room are grey. I don’t
finger / fiŋ ə/ n prst People have ten fingers. like them.
fireplace / faiəpleis/ n krb, kozub We light a fire in the group / rup/ n (hudobná) skupina The Rolling Stones
fireplace when it‘s very cold. are a very famous group.
first /f st/ ordinal number prvý David Beckham‘s first child hand /hnd/ n ruka In some countries in Africa, they eat their
is called Brooklyn. food with their hands.
five /faiv/ number pä She can speak five languages - he /hi, hi/ pron on John Travolta is an actor. He‘s a great
English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. dancer, too.
five past / faiv pɑst θri/ prep pä (minút) po The film heavy metal / hevi metl/ n heavy metal I don’t like
starts at five past nine. Do you want to watch it? heavy metal. I prefer pop music.
hello /hə ləυ, he / interjection ahoj Hello, my name is living room / liviŋ rum, rυm/ n obývaèka There are
Jonathan. What‘s your name? two sofas and two armchairs in our living room.
her /ə, hə, h / pron jej Helen has a brother. Her brother‘s look at /lυk ət/ phr v pozrie na Look at the photo. It‘s
name is Simon. great!
here /hiə/ adv tu, sem Come here. I want to ask you a question. magazine / m ə zin/ n èasopis The National
hi /hai/ interjection èau, ahoj ‚Hello, John!‘ ‚Hi, Michael, how Geographic is a very interesting magazine.
are you?‘ man, pl men /mn, men/ n muž, muži Our new teacher
him /im, him/ pron jemu, jeho Ronaldinho is my favourite is a very nice man.
footballer. I like him a lot. March /mɑtʃ/ n marec March is the first month of spring.
his /iz, hiz/ pron jeho George has a dog. His dog is an maths /mθs/ n matematika Maths is a very difficult
Alsatian. school subject.
history / histəri/ n dejepis I don’t like history. It‘s not my match /mtʃ/ v priradi, da dokopy Match the pictures
favourite school subject. in the book with the new words.
hospital / hɒspitl/ n nemocnica She‘s a doctor. She May /mei/ n máj The first of May is a holiday in my country.
works in a hospital. me /mi, mi/ pron mne, mi, mòa, ma, mnou Listen to
how /haυ/ adv, conj ako How old is Michael? me. I won´t tell you twice.
husband / hzbənd/ n manžel Monica is a teacher and her microwave / maikrəweiv/ n mikrovlnná rúra Have
husband, Bob, is a doctor. you got a microwave in your kitchen?
I /ai/ pron ja My name is Peter. I‘m from the USA. mirror / mirə/ n zrkadlo You can see yourself in the mirror
I‘m from / aim frəm/ phr som z/zo, pochádzam z/zo in the bathroom.
I‘m from New York. I‘m American. Monday / mndi, dei/ n pondelok I have a lesson every
in /in/ prep v, vo Please, put the CDs in the bag. Monday and Wednesday.
in front of /in frnt əv/ prep pred Don’t sit in front of the TV. mother / mðə/ n matka Bob‘s mother is a teacher in our
I can‘t see. school.
international / intə nʃənəl/ adj medzinárodný Our class mouth /maυð/ n ústa Don’t put this in your mouth. It‘s not clean.
is international. Marie is from France, Agnes is from Poland and mum /mm n maminka, mamka My mum and Sonia‘s
Gorge and Juan are from Spain. mother are sisters.
Ireland / aiələnd/ n Írsko Ireland is a very beautiful country. music / mjuzik/ n hudba My father likes classical music.
Irish / aiəriʃ/ adj írsky, Ír U2 aren‘t British. They are Irish. He likes Mozart and Beethoven.
it /it/ pron to, ono Give the book to me. Give it to me. my /mai/ pron môj This is my bedroom. My sister‘s bedroom
Italian /i tliən / adj taliansky, Talian Juventus is an Italian is next to it.
football team. name /neim/ n meno My name is Alex. What‘s your name?
Italy / itəli/ n Taliansko Monica Bellucci is from Italy. neck /nek/ n krk Giraffes have very long necks.
January / dnjuəri, njυri/ n január January is the first nephew / nefju/ n synovec Nicolas Cage is the nephew of
month of the year. Francis Ford Coppola. He‘s his brother‘s son.
Japan /də pn/ n Japonsko Tokyo is in Japan. new /nju/ adj nový This is the new Sims computer game.
Japanese / dpə niz/ adj japonský, Japonec I like It‘s my favourite.
Japanese food - I like sushi. next /nekst/ prep ved¾a A is next to B
July /dυ lai/ n júl He always goes on holiday in July. next to / nekst tə, tυ/ prep ved¾a Sit next to Anna.
June /dun/ n jún My father has a party in June for his Nice to meet you. / nais tə mit jə, jυ/ phr Teší ma,
birthday. že a/vás spoznávam. ,Hi! My name‘s Amy What‘s your
kitchen / kitʃən/ n kuchyòa We eat breakfast in the kitchen name?.‘ ‚Liam‘ ‚Nice to meet you.‘
every morning. niece /nis/ n neter My sister‘s baby, Christina, is my
knee /ni/ n koleno Babies ‚walk‘ on their hands and knees. favourite niece.
lamp /lmp/ n lampa It‘s dark. Turn on the lamp on nine /nain/ number devä He‘s only nine years old, but he
the desk. can play chess very well.
left/right hand / left hnd, rait/ n phr ¾avá/pravá nineteen / nain tin/ number devätnás My brother is
ruka She writes with her left hand. nineteen years old.
leg /le / n noha When you play football, you use your legs, ninety / nainti/ number devädesiat Our grandfather is
not your hands. ninety-three years old.
lesson / lesən/ n vyuèovacia hodina, lekcia She has ninth /nainθ/ ordinal number deviaty Her birthday is on the
English lessons because she wants to learn to speak English. ninth of April.
listen to /lisən tυ/ v poèúva When I‘m in the car, nose /nəυz/ n nos My nose is red because it‘s very cold
I listen to the radio. today.
notebook / nəυtbυk/ n poznámkový zošit Write the new quarter /kwɔtə/ n štvr, štvrtina Nearly a quarter of
words in your notebooks. the people in London are from outside the UK.
November /nəυ vembə, nə / n november Thanksgiving, quarter past (two) / kwɔtə pɑst tu/ prep štvr na
an American holiday, is in November. (o èase) What time is it?‘ ‚It‘s quarter past two.‘
now /naυ/ adv teraz This is a photo of my friend, Irene. She‘s quarter to (twelve) / kwɔtə tə twelv/ prep štvr do (tri
a doctor now. štvrte na) It‘s now quarter to twelve. Let‘s stop the lesson.
o‘clock /i levən ə klɒk/ adv (o „X“ ) hodine We have an really / riəli/ adv skutoène, naozaj The Cardigans are a
English lesson at three o‘clock. really fantastic pop group.
October /ɒk təυbə/ n október My mother‘s birthday is in red /red/ adj èervený Manchester United wear red shirts.
October. roof /ruf/ n strecha Oh, no! The cat is on the roof of the
old /əυld/ adj starý Our dog is very old. He‘s sixteen years house and it can‘t come down.
old. ruler / rulə/ n pravítko There is a ruler, a pen, a pencil and
on /ɒn/ prep na The notebook is on the desk. a rubber on the desk.
one /wn/ number jeden We‘ve only got one car, but many Russia / rʃə/ n Rusko Tolstoy was from Russia.
people have two. Russian / rʃən/ adj ruský Russian is a very difficult
one hundred /wn hndrəd/ number sto The little child language, I think.
can count to one hundred. Saturday / stədi, dei/ n sobota Let‘s go to the cinema
open / əυpən ə bυk/ v otvori Please, open the window. on Saturday evening.
It‘s hot in here. science / saiəns/ n veda His favourite school subjects are
orange / ɒrənd/ n / adj pomaranè /oranžový My science, maths and geography.
favourite colour is orange. I have many orange t-shirts. Scotland / skɒtlənd/ n Škótsko He‘s an old friend from
our /aυə/ pron náš Look! This is our car. It‘s black. Scotland.
over there / əυvə ðeə/ prep phr tam, tamto These are second / sekənd/ ordinal number druhý Do you like Green
my computer games. Those games over there are my sports Day‘s second CD?
games. sentence / sentəns/ n veta Write a sentence about your
Paris / pris/ n Paríž He‘s French. He‘s from Paris. favourite singer.
park /pɑk/ n park She is in the park behind my house. September /sep tembə/ n september In my country,
partner / pɑtnə/ n partner Talk to your partner about schools start in September.
your family. seven / sevən/ number sedem Sebastian works for seven
pen /pen/ n pero Can you give me your pen, please? hours every day.
pencil / pensəl/ n ceruzka Don’t write in pencil. Use a pen. seventeen / sevən tin/ number sedemnás She‘s
person, pl people / p sən, pipəl/ n èlovek, ¾udia seventeen. She can‘t drive a car.
There is only one person in the room. seventh / sevənθ/ ordinal number siedmy Sunday is the
physical education (P.E.) / fizikəl edjυ keiʃən, pi i/ seventh day of the week.
n telesná výchova Many girls don’t like physical education seventy / sevənti/ number sedemdesiat She‘s seventy
at school. years old, but she looks younger.
pink /piŋk/ n /adj ružový Her favourite colour is pink. She‘s she /ʃi, ʃi/ pron ona Susana can sing very well and she wants
got many pink dresses. to be a singer.
plant /plɑnt/ n rastlina They have many plants and flowers short /ʃɔt/ adj krátky, nízky (o èloveku) He‘s very
in their garden. short. He can‘t be a basketball player.
play /plei/ v hra Play this memory game. shower / ʃaυə/ n sprcha My bathroom is very small. I have
Poland / pəυlənd/ n Po¾sko Poland is a country in Europe. a shower, but I don’t have a bath.
police officer /pə lis ɒfisə/ n policajný dôstojník school /skul/ n škola She‘s a student. She goes to school.
Donna is a police officer. She‘s a detective. singer / siŋə/ n spevák Mick Jagger is a very famous singer.
Polish / pəυliʃ/ adj po¾ský I want to go to Poland and I‘m sink /siŋk/ n drez Wash your hands in the sink in the kitchen.
learning to speak Polish. sister / sistə/ n sestra My parents have two children, me
Portugal / pɔtʃə əl/ n Portugalsko Lisbon is the capital and my sister, Joanna.
city of Portugal. sit down / sit daυn/ phr v posadi sa Please, sit down
Portuguese / pɔtʃə iz/ adj portugalský People in and open your books.
Brazil speak Portuguese. six /siks/ number šes There are six chairs in the room.
poster / pəυstə/ n plagát My sister has a poster of Christina sixteen / sik stin/ number šestnás In many countries
Aguilera on the wall of her bedroom. you can leave school when you‘re sixteen years old.
purple / p pəl/ adj fialová Don’t wear the purple t-shirt with sixteenth / sik stinθ/ ordinal number šestnásty I had a party
the red jeans. on my sixteenth birthday.
sixth /siksθ/ ordinal number šiesty The sixth day of the week they /ðei/ pron oni, ony That’s Mary and that‘s Sophia. They
is Saturday. are my cousins.
sixty / siksti/ number šesdesiat There were sixty people thin /θin/ adj tenký, chudý She‘s very thin and she wants
at the party. to be a model.
small /smɔl/ adj malý This T-shirt is too small. I can‘t wear it. third /θ d/ ordinal number tretí The third month of the year
sofa / səυfə/ n pohovka, gauè In my living room there are is March.
two sofas and two armchairs. thirteen / θ  tin/ number trinás She‘s thirteen years old.
son /sn/ n syn They have two children, a son and a daughter. She‘s a teenager now.
Spain /spein/ n Španielsko David and Victoria Beckham thirteenth / θ  tinθ/ ordinal number trinásty Today is
live in Spain. Friday the thirteenth. I‘m going to stay at home.
Spanish / spniʃ/ adj španielsky, Španiel Real Madrid thirtieth / θ tiəθ/ ordinal number tridsiaty I had a very big
is a Spanish football team. party on my thirtieth birthday.
spell /spel/ v hláskova How do you spell your name? With thirty / θ ti/ number tridsa My sister is thirty years old and
one ‚R‘ or with double ‚R‘? I‘m twenty-seven.
stand up /stnd p/ phr v postavi sa, vsta Please, thirty-first / θ ti f st/ number tridsiaty prvý Today is
stand up. Don’t sit here. the thirty-first of May, the last day of spring.
stereo / steriəυ, stiər / n stereo Harry listens to music on this /ðis/ pron tento, táto, toto This is the new CD of
his stereo all day. Shakira. It‘s fantastic!
student / stjudənt/ n študent There are sixteen students those /ðəυz/ pron tamtí, tamtie Those computer games
in my class at school. are my brothers´. My computer games are here.
Sunday / sndi, dei/ n nede¾a I never work on Sunday. three /θri/ number tri We have three English lessons a week.
table / teibəl/ n stôl Put the plates and glasses on the table, Thursday / θ zdi, dei/ n štvrtok Every Thursday he goes
please. swimming.
talk /tɔk/ v rozpráva, hovori I can talk about my hobbies time /taim/ n èas What time do you usually get up on Sundays?
and interests. toe /təυ/ n palec (na nohe) We have ten toes on our feet.
tall /tɔl/ adj vysoký She‘s very tall and she can play toilet / tɔilət/ n toaleta, záchod Can I use your toilet,
basketball well. please?
team /tim/ n tím, mužstvo He is the captain of the school Tuesday / tjuzdi, dei/ n utorok Tuesday is my favourite
basketball team. day of the week.
television / telə viən, telə viən/ n televízia I watch Turkey / t ki/ n Turecko She lives and works in Turkey.
television every evening. Turkish / t kiʃ/ adj turecký Do you like Turkish coffee?
tell (someone) /tel/ v poveda (niekomu) What are twelfth /twelfθ/ ordinal number dvanásty December is the
your three favourite subjects? Tell the class. twelfth month of the year.
ten /ten/ number desa I have ten CDs by Madonna. twelve /twelv/ number dvanás There are twelve students
tenth /tenθ/ ordinal number desiaty Mike‘s birthday is on in my class.
the tenth of July. twenty / twenti/ number dvadsa There are twenty books
that /ðt/ pron tamten, tamto, tamtá What‘s that? on the bookshelf.
That‘s an MP3 player. two /tu/ number dva He‘s got two posters on the walls of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern his room.
Ireland /ðə ju naitəd kiŋdəm əv reit britn ənd uncle / ŋkəl/ n strýko My mother‘s brother is my favourite
nɔðən ailənd/ n Spojené krá¾ovstvo Ve¾kej uncle.
Británie a Severného Írska She lives in the United under / ndə/ prep pod The pen is under the sofa.
Kingdom. She‘s British. upstairs / p steəz/ adv hore (schodmi), na poschodí
the United States of America /ðə ju naitəd steits My bedroom is upstairs.
əv ə merikə/ n Spojené štáty americké The United us /əs, s/ pron nás, nám, nami The teacher speaks to
States of America is a very big country. us very slowly.
their /ðeə/ pron ich Their mother and father are my aunt and video player / vidiəυ pleiə/ n video prehrávaè There
uncle. is a video player in the classroom.
them /ðəm, ðem/ pron nich, im, ich, nimi These are my wall /wɔl/ n stena What colour are the walls of your
books. Give them to me. bedroom?
then /ðen/ adv potom Look at these words and then write wardrobe / wɔdrəυb/ n skriòa There are many t-shirts
them in your notebook. and jeans in my wardrobe.
these /ðiz/ pron títo, tieto These CDs are very new. Do you watch /wɒtʃ/ n hodinky What time is it? I haven‘t got a
want to listen to them? watch.
watch a video / wɒtʃ ə vidiəυ/ v phr pozera video city / siti/ n (ve¾ké) mesto Hong Kong is a very big city.
We watch videos in English at school. computer games /kəm pjutə eimz/ n poèítaèové hry
we /wi, wi/ pron my This is a photo of my sister and me. We What computer games can you play? Can you play the Sims?
are at home. cook /kυk/ v vari My mum can cook Mexican food.
Wednesday / wenzdi, dei/ n streda What time is history cool /kul/ adj skvelý, moderný, cool Pop music is really
on Wednesday? cool! It‘s great!
where / weər/ pron kde, kam Where is your classroom? country / kntri/ n krajina Malta is a small country.
where (are you) from / weər ə jυ frɒm/ phr odkia¾ cycling / saikliŋ/ n bicyklovanie Cycling is a very interesting
(si) I‘m from Greece. Where are you from? hobby.
white /wait/ adj biely The houses here are all white. dance /dɑns/ v tancova Can you dance the tango?
who /hu/ pron kto Who is that in the photo?‘ ‚That‘s my direct /də rekt, dai/ v režírova Clint Eastwood directs
brother, Jim.‘ films. He‘s a very good film director.
window / windəυ/ n okno Can you close the window? It‘s cold. direct a film /də rekt ə film, dai rekt/ v phr režírova
woman, pl women / wυmən, wimin/ n žena, ženy film Peter Jackson can‘t act but he can direct films. He‘s very
The woman in the pink dress is my mother. good.
Wow! /waυ/ interjection Jéj!, Fíha! Wow! That‘s a fantastic disabled /dis eibəld/ adj hendikepovaný, postihnutý
computer game! Life for disabled people can be difficult.
yellow / jeləυ/ adj žltý Yellow is a very nice colour. do /du/ v robi Do physical exercise.
you /jə, jυ, ju/ pron ty, vy How old are you? dog training / dɒ treiniŋ/ n cvièenie psa I have a dog
young /jŋ/ adj mladý Cathy is very young. She‘s only ten and I‘m very interested in dog training.
years old. draw /drɔ v kresli Ursula can draw very well. She wants
your /jə, jɔ/ pron tvoj, váš Your notebook is blue. This is my to be an artist.
notebook. e-mail / i meil/ n e-mail I can use the Internet and I send
e-mails to my friends in England.
expedition / ekspə diʃən/ n expedícia They want to go
Module 1 The Challenge on an expedition to the North Pole.
fashion / fʃən/ n móda She‘s into fashion. She likes
act /kt/ v hra (vo filme) Johnny Depp can act very well.
modern clothes very much.
age /eid/ n vek I‘m sixteen years old. That‘s my age.
film /film/ n film My favourite film is ‚Mission Impossible 3‘.
animal / nəməl/ n zviera Lions, dogs and snakes are all
film director / film də rektə, dai / n filmový režisér Who
is the film director of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?
arm /ɑm/ n rameno Hold the baby in your arms.
first name / f st neim/ n krstné meno Hi, what‘s your
at the same time /ət ðə seim taim/ prep phr v tom
first name?
istom èase, naraz I can‘t do two things at the same time.
football / fυtbɔl/ n futbal Wayne Rooney plays football for
Wait, please.
Manchester United.
bad /bd/ adj zlý He can‘t sing. He‘s a very bad singer.
from /frəm, frɒm/ prep z, zo, odkia¾ Where are you
be into phr v zaujíma sa o, ma rád My cousin is into
from?‘ ‚ I‘m from Italy.‘
chess. He can play very well.
good-looking / υd lυkiŋ/ adj dobre vyzerajúci,
best friend / best frend/ n najlepší priate¾ Maria is my
fešák I think Brad Pitt is very good-looking.
best friend. We are at school together.
guitar / i tɑ/ n gitara Sandra can play the guitar and she
bicycle maintenance / baisikəl meintənəns/ n servis
can sing.
bicyklov He‘s into bicycle maintenance. It‘s an interesting hobby.
head teacher / hed titʃə/ n riadite¾ Our head teacher
blind /blaind/ adj slepý He‘s blind. He can‘t see.
is fantastic. She‘s a really nice person.
boring / bɔriŋ/ adj nudný This book is very boring. I can‘t
hobby / hɒbi/ n zá¾uba My hobbies are photography and
read it.
brilliant / briljənt/ adj úžasný, vynikajúci I think
horse /hɔs/ n kôò She likes animals and she has a horse.
fashion is brilliant. I love it.
horse riding / hɔs raidiŋ/ n jazdenie na koni Horse
but /bət, bt/ conjunction ale She likes animals but she
riding is a great hobby and it‘s an Olympic sport, too.
doesn’t like computers.
How many…? /haυ meni/ phr Ko¾ko. . ? How many
can/can‘t /kən, kn, kɑnt/ modal v môc/nemôc,
languages can you speak?
vedie/nevedie Martha can ride a bicycle but she can‘t
How old are you? /haυ əυld ə jυ/ phr Ko¾ko máš
ride a horse.
rokov? ‚ How old are you?‘ ‚I‘m sixteen. And you?‘
challenge / tʃlənd/ n výzva Learning a new language
interesting / intrəstiŋ/ adj zaujímavý This book is very
is a challenge.
chess /tʃes/ n šach Martin can play chess very well.
Internet /ði intənet/ n internet My friends use the Internet ride / raid ə baisikəl/ v jazdi (bicykel, kôò) Can you
and play computer games. ride a bicycle?‘ ‚Yes, I can.‘
kilometre / kilə mitə, ki lɒmitə/ n kilometer How many right /rait/ adj správny Work in pairs and try to choose the
kilometres can you run? right answers.
life /laif/ n život Life in small villages can be very boring. sing /siŋ/ v spieva Wow! She can sing like Madonna. She‘s
list /list/ n zoznam Look at this list of new words. Write them fantastic!
in your notebook. skill /skil/ n zruènos What are your skills? What can you do?
look /lυk/ v pozera Look at this photo. It‘s my brother with start /stɑt/ v zaèa, štartova I want to start a new
his horse. hobby.
map /mp/ n mapa This is a map of France. Can you find surname / s neim/ n priezvisko My first name is Maria
Paris on it? and my surname is Benson.
memory / meməri prɒbləmz/ n pamä My grandmother take turns / teik t nz/ phr vystrieda sa Take turns to
has memory problems. She can‘t remember many things. be the customer and the shop assistant.
mobile phone / məυbail fəυn/ n mobilný telefón teenager / tineidə/ n tínedžer He‘s a teenager. He‘s
Many teenagers use their mobile phones in class. fifteen years old.
monitor / mɒnitə/ n inštruktor/vedúci, predseda tennis / tenis/ n tenis Maria Sharapova can play tennis.
triedy The monitor for our youth club is a very nice woman. She‘s a very good tennis player.
Her name is Jennifer. That‘s right! / ðts rait/ phr Správne! Are you Spanish?‘
motorbike / məυtəbaik/ n motocykel She can ride ‚Yes, that‘s right!‘
a bicycle, but she can‘t ride a motorbike. theatre group / θiətə rup/ n divadelný súbor I can
musical instrument /mjuzikəl instrəmənt/ n act and I‘m in the theatre group of the youth club.
hudobný nástroj Betty can play two musical instruments, thing /θiŋ/ n vec ‚What‘s this thing?‘ ‚It‘s a mobile phone.‘
the piano and the guitar. too /tu/ adv tiež He can play the piano. He can sing, too.
musician /mju ziʃən/ n hudobník She can play town /taυn/ n mesto Tim lives in a small town, near London.
a musical instrument and she can sing. She‘s a musician. turn /t n/ v otoèi (sa) I turned my head left.
nice /nais/ adj milý, dobrý My grandfather is very nice. I love use /juz/ v použi Can you use a computer? Can you send
him a lot. e-mails?
not bad / nɒt bd/ n phr nie zlý Are you interested in horse use a computer / juz ə kəm pjutə/ v phr používa
riding?‘ ‚Yes, it‘s not bad.‘ poèítaè Many teenagers can use a computer. They can send
paint /peint/ v ma¾ova He can paint very beautiful pictures. e-mails to their friends.
He‘s an artist. walk /wɔk/ v chodi, kráèa, ís pešo The children walk
photography /fə tɒ rəfi/ n fotografia I‘m very interested five kilometres from their house to school.
in photography. I like black and white photos. where /weə/ pron kde Where is my bag? I can‘t find it.
piano / pi nəυ/ n klavír I can‘t play the piano but I can sing. yeah /jeə/ interjection áno, hej Do you like the group Green
piece /pis/ n kus, kúsok I cut my finger on a piece of Day?‘ ‚Yeah, they are fantastic!‘
broken glass. youth club / juθ klb/ n mládežnícky klub There are many
place /pleis/ n miesto Is there a good place to eat around things you can do at our youth club. You can learn photography,
here? chess or have music lessons.
place of birth / pleis əv b θ/ n phr miesto narodenia
He‘s from Jamaica. That‘s his place of birth.
popular / pɒpjələ/ adj populárny Steven Spielberg‘s films
Module 2 Exercise
are very popular. Many people like them.
advice /əd vais/ n rada My mother‘s advice is always good.
pottery / pɒtəri/ n keramika, hrnèiarstvo Are you into
again /ə en, ə ein/ adv znovu Arsenal are top of the league
pottery? That‘s an interesting hobby.
printer / printə/ n tlaèiareò My mum can‘t use
all right / ɔl rait/ interjection v poriadku ‚Can you give
a computer or a printer.
me your phone?‘ ‚All right.‘
programme / prəυ rm/ n program This is a
amusement park /ə mjuzmənt pɑk/ n zábavný
programme for young children. They learn to use a computer.
park Disneyland is a very big amusement park.
rap /rp/ n rap Mike is into rap but his parents are into jazz
apple / pəl/ n jablko She likes eating apples, they are her
and classical music.
favourite fruit.
reading / ridiŋ/ n èítanie Reading books is great. You can
athletics /θ letiks, əθ / n atletika Athletics is a very
learn a lot.
interesting sport.
ready / redi/ adj pripravený Are you ready for the lesson?
badminton / bdmintən/ n bedminton She likes sports
Good, now open your books.
and she can play badminton.
banana /bə nɑnə/ n banán He has a banana and milk for dark hair / dɑk heə/ n phr tmavé vlasy Catherine Zeta
breakfast. Jones has dark hair and brown eyes.
basketball / bɑskitbɔl/ n basketbal He‘s very tall. He diet /daiət/ n diéta, spôsob stravovania Her diet is
can play basketball. very healthy. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables.
biscuits / biskits/ n keksy, sušienky In the afternoon, I difficult / difikəlt/ adj zložitý, ažký Chinese is a very
have a cup of coffee and three chocolate biscuits. difficult language.
black hair / blk heə/ n phr èierne vlasy Many girls dress /dres/ n šaty Do you like my new dress? It’s a Prada!
from India have very long, black hair. drink /driŋk, drŋk/ n nápoj Let‘s go to a cafe for a drink.
blond hair / blɒnd heə/ n phr blond vlasy Sonya is from easy / izi/ adj jednoduchý, ¾ahký Is it easy to learn to
Sweden and has blond hair and blue eyes. drive a car?
blue/brown/green eyes / blu aiz/ n phr modré/ egg /e / n vajce Don’t eat too many eggs. It‘s not good for
hnedé/zelené oèi He‘s got dark hair and brown eyes. your health.
boots /buts/ n èižmy, vysoké topánky When it‘s Europe / jυərəp/ n Európa She lives in Europe. She‘s
raining, I wear my boots. from France.
bottle / bɒtl əv wɔtə/ n f¾aša When I go running, I take a European / jυərə piən/ adj európsky Football is the
bottle of water with me. national sport in many European counties.
Brazil /brə zil/ n Brazília Pelé the footballer, is from Brazil. example /i zɑmpəl/ n príklad Many sports stars are
bread /bred/ n chlieb Can I have some bread with my food, also fashion models. A good example is Anna Kournikova and
please? Venus Williams.
can / kn əv kəυlə/ n plechovka I‘d like a can of cola, experience /ik spiəriəns/ n skúsenos He‘s an old
please. player and has a lot of experience in the game.
carrot / krət/ n mrkva Carrots are very healthy vegetables. expert / eksp t/ n expert, odborník Experts say that
carton / kɑtn əv ɒrənd dus/ n kartón, škatu¾a red meat isn‘t very good for our health.
There is a carton of milk in the fridge. eyes /aiz/ n oèi She‘s very pretty. She has green eyes and
centimetre / senti mitə/ n centimeter She‘s one fair hair.
metre, sixty-five centimetres tall. face /feis/ n tvár John has a thin face.
cereals / siəriəlz/ n cereálie (vloèky), obilniny He fair hair / feə heə/ n phr svetlé vlasy Darren has fair hair
usually has cereals and milk for breakfast. and blue eyes.
champion / tʃmpiən/ n šampión, majster, víaz famous (for something) / feiməs/ adj slávny André
Michael Schumacher is the champion Formula 1 driver this Agassi is a very famous tennis player.
year. fast /fɑst/ adj /adv rýchly, rýchlo Ronaldinho is a very
cheese /tʃiz/ n syr I want a sandwich with tomato and good footballer.
cheese. film star / film stɑ/ n filmová hviezda Johnny Depp is
chicken / tʃikən/ n kurèa, kuracie mäso Chicken and a very famous film star.
vegetables are good food for athletes. final / fainəl/ n finále Mario is a very good sports man. He‘s
China / tʃainə/ n Èína Beijing is the capital city of China. in the 100 metre final.
chips /tʃips/ n hranolky Fish and chips are my favourite fish /fiʃ/ n sing/pl ryba, ryby Many children don’t like eating
food. fish.
club /klb/ n klub Chelsea is a very good football club. food /fud/ n jedlo Mexican is my favourite food. I eat it a lot.
coat /kəυt/ n kabát Put on your coat. It‘s very cold outside. food for thought /fud fə θɔt/ phr látka na zamyslenie,
coffee bar / kɒfi bɑ/ n kaviareò I like the coffee bar near „duševná potrava“ The expert gave us some good advice.
my flat. They have very good cappuccino coffee. It‘s food for thought.
costume / kɒstjυm/ n dres, kostým My mother wears footballer / fυtbɔlə/ n futbalista Who is your favourite
a costume in her office. footballer? Beckham or Rooney?
cover / kvə/ n obal, kryt Who is that actor on the cover for example (e.g.) /fər i zɑmpəl/ prep phr napríklad
of your magazine? Try to have a healthy diet. For example, eat fruit and vegetables.
crazy / kreizi/ adj bláznivý, pochabý My sister is crazy. fruit /frut/ n ovocie Eat a lot of fruit, like apples and oranges.
She wants to go bungee jumping. They are good for your health.
crisps /krisps/ n (zemiakové) lupienky Crisps aren‘t funny / fni/ adj zábavný That book is very interesting and
good for your health. Don‘t eat a lot of them. very funny. I like it.
crowd /kraυd/ n dav ¾udí The game is very important and girlfriend / lfrend/ n priate¾ka Maria is John‘s
there is a big crowd here. girlfriend. They live together.
dangerous / deindərəs/ adj nebezpeèný It‘s dangerous gymnastics /dim nstiks/ n gymnastika Gymnastics
to drive very fast. is a very dangerous and difficult sport.
hair heə n vlasy She has very long, red hair. marathon runner / mrəθən rnə/ n maratónsky
hairstyle / heəstail/ n úèes Some sports stars have very bežec Marathon runners do exercise for many hours every day.
strange hairstyles. meat /mit/ n mäso She doesn’t eat a lot of meat, only once
hamburger / hmb  ə/ n hamburger Let‘s go to the a week.
fast-food restaurant. I want a hamburger and chips. medal /medl/ n medaila Svetlana Khorkina has got many
happy / hpi/ adj šastný I‘m not very happy with my medals in gymnastics.
classes. They are difficult. medium-length hair / midiəm leŋθ heə/ n phr
hard work / hɑd w k/ n phr ažká práca Aerobics is stredne dlhé vlasy She has medium-length hair, not too
very hard work. I don’t like it. long, not too short.
hat /ht/ n klobúk Always wear a hat in the sun. melon / melən/ n melón Melon is my favourite summer fruit.
hockey / hɒki/ n hokej Hockey isn‘t a very popular sport in metre / mitə/ n meter Simon is a good runner. He‘s in the
Greece and Turkey. 1,500 metre final.
horrible / hɒrəbəl/ adj strašný, zlý This food is horrible. milk /milk/ n mlieko My little brother has a glass of milk every
I don’t like it. morning with his breakfast.
hot dog / hɒt dɒ / n párok v rožku When I go to watch model / mɒdl/ n modelka Naomi Campbell is a very famous
a football match, I buy a hot dog and a cola. model.
hour /aυə/ n hodina She does exercise for two hours every day. modern / mɒdn/ adj moderný I like her clothes. They are
How are things? / haυ ə θiŋz/ phr Ako sa darí? ‚Hi! always very modern and pretty.
How are things?‘ ‚Fine, how are you?‘ national /nʃənəl/ adj národný Our national team in
Hungary / hŋ əri/ n Maïarsko He‘s from Hungary but football is very good. We‘ve got a gold medal.
he lives in London. national sport / nʃənəl spɔt/ n národný šport
ice cream / ais krim/ n zmrzlina Mmm … I love Cycling is the national sport of Holland.
chocolate ice cream in the summer. New Zealand /nju zilənd/ n Nový Zéland People in
ice hockey / ais hɒki/ n ¾adový hokej Ice hockey is a New Zealand speak English.
very popular game in Canada and the USA. next weekend / nekst wik end, wikend/ n phr
ice skating / ais skeitiŋ/ n korèu¾ovanie na ¾ade. nasledujúci / budúci víkend We‘ve got a very important
She goes ice skating every weekend in winter. volleyball match next weekend.
idea /ai diə/ n nápad, myšlienka ‚What about a drink nut /nt/ n orech Don’t eat crisps. Eat some nuts, they are
after work?‘ ‚Good idea!‘ good for your health.
important /im pɔtənt/ adj dôležitý It‘s very important to Olympic gold medal /ə limpik əυld medl/ n phr zlatá
drink a lot of water every day. olympijská medaila He has an Olympic gold medal in
jacket / dkit/ n sako, bunda Take a jacket with you. gymnastics. He‘s very good.
It‘s cold at night. overweight / əυvə weit/ adj nadváha He‘s on diet
jeans /dinz/ n rifle He always wears a pair of jeans and a because he‘s overweight.
t-shirt to school. packet of (crisps) / pkət əv krisps/ n phr balíèek
judo / dudəυ/ n džudo She does judo three times a week. (zemiakových lupienkov) When I go to the cinema, I buy
It‘s good exercise. a packet of crisps.
kisses / kisiz/ n bozky She put lots of kisses at the end of pasta / pstə/ n cestoviny My favourite food is pasta with
the text message. tomato and cheese.
kiwi / kiwi/ n kivi I eat a kiwi every day. It‘s a very healthy food. peanuts / pints/ n búrske oriešky Peanuts and nuts
league /li / n liga Our team is top of the league. We are are a good, healthy snack.
very good. pizza / pitsə/ n pizza When we go to an Italian restaurant, I
lemon / lemən/ n citrón Do you want some lemon in your usually have some pizza.
tea? ponytail / pəυniteil/ n konský chvost (vrkoè) She has
lift /lift/ n výah Sandra usually uses the stairs not the lift. long hair and a ponytail.
Lithuania / liθju einiə/ n Litva Lithuania is a small country pop star / pɒp stɑ/ n populárny spevák Jennifer
in the north-east of Europe. Lopez is my favourite pop star. I like her songs.
litre / litə/ n liter Drink two litres of water every day. It‘s good potato /pə teitəυ/ n zemiak Potatoes are an important food
for your health. for many people.
long /lɒŋ/ adj dlhý I like her hair. It‘s fair and long. red hair / red heə/ n phr ryšavé vlasy Her son has red
lucky / lki/ adj šastný He‘s rich and he doesn’t work. He‘s hair and blue eyes. He‘s very good-looking.
very lucky! rice /rais/ n ryža Chinese people eat a lot of rice and fish.
manager / mnidə/ n manažér Sir Alex Ferguson is round /raυnd/ adj okrúhly, gu¾atý He‘s got a round face
the manager of Manchester United. and a long nose.
rugby / r bi/ n ragby Rugby isn‘t a very popular sport in swimmer / swimə/ n plavec She‘s a very good swimmer
Greece. and swims every day in the summer.
running / rniŋ/ n beh, behanie She goes running every swimming / swimiŋ/ n plávanie Swimming is good exercise.
morning before work. swimming costume / swimiŋ kɒstjυm/ n plavky My
sad /sd/ adj smutný He‘s sad because his parents are away new swimming costume is pink.
and he‘s alone. talk about ... /tɔk əbaυt/ v phr rozpráva o Listen. I want
sandwich / snwid/ n sendviè Would you like a to talk to you about something. It‘s very important.
sandwich with cheese and tomato? tattoo /tə tu, t tu/ n tetovanie My sister has got a tattoo
secret / sikrət/ n tajomstvo This is a secret. Don’t tell anyone. on her shoulder.
Serbia / s biə/ n Srbsko Serbia has got a very good national tennis player / tenis pleiə/ n tenista Serena and Venus
basketball team. Williams are sisters and very good tennis players.
shaved head / ʃeivd hed/ n phr oholená hlava Many text message / tekst mesid/ n textová správa / sms
swimmers have got shaved heads. Many young people send a lot of text messages on their mobile
shelf, pl shelves /ʃelf, ʃelvz/ n polica, police Can phones.
you put these books on the shelf, please? Thank you very much. / θŋk jυ veri mtʃ/ phr Ve¾mi
shirt /ʃ t/ n koše¾a He sometimes wears a pink shirt with pekne ïakujem. Thank you very much for your advice. It‘s
his jeans. very good.
shoes /ʃuz/ n topánky These shoes aren‘t good for running. Thanks /θŋks/ interjection Vïaka. Ïakujem. Can you
They are only for walking. give me the book from the shelf? Thanks.
short hair / ʃɔt heə/ n phr krátke vlasy Many girls in my thin face / θin feis/ n phr úzka tvár He‘s very short with
class have short hair. It‘s the new fashion. a thin face and big eyes.
shorts /ʃɔts/ n krátke nohavice, šortky When I go tired /taiəd/ adj unavený She‘s tired because she works
running, I wear a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. very hard every day.
skateboarding / skeitbɔdiŋ/ n skateboarding toast /təυst/ n toast, hrianka Bob usually has toast for
Skateboarding is difficult and dangerous. breakfast.
skirt /sk t/ n sukòa She usually wears a skirt and a shirt today /tə dei/ adv dnes Today, many young people want to
to work. be pop stars or fashion models.
slim /slim/ adj štíhly She‘s slim and very pretty, but she hasn’t tomato /tə mɑtəυ/ n paradajka Is tomato a fruit or
got a boyfriend. a vegetable?
socks /sɒks/ n ponožky Don’t wear your shoes without tongue-twister / tŋ twistə/ n jazykolam Can you say
socks. It‘s not good for your feet. this tongue-twister very fast?
soon /sun/ adv skoro, èoskoro See you soon. Bye, bye top /tɒp/ adj najlepší, prvý He‘s a top student. He‘s very
for now. clever.
South Africa /saυθ frikə/ n Južná Afrika Nelson top of the league / tɒp əv ðə li / phr víaz ligy My
Mandela is from South Africa. favourite football team is top of the league this year. I‘m very
South American / saut ə merikən/ adj juhoamerický happy.
Brazil, Argentina and Chile are all South American countries. trainers / treinəz/ n tenisky Donna wears a pair of trainers
special / speʃəl/ adj špeciálny, zvláštny Tennis players when she goes running.
eat a special diet before an important match. trip /trip/ n výlet He travels a lot. He often goes on trips to
sport /spɔt/ n šport She does many sports, like tennis and other countries.
badminton. trousers / traυzəz/ n nohavice My brother wears dark
sports star / spɔts stɑ/ n športová hviezda Tiger grey trousers and a jacket to work.
Woods is a very famous sports star. T-shirt / ti ʃ t/ n trièko When I go to the beach, I usually
square face / skweə feis/ n phr hranatá tvár Her face wear a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.
is square and her mouth is big. TV / ti vi/ n televízia, telka Go out to play with your
stairs /steəz/ n schody Sandra usually uses the stairs, not friends. Don’t stay at home and watch TV all day.
the lift. Ukraine /ju krein/ n Ukrajina He‘s from Ukraine and he
steak /steik/ n steak, rezeò My brother loves steak and can speak Russian very well.
chips for lunch. It‘s his favourite food. vegetable / vedtəbəl/ n zelenina She eats a lot of
stop /stɒp/ v zastavi Can we stop running? I‘m tired. vegetables but she doesn’t eat a lot of meat.
style /stail/ n štýl The style of his clothes is very modern. He‘s very / veri/ adv ve¾mi She‘s very tall and slim. She‘s a fashion
very fashionable. model.
surfing / s fiŋ/ n surfovanie Every summer Ian goes volleyball / vɒlibɔl/ n volejbal My favourite sport is
surfing to Hawaii. volleyball. I‘m in the school team.
Wales /weilz/ n Wels Cardiff is the capital city of Wales. check /tʃek/ v (s)kontrolova Check your answers and give
walking / wɔkiŋ/ n chôdza My dog and I go walking every the test to the teacher.
morning for one hour. choose /tʃuz/ v vybra (si) I like all the shoes. Can you
water / wɔtə/ n voda She drinks a lot of water when she‘s help me choose one pair?
doing exercise. cigarette / si ə ret/ n cigareta My mother smokes twenty
welcome / welkəm/ adj vítaný Your help is welcome. cigarettes every day.
Thank you. colleague / kɒli / n kolega John is my colleague. We work
wife, pl wives /waif, waivz/ n manželka, manželky at the bank together.
He‘s a teacher and his wife is a doctor. They have two children. conclusion /kən kluən/ n záver, zhrnutie The conclusion
World Cup / w ld kp/ n svetový pohár The 2006 World of our survey is this: Three people in the class have pets and five
Cup was in Germany. people like animals.
You‘re welcome. /jə welkəm, jɔ/ v phr Nemáš za èo, danger / deində/ n nebezpeèenstvo He‘s a racing
rado sa stalo. ‚Thank you for the book.‘ ‚You‘re welcome.‘ driver. There is a lot of danger in his job.
dentist / dentist/ n zubár I visit the dentist every six months.
do exercises /du eksəsaiziz/ v phr cvièi My cousin
Module 3 Risk does exercises every morning.
do homework / du həυmw k/ v phr robi/písa si
accident /ksədənt/ n nehoda People with dangerous
domácu úlohu Irene does her homework every evening.
jobs often have accidents.
do the housework / du ðə haυsw k/ v phr robi
actor /actress / ktə, ktrəs/ n herec/ hereèka
domáce práce I hate doing the housework. It‘s very boring.
Angelina Jolie is a famous actress.
drop /drɒp/ n pokles, výškový rozdiel This ride has a
address /ə dres/ n adresa My address is 3 Oxford Street,
vertical drop of 100 metres.
electrician /i lek triʃən, elik / n elektrikár The lights
all the time / ɔl ðə taim/ n phr celý èas, stále In our
don’t work. Call the electrician.
class we speak English all the time. We don’t speak Spanish.
emergency call /i m dənsi kɔl/ n núdzové
around the world /ə raυnd ðə w ld/ prep phr okolo
volanie / telefonát There are many emergency calls for
sveta, po svete My dream is to travel around the world one
car accidents on Sundays.
day. I want to see many different countries.
empty /empti/ v vyprázdni My brother empties the
attraction /ə trkʃən/ n atrakcia The amusement park in
rubbish bins every evening.
our town has got many attractions.
empty the rubbish bins / empti ðə rbiʃ binz/ v phr
bank /bŋk/ n banka My mother works in a bank. She‘s a
vyprázdni odpadkový kôš My dad empties the rubbish
manager there.
bins when he comes back from work in the evening.
birthday / b θdei/ n narodeniny My birthday is on 2nd
equipment /i kwipmənt/ n vybavenie, výstroj Every
morning fire fighters check their equipment.
bored /bɔd/ adj unudený I‘m bored. Do you want to play
every /evri/ determiner každý She goes to school every
a computer game with me?
morning at eight o‘clock.
brush /brʃ/ v kefova, èisti/èesa kefou She brushes
every day/month/week / evri dei/ n phr každý deò/
her hair one hundred times every evening.
mesiac/týždeò She plays tennis every day. She wants to
brush (your) teeth / brʃ jə tiθ/ v phr umy si zuby
be a famous tennis player.
She brushes her teeth every morning and every night.
excited /ik saitid/ adj vzrušený He‘s very excited about
builder / bildə/ n stavbár My uncle is a builder. He builds
his new bicycle. He loves it.
exciting /ik saitiŋ/ adj vzrušujúci Amusement parks are
buy /bai/ v kúpi Can you buy some bread and cheese from
very exciting. They have very interesting rides.
the supermarket, please?
extra / ekstrə/ adj extra, navyše Do you want extra
cancer / knsə/ n rakovina Smoking causes cancer.
cheese with your spaghetti?
car accident / kɑr ksədənt/ n autonehoda There
false /fɔls/ adj nesprávny This sentence is false. Fire
are many car accidents in Greece because people don’t drive
fighters don’t eat breakfast at the fire station.
farmer / fɑmə/ n farmár My grandparents are farmers.
cards /kɑdz/ n karty In the evening I usually play cards
They live on a farm and they have many animals.
with my friends.
fine /fain/ adj fajn, dobre „Are you okay? You don‘t look
cause /kɔz/ v spôsobi She doesn’t drive carefully and she
very well.“ „I‘m fine“.
can cause an accident.
fire /faiə/ n oheò When we go camping, we have a fire at night.
chatroom / tʃtrum, rυm/ n chatroom / miesto na
fire fighter / faiə faitə/ n hasiè Maria is a fire fighter. Her
internete na pokec I use the Internet. I meet many new
job is very dangerous.
people in chatrooms.
fire station / faiə steiʃən/ n požiarna stanica Fire pilot / pailət/ n pilot Paul is a pilot. He flies to many countries
fighters stay at the fire station for twenty-four hours and then in the world.
they go home. present / prezənt/ n darèek She gets many presents from
first aid / f st eid/ n prvá pomoc It‘s very important to her parents and friends on her birthdays.
know first aid. You can help in an accident. racing driver / reisiŋ draivə/ n automobilový
fly an aeroplane / flai ən eərəplein/ v phr lieta, pretekár Michael Schumacher is a very good racing driver.
pilotova lietadlo Sonia is a pilot. She flies an aeroplane. relaxed /ri lkst/ adj uvo¾nený He has a test at school
get / et/ v dosta She got a lot of presents on her birthday. tomorrow but he isn‘t nervous. He‘s very relaxed.
get ready (for) / et redi/ v phr pripravi sa (na) I don’t report /ri pɔt/ n správa Please write a report about the
have time. I want to get ready for the party. dangers in different sports.
get up / et p/ phr v vsta He gets up every morning at restaurant / restərɒnt/ n reštaurácia We often go to an
seven o‘clock. Italian restaurant at weekends.
go / əυ/ v ís My little brother goes to karate lessons every risk /risk/ n risk He has a dangerous job. He takes many risks.
Monday and Friday. roller coaster / rəυlə kəυstə/ n horská dráha,
go home / əυ həυm/ v phr ís domov Maria goes home tobogan The roller coaster in this amusement park is very
after school and has lunch. exciting. Do you want to go?
go to bed / əυ tə bed/ v phr ís spa Harry goes to bed rubbish bin /rbiʃ bin/ n odpadkový kôš Can you
late because he doesn’t get up early in the morning. empty the rubbish bin before you go out?
gym /dim/ n telocvièòa We go to the gym three times safe /seif/ adj bezpeèný I don’t think bungee jumping is
a week. safe. It looks dangerous.
heights /haits/ n výšky I don’t want to climb up the tree. I hate safety / seifti/ n bezpeènos He visits schools and talks
heights. about fire safety.
helmet / helmət/ n prilba Always wear your helmet when say /sei/ v poveda My sister says computer games are
you go cycling. boring but I like them.
hungry / hŋ ri/ adj hladný I‘m very hungry. I want to eat scared /skeəd/ adj vystrašený He‘s scared. He doesn’t
something. want to go on the roller coaster because he hates heights.
journalist / d nəl ist/ n novinár She‘s a journalist. She scientist / saiəntist/ n vedec Steven Hawking is a very
works for an important newspaper. important scientist.
kid /kid/ n diea How many kids are there in your class? secretary / sekrətəri/ n sekretárka Shannon is a secretary.
little / litl/ adj malý; používa sa na tvorenie She works in an office and she uses a computer.
zdrobnenín (little cat = maèièka) Her little sister is only sick /sik/ adj chorý, cítiaci nevo¾nos I‘m sick. I can‘t
nine years old. go to school today.
make (your) bed / meik jə bed/ v phr ustla si poste¾ skateboard / skeitbɔd/ n skateboard I‘ve got a new
He doesn’t make his bed. His mum does it for him. skateboard. Do you like it?
medical emergency / medikəl i m dənsi/ n lekárska smoking /sməυkiŋ/ n fajèenie My father doesn’t like
pohotovos Call the doctor now. This is a medical emergency. smoking. He says it‘s a very bad habit.
medicine / medsən/ n medicína, liek When I‘m sick, my study / stdi fə tests/ v študova Peter studies very hard.
mum gives me medicine. He‘s a very good student.
mechanic /mi knik/ n mechanik He‘s a mechanic. He survey /sə vei, s vei/ n prieskum, zisovanie The
works with cars. survey says that ten students in the class like pop music.
month /mnθ/ n mesiac August is my favourite month teacher / titʃə/ n uèite¾ Our teacher is very nice. We play
because I have a holiday then. games and sing songs.
need /nid/ v potrebova She doesn’t need any food. She this month / ðis mnθ/ n phr tento mesiac His trip to
isn‘t hungry. England is this month. He needs to get ready.
nervous / n vəs/ adj nervózny I‘m always nervous before tidy (your) room taidi jə rum, rυm v phr uprata si
a test. izbu Evelyn tidies her room every Friday afternoon.
nurse /n s/ n zdravotná sestra, ošetrovate¾ My sister timetable / taim teibəl/ n cestovný poriadok Let‘s
is a nurse. She works in a hospital and she helps the doctors. check the timetable. When is the next bus?
other / ðə/ determiner iný, druhý, ïalší She likes tennis, unhappy /n hpi/ adj nešastný She‘s very unhappy.
but the other children in her class like football and basketball. She doesn’t like her job.
pay (for something) /pei/ v plati (za nieèo) Her uniform / junəfɔm/ n uniforma Police officers wear a
parents pay for her tennis classes. uniform at work. It‘s dark blue.
phone number / fəυn nmbə/ n telefónne èíslo Don’t usually / juuəli, juəli/ adv zvyèajne Nick usually
give your phone number to people you don’t know. It‘s dangerous. goes on a trip at weekends.
vertical drop / v tikəl drɒp/ n klesanie This roller coaster centre / sentə/ n centrum There are many interesting
is very exciting. It‘s got a vertical drop and it goes very fast. shops in the city centre.
vet /vet/ n veterinár He wants to be a vet when he‘s older church /tʃ tʃ/ n kostol My grandmother goes to church
because he likes animals. every Sunday.
visit / vizit/ v navštívi We visit our grandmother every cinema /sinəmə/ n kino He likes films and he goes to the
Saturday. cinema every month.
waiter/waitress / weitə, weitrəs/ n èašník/èašníèka cross /krɒs/ v prejs cez Be careful. Don’t cross the road
Terry is a waiter. He works in a restaurant. without looking.
want /wɒnt/ v chcie Do you want to go for a walk? It‘s different /difərənt/ adj odlišný, rôzny You can do many
a beautiful day. different activities in our youth club.
wash /wɒʃ jə kləυðz, kləυz/ v umy She washes her disco / diskəυ// n diskotéka She loves dancing - she goes
hair three times a week. to the disco with her friends every Saturday night.
water ride / wɔtə raid/ n jazda na vode She doesn’t display /di splei/ n výstavná skriòa, expozícia There
like water rides. She says they aren‘t exciting. are many displays at the museum. You can see many strange
watch TV / wɒtʃ ti vi/ v phr pozera televízor I don’t animals.
watch TV. I don’t like the programmes. entrance hall / entrəns hɔl/ n vstupná hala The
window cleaner / windəυ klinə/ n èistiè okien He‘s entrance hall in this building is very big and quiet.
a window cleaner. He cleans windows in very tall buildings. environment /in vairənmənt/ n životné prostredie At
work /w k/ v pracova He works for ten hours every day this museum children learn about the world and the environment.
and he‘s always very tired. every day/month/week / evri dei/ n phr každý deò/
work colleague / w k kɒli / n kolega v práci Kate mesiac/týždeò She plays tennis every day. She wants to
is my work colleague. We work together in the office. be a famous tennis player.
world /w ld/ n svet Martha is a pilot. She flies to many exhibition / eksə biʃən/ n výstava There is a fantastic
countries in the world. exhibition about robots and computers at the museum.
worried / wrid/ adj utrápený, znepokojený I‘m very farm /fɑm/ n farma They live in a village. They have a farm
worried. My mother is very sick. and many animals.
find out / faind aυt/ phr v prís na nieèo, zisti I don’t
believe you. I want to find out what really happened.
Module 4 Out and About finish / finiʃ/ v dokonèi When you finish your homework,
you can go out to play with your friends.
always / ɔlwiz, weiz/ adv vždy She‘s always late for the
fly /flai/ v lieta Chickens are birds but they can‘t fly.
lesson. The teacher doesn’t like that.
free /fri/ adj vo¾ný I‘ve got two free tickets for Jennifer
anger / ŋ ə/ n hnev He never shows anger. I don’t know if
Lopez‘s concert. Do you want to come with me?
he‘s angry or not.
free time / fri taim/ n phr vo¾ný èas In my free time I go
any / eni/ determiner nejaký, žiadny (pri zápore) Is
to the gym or I read books.
there any cheese in this sandwich? - There isn´t any.
future / fjutʃə/ adj budúci The Matrix is a film about future
at night /ət nait/ prep phr v noci He usually reads a book
life with computers and machines.
at night and then he goes to bed.
German / d mən/ adj nemecký, Nemec, nemèina
avenue / vənju/ n široká ulica Fifth Avenue in New
She studies three languages, French, English and German.
York is a very big, long road.
get in / et in/ phr v nastúpi do Get in the car and I‘ll
be late (for something) /bi leit/ v phr meška Hurry
take you home.
up! I‘m late for my class.
glasses / lɑsiz/ n okuliare I can‘t see very well. I wear
be late (for) /bi leit/ n phr meškajúci Monica is late for
glasses when I read or watch TV.
work. Her boss is very angry.
go out / əυ aυt/ phr v ís von, vyjs si (niekam) He
bowling alley / bəυliŋ li/ n bowlingová hala,
usually goes out with this friends on Friday evening. They go to
kolkáreò I love bowling and I go to the bowling alley with my
the cinema or to a restaurant.
friends once a week.
Go out of (a station, a shop) / əυ aυt əv/ phr v vyjs
break /breik/ n prestávka After the lunch break we have
z/zo Go out of the shopping centre and turn left. Walk down the
a history lesson.
street. The post office is opposite the library.
building / bildiŋ/ n budova She lives in a very big building
Go past (the church). / əυ pɑst/ v phr ís pozdåž,
with twenty flats.
popri (kostole) Go past the church and turn right. The
cafeteria / kfə tiəriə/ n kaviareò, bufet The food at
cinema is there.
the school cafeteria is very nice.
happiness / hpinəs/ n šastie Little kids love getting
car park / kɑ pɑk/ n parkovisko There is a car park near
presents. You can see the happiness on their faces.
the metro station. You can leave your car there.
hardly ever / hɑdli evə/ adv sotva niekedy We hardly out /aυt/ adv von Children were playing out in the snow.
ever go to the theatre. We don’t like it very much. out and about / aυt ən ə baυt/ phr „tu a tam“, všelikde
helpful / helpfəl/ adj nápomocný Our teacher is very Where were you?‘ ‚Oh, out and about, the shopping centre and
helpful. When we have a problem he always helps us. then for dinner with my friends.‘
hotel /həυ tel/ n hotel When he goes on holiday, he usually parents / peərənts/ n rodièia His parents are British, but
stays in a hotel with a swimming pool. they live in Italy.
How often ...? / haυ ɒfən, ɒftən/ phr Ako èasto. . ? past /pɑst/ adj minulý Her past life is very interesting. Ask
How often do you go to the cinema?‘ ‚I usually go to the cinema her to tell you her story.
once a month.‘ pen friend / penfrend/ n priate¾ na dopisovanie
human body / hjumən bɒdi/ n ¾udské telo She wants I‘ve got a pen friend in Jamaica. I only know her from her
to be a doctor and she needs to learn how the human body photograph, but we often write letters.
works. phone /fəυn/ n telefón I speak to my best friend on the
hurry /in ə hri/ n náhlenie, zhon She‘s in a hurry phone every day for half an hour.
because she‘s late for work. phone box / fəυn bɒks/ n telefónna búdka Many
ice rink / ais riŋk/ n klzisko There isn‘t an ice rink near our people don’t use phone boxes anymore. They have mobile
house. Ice-skating isn‘t very popular in Greece. phones.
interactive / intər ktiv/ adj interaktívny We use play computer games / plei kəm pjutə eimz/ v phr
interactive computer programmes at our school to learn about hra poèítaèové hry I don’t like playing computer games.
animals and the environment. They are boring.
interested in (something) / intrəstəd/ adj zaujíma police station /pə lis steiʃən/ n policajná stanica
sa o (nieèo) Emma loves science. She‘s very interested in it She‘s a police officer. She works at a police station.
and wants to be a scientist when she grows up. post office / pəυst ɒfis/ n pošta When I want to send a letter
jumper / dmpə/ n pulóver, bunda Take a jumper with to my pen friend, I go to the post office.
you. It‘s cold in the mountains. put /pυt/ v da Put the shoes under the bed.
lane /lein/ n ulièka, cestièka Our address is 4, Acacia put on /pυt ɒn/ phr v obliec si Put on a jumper. It‘s cold
Lane, Liverpool. outside.
library / laibrəri, bri/ n knižnica My grandfather goes to radio / reidiəυ/ n rádio When I‘m in the car I listen to music
the library and reads many books. on the radio.
main /mein/ adj hlavný There are many shops on the main railway station / reilwei steiʃən/ n železnièná stanica
road of our town. She lives near the railway station and she takes the train to work
main road / mein rəυd/ n phr hlavná cesta The main every day.
road in our town is long and has many shops. react /ri kt/ v reagova My dog doesn’t react to cats. He
meaning / miniŋ/ n význam What‘s the meaning of this likes them!
word? I don’t understand it. read /rid/ v èíta Sharon can read very fast. She reads a book
Mexico / meksikəυ/ n Mexiko They want to go to Mexico every week.
on holiday next summer. real /riəl/ adj skutoèný In the museum you can see some
museum /mju ziəm/ n múzeum Our parents take us to real trains and old cars.
many museums. It‘s very interesting and you learn many things. realistic / riə listik/ adj realistický This painting is very
never / nevə/ adv nikdy Andrew never goes to the gym. He realistic. It‘s like a photograph.
hates exercise. relax /ri lks/ v relaxova, oddychova After work, he
number / nmbə/ n èíslo Can you tell me George‘s phone likes to listen to music and relax for an hour.
number? I want to call him. road /rəυd/ n cesta We live on the main road of the town.
offer / ɒfə/ v ponúknu In Turkey, when you visit There is a lot of noise.
somebody‘s house, they offer you sweet tea. robot / rəυbɒt/ n robot People use robots for many jobs
often / ɒfən, ɒftən/ adv èasto We often go to the shopping now.
centre, two or three times a month. sadness / sdnəs/ n smútok Robots can‘t feel sadness or
on the left/right /ɒn ðə left, rait/ prep phr na¾avo/ any other feeling.
napravo Go down Main Street. The cinema is on the left. screen /skrin/ n obrazovka, plátno At the shopping
once /wns/ adv raz, jedenkrát I only tell you once, not centre there is a cinema with a really big screen.
three times. shop /ʃɒp/ n obchod The shops in our shopping centre have
once a week / wns ə wik/ phr raz za týždeò She very beautiful clothes and shoes.
goes to judo classes once a week. shopping centre / ʃɒpiŋ sentə/ n nákupné centrum
opposite /ɒpəzit/ prep oproti The bank is opposite the I like shopping centres because all the shops are together and
park. You can‘t miss it. you can buy what you need quickly.
show /ʃəυ/ v ukáza Excuse me, can you show me the way train /trein/ n vlak She likes travelling by train. It‘s fast and
to the railway station? it‘s safe.
skateboard park / skeitbɔd pɑk/ n skateboardový transport / trnspɔt/ n doprava The transport system in
park He likes skateboarding and he goes to the skateboard park our town isn‘t very good. There aren‘t many buses or trains.
every weekend. turn left/right / t n left, rait/ v phr zaboèi do¾ava/
snack bar / snk bɑ/ n bufet There is a snack bar next to doprava Go down Oxford Street and then turn right after the
the cinema. We can go there to eat something after the film. bank. The museum is on your left.
some /səm, sm/ determiner nejaký There are some books type /taip/ n typ There are many different types of aeroplanes
on the bookshelf. in this museum. Some are old and others are very modern.
sometimes / smtaimz/ adv niekedy We sometimes go unique /ju nik/ adj unikátny, jedineèný The Pyramids in
to the gym after school. Egypt are unique. You can‘t see them anywhere else in the world.
souvenir / suvə niə/ n suvenír You can buy some village / vilid/ n dedina He lives in a small village, not in
souvenirs at the shop next to the museum. a big city and there aren‘t many things to do there in the evening.
spectacular /spek tkjələ/ adj ve¾kolepý, pôsobivý water park / wɔtə pɑk/ n vodný park In the summer
The film was spectacular! We really enjoyed it! we often go to the water park. It‘s fantastic!
spend time / spend taim/ v phr trávi èas My cousin You can‘t miss it. /jə kɑnt mis it/ phr Nemôžeš to
spends a lot of time reading books about technology. minú. Walk down High Street. The post office is on your right.
sports camp / spɔts kmp/ n športový tábor My little You can‘t miss it. It‘s a big building.
brother goes to a sports camp every summer. He wants to be zoo /zu/ n ZOO My parents often take us to the zoo and we
a footballer. see the animals there.
sports centre / spɔts sentə/ n športové centrum
I think sports centres are great. You can do many sports there.
square /skweə/ n námestie The children go to the square
Module 5 The Weather
and play football after lunch.
amazing /ə meiziŋ/ adj úžasný This film is amazing! You
steam train / stim trein/ n parný vlak At the Transport
must watch it.
Museum in London you can see old steam trains and learn
Antarctica /nt ɑktikə/ n Antarktída There is a lot of
about their history.
snow and ice in Antarctica.
subject / sbdikt/ n predmet (v škole) How many
Arctic / ɑktik/ n Arktída The Arctic is in the North Pole.
subjects do you do at school?
at the moment /ət ðə məυmənt/ prep phr v tejto chvíli,
surprise /sə praiz/ n prekvapenie The birthday party
teraz He‘s sleeping at the moment. You can‘t talk to him now.
was a surprise. He didn’t know about it.
autumn / ɔtəm/ n jeseò Autumn is a very colourful season.
swimming pool / swimiŋ pul/ n plaváreò There isn‘t
I like it a lot.
a swimming pool in my area, but the sea is very near and we
average / vərid/ adj priemerný The average temperature
usually go there.
in Hawaii is about 25 degrees.
talk to / tɔk tə, tυ/ v rozpráva s (niekým) Don’t talk
baby / beibi/ n bábätko, diea Her son is still a baby. He‘s
to him. He‘s angry.
only one year old.
technology /tek nɒlədi/ n technológia At the Science
because /bi kɒz/ conjunction pretože Ian is angry because
Museum, you can see robots and learn a lot about future
his daughter doesn‘t want to go to bed.
bird /b d/ n vták There are many birds in the forest. You can
textbook / tekstbυk/ n uèebnica This textbook about the
hear them sing. It‘s fantastic!
history of technology is very interesting and very helpful.
bus stop / bs stɒp/ n autobusová zastávka Wait for
there is/there are /ðeər iz, ðeər ə, ɑ/ v (tam) je/(tam)
the bus at the bus stop. It comes every ten minutes.
sú There are many animals in the zoo. You can see them all.
cactus / kktəs/ n kaktus A cactus is a big green, spiky
think /θiŋk/ v myslie Be very careful. Think carefully before
plant from the desert.
you answer this question.
car /kɑ/ n auto She‘s got a car and she drives to work every
tidy / taidi/ v upratova My sister never tidies her room and
that‘s why she can‘t find her things.
carry / kri/ v nies She‘s carrying many shopping bags.
topic / tɒpik/ n téma What‘s the topic of this book? Is it
They are heavy.
about robots?
cat /kt/ n maèka I love animals and I‘ve got two cats and
touch /ttʃ/ v dotknú sa Don’t touch the displays at the
a dog.
Central Asia / sentrəl eiʃə, ə/ n stredná Ázia He
tourist information / tυərist infə meiʃən/ n
wants to travel to Central Asia. It‘s an interesting area.
turistické informácie Call the tourist information office.
certainly / s tnli/ adv samozrejme, urèite Can I have
I‘m sure they can give you information about the museum.
some water, please?‘ ‚Certainly, here you are.‘
climate / klaimət/ n klíma, podnebie The climate in Greece know /nəυ/ v vedie He knows how to cook Indian food. He
is warm and dry. can cook very well.
cloud /klaυd/ n oblak There are many clouds in the sky lizard / lizəd/ n jašterica Many species of lizard eat insects
today. and small birds.
cloudy / klaυdi/ adj oblaèný It‘s very cloudy today. I can‘t look out of the window /lυk aυt əv ðə windəυ/ phr
see the sun. pozera z okna The student is looking out of the window.
cold /kəυld/ adj chladný It can be very cold up in the She isn‘t listening to the teacher.
mountains. Take a jumper with you. mountain / maυntən/ n hora Caucasus is a very big
colourful / kləfəl/ adj farebný, pestrý She has many mountain in north west Asia.
colourful photographs on the walls of her bedroom. move /muv/ v hýba, pohnú Don’t move! There is a snake
compass / kmpəs/ n kompas When you go walking in near you!
the mountains, take a compass with you. You can find your much / mtʃ/ determiner ve¾a, mnoho There isn´t usually
way with it. much snow in England in winter.
desert / dezət/ n púš The Sahara desert is in North Africa. north /nɔθ/ n sever We live in the north of the town, in
drive /draiv/ v jazdi, šoférova He can‘t drive a car. He‘s a beautiful house with a garden.
only fifteen years old. north east / nɔθ ist/ n, adv severovýchod,
dry /drai/ adj suchý It‘s not raining today. It‘s dry and sunny. severovýchodne Walk north east for two kilometres. Then,
east /ist/ n východ His village is in the east of the country, go north for five hundred metres. There is a big tree there.
near the sea. north west / nɔθ west/ n severozápad Liverpool is
equator /i kweitə/ n rovník Many plants grow in hot and a city in the north west of England.
wet places, like the rainforests of the equator. oasis, pl oases /əυ eisəs/ n oáza, oázy In the desert
flat /flt/ n byt Sandra lives in a flat in a big building. She there are many trees and plants in the oases because there is
hasn’t got a garden, but there is a small balcony. water there.
flower / flaυə/ n kvet There are many flowers in our garden over / əυvə/ prep cez, nad, ponad Some species of fish
in the spring. It‘s very beautiful. can swim at over forty kilometres an hour.
fog /fɒ / n hmla There is a lot of fog today. I can‘t see much. park bench / pɑk bentʃ/ n lavièka v parku At lunch
It‘s dangerous to drive in such weather. break I sit on a park bench in the park, eat a sandwich and
foggy / fɒ i/ adj hmlistý Sometimes it‘s very foggy early in relax.
the morning. You can‘t see a thing. penguin / peŋ win/ n tuèniak Penguins are black and
Good luck! / υd lk/ phr Ve¾a šastia! Good luck with white birds. They live in Antarctica.
your test today at school. poisonous / pɔizənəs/ adj jedovatý Some snakes are
Good morning / υd mɔniŋ/ phr Dobré ráno/ poisonous. They are dangerous and they can kill.
dopoludnie Good morning! Did you sleep well last night? polar bear / pəυlə beə/ n polárny medveï Polar
grow / rəυ/ v rás Plants don’t grow very easily in the desert bears are very big, white animals. They live in the North Pole
because there isn‘t much water. and they eat seals and fish.
hear /hiə/ v poèu Can you hear me, Pam? polar region / pəυlə ridən/ n polárna oblas There
Here you are. / hiə jυ ɑ/ phr Nech sa páèi. ‚Can I have isn‘t much vegetation in polar regions because it‘s very cold.
a packet of crisps, please?‘ ‚Certainly, here you are.‘ pole /pəυl/ n pól There are two poles on Earth, the North Pole
hill /hil/ n kopec There is a hill near our house. It‘s not a and the South Pole. It‘s very cold there.
mountain, it‘s not very big. postcard / pəυstkɑd/ n poh¾adnica My friend is in Italy
hot /hɒt/ adj horúci It‘s very hot today. Do you want to go on holiday and she sent me a postcard.
swimming? rain /rein/ n dážï There isn‘t much rain here in the summer.
How much ...? / haυ mtʃ/ phr Ko¾ko. . ? ‚How much It‘s hot and dry.
are the trousers, please?‘ ‚They are 60 Euros.‘ rainforest / rein fɒrəst/ n dažïový les The rainforests
hundred / hndrəd/ number sto This is a small zoo. There in the equator are very important for the environment.
are only one hundred animals in it. rainy / reini/ adj daždivý It‘s rainy today. Take an umbrella
ice /ais/ n ¾ad In the winter sometimes there is ice on the road with you.
when it‘s very cold. seal /sil/ n tuleò Seals are animals. They can swim very well
icy / aisi/ adj ¾adový The weather in the North Pole is icy. It‘s and they eat fish.
very cold and it snows a lot. shopping bag / ʃɒpiŋ b / n nákupná taška The
insect / insekt/ n hmyz In the desert there are some shopping bags are heavy. I‘m tired.
poisonous insects. sit /sit/ v sedie She‘s sitting on the floor. She doesn’t want
killer whale / kilə weil/ n kosatka Killer whales are to sit on a chair.
black and white. snake /sneik/ n had Some snakes are poisonous.
snow /snəυ/ n sneh There is a lot of snow at the top of the year /jiə/ n rok A year has three hundred and sixty five days.
snowy / snəυi/ adj zasnežený, snežný Today it‘s cold
and snowy. Take a scarf with you.
Module 6 Expeditions
south /saυθ/ n juh In the south of the country it‘s very hot in
across /ə krɒs/ prep, adv cez, krížom, naprieè We
the summer.
walked across the road and spoke to Mary.
south east / saυθ ist/ n juhovýchod The beach is to the
advert / dv t/ n inzerát I read an advert in the newspaper
south east. Drive down this road and you can‘t miss it.
about a bicycle. How much does it cost, please?
south west / saυθ west/ n, adv juhozápad, juhozápadne
astronaut / strənɔt/ n astronaut Neil Armstrong was
They travelled south west and found a nice hotel for the night.
an American astronaut. He walked on the Moon.
species / spiʃiz/ n druh Many different species of animals
at first /ət f st/ prep phr spoèiatku, najprv When I met
live in the rainforests.
Richard, I didn’t like him at first, but then we became good friends.
spring /spriŋ/ n jar I like spring because there are a lot of
attack /ə tk/ v útok The dog attacked me. It‘s dangerous.
flowers and the weather is warm and nice.
balloon /bə lun/ n balón I want to fly on a balloon. I think
stamp /stmp/ n známka I want some stamps because
it‘s very exciting.
I want to send a letter to my friend in Brussels.
Be quiet! /bi kwaiət/ v phr Buï ticho! Be quiet! I‘m
stand /stnd/ v stá I‘m standing in the main street, next to
studying. Don’t talk.
the police station.
be, past was/were /bi, wəz, wɒz, wə, w / v by, min.
studio / stjudiəυ/ n štúdio U2 are in the studio. They are
èas bol/boli... I wasn’t well yesterday and I didn’t go to work.
singing their new songs.
begin /bi in/ v zaèa Hurry up! The film began five minutes
summer / smə/ n leto Every summer, in August, we go to
the sea for two weeks.
bicycle (bike) / baisikəl, baik/ n bicykel He never
sun /sn/ n slnko Don’t sit in the sun without a hat.
drives a car. He goes to work on his bicycle.
sunny / sni/ adj slneèný It‘s very warm and sunny today.
boat /bəυt/ n loïka, èln He has a small boat and sometimes
The weather is beautiful.
he goes fishing in it.
Thank you / θŋk jυ/ phr Ïakujem ‚Can I have a glass of
born /bɔn/ v narodený My grandmother was born in 1906.
milk?‘ ‚Here you are.‘ ‚Thank you.‘
She‘s one hundred years old.
there /ðeə/ adv tam I love my parents‘ village. I go there
build, past built /bild, bilt/ v stava (prít. è. /min.
every summer.
è.) Gaudi, the Spanish architect, built many famous buildings
thousand / θaυzənd/ number tisíc I have a lot of money
in Barcelona.
with me. I have a thousand Euros!
bus /bs/ n autobus He takes the bus to work. He doesn’t
tornado /tɔ neidəυ/ n tornádo Tornadoes are very
go by car.
dangerous. They can lift animals and cars into the air.
camel / kməl/ n ava In many North African countries they
vegetation / vedə teiʃən/ n vegetácia The vegetation
use camels for travelling in the desert.
near the oasis is very green because there is a lot of water.
campsite / kmpsait/ n kemp We usually spend a week
warm /wɔm/ adj teplý It‘s very warm today. You don’t need
at a campsite every summer. We put up a tent, it‘s great!
a jumper.
cannibal / knəbəl/ n kanibal The cannibals killed the
wear /weə/ v nosi (obleèené) Today Denise is wearing
explorer and ate him.
a yellow t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
canoe /kə nu/ n kanoe In many rivers people use canoes to
weather /weðə/ n poèasie What is the weather like?
travel from place to place.
west /west/ n západ There isn‘t much water or trees in the
capital / kpitl/ n hlavné mesto Paris is the capital of
west of this island.
wet /wet/ adj vlhký, mokrý It‘s very wet today. Take an
Chinese / tʃai niz/ adj èínsky The Chinese language is very
umbrella because it‘s raining.
wide /waid/ adj široký The main road is very long and wide
collect /kə lekt/ v zbiera She collects stamps. She‘s very
and there are many shops there.
interested in her hobby.
wind /wind/ n vietor The wind is very strong today. Don’t go
Colombia /kə lmbiə/ n Kolumbia Colombia is a very
sailing, it‘s dangerous.
beautiful country in South America.
windy / windi/ adj veterný It‘s cold and windy here in the
come, past came /km, keim/ v prís (prít. è. /min.
è.) It was my birthday yesterday and my friends came and we
winter / wintə/ n zima We love ice-skating on the ice in
had a party.
winter. It‘s fantastic!
comfortable /kmfət / adj pohodlný This sofa isn‘t very
without /wið aυt, wiθ / prep bez Don’t go out without your
comfortable. I can‘t sit on it for a long time.
jacket. It‘s cold.
commander /kə mɑndə/ n velite¾ He‘s the commander
of the mission. He makes all the important decisions. Hawaii /hə wɑi/ n Hawai Her dream is to travel to Hawaii.
cosmonaut / kɒzmənɔt/ n kozmonaut Gagarin was a She says it‘s a spectacular place.
Russian cosmonaut. He was the first man in the Space. healthy / helθi/ adj zdravý He‘s very healthy because he
crocodile / krɒkədail/ n krokodíl Don’t swim in this river. eats a lot of fruit and vegetables.
There are crocodiles and it‘s dangerous. helicopter / helikɒptə/ n vrtu¾ník He‘s a pilot and he can
decide /di said/ v rozhodnú sa I can‘t decide which fly a helicopter.
jacket to buy. What do you think? immigrant / imi rənt/ n imigrant Martina is an immigrant
degree /di ri/ n stupeò It‘s very hot here in the summer. from Serbia. She came to Italy two years ago and now lives and
It‘s 40 degrees! works here.
delicious /di liʃəs/ adj chutný, delikátny Mmm … This India / indiə/ n India Last summer we travelled to India, to
pizza is delicious! I love it! Calcutta and Benares. It was amazing!
die /dai/ v zomrie My grandfather died when he was ninety- Iran /i rɑn, n/ n Irán Tehran is the capital of Iran.
seven years old. island / ailənd/ n ostrov Many tourists visit Greece for its
discover /dis kvə/ v objavi Last year scientists islands, especially Myconos and Crete.
discovered a new planet near the Earth. journey / d ni/ n cesta, trasa The journey from Venice
distance / distəns/ n vzdialenos It‘s a long distance to Florence by car isn‘t very long.
between the school and your house. You can‘t walk, you need kill /kil/ v zabi The polar bear killed a seal and ate it.
to take the bus. kitten / kitn/ n maèiatko Pierre found a kitten in the street
do, past did /du, did v robi (prít. è. /min. è.) She did and took it home, but his mother doesn’t like cats.
her homework and then went out with her friends. last /lɑst/ adj minulý, posledný Last night I watched an
Earth / θ/ n Zem The Earth is the third planet from the Sun. amazing film on TV.
emperor / empərə/ n cisár Napoleon was the emperor of last night / lɑst nait/ n phr vèera v noci My friend
France for a short period of time. called me from Australia last night.
England / iŋ lənd/ n Anglicko She is in England. She is last week / lɑst wik/ n phr minulý týždeò They visited
studying to be a doctor. the zoo last week. It was really great.
especially /i speʃəli/ adv zvláš, špeciálne He loves learn /l n, l nt/ v uèi sa She learns French and Spanish
animals, especially cats and dogs. at school.
explosion /ik spləυən/ n výbuch, explózia We heard let /let/ v phr necha, dovoli Let‘s go to the beach today.
a loud noise and then there was an explosion and a fire. People It‘s hot and sunny!
were very scared. Let‘s go (play, see...) /lets əυ/ v phr Poïme (hrajme,
fan /fn/ n fanúšik Mike is a big fan of Manchester City. He pozrime sa ...) ‚Let‘s go to the park.‘ ‚Good idea!‘
watches every game they play. Let‘s stop. /lets stɒp/ v phr Zastavme sa! I‘m tired. Let‘s
ferry / feri/ n trajekt You can visit the islands by ferry. You stop and relax.
can take your car with you. letter / letə/ n list Danielle writes a letter to her boyfriend
find, past found /faind, faυnd/ v nájs (prít. è. /min. every week.
è.) My friend found some money in the street. She‘s very lucky. like /laik/ v ma rád, páèi sa I don’t like seafood, I prefer
fresh /freʃ/ adj èerstvý He‘s healthy because he eats fresh chicken and vegetables.
fruit and vegetables every day. lovely / lvli/ adj krásny, pôvabný Your new dress is
friendly / frendli/ adj priate¾ský The people in the village lovely! Where did you buy it?
are very friendly and helpful. I like it here. lunar /lunə/ adj mesaèný When the astronauts came back
galaxy / ləksi/ n galaxia There are millions of stars in a galaxy. from the Moon, they brought some lunar rocks with them.
give, past gave / iv, eiv/ v da (prít. è. /min. è.) lunar module / lunə mɒdjul/ n lunárny modul
My mother gave me this book. It was her favourite when she The astronauts got in the lunar module and went down to the Moon.
was a child. make a fire / meik ə faiə/ v phr rozloži oheò It‘s not a
gold / əυld/ n zlato Many people went to North America a good idea to make a fire in the forest. It‘s dangerous.
hundred years ago. They wanted to find gold and be rich. make, past made /meik, mei/ v robi, vyrobi (prít. è.
good idea / υd ai diə/ n phr dobrý nápad ‚Let‘s go to /min. è.) She made a cake for her daughter‘s birthday.
the shopping centre. We can look at the shops and then drink maybe / meibi/ adv možno Where is George?‘ ‚Oh, I don’t
something.‘ ‚Good idea.‘ know. Maybe he‘s late again.‘
grandparents / rn peərənts/ n starí rodièia Her meet, past met /mit, met/ v stretnú (prít. è. /min.
grandparents live in a small village and she doesn’t visit them è.) Wendy was very nervous when she met her boyfriend‘s
very often. parents for the first time.
have, past had /həv, hv, həd, hd/ v ma (prít. è. miss /mis/ v chýba When I lived in Japan, I missed my
/min. è) She asked her mother for help and advice because family and friends and sent them e-mails every day.
she had a problem with her boyfriend.
mission / miʃən/ n misia Their mission was successful. ship /ʃip/ n loï When he goes to Malta, he always travels by
They found the old ship. ship. He says it‘s very comfortable.
money / mni/ n peniaze I haven‘t got any money with me. school dinner / skul dinə/ n školský obed The school
Can you pay for me, please? dinners at the school cafeteria are horrible. I never eat them. I take
Mongol / mɒŋ əl/ n Mongol Genghis Chan was a Mongol, sandwiches with me.
but he went to Europe and China. silver / silvə/ n striebro My ring is made of silver.
Mongolia /mɒŋ əυliə/ n Mongolsko Mongolia is in the sledge /sled/ n sane The children enjoy going down the hill
north of China. It‘s a very big country. on the sledge when there‘s a lot of snow.
moon /mun/ n mesiac She wants to be an astronaut and sleep /slip/ v spa Shhh … The baby is sleeping. Be quiet.
go to the moon. solar /səυlə/ adj slneèný, solárny There are nine planets
morning /mɔniŋ/ n ráno I usually get up at half past seven in our solar system.
in the morning, have breakfast and go to work. solar system / səυlə sistəm/ n solárny systém In our
oxygen / ɒksidən/ n kyslík Animals and plants on Earth solar system there are nine planets and they go round the sun.
need oxygen. They can‘t live without it. solution /sə luʃən/ n riešenie The problem is very difficult.
oxygen tank / ɒksidən tŋk/ n kyslíková bomba We can‘t find a solution. We need help.
How much oxygen is there in the oxygen tank? spaceship / speis ʃip/ n vesmírna loï, raketa The
Pacific /pə sifik/ n Tichý oceán They decided to cross spaceship went to the Moon. It had three astronauts on it.
the Pacific Ocean in a canoe. They are crazy! spaghetti /spə eti/ n špagety Spaghetti is a very popular
pet shop / pet ʃɒp/ n obchod so zvieratami I buy food food in Italy.
for my dog from the pet shop every week. speak, past spoke /spik, spəυk/ v hovori (prít./min.
pirate / paiərət/ n pirát Pirates attacked their ship and killed èas) She can speak four languages, English, French, Italian and
them all. Spanish.
plane /plein/ n lietadlo The plane leaves in ten minutes. star /stɑ/ n hviezda When it‘s dark, you can see many stars
Hurry up! in the sky. It‘s really spectacular!
planet / plnət/ n planéta The Earth is a planet. It goes Statue of Liberty / sttʃu əv libəti/ n Socha slobody
round the Sun. The Statue of Liberty is in New York. It‘s very big and you can visit it.
possible / pɒsəbəl/ adj možný It‘s not possible to come to stay /stei/ v zosta, pobudnú When I go to London, I
the cinema tonight. I need to go to bed early. stay at my friend‘s house.
prefer /pri f / v uprednostòova, ma radšej Classical successful /sək sesfəl/ adj úspešný The concert was
music is ok, but I prefer pop music. very successful. Many people came and listened to the group.
put up / pυt p ə tent/ phr v postavi, zloži They It was great!
arrived at the campsite, put up their tent and went to sleep. tasty / teisti/ adj chutný These biscuits are really tasty. Do
quiet /kwaiət/ adj tichý, pokojný There isn‘t any noise you want some?
here. It‘s very quiet. temperature / temprətʃə/ n teplota The temperature in
remember /ri membə/ v pamäta What‘s her name? I the desert is very low at night. It can be really cold.
can‘t remember it. the Amazon /ði məzən/ n Amazonka The Amazon river
return /ri t n/ v vráti sa He returns from his holiday is very wide and long. It‘s very important for the environment.
tomorrow. the Pope /ðə pəυp/ n pápež They went to Italy and they
return journey /ri t n d ni/ n phr spiatoèná cesta visited the Vatican and they saw the Pope.
We were very tired because the return journey was long. theatre ticket / θiətə tikit/ n lístok do divadla
river / rivə/ n rieka A small river goes through our village and My father bought theatre tickets for tonight. I‘m very excited
all the kids swim there in the summer. because I love the theatre.
rocket / rɒkət/ n raketa Jules Vern wrote a book about thick fog / θik fɒ / n phr hustá hmla We were in the
a rocket that went to the Moon and came back. mountain but we couldn’t move. There was thick fog and we
sail /seil/ v plavi sa They‘ve got a small boat and they sail to couldn’t see.
the islands every summer. this morning /ðis mɔniŋ/ n dnes ráno Jennifer isn‘t
sailing / seiliŋ/ n plavba, plachtenie I think sailing is here. She left for Turkey this morning. Sorry.
fantastic. You go to many islands and places you can‘t go to by car. together /tə eðə/ adv spolu Ron and Mary live together.
sea /si/ n more We like the sea and go swimming every day They are married.
in the summer. tonight /tə nait/ adv dnes veèer / dnes v noci There is
seafood / sifud/ n jedlo z plodov mora You can eat a great film on at the cinema tonight. Would you like to come?
great seafood on this island. It‘s fresh and it‘s tasty. travel (by something) / trvəl/ v cestova (nieèím)
see, past saw /si, sɔ/ v vidie (prít. /min. èas) She‘s We travel to many places because we like learning about different
scared because she saw a snake. countries. We usually travel by car.
Venice / venis/ n Benátky Venice is a fantastic town in Italy. front /frnt/ n predok, predná èas When she goes to
There aren‘t any roads and people use boats to travel. the cinema, she always sits at the front because she can‘t see
Venus / vinəs/ n Venuša Venus is the second planet of the very well.
solar system. It‘s very near the Sun. game / eim/ n hra I like volleyball and I always watch my
was/were /wəz, wɒz, wə, w / v min. è. by We were team‘s games.
at a great party last week. It was fantastic. game show / eim ʃəυ/ n súažná šou Some people go
week /wik/ n týždeò They went to Japan for a week. They to game shows because they want to win money.
stayed there for seven days. head hed n hlava Wear a helmet to protect your head.
West Africa / west frikə/ n západná Afrika Nigeria, headache / hedeik/ n boles hlavy I‘ve got a headache.
Senegal, Mauritania and Mali are all countries of West Africa. I need some aspirin.
wood /wυd/ n drevo The children collected wood and made hero / hiərəυ/ n hrdina He‘s a hero. He saved Jane from
a fire on the beach. the pirates.
yesterday / jestədi, dei/ adv vèera She didn’t come to How are you? /haυ ə ju, haυ ɑ jυ/ phr Ako sa máš?
school yesterday because she was sick. ‚How are you?‘ ‚Not very well, I‘ve got a terrible headache.‘
I‘m fine, thanks /aim fain θŋks/ phr Dobre,
ïakujem. ‚Hi, how are you?‘ ‚I‘m fine, thanks.‘
Module 7 Television interview / intəvju/ v robi rozhovor (s niekým)
When he interviewed Madonna, he asked her some very
addict / dikt/ n závislý (obe návyku) She‘s a chocolate
interesting questions.
addict. She eats chocolate every day.
jump /dmp/ v skáka Stop! Don’t jump from up there. It‘s
against /ə enst, ə einst/ prep proti Real Madrid played
very dangerous.
against Barcelona yesterday.
kiss /kis/ v pobozka He kissed his little son goodnight and
amazed /ə meizd/ adj ohromený, užasnutý I was
turned off the light.
amazed when I learned about his life. He is a hero.
look after /lυk ɑftə/ phr v stara sa o A baby sitter looks
anti-hero / nti hiərəυ/ n anti-hrdina Johnny Depp is
after my little brother when my parents go out in the evening.
an anti-hero in The Pirates of the Caribbean, but I like him.
love /lv/ v milova, ma rád My grandmother loves
awesome / ɔsəm/ adj vzbudzujúci úctu, rešpekt,
watching soaps every afternoon after lunch.
úctyhodný The Da Vinci Code‘ was awesome. I loved the
message / mesid/ n správa It‘s not a good idea to send text
book and the film.
messages to your friends on your mobile when you are having
Caribbean / krə biən/ n Karibik The Caribbean is a
a lesson.
fantastic place for a holiday. The weather is warm and the sea
million / miljən/ number milión His dream is to be rich. He
wants to have millions of Euros.
cartoon /kɑ tun/ n kreslená rozprávka, animovaný
minute / minət/ n minúta Joanna was in the living room five
film Bugs Bunny is my favourite cartoon.
minutes ago. Where is she now?
character / kriktə/ n postava (filmová. . .) My
nature / neitʃə/ n príroda It‘s a good idea for children to
favourite film character from The Lord of the Rings is Frodo.
learn about nature and the environment.
chat show / tʃt ʃəυ/ n chat show (televízna/
news /njuz/ n spravodajstvo My father always watches
rozhlasová beseda) Larry King‘s chat show is very interesting
the news on TV. He wants to know what‘s happening in the
because he asks clever questions.
competition / kɒmpə tiʃən/ n súaž Nana won the art
night /nait/ n noc I stayed at home last night and I went to bed
competition. Her painting was really very good.
early. I didn’t go out with my friends.
documentary / dɒkjə mentəri/ n dokumentárny
octopus / ɒktəpəs/ n chobotnica Octopuses live in the
film Jorge loves watching documentaries about wild animals
sea and have eight legs.
and nature. He learns a lot from them.
okay / əυ kei/ adj O. K., dobre, v poriadku ‚Are you
early / li/ adv skoro, zavèasu She went to bed early because
okay?‘ ‚Yes, thank you, I‘m fine.‘
she needed to be at the airport at seven o‘clock the next day.
part /pɑt/ n úloha (vo filme) Keanu Reeves plays the part
enemy / enəmi/ n nepriate¾ The enemies attacked and
of a police officer in the film Speed.
killed all the people in the town.
practice / prktis/ n cvièenie, tréning, prax Before
fight / faitiŋ/ n boj, zápas There are too many fight scenes
she could dance in the musical ‚Chicago‘, Katherine Zeta Jones
in ‚Braveheart‘.
had a lot of practice.
fight, past fought /fait, fɔt/ v bojova (prít. è. /min. è.)
queen /kwin/ n krá¾ovná Kate Blanchett played the part of
Superman fought with his enemy and won. He saved the town.
Queen Elizabeth in the film ‚Elizabeth‘.
flat-screen TV / flt skrin ti vi/ n TV s plochou
reality show /ri ləti ʃəυ/ n reality show Do you like
obrazovkou He wants to buy a flat-screen TV because he wants
watching reality shows like ‚Big Brother‘ and ‚Survivor‘?
to watch football with his friends.
rescue / reskju/ n záchrana They organised a rescue Module 8 Helping
mission to find the children.
rescue services / reskju s visiz/ n záchranná aggressive /ə resiv/ adj agresívny Your dog is very
služba The rescue services found the two children in the aggressive. It‘s dangerous.
forest. They were scared but okay. air /eə/ n vzduch The airplane is in the air. It‘s flying.
result /ri zlt/ n výsledok He‘s very nervous. He wants to also / ɔlsəυ/ adv tiež, takisto, aj She can sing. She can
know the results of the test. also act very well.
reviewer /ri vjuə/ n kritik, recenzent Dennis is a film anaconda / nə kɒndə n anakonda Anacondas are very
reviewer. He writes about good and bad films in the newspaper. big snakes and they can eat a man.
romantic /rəυ mntik, rə / adj romantický This song is animal centre / nəməl sentə/ n phr zvieracie
very romantic. It‘s about first love. centrum There is an animal centre in this area for animals who
Rubbish! / rbiʃ/ n Hlúpos! ‚Bob is a very good footballer.‘ have no owners. Volunteers look after them and feed them.
‚Rubbish! George is fantastic, Bob isn‘t very good!‘ attractive /ə trktiv/ adj atraktívny, príažlivý I think
scene /sin/ n scéna My favourite scene in the film is when Jennifer Anniston is a very attractive woman. I like her a lot.
George Clooney kisses Michelle Pfeiffer. battery / btəri/ n batéria My MP3 player doesn’t work. It
score /skɔ/ v skórova, da gól My brother scored twice needs a new battery.
in the school football match. bear /beə/ n medveï There are still forty brown bears in
series / siəriz/ n seriál My favourite TV series is 24. It has Greece. They live in the mountains of Pindos.
a lot of adventure and a great story. better / betə/ adj lepší His car is better than mine. It‘s bigger
shopping / ʃɒpiŋ/ n nakupovanie My best friend and I go and more expensive and it can go faster.
shopping every Saturday. bite /bait/ v hrýz Be careful. The dog bites. Don’t go near it.
sleeping bag / slipiŋ b / n spacák When they go blow nose / bləυ nəυs / v smrka, vyfúka si nos He
camping they take a tent and sleeping bags and they sleep has a cold and he blows his nose all the time.
at campsites. blue whale / blu weil/ n vráskavec ozrutný There
sleepy / slipi/ adj ospalý I‘m very sleepy. I didn’t sleep well aren‘t many blue whales in the oceans anymore. Hunters killed
last night. most of them.
snorkelling / snɔkəliŋ/ n potápanie, šnorchlovanie broken / brəυkən/ adj pokazený The lift is broken. It doesn’t
Snorkelling is a great hobby. You swim and you can see fish work. Take the stairs.
and other animals in the water. buffalo / bfələυ/ n bizón The Indians in North America
soap /səυp/ n telenovela Darren likes to watch soaps. He killed buffalos for their meat and skin.
says their stories are very romantic. bully / bυli/ v šikanova When he was at school he was
sports programme / spɔts prəυ rm/ n športový very small and bigger kids bullied him. He was always very
program She likes watching sports programmes, especially scared and unhappy.
volleyball and tennis matches. busy / bizi/ adj rušný, zaneprázdnený The main road
story / stɔri/ n príbeh The story in Scream 5 isn‘t very of the town is very busy. There are many cars and it‘s very
funny. It‘s the same as Scream 4. noisy, too.
stunt girl / stnt l/ n kaskadérka Halle Berry didn’t do butterfly / btəflai/ n motý¾ Butterflies are very pretty
the action scenes in the film. They used a stunt girl. insects. They have very beautiful colours on their wings.
terrible / terəbəl/ adj hrozný The film was terrible. I didn’t cake /keik/ n koláè, torta My mum made a chocolate cake
enjoy it at all. for the party. It was delicious.
time /taim/ n èas What time did you get up yesterday California / klə fɔniə/ n Kalifornia Many film stars live
morning?‘ ‚I got up at nine o‘clock.‘ in California, especially in Hollywood.
turn on / t n ɒn/ phr v zapnú Can you turn on the TV. card /kɑd/ n pozdrav, poh¾adnica My best friend
There is a programme I want to watch in ten minutes. always sends me a card and a present on my birthday.
up /p/ prep hore Look up there! What is it? catch /ktʃ/ v chyti Our dog can catch a ball in the air when
vote /vəυt/ n volebný hlas Susan got three hundred votes you throw it at him.
in the show, and won the competition. cheetah / tʃitə/ n gepard The cheetah is the fastest
well /wel/ adv dobre She can sing very well. She wants to animal on land. It can run at 114 kilometres an hour!
be a famous singer. chewing gum / tʃuiŋ m/ n žuvaèka She always has
win, past won /win, wn/ v zvíazi, vyhra (prít. è. some chewing gum in her mouth. She says it cleans her teeth.
/min. è.) Arsenal won the match. They scored three goals. chocolate / tʃɒklət/ n èokoláda Chocolate is delicious
worry (about something) / wri/ v robi si starosti but it isn‘t very healthy. Don’t eat a lot of it.
o ... , znepokojova sa She is worried about her dog. Christmas / krisməs kɑd/ n Vianoce My friend sends
It‘s sick. me a Christmas card every Christmas.
Christmas card / krisməs kɑd/ n phr vianoèná falcon / fɔlkən/ n sokol Falcons are very fast birds.
poh¾adnica Every Christmas the children make Christmas feather / feðə/ n perie Parrots have very colourful feathers.
cards and send them to their grandparents They are green, red or blue.
city centre / siti sentə/ n mestské centrum He lives feed /fid/v kàmi I feed my dog every morning and every
in the city centre. It‘s very busy during the day because all the evening, but she‘s always hungry.
shops are open, but very quiet in the evening. fit /fit/ adj fit, v kondícii She‘s very fit because she exercises
clean /klin/ adj èistý The air in this area isn‘t clean because a lot. She does yoga, aerobics and she goes swimming, too.
there is a factory there. fox /fɒks/ n líška Foxes are like small dogs. They are clever
colour / klə/ n farba What colour is your new T-shirt? Is it and they cause problems to farmers because they kill the
blue or yellow? chickens.
community service /kə mjunəti s vis/ n služba frog /frɒ / n žaba There are some frogs in the river near our
obyvate¾stvu, verejno-prospešné práce Many house. They make a lot of noise, but they are good because
children in our area do community service. They help old people they kill insects.
or they keep the beach clean. fund /fnd/ n fond The World Wildlife Fund is an important
contact / kɒntkt/ v kontaktova For more information, organisation. It collects money and helps wild animals.
please contact Jenny, telephone number 123 4567. gentle / dentl/ adj jemný, nežný, láskavý She‘s a vet
council /kaυnsəl/ n úrad We asked the local council to put and she‘s very gentle with animals. They aren‘t scared.
more lights in the streets. giraffe /də rɑf/ n žirafa Giraffes are the tallest animals
cow /kaυ/ n krava My friends live on a farm. They have a cow, on the planet.
some sheep and many chickens. goat / əυt/ n koza My grandparents live in a village. They
crime /kraim/ n zloèin It‘s very bad, it‘s a crime to kill have a goat and they make cheese from its milk.
animals in danger. gorilla / ə rilə/ n gorila Gorillas are very clever animals.
dentist appointment / dentist ə pɔintmənt/ n phr návšteva They live in Africa.
u zubára He‘s very nervous because he‘s got a dentist heavy / hevi/ adj ažký This table is very heavy. I can‘t move
appointment this afternoon and he hates going to the dentist. it alone. I need help.
destroy /di strɔi/ v znièi She destroyed the painting help /help/ v pomôc My mother helps me with my homework
because she didn’t like it. when it‘s very difficult.
details / diteilz/ n detaily, podobnosti She told me hen /hen/ n sliepka We have some hens and we have fresh
everything that happened and the details of the story were eggs all the time. It‘s great!
really interesting. high /hai/ adv vysoko He can jump very high. He‘s a good
diamondback rattlesnake / daiəməndbk rtlsneik/ athlete.
n východoamerický štrkáè The diamondback rattlesnake hippopotamus (hippo) / hipə pɒtəməs, hipəυ/ n
is a species of snake. It lives in North America and it is poisonous. hroch Hippos are very big and heavy animals. They live in rivers
dirty / d ti/ adj špinavý Your clothes are very dirty. You in Africa.
need to wash them. iguana /i wɑnə/ n leguán Iguanas are lizards but some
disease /di ziz/ n choroba Some diseases are very people keep them as pets.
dangerous and can kill many people around the world. Indonesia / ində niə, ziə/ n Indonézia Scientists
dolphin / dɒlfin/ n delfín Dolphins are very clever animals. discovered some new species of animals in the rainforests of
They can swim very well and they try to ‚talk‘ to people. Indonesia.
duck /dk/ n kaèka Look! There are some ducks in the river. intelligent /in telidənt/ adj inteligentný She‘s very
They are swimming. intelligent. She‘s can understand everything without help.
education / edjυ keiʃən/ n vzdelanie Education is very join /dɔin/ v zapoji sa I joined a football team because I
important. It can help you find a good job. want to be a footballer.
electricity /i lek trisəti, elik / n elektrina We didn’t just /dəst, dst/ adv práve, len ‚Can you help me,
have electricity at home last night and we couldn’t watch the please?‘ ‚Just a minute, I‘m coming.‘
match on TV. kilogramme (kilo) / kilə rm, kiləυ/ n kilogram A baby
elephant / eləfənt/ n slon People in India use elephants for elephant weighs about a hundred kilogrammes when it is born.
difficult jobs, like moving heavy things. koala /kəυ ɑlə/ n koala Koala bears live in Australia. They
exercise / eksəsaiz/ v cvièi You need to exercise your have big black noses and they don’t eat meat.
body three times a week to be fit. komodo dragon /kə məυdəυ dr ən/ n varan
expensive /ik spensiv/ adj drahý (o peniazoch) komodský Komodo dragons are the biggest lizards in the
Ferraris are very expensive cars. I can‘t buy one. world. They can be very dangerous.
factory / fktəri/n továreò There is a factory in our area. large /lɑd/ adj ve¾ký, objemný African elephants have
Many people work there and make washing machines. larger ears than Indian elephants.
later / leitə/ adv neskôr My sister was busy when I called pet /pet/ n domáce zvieratko Many people have pets.
her, but later she came and helped me with the work. They say animals are very good friends.
lazy / leizi/ adj lenivý He‘s very lazy. He doesn’t like working pig /pi / n prasa People keep pigs for their meat. It‘s very
at all. tasty.
leaflet / liflət/ n leták Our teacher gave us a leaflet to plastic / plstik/ n plast These flowers aren‘t real. They are
read. It‘s about an organisation that helps children in many made from plastic!
countries. polluted /pə lutəd/ adj zneèistený The sea is polluted.
lion / laiən/ n lev Lions are strong and fast animals. They live Don’t swim here, it‘s dangerous.
in Africa and they eat meat. pollution /pə luʃən/ n zneèistenie The pollution of
litter / litə/ n odpadky, smeti Don’t drop litter in the street. the environment is a very serious problem. We need to do
Put it in the rubbish bin. something.
local / ləυkəl/ adj lokálny, miestny The local people poor /pɔ/ adj chudobný His family is very poor. They don’t
don’t want a factory here. They say it‘s dangerous for the have any money and his father hasn’t got a job.
environment. primary school / praiməri skul/ n základná škola
local council / ləυkəl kaυnsəl/ n oblastný/miestny She‘s eight years old. She goes to primary school.
úrad The local council built a new park near our house. product / prɒdkt/ n produkt In supermarkets you can
lose, past lost /luz, lɒst/ v strati (prít.è./min.è.) I lost find many different products.
my purse so I haven‘t got any money. protect /prə tekt/ v chráni Greenpeace is an important
lost /lɒst/ adj stratený, zablúdený They were lost in the organisation. It protects the environment.
city and couldn´t find the way to the hotel. pupil / pjupəl/ n žiak There are twelve pupils in my English
mainly / meinli/ adv hlavne, predovšetkým/ My brother class.
doesn’t have a healthy diet. He eats mainly sweets, chocolate rabbit / rbit/ n zajac Bugs Bunny is a rabbit. He has long
and crisps. ears and likes eating carrots.
monkey / mŋki/ n opica Monkeys live in Africa. They live in raise / reiz mni/ v zozbiera peniaze, zarobi
trees and they have long tails. They like bananas. The children raised a lot of money and gave it to Unicef.
neighbour / neibə/ n sused Our neighbour is very nice. rattlesnake / rtlsneik/ n štrkáè Rattlesnakes live in the
He lives next door and looks after our cat when we go away desert. You can hear them because they make a noise.
on holiday. recycle / ri saikəl/ v recyklova In our school, we recycle
noisy / nɔizi/ adj hluèný My friend‘s children are very noisy. plastic and paper. We use it again.
They shout a lot and play loud music. red wolf / red wυlf/ n vlk èervený floridský Red
ocean / əυʃən/ n oceán The Pacific ocean is larger than the wolves live in large groups. They look like big dogs.
Atlantic ocean. save seiv v šetri We need to save electricity. Don’t leave the
office / ɒfis/ n kancelária She‘s a secretary. She works in lights on when you go out of a room.
an office. She uses a computer and answers the phone. scarlet macaw / skɑlət mə kɔ/ n Ara arakanga Scarlet
organisation / ɔ ənai zeiʃən/ n organizácia Friends macaws are very colourful parrots. They live in the Amazon
of the Earth‘ is an organisation that protects the environment. rainforests.
orphan / ɔfən/ n sirota Sue is an orphan. She hasn’t got secondary school / sekəndəri skul/ n stredná
parents. škola She‘s sixteen and she goes to secondary school. When
ostrich / ɒstritʃ/ n pštros The ostrich is the largest bird in she finishes school she wants to go to university.
the world. It has wings but it can‘t fly. sell /sel v preda He wants to sell his old car and buy a new
owner / əυnə/ n majite¾ Alex is the owner of this boat. You one.
need to ask him before you take it. shark /ʃɑk/ n žralok Some sharks are very dangerous fish.
panda / pndə/ n panda The Giant Panda is a black and They can bite and kill a man.
white bear. It lives in China and it eats bamboo. sheep /ʃip/ n sing / pl ovca, ovce Farmers keep many
paper / peipə/ n papier Can you give me some paper, animals like goats, cows and sheep.
please? I want to write something. Siberian tiger /sai biəriən tai ə/ n sibírsky tiger
parrot / prət/ n papagáj Parrots are birds. They can speak. Siberian tigers live in cold climates, mainly in Siberia. They are
people /pipəl/ n ¾udia Cairo is a very big city. Many people in danger because people kill them.
live there. skin /skin/ n koža This jacket is made from sheep skin. It‘s
peregrine falcon / perə rin fɔlkən/ n sokol very warm.
sahovavý The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the sloth /sləυθ/ n leòoch hnedokrký Sloths are very slow,
world. It kills small animals and eats them. lazy animals. They live in trees in the rainforests.
perfect / p fikt/ adj perfektný Let‘s go for a swim. I know slow /sləυ/ adj pomalý This horse is very slow. It can‘t run
the perfect beach. It‘s fantastic. fast.
soldier / səυldə/ n vojak The soldiers fought against worse /w s/ adj horší Today the weather is worse than
the enemy and won. yesterday. It‘s raining and it‘s very cold.
spelling test / speliŋ test/ n test hláskovania I‘m very wrong /rɒŋ/ adj zlý, nesprávny What you did was wrong.
nervous because we have a spelling test and I‘m a bad speller. I‘m very angry with you!
sponsored (run/swim) / spɒnsəd rn, swim/ n phr
sponzorovaný (beh/plávanie) Our class organised a
sponsored run and raised money for children in Africa and Asia.
Module 9 Teams
squirrel / skwirəl/ n veverica Squirrels. They live in trees
airport / eəpɔt/ n letisko We must go to the airport two
and eat nuts.
hours before our airplane leaves.
stable / steibəl/ n stajòa We keep our horse in a stable.
badly / bdli/ adv zle She played very badly and lost the match.
That‘s where it sleeps and eats.
band /bnd/ n skupina, kapela My friends and I are in
street lights / strit laits/ n poulièné osvetlenie Many
a rock band. We play music at clubs every Saturday evening.
street lights in our street are broken and it‘s dark here at night.
bass guitarist / beis i tɑrist/ n basový gitarista He
strong /strɒŋ/ adj silný He‘s small and not very strong and
plays music in a rock group. He‘s a bass guitarist.
bigger kids bully him at school.
Be careful! /bi keəfəl/ v phr Buï opatrný! Be careful!
summer holiday / smə hɒlədi, dei/ n phr letné
The floor is wet. Don’t fall!
prázdniny She usually goes to an island on her summer
bronze medal / brɒnz medl/ n phr bronzová medaila
holiday. She swims and has fun.
Helena came third in the race and got the bronze medal.
tail /teil/ n chvost Dogs move their tails very fast when they
calculator / klkjəleitə/ n kalkulaèka Use a calculator
are happy.
for your maths problems.
tap /tp/ n vodovodný kohútik I don’t have cold water. Do
careful /keəfəl/ adj opatrný She‘s a very careful student.
you want some water from the tap?
She never makes mistakes.
teddy bear / tedi beə/ n plyšový medvedík Her father
century / sentʃəri/ n storoèie A century is one hundred
gave her this teddy bear. It‘s her favourite toy.
tiger / tai ə/ n tiger Tigers live in Asia. They are very big cats
clever / klevə/ adj bystrý Our dog is very clever. He
and can be very dangerous.
understands everything we tell him.
tin /tin/ n konzerva They took some tins of food, their
congratulations /kən rtʃυ leiʃənz/ n gratulácia,
sleeping bags and tent and went camping.
blahoželanie Congratulations on passing the test. Well done!
tortoise / tɔtəs/ n korytnaèka Tortoises can live for over
dear /diə/ adj drahý, milý Dear Sophia, thank you for your
a hundred years.
last letter. I hope you are well.
turn off / t n ɒf/ phr v vypnú Turn off the computer when
demonstrate / demənstreit/ v predvies, ukáza,
you aren‘t using it.
demonštrova The teacher demonstrated the experiment
United Nations (UN) /ju naitəd neiʃənz/ n
to the students and then they talked about it.
Organizácia spojených národov (OSN) The United
design /di zain/ v navrhnú, projektova He‘s an
Nations is an organisation for helping people around the world.
architect. He designs very modern buildings.
vaccination / vksə neiʃən/ n oèkovanie Many children in
drawing / drɔiŋ/ n kreslenie She did a drawing of a tiger.
poor countries die of diseases because they have no vaccinations.
It was a beautiful picture.
vandalism / vndəlizəm / n vandalizmus There is a
drummer / drmə/ n bubeník Jerry is a drummer in a
lot of vandalism in some poor areas of our city. People break
heavy-metal band.
windows and street lights and destroy parks.
drums /drmz/ n bubny When he plays the drums in his
vitamin / vitəmin/ n vitamín She‘s on a diet and she
room he makes a lot of noise.
doesn‘t eat a lot. She needs to take vitamins.
easily / izəli/ adv ¾ahko She won the race easily. She was
volunteer / vɒlən tiə/ n dobrovo¾ník I‘m a volunteer for
the fastest runner.
Unicef. I help the organisation in my free time.
electric /i lektrik/ adj elektrický This is an electric car. It
weigh /wei/ v váži She‘s very thin. She doesn’t weigh much,
uses electricity to move.
less than fifty kilos.
engine / endən/ n motor Turn the key and start the car
whale /weil/ n ve¾ryba Last year we went to Antarctica and
we saw some whales swimming. They were lovely.
event /i vent/ n udalos, podujatie There are many
whale shark / weil ʃɑk/ n žralok ve¾rybí Whale
events at the club this week. There is a spelling competition, a
sharks are very big but they aren‘t dangerous. They eat very
theatre performance, races and many other events.
small animals in the water.
exam /i zm/ n skúška Our French exam is next Monday.
wing /wiŋ/ n krídlo Chickens have wings but they can‘t fly.
I must study hard.
wolf /wυlf/ n vlk There are only three hundred wolves in
experiment /ik sperəmənt/ n pokus The experiment was
Northern Europe because people kill them.
very successful. The rocket flew for ten seconds.
explain /ik splein/ v vysvetli I‘m sorry, I don’t understand. orchestra / ɔkəstrə/ n orchester My cousin plays the piano
Can you explain the problem to me, please? in the school orchestra. She‘s a musician.
fall, past fell /fɔl, fel/ v pada, spadnú (prít.è./ out of / aυt əv/ prep von z/zo Don’t look out of the window.
min.è.) She wasn’t careful and she fell and broke her leg. Look at the teacher. He‘s talking.
fantastically /fn tstikli/ adv fantasticky Martina pass an exam / pɑs ən i zm/ v spravi skúšku
Hingis played fantastically and won the match. George is very happy because he passed his maths exam.
Germany / d məni/ n Nemecko They went to Berlin, in perfectly / p fiktli/ adv perfektne My mother speaks
Germany, for a week and had a great time there. French perfectly. She lived in France for many years.
glue / lu/ n lepidlo We used some glue and pieces of wood personality / p sə nləti/ n osobnos Eve has a lovely
and built a small aeroplane. personality. She‘s clever and very friendly and people love her.
go out with / əυ aυt wið, wiθ/ phr v ís von s (niekým), photo / fəυtəυ/ n fotka Do you want to see the photos from
chodi s niekým (vzah) I went out with George. We went my holiday in the Caribbean? They are very interesting.
to the cinema and had a great time together. pick up / pik p/ phr v zdvihnú When I see litter in the
goodbye / υd bai/ interjection dovidenia My mother said street, I pick it up and put it in a rubbish bin.
‚goodbye‘ and left for work. piece of metal /paper/wood / pis əv metl, peipə,
guitarist / i tɑrist/ n gitarista He likes rock music and wυd/ n phr kúsok kovu /papiera /dreva My dad is very
wants to be a guitarist when he grows up. clever. He can build a toy aeroplane from a piece of metal and
hard /hɑd/ adv ažko, tvrdo, usilovne She studied very some glue.
hard because she wanted to pass the exam. play in an orchestra / plei in ən ɔkəstrə/ v phr hra
high jump / hai dmp/ n skok do výšky High jump is v orchestri He‘s a musician. He plays in an orchestra with
my favourite event when I watch athletics. other musicians. They make music together.
hit /hit/ n hit Shakira‘s last record was a hit. It was very pop group / pɒp rup/ n popová skupina I think Franz
successful. Ferdinand are a fantastic pop group. I really like their songs and
include /in klud/ v zahàòa, obsahova The holiday their music.
trip includes two nights in a hotel. producer /prə djusə/ n producent Steven Spielberg is a
individual / ində viduəl/ n individualista She‘s an film producer. He makes amazing films.
individual and she doesn’t like working in a team. professional /prə feʃənəl/ adj profesionálny
individually / ində viduəli/ adv samostatne All the students Ronaldinho is a professional footballer. Playing football is his job.
must work individually. They mustn‘t work in groups or pairs. quickly / kwikli/ adv rýchlo Our teacher speaks English
judge /dd/ n sudca, porotca All the judges thought very quickly. Sometimes I don’t understand her.
that Peter‘s was the best project. quiz /kwiz/ n kvíz This quiz is about famous film stars. Do you
knife, pl knives /naif, naivz/ n nôž, nože Use the knife know the answers to the questions?
and cut the bread. radio control / reidiəυ kən trəυl/ n dia¾kové rádiové
late /eit/ adj, adv neskorý, meškajúci, neskoro She ovládanie You can move the robot with the radio control, but
was late for the concert. We waited for half an hour. you mustn‘t touch it with your hands.
lead singer / lid siŋə/ n vedúci, hlavný spevák Billie reception /ri sepʃən/ n recepcia When I arrived at the
Joe Armstrong is the lead singer of Green Day. He‘s very good. hotel, I asked for the key to my room at the reception.
leave, past left /liv, left/ v odís, opusti, necha record / rekɔd/ n platòa, nahrávka The Beatles made
(prít.è./min.è.) When she was twenty years old, she left her many records, like Let it Be.
parents‘ home and went to live alone. reptile / reptail/ n plaz Lizards and snakes are reptiles.
long jump / lɒŋ dmp/ n skok do dia¾ky Carl Lewis rock and roll / rɒk ən rəυl/ adj rock and roll Rock and
won four Olympic medals in the long jump. roll isn‘t very modern anymore. Now most young people listen
lose, past lost /luz,lɒst/ v prehra (prít.è./min.è.) to hip-hop and rap.
Amelie didn’t play very well in the match and she lost. rock group / rɒk rup/ n rocková skupina Led Zeppelin
material /mə tiəriəl/ n materiál You can use wood and is my favourite rock group.
metal for the bridge, but you can‘t use other materials. rule /rul/ n pravidlo I don’t understand the rules of rugby.
member / membə/ n èlen Victoria Beckham was a member How do you play this game?
of the pop group The Spice Girls. score a goal / skɔr ə əυl/ v phr da gól Rooney scored
must /məst, mst/ modal v musie You can‘t listen to music a goal in the football game last night.
in class. You must listen to your teacher. schoolboy / skulbɔi/ n školák He decided he wanted to
mustn‘t / msənt/ modal v nesmie You mustn‘t ask for be a doctor when he was a schoolboy at primary school.
help. You must do this exercise alone. situation / sitʃu eiʃən/ n situácia The situation was very
object / ɒbdikt/ n predmet, vec There are many objects difficult. The weather was very cold and it was dark and we
on the table, like balls and pens. couldn’t see anything.
slowly / sləυli/ adv pomaly My grandmother drives very camp /kmp/ v tábori Last weekend we camped near
slowly and carefully. a river, made a fire and had great fun.
songwriter / sɒŋ raitə/ n skladate¾ piesní John celebrate / seləbreit/ v oslavova We celebrated the end
Lennon and Paul McCartney were very good songwriters. The of the school year with a big party.
songs they wrote were very successful. change /tʃeind/ v zmeni She changed her hairstyle
split up / split p/ phr v rozís sa My sister and her because she didn’t like it.
boyfriend split up. They aren‘t together anymore. day /dei/ n deò There are seven days in the week.
sumo wrestling / suməυ resliŋ/ n sumo zápasenie decoration / dekə reiʃən/ n dekorácia, výzdoba Many
Sumo wrestling is the national sport of Japan. people put decorations in their houses at Christmas.
support /sə pɔt/ v podporova I support the football team diving suit / daiviŋ sut, sjut/ n potápaèské obleèenie
Chelsea. I‘m a fan of the team and I watch every game. Sometimes I wear my diving suit when I go snorkelling because
talented / tləntəd/ adj talentovaný I think Dido is a very the water is cold.
talented singer. She sings beautifully. Diwali /di wɑli/ n Diwali Diwali is the New Year celebration
teamwork / timw k/ n tímová práca The project was for Hindus.
successful because we worked all together. It was teamwork. DJ / di dei/ n DJ, diskdžokej The DJ played fantastic
theatre / θiətə/ n divadlo She‘s an actress. She stars in the music at the party. We danced a lot.
theatre and in films. do a course / du ə kɔs/ v phr robi kurz She wants to
toy /tɔi/ n hraèka His favourite toy is a plastic car. His do a course on computers. She needs it for her job.
grandfather gave it to him. dragon / dr ən/ n drak Dragons are very dangerous and
triathlon /trai θlən/ n triatlon Triathlon includes three they can breathe fire from their mouths. But they aren‘t real
events: swimming, cycling and running. animals.
Watch out! / wɒtʃ aυt/ phr Dávaj pozor! Stop! Watch eat, past ate /it, et, eit/ v jes (prít. è. /min. è.) She was
out! Don’t go into the street. A car is coming. very hungry and she ate some pizza and drank a can of cola.
Well done! / wel dn/ phr Dobrá práca! ‚Ned, I heard festival / festəvəl/ n festival We go to the Rockwave
you won the competition. Congratulations! Well done!‘ festival in Athens every July. There are many pop and rock
wheel /wil/ n koleso A car has four wheels but a bicycle bands and it‘s great fun.
only has two. fireworks / faiəw ks/ n ohòostroj We watched the
writer / raitə/ n spisovate¾ Dan Brown is a very famous fireworks for the New Year from our garden. They were
writer. He wrote The Da Vinci Code. spectacular.
fun /fn/ n zábava We had great fun at the party. It was fantastic.
go abroad / əυ ə brɔd/ v phr ís do zahranièia Paul
Module 10 Fun and Claire go abroad every summer. They travel to a different
country every year.
abroad /ə brɔd/ adv cudzina, zahranièie; do
go camping / əυ kmpiŋ/ v phr ís stanova We go
zahranièia, v zahranièí She goes abroad on holiday every
camping every summer. We take our tents and sleeping bags
and find a nice campsite near the sea.
adventure /əd ventʃə/ n dobrodružstvo My brother
grandma / rnmɑ/ n starká, babièka My mother‘s
loves adventure and danger. He isn‘t scared.
mother, my grandma, can cook very well.
adventure holiday /əd ventʃə hɒlədi, dei/ n phr
grape / reip/ n hrozno Grapes are a very tasty fruit.
dobrodružné prázdniny Marina and Elliot love adventure
hamster / hmstə/ n škreèok You can‘t keep a hamster
holidays. They think they are very exciting and full of surprises.
and a cat in the same house. It‘s dangerous for the hamster.
Alaska /ə lskə/ n Aljaška Alaska is a very cold place, near
hers /h z/ pron jej This book is Maria‘s. It‘s hers.
the North Pole.
Hindu / hindu, hin du/ n Hinduista Many people in India
at the weekend /ət ðə wik end, wikend/ prep phr
are Hindus.
cez víkend What are you doing at the weekend? Would you
holiday /hɒlədi, dei/ n prázdniny I‘m not going to work
like to go camping?
next week. It‘s a holiday.
bell /bel/ n zvonèek Can you hear the bell? Somebody is
holiday job / hɒlədi dɒb, dei/ n phr prázdninové
at the door.
zamestnanie, brigáda Many students take a holiday job
bring, past brought /briŋ, brɔt/ v prinies (prít.è./
because they want to make some money in the summer.
min.è.) My sister brought home a kitten. She wants to keep it.
holiday plans / hɒlədi plnz, dei/ n phr plány na
by the way /bai ðə wei/ prep phr mimochodom I saw
prázdniny Have you got any holiday plans? What are you
Sandra yesterday. By the way, do you know her new boyfriend?
going to do this summer?
calendar / kləndə/ n kalendár The Chinese calendar is
I‘d love to /ai d ləv/ phr rád by som Would you like to go
different from the European calendar. The Chinese year starts
out with me tomorrow evening?‘ ‚Yes, I‘d love to.‘
in February.
impossible /im pɒsəbəl/ adj nemožný Fifty years ago project / prɒdekt/ n projekt The teacher asked the class
people thought it was impossible to travel to other planets, but to do a project on the environment and pollution.
now we can. quite /kwait/ adv celkom, dos She‘s quite famous. People
lake /leik/ n jazero Finland is a country with thousands of know her name and her face and say hello to her in the street.
lakes. It‘s spectacular. race /reis/ n preteky Holly won the race. She swam very fast.
laugh /lɑf/ v smia sa The story was very funny and all the rice cake / rais keik/ n ryžový koláè Would you like a rice
children laughed. cake? They are delicious, my mother made them.
lemonade / lemə neid/ n limonáda I like lemonade. It‘s my ring, past rang /riŋ, rŋ/ v zvoni (prít. è. /min. è.)
favourite drink. My father rang the bell because he didn’t have his keys with him.
light /lait/ v svieti, zapáli There isn‘t electricity in this house runner / rnə/ n bežec He‘s a very fast runner. He is going
and every night we must light the lamps. It‘s very romantic. to win the race.
look for / lυk fə, fɔ/ phr v h¾ada He‘s looking for his car selection /sə lekʃən/ n výber There is a selection of books
keys. He can‘t find them. on the shelf. Choose the book you like.
lorry / lɒri/ n nákladné auto When she moved house a slave /sleiv/ n otrok Spartacus was a slave. He wasn’t free
lorry carried all her things to the new flat. and he couldn’t do what he wanted.
Lucky you! / lki ju/ n phr Ty máš šastie! ‚This solar calendar / səυlə kləndə/ n phr solárny
summer I‘m going to travel to Antarctica.‘ ‚Lucky you! I‘m going kalendár The solar calendar has 365 days a year.
to stay at home and find a holiday job.‘ study / stdi/ v študova You must study very hard. The
lunar calendar / lunə kləndə/ n phr lunárny test is really difficult.
kalendár In the lunar calendar every month has 29.5 days. supermarket / supə mɑkit/ n supermarket Can you
mark /mɑk/ n znaèka, š¾apaj, šmuha Look! Your buy two cartons of milk and some cans of cola when you go to
shoes have made marks on the carpet!. the supermarket?
master / mɑstə/ n šéf He was the master and he did what text /tekst/ v písa/posiela textovú správu My
he wanted. Everybody listened to him and was scared. friends text me all the time on their mobile phones.
monsoon /mɒn sun/ n monzún When it‘s the monsoon, it theirs /ðeəz/ pron ich That‘s Jonathan and Sophie‘s car. It‘s
rains a lot every day in India. theirs.
national day / nʃənəl dei/ n národný sviatok The this summer ðis smə pron toto leto We are going to
4th July is the national day for the USA. buy a new car this summer.
near /niə/ prep blízko Our house is near the sea and we go tomorrow /tə mɒrəυ/ adv zajtra I‘ve got a dentist
swimming every day in the summer. appointment tomorrow morning and I‘m nervous.
New Year / nju jiə/ n Nový rok The 1st January is the New tradition /trə diʃən/ n tradícia In our country it‘s a tradition
Year. It‘s a holiday and we don’t go to work. to make a cake for the New Year and give a piece to everybody
New Year‘s Eve / nju jiəz iv/ n Silvester We had in the house.
a big party on New Year‘s Eve. We celebrated the New Year. try /trai/ v pokúsi sa, skúša, snaži sa The little boy
next week / nekst wik/ adj budúci týždeò Tom is tried to open the window, but he couldn’t.
going to start a new job next week. He‘s very excited. underwater / ndə wɔtə/ adv pod vodou When he swims
of course /əv kɔs/ prep phr samozrejme ‚Can I have underwater, he wears his diving suit.
some cake please?‘ ‚Of course, here you are.‘ violin / vaiə lin/ n husle Vanessa Mae can play the violin
organise / ɔ ənaiz/ v organizova Our school organised very well. She‘s a very talented musician.
a sponsored run and we raised money for Unicef. weekend / wik end, wikend/ n víkend What are your
ours /aυəz/ pron náš This isn‘t your car. It‘s ours. plans for the weekend? What are you going to do on Saturday
outside /aυt said, aυtsaid/ adv vonku In the summer and Sunday?
we usually have lunch and dinner outside. It‘s very hot in the when /wen/ adv, pron kedy, keï When did Maggie leave
house. the office? Do you know what time?
parade /pə reid/ n prehliadka, sprievod On our national whose /huz/ pron èí, èia, èie Whose is this dictionary?
day, we usually have a parade on the main street of the town and Is it yours?
later in the evening fireworks and parties. winner / winə/ n víaz The winner of this year‘s competition
party / pɑti/ n párty, veèierok He always has a party on is Jessica Johnson. She gets the first prize.
his birthday. yours /jɔz/ pron tvoj, váš Is this jumper yours or is it
prize /praiz/ n cena Serbia won the second prize in the David‘s?
Eurovision song competition.
probably / prɒbəbli/ adv pravdepodobne I‘m not sure,
but we‘re probably going to watch a film this weekend. Would
you like to come?

Preh¾ad gramatiky v slovenskom jazyku
Sekcia Grammar Reference, Workbook strany 106 - 111


Sloveso by - to be
(Lekcia Get Ready A, strana 3)

Pozrite sa na príklady slovesa by (to be) v prítomnom èase:
• My name’s Amy. (Volám sa Amy.)
• I’m sixteen. (Mám 16.)
• We’re French. (Sme Francúzi.)
• Where are you from? (Odkia¾ si?)
• She isn’t at school. (Nie je v škole.)
• Are they at home? No, they aren’t. (Sú doma? Nie, nie sú.)

Sloveso „to be“ (by) má v angliètine tvary „am, is, are“.

Anglická veta má vždy vyjadrený podmet. Vyjadrený môže by podstatným menom (Peter, otec),
alebo osobným zámenom (I, she, we atï.).
V slovenskej vete toto vyjadrenie podmetu èasto chýba.
Otázku tvoríme zámenou poradia slovesa „to be“ a podmetu vety
(He is… Is he….?).

Oznamovací spôsob
Kladná veta
I ‘m (am)
He/ She/ It ‘s (is) Polish
We/ You/ They ‘re (are)

Záporná veta
I ‘m not (am not)
He/ She/ It isn’t (is not) from Spain
We/ You/ They aren’t (are not)

Zisovacie otázky Krátke odpovede

Am I Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Is he/ she/ it late? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
Are we/ you/ they Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.

Doplòovacie otázky
What’s your name?
Where are they from?

Osobné zámená a predmetové zámená

Subject and object pronouns
(Lekcia Get Ready B, strana 5; Get Ready D, strana 8)

Osobné zámená používame:
• pred slovesom (v podmete), napr. I am a doctor. (Ja som lekár.)
• keï nahrádzame podstatné meno z predchádzajúcej vety tak, aby sa neopakovalo, napr.
My brother is 21. He’s at university. (Brat má 21. Je na univerzite)
Predmetovými zámenami nahrádzame podstatné mená v úlohe predmetu (pýtame sa na ne
pádovými otázkami genitívu až inštrumentálu), napr. Read the words and copy them. (Preèítajte
slová a odpíšte ich.)

Osobné zámená Predmetové zámená
(v pozícii podmetu – nominatív) (v pozícii predmetu – genit. až inštr.)
I (ja) me (mòa)
you (ty) you (teba)
he (on) him (jeho)
she (ona) her (ju)
it (ono) it (ono)
we (my) us (nás)
you (vy) you (vás)
they (oni) them (ich)

Privlastòovacie zámená
Possessive adjectives and pronouns
(Lekcia Get Ready B, strana 5; Lekcia 29, strana 94)

Privlastòovacie zámená (v angliètine privlastòovacie prídavné mená) používame pred podstatnými
• My sister is 19. (Moja sestra má 19.)
Samostatné privlastòovacie zámená (v angliètine privlastòovacie zámená) nahrádzajú kombináciu
„privlastòovacie zámeno + podstatné meno“, stoja na konci vety a nespájajú sa s podstatným
• Are these Carol’s books? No, they’re mine. (= my books)
(Sú toto Carolinine knihy? Nie, sú moje. = moje knihy)
Nesamostatné privlastòovacie zámená Samostatné privlastòovacie zámená
(spájajú sa s podstatným menom) (bez podstatného mena)
my (môj) mine
your (tvoj) yours
his (jeho) his
her (jej) hers
its (toho) -
our (náš) ours
your (váš) yours
their (ich) theirs

Množné èíslo podstatných mien

Plural nouns
(Lekcia Get Ready C, strana 6, Word Builder)

• väèšina podstatných priberá v množnom èísle príponu –s:

chair - chairs, girl - girls, magazine - magazines
• podstatné mená konèiace na x, ch, s, sh, o priberajú v množnom èísle príponu - es:
box - boxes, watch - watches, class - classes, brush - brushes, tomato, tomatoes
• v podstatných menách konèiacich na spoluhlásku + –y sa v množnom èísle y mení na
- ies: dictionary - dictionaries, city - cities
• vo väèšine podstatných mien konèiacich sa na –f alebo –fe, sa mení f / fe na ves:
bookshelf - bookshelves, wife - wives, knife - knives
• niektoré podstatné mená sú nepravidelné:
person - people, man - men, woman - women, child - children,
mouse - mice, sheep - sheep, fish – fish

Predložky miesta
Prepositions of place
(Lekcia Get Ready C, strana 6)

Predložky miesta používame na urèenie polohy predmetov

There’s a CD on the desk. (Na stole je CD.)
Is the cat under the table? (Je maèka pod stolom?)
Who’s in the kitchen? (Kto je v kuchyni?)
My house is next to the park. (Môj dom je ved¾a parku.)
The supermarket is between the library and the bank. (Supermarket je medzi knižnicou
a bankou.)


Rozkazovací spôsob
(Lekcia Get Ready D, strana 8)

Rozkazovací spôsob používame pri dávaní inštrukcií.
V rozkazovacej vete používame please, aby veta znela zdvorilo.
- Pass me the dictionary, please. (Prosím, podaj mi ten slovník!)
- Don’t talk, please. (Nerozprávajte, prosím!)

Rozkaz sa v angliètine tvorí pomocou neurèitku slovesa bez „to“.

Zápor tvoríme pomocou „don’t“ + neurèitku.
Rozkaz sa používa pre druhú osobu jednotného aj množného èísla rovnako.

Rozkazovací spôsob kladný Rozkazovací spôsob záporný
Open your books. Don’t talk to your partner.

Ukazovacie zámená this, that, these, those

(Lekcia Get Ready E, strana 9)

• This a these používame pri ukazovaní na veci alebo osoby, ktoré sú blízko k nám.
This is my classroom. (Toto je moja trieda.)
These are my friends. (Toto sú moji priatelia.)

• That a those používame pri ukazovaní na veci alebo osoby, ktoré sú od nás
vzdialené, sú ïalej.
That man is my teacher. (Tamten muž je môj uèite¾.)
Those T - shirts are nice. (Tamtie trièká sú pekné.)

• This a that používame v jednotnom èísle.
This CD is my favourite.
That’s a poster from a concert.

• These a those používame v množnom èísle.

These are my computer games.
Those games are sports games.

(Lekcia Get Ready F, strana 10)

Neurèitý èlen a / an používame s jednotným èíslom podstatných mien:

• keï hovoríme o povolaní: He’s a fire fighter.
• keï hovoríme o jednom /jednej z viacerých ¾udí alebo vecí
(porovnajte s the uvedeným dole): We’ve got a garden.

A používame pred vyslovenou spoluhláskou: You’ve got a motorbike.

An používame pred vyslovenou samohláskou: I’ve got an apple.
Urèitý èlen the používame s jednotným aj s množným èíslom podstatných mien:
• keï hovoríme o jednej konkrétnej osobe alebo veci:
My mother is in the garden (= the garden of my house)
• keï hovoríme o urèitej, špecifickej skupine: Look at the pictures on page 10.

Modálne sloveso can (vedie) pre vyjadrenie schopnosti

Can for ability
(Lekcia 1, strana 12)
Can (v zápore can’t / cannot) s infinitívom bez „to“ používame na vyjadrenie schopnosti:
I can play the piano but I can’t dance.
(Viem hra na klavír, ale neviem tancova.)

Kladná oznamovacia veta
I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They can swim.

I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They can’t / cannot swim.

Zisovacie otázky /(yes/no) Krátke odpovede

Yes, I
No, I
I /he/ she/ it / he/ she/ it
Can swim? he/ she/ it
we/ you/ they we/ you/ they
we/ you/ they can’t.

Doplòovacie otázky / (wh - )

What can you do?
Why can’t he read?

Opytovacie zámená
Question words
(Lekcia 2, strana 15)

Pozrite sa na príklady použitia opytovacích zámen:

Vek: How old are you? (Ko¾ko máš rokov?)
Veci: What languages can you speak? (Akými jazykmi hovoríš?)
Miesto: Where are they from? (Odkia¾ sú?)
¼udia: Who is your teacher? (Kto je tvoj uèite¾?)
Èísla: How many brothers have you got? (Ko¾ko máš bratov?)
Pocity: How are things? (Ako sa darí?)
Èas: When do you go on holiday? (Kedy odchádzaš na dovolenku?)
Èastos: How often do you go out? (Ako èasto chodievaš von?)
Dôvod: Why aren’t there any plants in the South Pole? (Preèo nie sú na južnom póle žiadne
Vlastníctvo: Whose car is that? (Èie je tamto auto?)

Sloveso have got / has got (ma)

(Lekcia 4, strana 21)

• keï hovoríme o vlastníctve:
He’s got a mobile phone. (Má mobilný telefón.)
She hasn’t got a computer. (Nemá poèítaè.)

• keï hovoríme o èlenoch rodiny:

I’ve got a brother and a sister. (Mám brata a sestru.)

• keï hovoríme o vzh¾ade ¾udí a vecí:

David’s got dark hair. (Dávid má tmavé vlasy.)
The museum has got five floors. (Múzeum má pä poschodí.)

Kladná oznamovacia veta
I/ You/ We/ They ’ve got (have got)
blue eyes.
He/ She/ It ’s got (has got)

I/ You/ We/ They haven’t got (have not got)
a computer.
He/ She/ It hasn’t got (has not got)

Zisovacie otázky /(yes/no) Krátke odpovede

Have I/ you/ we/ they got a tattoo? Yes, I /we/ you/ No, I/ we/ you/
they have. they haven’t.

Yes, he/she/it No, he/she/it

Has he/ she/ it got dark hair? has. hasn’t.

Doplòovacie otázky / (wh - )

have I/you/we/they got?
has he/she/it got?


Privlastòovacie ‘s – Possessive ‘s
(Lekcia 5, strana 22)

- ‘s a –s’ používame, keï hovoríme o vlastníctve:
Is this Peter’s jacket? (Je toto Petrova bunda?)
These are my friends’ CDs. (Toto sú CD - èka mojich kamarátov.)

Jednotné èíslo
+ ‘s teacher’s
podstatných mien
Jednotné èíslo pod. m.
+ ‘s Charles’s
konèiacich na s
Pravidelné množné èíslo + (s)’
podstat. mien (s je súèasou množ. è.)
Nepravidelné množné
+ ‘s men’s, people’s, children’s, women’s
èíslo podstat. mien

Jednoduchý prítomný èas

Present simple
(Lekcia 7, strany 30 - 31, Lekcia 8, strana 33)

• keï hovoríme o rutine a zvykoch alebo o nieèom, èo je všeobecne platná pravda:
I work in a hospital. (Pracujem v nemocnici.)
My mum doesn’t like rap. (Moja mama nemá rada rap.)
It often rains in autumn. (V jeseni èasto prší.)
• èasto, keï veta obsahuje urèenie èasu s použitím predložiek at, on a in:
I get up at seven o’clock. (Vstávam o siedmej hodine.)
He watches television at weekends.(Cez víkendy pozerá televíziu.)
Do you go out on Fridays? (Chodievaš v piatok von?)
What does he do in the morning? (Èo robieva ráno?)

• v spojeniach so zámenom every:

I play sport every week. (Športujem každý týždeò.)
Do you watch TV every day? (Pozeráš televíziu každý deò?)

Kladná oznamovacia veta
I/ You/ We/ They work
in a hospital
He/ She/ It works*

I/ You/ We/ They don’t (do not) work
in a hospital.
He/ She/ It doesn’t (does not) work

Zisovacie otázky /(yes/no) Krátke odpovede

Do I/ you/ we/ they need a Yes, I /we/ you/ they No, I/ we/ you/ they
computer? do. don’t.

Does he/ she/ it live near here? Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t.

Doplòovacie otázky / (wh - )

What do I/ you/ we/ they need?
Where does he/ she/ it go?

*Pravopis slovies v 3.osobe jednotného èísla v kladnej oznamovacej vete

Väèšina slovies +s use – uses, live - lives
slovesá do, go a slovesá do - does
+ es
konèiace na ch, sh, s, x watch - watches
slovesá konèiace na zmena y na i
study - studies
spoluhlásku + y a pridáme + es
slovesá konèiace na
+s play - plays
samohlásku + y
have has have - has

Príslovky frekvencie
Adverbs of frequency
(Lekcia 10, strana 38)

Toto sú príslovky frekvencie:

0% 100%
never hardly ever sometimes often usually always

Príslovky frekvencie používame s jednoduchým prítomným èasom na vyjadrenie toho, ako èasto
sa nieèo deje:
- I often go shopping at the weekend.
(Èasto chodím nakupova cez víkendy.)
- She usually goes out with her friends on Saturdays. (Zvyèajne chodí von s prate¾mi
v sobotu veèer.)

Príslovky frekvencie sa používajú:

a) pred plnovýznamovým slovesom
- We hardly ever go to the cinema. (Skoro nikdy nechodíme do kina.)
- Do you often drink coffee. (Èasto piješ kávu?)
b) ale až za slovesom by (to be)
- Andrew is always happy. (Andrew je stále šastný.)

Väzba there is / there are s použitím some / any

(Lekcia 11, strana 40)

There is / there are používame k vyjadreniu toho, že nieèo niekde je, alebo nie je (nachádza sa
/ nenachádza sa).
- There’s a snack bar in the museum. (V múzeu je bufet.)
- There isn’t a youth club in my town but there are two sports centres. (U nás v meste
nie je klub pre mládež, ale sú tam dve športové centrá.)

Some a any používame pred podstatným menom, keï chceme vyjadri neurèité množstvo.

Some sa používa v kladnej oznamovacej vete pred množným èíslom poèítate¾ných podstatných
mien alebo pred nepoèítate¾nými podstatnými menami:
- There is some paper in the printer. (V tlaèiarni je nejaký papier.)
- There are some displays about animals. (Sú tam nejaké výstavky o zvieratách.)

Any sa používa v záporných vetách a v otázkach:

- There isn’t any chalk in the classroom. (V triede nie je žiadna krieda.)
- There aren’t any real animals in the displays. (Na výstavke nie sú žiadne živé zvieratá.)
- Are there any robots in the display? (Sú na výstavke nejaké roboty?)
Oznamovacia veta kladná
There’s (is) a good shopping centre.
There are some nice snack bars.

Oznamovacia veta záporná

There isn’t (is not) an information centre.
There aren’t (are not) any youth clubs.

Zisovacie otázky /(yes/no) Krátke odpovede

Is there a cinema? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
Are there any skateboard parks? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Doplòovacie otázky / (wh - )

What shops are there?


Poèítate¾né a nepoèítate¾né podstatné mená
Countable and uncountable nouns
(Lekcia 13, strana 48)

Ve¾a podstatných mien je v angliètine poèítate¾ných:

- a plant – a hundred plants (jedna rastlina - sto rastlín)
- a desert - two deserts (jedna púš - dve púšte)
Niektoré podstatné mená sú nepoèítate¾né.
Nemôžeme poveda two waters (dve vody), three weathers (tri poèasia).
Pred poèítate¾nými podstatnými menami v jednotnom èísle používame
neurèitý èlen a / an.
- There is a poisonous bird in the rainforest. (V dažïovom pralese žije jedovatý vták.)
Pred poèítate¾nými podstatnými menami v množnom èísle používame v kladnej oznamovacej
vete some alebo èíslovku.
- There are some strange animals. (Sú tam nejaké zvláštne zvieratá.)
- There are four seasons in the year. (Rok má štyri roèné obdobia.)
S nepoèítate¾nými podstatnými menami v kladnej oznamovacej vete tiež používame some.
- There is some ice in the fridge. (V chladnièke je nejaký ¾ad.)
V otázke a zápore sa pri množnom èísle poèítate¾ných podstatných mien a pri nepoèítate¾ných
podstatných menách používame any.
- There aren’t any animals in this desert. (Na tejto púšti nežijú žiadne zvieratá.)
- There isn’t any water. (Nie je tam žiadna voda.)
- Are there any plants? (Sú tam nejaké rastliny?)
- Is there any rain? (Prší tam?)

Prítomný priebehový èas

Present continuous
(Lekcia 14, strana 50)

Prítomný priebehový èas používame, keï nejaký dej prebieha teraz alebo bude prebieha
v priebehu najbližšej doby:
- I’m standing in the main street. (Stojím na hlavnej ulici.)
- It isn’t raining. (Neprší.)
- What are you doing today? (Èo dnes robíš?)
S prítomným priebehovým èasom sa spájajú výrazy: now (teraz), at the moment (v tejto chvíli),
today (dnes), this week (tento týždeò):
- I’m staying with my cousins this week. (Tento týždeò bývam u bratrancov/ sesterníc.)
Oznamovacia veta kladná
I ‘m (am)
He/ She/ It ‘s (is) working.*
We/ You/ They ‘re (are)
I ‘m not (am not)
He/ She/ It isn’t (is not)
We/ You/ They aren’t (are not)

Zisovacie otázky /(yes/no) Krátke odpovede

Am I Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Is he/ she/ it working? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.
Are we/ you/ they Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they aren’t.

Doplòovacie otázky / (wh - )

Where am I going?
What is he/she/it doing?
Why are we/you/they stopping?
* Pravopis èinného príèastia slovies ( slovesá s príponou –ing)

Väèšina slovies + ing listen - listening

Slovesá konèiace na odoberieme e
drive - driving
spoluhlásku + e a pridáme + ing
Jednoslabièné slovesá
zdvojíme spoluhlásku a
konèiace na „samohlásku stop - stopping
pridáme + ing
+ spoluhlásku“

Minulý èas slovesa by (to be): was a were

(Lekcia 16, strana 57)

Was a were sú tvary slovesa by (to be) v minulom èase.
Was a were používame na vyjadrenie deja, ktorý sa odohral v minulosti.
- Apollo 13 was a mission to the Moon. (Apollo 13 bola misia na Mesiac.)
- We were at home yesterday morning. (Vèera ráno sme boli doma.)

Pri vyjadrení minulého deja používame väzby there was / were namiesto there is / are, ktoré sa
používajú v prítomnom èase.
- There was an explosion on the spaceship. (V rakete bola explózia.)
- There weren’t any people in the park. (V parku neboli žiadni ¾udia.)

Oznamovacia veta kladná
I/ He/ She/ It was cold.
We/ You/ They were
There was a problem.
There were three astronauts.

I/ He/ She/ It wasn’t (was not)
We/ You/ They weren’t (were not)
There wasn’t (was not) any food.
There weren’t (were not) five astronauts.

Zisovacie otázky Krátke

/(yes/no) odpovede
Was I/ he/ she/ it Yes, I/ he/she/it was. No, I/he/she/it wasn’t

hot? No, we/you/they

Were we/ you/ they Yes, we/you/they were. weren’t.
Was there any water? Yes, there was. No, there weren’t.

Were there a lot of Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.


Doplòovacie otázky / (wh - )

was I/ he/ she/ it yesterday?
were we/ you/ they


Jednoduchý minulý èas
Past simple
(Lekcia 17, strana 58; Lekcia 19, strana 66; Lekcia 20, strana 68)

Jednoduchý minulý èas používame, keï hovoríme o udalostiach, ktoré v minulosti zaèali a aj skonèili.


- We crossed Australia by car last year. (Minulý rok sme prešli Austráliu autom.)
- Our train didn’t arrive on time. (Náš vlak neprišiel na èas.)
- Did you go to London last month? (Šiel si minulý mesiac do Londýna?)

S jednoduchým minulým èasom sa spájajú výrazy bližšie urèujúce èas, napr.: yesterday (vèera),
last week (minulý týždeò), in 2005, this morning (ráno – ak je už poobede alebo veèer)
- We went to the beach yesterday. (Vèera sme šli na pláž.)
V jednoduchom minulom èase máme dva druhy slovies: pravidelné a nepravidelné.
1. Pravidelné slovesá
Oznamovacia veta kladná
I/ He/ She/ It/ We/ you/ they worked* yesterday

I/ He/ She/ It/ We/ you/ they didn’t (did not) work yesterday

Zisovacie otázky /(yes/no) Krátke odpovede

I/ he/ she/ it/ Yes, I/ he/she/it/ No, I/ he/she/it/ we/
Did work?
we/ you/ they we/you/they did. you/they didn’t.

Doplòovacie otázky / (wh - )

Where did I/ he/ she/ it/ we/ you/ they work yesterday?

* Pravopis pravidelných slovies v jednoduchom minulom èase

Väèšina pravidelných slovies + ed return - returned

Slovesá konèiace sa na - e +d arrive - arrived
Slovesá konèiace sa na spoluhlásku + - y zmena y na i + ed carry - carried
Jednoslabièné slovesá konèiace sa na zdvojíme spoluhlásku travel - travelled
samohlásku + spoluhlásku a pridáme + ed stop - stopped
2. Nepravidelné slovesá

Nepravidelné slovesá v jednoduchom minulom èase majú v kladnej oznamovacej vete odlišný tvar:
go - went buy - bought think - thought

Tvary nepravidelných slovies je nutné sa nauèi naspamä. Ich tabu¾ka je na strane 129 v Student’s book.

V zápore a v otázke používame pomocné sloveso did - didn’t, ale nepravidelné sloveso sa už
ostáva v základnom tvare.
- Where did you go yesterday? (Kam si vèera šiel?)
- I bought a T - shirt but I didn’t buy a jacket. (Kúpila som si trièko, ale nekúpila som si bundu.)

Stupòovanie prídavných mien

Comparatives and superlatives
(Lekcia 22, strana 74; Lekcia 23, strana 76)

Druhý stupeò prídavných mien používame na porovnanie vlastností dvoch ¾udí, miest a vecí. Po
prídavnom mene v 2.stupni používame spojku than:
- My sister is older than me. (Moje sestra je staršia ako ja.)

Tretí stupeò prídavných mien používame na porovnávame vlastností troch nebo viacerých ¾udí,
miest a vecí. Po 3.stupni prídavného mena obvykle používame in (nie of) :
- It’s the biggest animal in the world. (Je to najväèšie zviera na svete.)
- She’s the best student in the class. (Je najlepšou študentkou v triede.)

POZOR ! Po treom stupni prídavného mena nepoužívajte of:

- What is the fastest animal in the world? NIE of the world
(Ktoré je najrýchlejšie zviera na svete?)
- He’s the worst player in the team. NIE of the team
(Je najhorší hráè v tíme.)


Jednoslabièné prídavné mená Druhý stupeò Tretí stupeò

old + er / + est older the oldest
safe + r / + st safer the safest
zdvojená spoluhláska po krátkej samohláske
big bigger the biggest
+ er / + est

Dvojslabièné prídavné mená konèiace na - y Druhý stupeò Tretí stupeò

zmena y na i
funny funnier the funniest
+ er / est
Druhý stupeò Tretí stupeò
a viacslabièné prídavné mená
boring + more / more boring the most boring
interesting + the most more interesting the most interesting

Nepravidelné prídavné mená Špeciálny tvar Špeciálny tvar

good better the best
bad worse the worst


Modálne slovesá
can (môc), can’t (nemôc),
must (musie), mustn’t (!nesmie!)
(Lekcia 25, strana 84)
Can / can’t + sloveso v neurèitku bez to používame na vyjadrenie dovolenia, alebo pri žiadaní
o dovolenie:
- You can use a calculator in the exam. (Pri skúške môžete používa kalkulaèku.)
- You can’t go home early. (Nemôžeš ís domov skoro.)
- Can I open the window? (Môžem otvori okno?)
Must / mustn’t + sloveso v infinitíve bez to používame na vyjadrenie nieèoho, èo je dôležité
spravi, alebo èo sa nesmie spravi.
- You must follow the rules. (Musíš sa riadi pravidlami.)
- You mustn’t talk in the exam. (Pri skúške nesmiete rozpráva.)
Pre can pozri „Can for ability“ na strane 6.

Kladná oznamovacia veta

I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They must (musie) work.
Záporná oznamovacia veta
I/ You/ He/ She/ It/ We/ They mustn’t / must not (nesmie) go.

Príslovky spôsobu
Adverbs of manner
(Lekcia 26, strana 86)
Príslovky spôsobu používame na vyjadrenie, spôsobu, akým sa nieèo stalo:
- Dad drives slowly. (Otec jazdí pomaly.)
- She sang loudly. (Spievala hlasno.)
Príslovky spôsobu zvyèajne stoja za slovesom alebo za predmetom:
- You sing well. (Spievaš dobre.)
- I understood the text easily. (Tomu textu som ¾ahko porozumela.)
Prídavné mená Príslovky

perfect (perfektný) perfectly (perfektne)
safe (bezpeèný) safely (bezpeène)
+ ly
careful (opatrný) carefully (opatrne)
konèiace na spoluhlásku + - y
happy (šastný) zmeni y na i + ly happily (šastne)
konèiace na - le
possible (možný) zmeni - le na - ly possibly (snáï)
hard hard
fast fast
early early
late late
good well

Vyjadrenie budúceho èasu pomocou väzby going to

(Lekcia 28, strana 92)

Väzbu going to + infinitív slovesa používame na vyjadrenie našich plánov a zámerov
v budúcnosti:

- I’m going to see a film tomorrow. (Zajtra sa chystám sledova film.)

- We’re going to buy some summer clothes next weekend. (Budúci víkend sa chystáme
kúpi nejaké obleèenie na leto.)
S väzbou going to èasto používame èasové urèenia ako napr.: tomorrow (zajtra), next week
(nasledujúci týždeò), at the weekend (tento víkend, ak o òom hovoríme poèas týždòa pred ním),
this summer (toto leto, ak o òom hovoríme poèas roku pred ním):

- Are you going to get a holiday job this summer?

(Chystáš sa nájs si poèas prázdnin brigádu?)

Oznamovacia veta kladná

I ‘m (am)
He/ She/ It ‘s (is)
going to work.
We/ You/ They ‘re (are)

Oznamovací spôsob záporný

I ‘m not (am not)
He/ She/ It isn’t (is not)
going to work.
We/ You/ They aren’t (are not)

Zisovacie otázky /(yes/no) Krátke odpovede

Am Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
he/ she/ it
Is going to Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.
be late?
we/ you/ they
Are Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they aren’t.

Doplòovacie otázky /(wh - )

What are you going to do this weekend?

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