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Challenges 4 Page 1 of 28

Anglicko – slovenský slovník

Module 1 Communication
abandon, v /ə'b{ndən/ opustiť How could she abandon her own child?
actually, adv /'{ktʃuəli, - spravodlivý Disappointed? No, actually I'm rather glad.
add, v /{d/ pridať Do you want to add your name to the list?
allergic, adj /ə'lÆ:dZk/ alergický Many people are allergic to eggs.
argue, v /'ɑ:gju:/ hádať sa They were arguing about how to spend the money.
artistic, adj /ɑ:'tstk/ umelecký I love your Christmas decorations – they're very artistic.
awesome, adj /'ɔ:səm/ úctyhodný Their last concert was really awesome.
ban, v /b{n/ zakázať Smoking is banned in the building.
blog, n /blɒg/ blog A blog is a website that gives information on a particular subject.
blogosphere, n /'blɒgəsfə/ virtuálna sféra The size of the blogosphere has doubled according to blog analysis
body language, n /'bɒdi reč tela It was obvious from Luke's body language that he was nervous.
brand new, adj /"br{nd 'nju:/ úplne nový His clothes looked brand new.
calf, n /kɑ:f/ teľa A calf is the baby of a cow or of some other large animals.
can't help something, /"kɑ:nt 'help nemôcť si pomôcť I can't help the way I feel about you.
v phr "sömθŋ/
claim, v /klem/ tvrdiť The girls claim to have seen ghosts.
coast, n /kəυst/ pobrežie I used to live in a small village on the coast.
code, n /kəυd/ kód All reports must be sent in code.
comfortable, adj /'kömftəbəl, pohodlný Is this chair comfortable enough?
complicated, adj /'kɒmplketd/ komplikovaný, zložitý The instructions were very complicated and I couldn't
understand them.
computer network, n /kəm'pju:tə počítačová sieť It can be done electronically over a computer network.
phr "netwÆ:k/
cool, adj /ku:l/ cool You really look cool in that dress.
course, n /kɔ:s/ kurz Andy's doing a one-year journalism course.
crowd, n /kraυd/ dav A crowd of reporters was waiting for her at the airport.
cute, adj /kju:t/ rozkošný, milučký Julia Roberts is really cute in her new movie.
daily, adj /'deli/ denný He has a daily radio show on Real Radio.
definitely, adv /'defnətli/ rozhodne, určite I definitely need a holiday.
detailed, adj /'di:teld/ detailný Do you have a more detailed map of the area?
diary, n /'daəri/ denník I decided to keep a diary of our trip to Toronto.
die out, phr v /"da 'aυt/ vymrieť The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying out.
distance, n /'dstəns/ vzdialenosť What is the distance from New York to Miami?
download, v /'daυnləυd/ zavádzať, sťahovať dáta Download your favourite songs by clicking here.
drama, n /'drɑ:mə/ divadelná dráma Who's your drama teacher?
ecologist, n /'kɒlədZst/ ekológ An ecologist is a scientist who studies ecology.
e-mail, n /'i:mel/ e-mail Send me an e-mail when you have any news.
enthusiastic, adj /n"θju:zi'{stk/ entuziastický He's still really enthusiastic about his new job.
experienced, adj /k'spəriənst/ skúsený His father is an experienced pilot.
explore, v /k'splɔ:/ preskúmať Venice is a wonderful city to explore.
face-to-face, adj /"fes tə 'fes/ z očí do očí, tvárou v tvár Why couldn't they just tell him things face-to-face?
fair, adj /feə/ spravodlivý Life isn't always fair.
fall in love, v phr /"fɔ:l n 'löv/ zaľúbiť sa The tree was about to fall.
feature, n /'fi:tʃə/ znak, črta Air bags are a standard feature in most new cars.
for ages, prep phr /fər 'edZz/ dlho, roky Simon! I haven't seen you for ages.
fountain, n /'faυntən/ fontána We sat in the chairs that are set out in summer around a fountain.
generation, n /"dZenə'reʃən/ generácia Like most of my generation, I had never known a war.
get, phr v /get 'ɒn wð/ dostať I've always got on well with Henry.

Slovak Ventures, s.r.o,

Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
Challenges 4 Page 2 of 28
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
get down to, phr v /get 'daυn tə/ pustiť sa do I always find it hard to get down to studying.
give away, phr v /"gv ə'we/ dať preč, odstrániť He gave away as little information as possible.
guide, v /gad/ viesť, sprevádzať, usmerňovať He guided us through the narrow streets.
hand in, phr v /"h{nd 'n/ odovzdať Did you hand your homework in on time?
hard-working, adj /"hɑ:d 'wÆ:kŋ/ ťažko pracujúci Tom is a smart, hard-working student.
hot, adj /hɒt/ horúci He's one of the hottest young directors in Hollywood.
chemical, adj /'kemkəl/ chemický Chemical weapons are very dangerous.
identify, v /a'dentfa/ identifikovať, určiť He was too far away to be able to identify faces.
instant messaging, n /"nstənt posielanie okamžitých správ We can use instant messaging to communicate
'mesdZŋ/ in real time.

intensely, adv /n'tensli/ hlboko, veľmi He disliked Kate intensely.

interfere, v /"ntə'fə/ prekážať, rušiť, zasahovať do Stress can interfere with children's
performance at school.
interpret, v /n'tÆ:prət/ interpretovať, vysvetliť Your dream can be interpreted in many ways.
intro, n /'ntrəυ/ úvod I'll start off with a brief intro.
introduction, n /"ntrə'dökʃən/ úvod (knihy) In the introduction he explains why he wrote the book.
investigate, v /n'vestget/ vyšetrovať I heard a noise and went downstairs to investigate.
issue, n /'ʃu:, 'sju:/ problém, sporná otázka They talked about green issues such as the
greenhouse effect and global warming.
keen, adj /ki:n/ zbláznený do My parents have always been keen on travelling.
keep in touch, v phr /"ki:p n 'tötʃ/ zotrvať v kontakte I met him when I worked in Madrid, and I've kept in touch with
him ever since.
kind, adj /kand/ milý, láskavý It wasn't a very kind thing to say.
landline, n /'l{ndlan/ pevná (telefónna) linka A landline is a telephone line that travels through metal
wires or optic fibres.
log on, phr v /"lɒg 'ɒn/ prihlásiť sa You need to log on to your home page.
look at, phr v /'lυk ət, {t/ pozerať sa na, do You should get the doctor to look at that cut.
mating, n /'metŋ/ párenie Some animals get eaten after mating.
meet up, phr v /"mi:t 'öp wð, náhodou sa stretnúť I've got to go now, but I'll meet up with you later.
method, n /'meθəd/ metóda I think we should try again using a different method.
mobile phone, n /"məυbal 'fəυn/ mobilný telefón I called her on the mobile phone but she didn't answer.
native, n /'netv/ pôvodný obyvateľ He was not certain whether the natives were friendly.
nightmare, n /'natmeə/ nočná mora Years after the accident I still have nightmares about it.
observation, n /"ɒbzə'veʃən/ pozorovanie Some interesting observations came from this research.
observe, v /əb'zÆ:v/ pozorovať One student performs the experiment, while his partner observes.
online, adj /'ɒnlan/ napojený, on-line All the city's schools will be online by the end of the year.
origin, n /'ɒrədZn/ pôvod Two-thirds of the pupils are of Asian origin.
originally, adv /ə'rdZənəli/ pôvodne The building was originally used as a prison.
outgoing, adj /"aυt'gəυŋ/ otvorený (povaha) Jamie is a friendly, outgoing woman.
pal, n /p{l/ kolega We've been pals since we were at school.
patient, adj /'peʃənt/ trpezlivý, zhovievavý I'm sure she'll write soon. Just try to be patient.
pheromone, n /'ferəməυn/ feromón Pheromones affect the way people and animals behave.
pleasant, adj /'plezənt/ veselý Nick seemed very pleasant on the phone.
politics, n pl /'pɒlətks/ politika Politics have always interested Anita.
postal service, n /'pəυstl "sÆ:vs/ poštová služba The postal service is responsible for collecting and delivering mail.
proud, adj /praυd/ hrdý She's an excellent student and her parents are proud of her.
publish, v /'pöblʃ/ vydať They are publishing the dictionary on CD-ROM.
puff, n /pöf/ závan The dragon disappeared in a puff of smoke.
register, v /'redZstə/ registrovať The baby's birth was registered this morning.
research, n /r'sÆ:tʃ/ výskum She's doing a lot of research on child development.
resident, n /'rezdənt/ súčasný obyvateľ Residents of Westville complained about the town's bus
round-up, n /'raυnd öp/ krátke správy, prehľad správ But first, here's Tim with our Friday sports

Slovak Ventures, s.r.o,

Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
Challenges 4 Page 3 of 28
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
sense of humour, phr /"sens əv zmysel pre humor I like Pam – she has a really good sense of humour.
sign language, n /'san posunková reč They are deaf but they speak sign language.
similar, adj /'smələ/ rovnaký, podobný We have similar tastes in music.
skill, n /skl/ zručnosť Many jobs today require computer skills.
slave trade, n phr /'slev "tred/ trh s otrokmi The slave trade is the buying and selling of slaves.
smoke signal, n /'sməυk "sgnəl/ skutočne Native Americans used smoke signals to send messages.
social, adj /'səυʃəl/ sociálny The country is facing serious social problems.
source, n /sɔ:s/ zdroj Beans are a very good source of protein.
spread, irr v /spred/ rozšíriť sa Fire quickly spread through the building.
status, n /'stetəs/ postavenie I don't want a low-status job .
steep, adj /sti:p/ strmý The road became rocky and steep.
stuff, n /stöf/ materiál I like his music – it's good stuff.
subject, n /'söbdZkt/ téma, predmet Paul has strong opinions on most subjects.
substance, n /'söbstəns/ hmota, látka This is the most poisonous substance known.
suppose, v /sə'pəυz/ dúfať, veriť I suppose you're right.
take up, phr v /"tek 'öp/ začať sa venovať Roger took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.
telegraph, n /'telgrɑ:f/ telegraf I got a telegraph message today from Uncle Tom.
text, v /tekst/ písať správy She spends hours texting her friends.
tidy, adj /'tadi/ čistotný Chris is a naturally tidy person.
trail, n /trel/ stopa, cestička The bus left a trail of black smoke behind it.
trunk, n /tröŋk/ chobot A trunk is the very long nose of an elephant.
uncommon, adj /ön'kɒmən/ nezvyčajný It is uncommon for students to have expensive cars.
unknown, adj /"ön'nəυn/ neznámy An unknown number of people were killed.
upload, v /öp'ləυd/ odsunúť It might take a while for this to upload.
urine, n /'jυərn/ moč They had to drink their own urine to survive.
useful, adj /'ju:sfəl/ užitočný The book is full of useful information.
useless, adj /'ju:sləs/ zbytočný Don't ask Tim to fix it. He's completely useless.
virtual, adj /'vÆ:tʃuəl, -tʃəl/ virtuálny The website allows you to take a virtual tour of the art gallery.
wag, v /w{g/ vrtieť, kývať A dog wags its tail in order to show friendliness and pleasure.
warning, n /'wɔ:nŋ/ varovanie, výstraha I'm giving you a final warning – don't be late again.
well-known, adj /"wel 'nəυn/ dobre známy, veľmi známy He's a well-known TV presenter.
whistle, v /'wsəl/ pískať Adam whistled happily on his way to work.
wild west, n /"wald 'west/ divoký západ The Wild West is the western part of the US in the 19th century.
Module 2 News
accompany, v /ə'kömpəni/ sprevádzať, doprevádzať Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
ad, n /{d/ inzerát I saw an ad for some cheap furniture in our local paper.
admiral, n /'{dmərəl/ admirál An admiral is an officer in the navy.
advice, n /əd'vas/ rada I want to ask your advice about where to stay.
announce, v /ə'naυns/ oznámiť They announced their wedding in 'The Times'.
anonymous, adj /ə'nɒnəməs/ anonymný I got an anonymous letter this morning.
apparently, adv /ə'p{rəntli/ zdanlivo I wasn't there, but apparently it went well.
army, n /'ɑ:mi/ armáda He joined the army when he was 17.
arrest, n /ə'rest/ zatknutie The police made several arrests.
avoid, v /ə'vɔd/ vyhnúť sa You shouldn't avoid doing your homework.
bead, n /bi:d/ korálka She wore a string of green glass beads around her neck.
birth control, n /'bÆ:θ kən"trəυl/ antikoncepcia, kontrola pôrodnosti Have you discussed birth control with
your daughter?
blow up, phr v /"bləυ 'öp/ vyletieť The plane blew up in mid-air.
bomb, n /bɒm/ bomba Fortunately the house was empty when the bomb exploded.

Slovak Ventures, s.r.o,

Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
Challenges 4 Page 4 of 28
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
boost, v /bu:st/ propagovať, podporiť The new resort area has boosted tourism.
brand name, n /'br{nd nem/ obchodná značka Brand names are well-known all over the world.
break out, phr v /"brek 'aυt/ utiecť, uniknúť Three men have broken out of a top security jail.
cargo, n /'kɑ:gəυ/ náklad The ship is carrying a cargo of oil.
celebrity, n /sə'lebrəti/ slávny človek, celebrita People waited outside the theatre to see the
cellar, n /'selə/ pivnica We store most things in the cellar.
claim, v /klem/ nárokovať, mať nárok Kashmir is claimed by both India and Pakistan.
convince, v /kən'vns/ presvedčiť I've been trying to convince Jean to come with me.
corporation, n /"kɔ:pə'reʃən/ spoločnosť He works for a large American corporation.
correspondent, n /"kɒrə'spɒndənt dopisovateľ, korešpondent Our correspondent in South Africa sent this report.
couple, n /'köpəl/ dvojica, pár Shirley and Bob are a young married couple with two small children.
critic, n /'krtk/ kritik The Prime Minister answered his critics in a televised speech.
deck, n /dek/ paluba I managed to find a seat on the upper deck.
declare, v /d'kleə/ vyhlásiť He was visiting his parents in Torino when war was declared.
deodorant, n /di:'əυdərənt/ deodorant Deodorants stop you from smelling bad.
depressed, adj /d'prest/ skľúčený She felt lonely and depressed.
documentary, n /"dɒkjə'mentəri dokument They're making a documentary about volcanoes.
easy-going, adj /"i:zi 'gəυŋ/ bezstarostný Our parents are easy-going, and they don't mind if we stay out late.
enquiry, n /n'kwaəri/ vyšetrovanie Police are making enquiries into the bank robbery.
escaped, adj /'skept/ utečený, uniknutý Police are looking for the escaped prisoner.
execute, v /'ekskju:t/ popraviť King Charles I was executed on 30th January 1649.
expedition, n /"ekspə'dʃən/ výprava, expedícia He went on an expedition to the North Pole.
expert, n /'ekspÆ:t/ expert, odborník He's an expert in French history.
express, v /k'spres/ vyjadriť Bill's not afraid to express his opinions.
extremist, n /k'stri:mst/ extrémista The bomb was planted by extremists.
fail, v /fel/ zlyhať I failed my driving test the first time I took it.
fancy, v /'f{nsi/ mať chuť (na) Sorry, but I don't fancy going out tonight.
fashion, n /'f{ʃən/ móda Hats are in fashion again this year.
fence, n /fens/ plot A wooden fence surrounded the house.
fig, n /fg/ figa A fig is a soft sweet fruit with a lot of small seeds.
foil, v /fɔl/ odvrátiť, prekaziť The escape attempt was foiled by police guards.
forecast, n /'fɔ:kɑ:st/ predpoveď The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.
game show, n /'gem ʃəυ/ súťažná show Have you ever taken part in a TV game show?
gate, n /get/ brána Make sure that the back gate is locked, please.
general, n /'dZenərəl/ generál A general is an officer in the army or air force.
get into, phr v /get 'ntə, 'ntυ/ dostať sa do I first got into jazz when I was at college.
give up, phr v /"gv 'öp/ vzdať sa, zanechať Why don't you give up smoking?
glossy, adj /'glɒsi/ lesklý Glossy magazines are printed on good quality shiny paper.
go ahead, phr v /"gəυ ə'hed/ postupovať vpred They've decided to go ahead with plans to build 50 new
go on, phr v /gəυ 'ɒn/ ísť o niečo, jednať sa o I don't know what's going on.
go out, phr v /gəυ 'aυt wð, chodiť s Tina used to go out with my brother.
golden wedding, n /"gəυldən zlatá svadba My parents are throwing a party for their golden wedding anniversary.
gossip, n /'gɒsp/ klebeta I heard an interesting piece of gossip about Beth.
gunpowder, n /'gön"paυdə/ pušný prach They use gunpowder in bombs and fireworks.
headline, n /'hedlan/ nadpis I just saw the headline. I didn't have time to read the article.
heatwave, n /'hi:twev/ horúca vlna, vlna horúčavy Early in August a heatwave hit.
honestly, adv /'ɒnəstli/ čestne It wasn't me, honestly!

Slovak Ventures, s.r.o,

Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
Challenges 4 Page 5 of 28
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
horoscope, n /'hɒrəskəυp/ horoskop What does my horoscope for next week say?
hurricane, n /'hörkən/ hurikán A hurricane is a violent storm with extremely strong winds.
chat show, n /'tʃ{t ʃəυ/ chat show He announced his decision on a chat show.
check out, phr v /"tʃek 'aυt/ vyskúšať, preskúšať If I hear about a website that sounds interesting, I check it
ignore, v /g'nɔ:/ ignorovať We cannot ignore the problem.
in fact, prep phr /n 'f{kt/ v skutočnosti I know Ben very well. In fact, we're best friends.
include, v /n'klu:d/ zahrnúť Could we include Mary in the game?
independence, n /"nd'pendəns/ nezávislosť Having a job gives you independence.
inhabitant, n /n'h{btənt/ obyvateľ Copenhagen has about 1.4 million inhabitants.
invade, v /n'ved/ napadnúť The Romans invaded Britain 2000 years ago.
jerk, n /dZÆ:k/ hlupák I liked the job, but the manager was a jerk.
last, v /lɑ:st/ trvať, vydržať Each lesson lasts an hour.
local, adj /'ləυkəl/ lokálny The fire was reported in the local newspaper.
make up, n /'mek öp/ make up, líčenie I don't usually wear much make-up.
marriage, n /'m{rdZ/ svadba, manželstvo They have a very happy marriage.
memory, n /'meməri/ spomienka, pamäť He has lots of happy memories of his stay in Japan.
move, n /mu:v/ sťahovanie She's still thinking about her next move.
mugging, n /'mögŋ/ prepad, prepadnutie Robberies and muggings are common in the area.
naked, adj /'nekd/ nahý The children ran naked through the yard.
never mind, phr /"nevə 'mand/ nevadí 'We haven't done very well, have we?' 'Never mind. At least we tried.'
obviously, adv /'ɒbviəsli/ očividne We're obviously going to need more help.
on average, prep phr /ɒn '{vərdZ/ priemerne, v priemere On average, men still earn more than women.
packed, adj /p{kt/ preplnený The island was packed with tourists.
paradise, n /'p{rədas/ raj A home near the sea is my idea of paradise.
parliament, n /'pɑ:ləmənt/ parlament They wanted a free parliament and press.
particular, adj /pə'tkjələ/ zvláštny, osobitý I don't like this particular type of food.
peaceful, adj /'pi:sfəl/ pokojný, mierumilovný We had a peaceful afternoon without the children.
pity, n /'pti/ škoda, ľútosť It's a pity that he didn't get the job.
plot, n /plɒt/ spiknutie, sprisahanie The plot was quickly discovered, and five men were
plot, v /plɒt/ plánovať They had plotted to blow up the White House.
policy, n /'pɒləsi/ politika The company has got a strict no-smoking policy.
press conference, n /'pres tlačová konferencia The Green Party held a press conference the next day.
problem page, n /'prɒbləm stránka venovaná problémom čitateľov The magazine also contains a
pedZ/ problem page.

product, n /'prɒdökt/ produkt I'm allergic to dairy products.

properly, adv /'prɒpəli/ poriadne, správne Parents should teach their children to behave properly.
questionnaire, n /"kwestʃə'neə/ dotazník Complete the questionnaire as soon as possible.
realise, v /'rəlaz/ uvedomiť si It was only later that I realised my mistake.
rebel, n /'rebəl/ rebel The rebels took control of the city.
reflect on, v /r'flekt/ premýšľať He had time to reflect on his successes and failures.
refuse, v /r'fju:z/ odmietnuť She refused to stay for the night.
report, n /r'pɔ:t/ správa According to recent news reports, 15 people died in the crash.
review, n /r'vju:/ kritika, správa The band's new album has had very good reviews.
reward, v /r'wɔ:d/ odmeniť Several of the parents rewarded their children for passing their exams.
robbery, n /'rɒbəri/ lúpež Police are investigating a series of bank robberies.
royal, adj /'rɔəl/ kráľovský People are interested in reading about royal families.
rule, v /ru:l/ vládnuť, panovať Queen Victoria ruled England for 64 years.
runway, n /'rönwe/ štartovacia/pristávacia dráha Planes take off from runways.
rush, v /röʃ/ ponáhľať sa Everyone rushed out into the street to see what was happening.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
security, n /s'kjυərəti/ bezpečnosť, ochrana There are strict security checks on everyone entering the
self-esteem, n /"self 'sti:m/ sebaúcta Sports should build a child's self-esteem.
servant, n /'sÆ:vənt/ sluha An old servant opened the door.
source, n /sɔ:s/ zdroj For me, music is a great source of enjoyment.
spokeswoman, n /'spəυks"wυmə hovorkyňa Ms Brown, a company spokeswoman, spoke to reporters after the
n/ meeting.

staff, n /stɑ:f/ personál I'd like to welcome a new member of staff.

suggest, v /sə'dZest/ navrhnúť The doctor suggested taking an aspirin.
suicide, n /'su:əsad/ samovražda Her suicide shocked everyone in the family.
suspected, adj /sə'spektd/ podozrivý They brought the suspected burglar to the police station.
taxi, v /'t{ksi/ rolovať (lietadlo) The plane taxied to a halt.
technique, n /tek'ni:k/ technika In mathematics, we use many techniques of problem-solving.
terrified, adj /'terəfad/ vystrašený He was terrified to stay home alone.
terror, n /'terə/ teror, strach There was a look of terror on his face.
terrorist, n /'terərst/ terorista Twenty people were killed in the latest terrorist attack.
tinned, adj /tnd/ konzervovaný, plechovkový Almost all tinned foods contain sugar.
ton, n /tön/ tona Your bag weighs a ton!
torture, v /'tɔ:tʃə/ mučiť, trápiť Several of the prisoners said that they had been tortured.
tragic, adj /'tr{dZk/ tragický Both sisters died in a tragic car accident.
typical, adj /'tpkəl/ typický What? Amber didn't show up again? Typical.
vegetation, n /"vedZə'teʃən/ vegetácia, rastlinstvo They made their way through the thick vegetation in the
villager, n /'vldZə/ dedinčan We used to get information about them from the villagers.
wacky, adj /'w{ki/ pojašený, švihnutý (slang.) That's a wonderfully wacky idea.
wander, v /'wɒndə/ túlať sa, blúdiť I'll wander around the mall for half an hour.
weapon, n /'wepən/ zbraň Carrying weapons should not be allowed.
worth, adj /wÆ:θ/ stojaci za A lot of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting.
Module 3 Communities
accept, v /ək'sept/ akceptovať He accepted the invitation to stay with us.
according to, prep /ə'kɔ:dŋ tə, tυ/ podľa Everything went according to plan.
aggressive, adj /ə'gresv/ agresívny Chris is an aggressive driver.
ancestor, n /'{nsəstə/ predok, predchodca My ancestors were French.
annual, adj /'{njuəl/ každoročný The school trip has become an annual event.
arrange, v /ə'rendZ/ zorganizovať Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend?
attend, v /ə'tend/ navštevovať Only 12 people attended the meeting.
authority, n /ɔ:'θɒrəti/ autorita Mr Harris, the manager, has the authority to hire and fire players.
bagpipe, adj /'b{gpap/ gajdová Bagpipe music is played especially in Scotland.
banner, n /'b{nə/ transparent, zástava They were carrying anti-war banners.
banquet, n /'b{ŋkwt/ banket A banquet is a formal dinner.
battle, n /'b{tl/ bitka, zápas Her son was killed in battle.
bell-bottoms, n /'bel"bɒtəmz/ zvoncové nohavice Bell-bottoms are trousers with legs that get wider from the
knee to the bottom.
block of flats, phr /"blɒk əv 'fl{ts/ blok bytov We live in a block of flats in the centre of the city.
bravely, adv /'brevli/ statočne, odvážne She spoke bravely in front of all those people.
bungalow, n /'böŋgələυ/ prízemný dom He and his wife lived in a modern bungalow.
bus shelter, n /'bös "ʃeltə/ prístrešok na autobusovej zastávke It was starting to rain, so the three of
us sat in a bus shelter.
by the way, prep phr /ba ðə 'we/ mimochodom By the way, have you seen my keys anywhere?
care, v /keə/ starať sa The only thing he seems to care about is money.
carry out, phr v /"k{ri 'aυt/ vykonávať We carried out her instructions precisely.
carved, adj /kɑ:vd/ ozdobný, vyrezávaný I just love carved wooden chairs.
carving, n /'kɑ:vŋ/ rezba, plastika The carvings on the wall were centuries old.

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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
ceremony, n /'serəməni/ ceremoniál The wedding ceremony was held in the park.
citizen, n /'stzən/ obyvateľ We need our schools to teach students to be good citizens.
clan, n /kl{n/ klan Murphy, Jamie, and the rest of the O'Brien clan will be here for Christmas.
colonise, v /'kɒlənaz/ kolonizovať The first British attempt to colonise Ireland was in the twelfth century.
come along, phr v /"köm ə'lɒŋ/ ísť s, poď s We're going into town – do you want to come along?
community, n /kə'mju:nəti/ komunita The robbery has shocked the local community.
corner shop, n /"kɔ:nə 'ʃɒp/ obchod na rohu Can you get me a newspaper from the corner shop?
cottage, n /'kɒtdZ/ chalúpka We're staying in a holiday cottage in Dorset.
council, n /'kaυnsəl/ zhromaždenie, rada He sent a letter to the council to complain about the noise.
councillor, n /'kaυnsələ/ člen rady, zastupiteľstva Write to your local councillor to complain.
crime, n /kram/ kriminalita We moved here because there was very little crime.
culture, n /'költʃə/ kultúra In our culture, it is rude to ask someone how much they earn.
detached house, n /d"t{tʃt 'haυs/ samostatne stojaci dom A detached house is not joined to another building.
develop, v /d'veləp/ vyvinúť sa It's hard to believe that a tree can develop from a small seed.
downtown, adv /"daυn'taυn/ do centra, v centre Stacy works downtown.
drug, n /drög/ droga A lot of young people start taking drugs at school.
edible, adj /'edəbəl/ jedlý These berries are edible, but those are poisonous.
edition, n /'dʃən/ vydanie The early evening edition of Scotland Today comes out at 3.
entrance, n /'entrəns/ vchod Where's the main entrance to the school?
exhibition, n /"eksə'bʃən/ výstava The exhibition of works by Hans Memling opens next week.
facility, n /fə'sləti/ možnosť, zariadenie, príležitosť They've built a new sports facility.
figure, n /'fgə/ postava Look at that figure in the background of the painting.
first aid, n /"fÆ:st 'ed/ prvá pomoc A seven-year-old brought her twin to Liz for first aid.
flared, adj /fleəd/ rozšírený I like wearing plain T-shirts and flared jeans.
focus, v /'fəυkəs/ sústrediť She tried to focus her mind on her work.
focus, n /'fəυkəs/ ohnisko, stredobod pozornosti, záujmu Our main focus is on helping
people get back to work.
former, adj /'fɔ:mə/ bývalý Her former husband now lives in Houston.
found, v /faυnd/ založiť Eton College was founded by Henry VI in 1440.
freaky, adj /'fri:ki/ výstredný, čudný The movie was kind of freaky.
funeral, n /'fju:nərəl/ pohreb They didn't go to their grandfather's funeral because they were abroad.
gallery, n /'g{ləri/ galéria I enjoy going to museums and art galleries.
gathering, n /'g{ðərŋ/ zhromaždenie They announced their engagement at a family gathering .
gig, n /gg/ hudobné vystúpenie The band are doing a gig in Sheffield on Nov 12.
grow into, phr v /"grəυ 'ntə, vyrásť na Sue grew into a lovely young woman.
handicapped, adj /'h{ndik{pt/ postihnutý She works with handicapped teenagers.
hang around, phr v /"h{ŋ ə'raυnd/ potĺkať sa I hung around the station for an hour but he never came.
highland, adj /'halənd/ vysokohorský I love highland dancing and music.
hold, v /həυld/ konať sa This year's conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel.
hoodie, n /'hυdi/ mikina s kapucňou A hoodie is a type of jacket with a hood.
charity, n /'tʃ{rəti/ dobročinnosť, charita All the money raised by the concert will go to charity.
chief, n /tʃi:f/ šerif, náčelník Who's the police chief?
chill out, phr v /"tʃl 'aυt/ oddychovať I spent the afternoon chilling out in front of the TV.
christening, n /'krsənŋ/ pokrstenie, krst It was a supper to celebrate the christening of their new baby.
identity, n /a'dentəti/ identita Nobody knows the identity of the thief.
impression, n /m'preʃən/ dojem I got the impression that they don't want us there.
improve, v /m'pru:v/ zlepšiť, vylepšiť You could use the money to improve your home.
improvement, n /m'pru:vmənt/ náprava, zlepšenie There's been a big improvement in the children's behaviour.
inconsiderate, adj /"nkən'sdərət/ bezvýznamný It was very inconsiderate of you to keep us waiting.
individual, n /"ndə'vdZuəl/ jedinec Individuals get more attention in small classes.
inner city, n /"nə 'sti/ centrum mesta We talked about the problems of inner city schools.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
Challenges 4 Page 8 of 28
Anglicko – slovenský slovník
judge, v /dZödZ/ posudzovať, súdiť You should never judge a person by their looks.
kilt, n /klt/ kilt Scottish men traditionally wear thick skirts called kilts.
likely, adj /'lakli/ pravdepodobný Snow showers are likely tomorrow.
litter, n /'ltə/ odpadky These streets are full of litter.
look for trouble, phr /"lυk fə 'tröbəl/ vyhľadávať problém They walked into a bar looking for trouble.
look up, phr v /"lυk 'öp/ vyhľadať Look the word up in your dictionary.
magnificent, adj /m{g'nfəsənt/ skvelý, veľkolepý, nádherný She looked magnificent in a long red dress.
mainly, adv /'menli/ hlavne, prevažne, väčšinou We talked about various things – work, mainly.
make it, v phr /'mek t/ realizovať, spraviť If we run, we should make it.
memorial, n /mə'mɔ:riəl/ pamätník There will be a service at the war memorial at 7 pm on Saturday.
Middle Ages, n /"mdl 'edZz/ stredovek He talked about events in the Middle Ages as if they'd happened
mission, n /'mʃən/ poslanie, úloha Her mission was to send them all the information she could get.
mobile home, n /"məυbal karaván, mobilný dom We travelled a lot on weekends in a mobile home.
monitor, v /'mɒntə/ monitorovať, sledovať The temperature is carefully monitored.
movement, n /'mu:vmənt/ hnutie He joined the movement for independence right away.
occasion, n /ə'keZən/ príležitosť I'm saving this bottle of champagne for a special occasion.
organise, v /'ɔ:gənaz/ organizovať Students need to learn how to organise their work.
pass on, phr v /"pɑ:s 'ɒn/ dať ďalej, podať He passed on much of his fortune to his daughter.
pavement, n /'pevmənt/ chodník You can't park your car on the pavement.
permission, n /pə'mʃən/ dovolenie Who gave him permission to leave class early?
pollute, v /pə'lu:t/ znečisťovať The factory pollutes the air and water.
pollution, n /pə'lu:ʃən/ znečistenie Pollution from cars is the main cause of global warming.
pool, n /pu:l/ biliard We went to the pub and played pool.
population, n /"pɒpjə'leʃən/ obyvateľstvo, populácia India has a population of more than 1 billion.
protection, n /prə'tekʃən/ ochrana The protection of the environment concerns us all.
public, adj /'pöblk/ verejný Could you tell me where the public telephones are?
put on, phr v /pυt 'ɒn/ zorganizovať One summer the children put on a play.
put up, phr v /pυt 'öp/ postaviť They're putting up several new blocks of flats in the centre of town.
raise, v /rez/ zarobiť, zozbierať peniaze They are raising money to help needy old people.
rather, adv /'rɑ:ðə/ radšej I'd rather have a quiet night in front of the TV.
recognise, v /'rekəgnaz, spoznať, rozpoznať I didn't recognize you in your uniform.
reply, v /r'pla/ odpovedať I asked Clive where he was going, but he didn't reply.
restoration, n /"restə'reʃən/ renovácia They finished the restoration of the building last week.
rural, adj /'rυərəl/ vidiecky, dedinský There aren't many jobs for young people in rural areas.
scout, n /skaυt/ skaut My brother Tim is a boy scout.
semi-detached house, /"semi dt{tʃt dvojdom A semi-detached house is joined to another house on one side.
n 'haυs/
set up, phr v /"set 'öp/ pripraviť There was a lot of work involved in setting up the festival.
start up, phr v /"stɑ:t 'öp/ začať Jordan started up a band of his own.
stick, n /stk/ palica They collected sticks to start the fire.
suburb, n /'söbÆ:b/ predmestie My family moved to the suburbs when I was ten.
suggestion, n /sə'dZestʃən/ návrh May I make a suggestion?
survey, n /'sÆ:ve/ výskum The survey showed that Britain's trees are in good health.
survive, v /sə'vav/ prežiť Only 12 of the 140 passengers survived.
take part in, v phr /tek 'pɑ:t n/ zúčastniť sa About 400 students took part in the festival.
tartan, n /'tɑ:tn/ károvaný, kockovaný I saw her sitting there, in her green tartan dress.
terraced house, n /"terəst 'haυs/ terasovitý dom A terraced house is part of a row of houses that are joined
total, adj /'təυtl/ totálny, celkový The total cost was far higher than we had expected.
traditional, adj /trə'dʃənəl/ tradičný It is traditional not to eat meat on Good Friday.

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tribe, n /trab/ kmeň The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe.
troop, n /tru:p/ stádo, kŕdeľ Did you see that troop of monkeys?
turn up, phr v /"tÆ:n 'öp/ prísť, objaviť sa Steve turned up late, as usual.
unfair, adj /"ön'feə/ nefér, nečestný I don't want to be unfair but I believe she behaved really badly.
uninhabited, adj /"önn'h{btd/ neobývaný, neosídlený Most of the islands in Clear Bay are uninhabited.
various, adj /'veəriəs/ rôzny There are various ways to answer your question.
victim, n /'vktm/ obeť We must all help the victims of the earthquake.
voluntary, adj /'vɒləntəri/ dobrovoľný She does a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross.
volunteer, n /"vɒlən'tə/ dobrovoľník I need some volunteers to help with the washing-up.
weird, adj /wəd/ čudná, zvláštna A really weird thing happened last night.
wheelchair, n /'wi:ltʃeə/ vozíček He'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
wig, n /wg/ parochňa Under their wigs their heads are shaven.
worldwide, adv /"wÆ:ld'wad/ po celom svete He has sold millions of books worldwide.
yob, n /jɒb/ usmrkanec A dozen yobs stood outside the school.
youth club, n /'ju:θ klöb/ klub pre mladých On Fridays there is usually a disco at the youth club.
Module 4 Cash
accommodation, n /ə"kɒmə'deʃən/ ubytovanie The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation.
active, adj /'{ktv/ aktívny My father always led a very active life.
advisory, adj /əd'vazəri/ poradný, pomocný His work will include much personal advisory work with
affect, v /ə'fekt/ postihnúť, ovplyvniť The hurricane affected the whole area.
afford, v /ə'fɔ:d/ dovoliť si We can't afford to go on vacation this year.
alternative, adj /ɔ:l'tÆ:nətv/ alternatívny, náhradný Have you any alternative suggestions?
ancient, adj /'enʃənt/ staroveký Rome is famous for its ancient monuments.
apologise, v /ə'pɒlədZaz/ ospravedlniť I think you should apologise to your brother.
auction, n /'ɔ:kʃən/ aukcia The house was sold at auction.
auctioneer, n /"ɔ:kʃə'nə/ aukcionár, licitátor An auctioneer is in charge of selling the things at an auction.
authenticity, n /"ɔ:θen'tsəti, - autentičnosť, pôvodnosť Art experts have questioned the painting's
θən-/ authenticity.

autograph, v /'ɔ:təgrɑ:f/ podpísať, napísať autogram I won a shirt that had been autographed by the
whole team.
average, adj /'{vərdZ/ priemerný Last winter was colder than the average winter.
bank account, n /'b{ŋk ə"kaυnt/ bankový účet I'd like to open a bank account.
bank note, n /'b{ŋk nəυt/ bankovka A bank note is a piece of paper money.
barter, v /'bɑ:tə/ vymeniť I had to barter with the locals for food.
battlefield, n /'b{tlfi:ld/ bojové pole Thousands died on the battlefields of northern France.
beauty, n /'bju:ti/ krása, nádhera Eric's new car is a real beauty.
bet, irr v /bet/ staviť sa I bet you wish you'd arrived earlier.
bronze, n /brɒnz/ bronz These statues were made of bronze.
buckle, n /'bökəl/ pracka He wore a belt with a large silver buckle.
cash, n /k{ʃ/ hotovosť You have to pay in cash – they don't accept cheques.
cash card, n /'k{ʃ kɑ:d/ platobná karta A cash card is a special plastic card used for getting money from a
machine outside a bank.
caveman, n /'kevm{n/ jaskynný človek Cavemen were people who lived in caves thousands of years
certificate, n /sə'tfkət/ certifikát Could you tell me where to apply for a full birth certificate?
coin, n /kɔn/ minca Toss a coin to see who goes first.
collector, n /kə'lektə/ zberateľ Uncle Jim is a stamp collector.
comfort, n /'kömfət/ pohodlie Alan didn't want to leave the warmth and comfort of the fire.
condition, n /kən'dʃən/ stav The house was in a terrible condition.
connection, n /kə'nekʃən/ pripojenie The socket allows a connection to a PC.
content, n /'kɒntent/ obsah Most of the gallery's contents were damaged in the fire.
copper, n /'kɒpə/ meď Copper is used to make electrical wires.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
credit, n /'kredt/ úver Most new cars are bought on credit.
credit card, n /'kredt kɑ:d/ kreditná karta We accept all major credit cards.
cruise, n /kru:z/ výletná plavba He and his wife were planning to go on a world cruise.
customer, n /'köstəmə/ zákazník A customer came in and bought several jackets.
debit card, n /'debt kɑ:d/ debetná karta When you use a debit card the money is taken directly from your
bank account.
debt, n /det/ dlh, dlžoba He had enough money to pay off his debts.
decorative, adj /'dekərətv/ ozdobný The curtains are only decorative – they do not open or close.
delicatessen, n /"delkə'tesən/ lahôdkarstvo, obchod s delikatesami A delicatessen is a shop that sells
high quality foods.
design, v /d'zan/ navrhnúť dizajn The tower was designed by George Gilbert Scott.
disabled, n /ds'ebəld/ invalid The theatre has good access for the disabled.
district, n /'dstrkt/ obvod, oblasť, štvrť I drove around the business district.
donate, v /dəυ'net/ darovať Lots of people volunteer to donate blood.
dry, adj /dra/ suchý Mary has dry, sensitive skin.
enter, v /'entə/ vstúpiť Few reporters dared to enter the war zone.
equator, n /'kwetə/ rovník Martin lives in a small village near the equator.
exchange, v /ks'tʃendZ/ vymieňať We exchange gifts at Christmas.
fake, adj /fek/ falošný She wears fake jewellery because she's afraid of being robbed.
fall out, phr v /"fɔ:l 'aυt/ vypadnúť, vypadať The drugs made her hair fall out.
faulty, adj /'fɔ:lti/ pokazený, chybný The money will be used to repair faulty equipment.
feather, n /'feðə/ pero, perie A bird's feathers are the soft covering on its body.
firewood, n /'faəwυd/ palivové drevo Sometimes they have to chop down a tree for firewood.
flea market, n /'fli: "mɑ:kt/ blší trh, "blšák" I found a wonderful old bag in the flea market.
gadget, n /'g{dZt/ prístroj It's a clever little gadget which you can use to cut vegetables into attractive
give, v phr /"gv ðə 'bu:t/ dať, darovať What did Bob give you for your birthday?
government, n /'gövəmənt, vláda Unemployment is a problem that many Western governments continue to face.
guesthouse, n /'gesthaυs/ penzión A guesthouse is a type of hotel.
headphones, n /'hedfəυnz/ slúchadlá He usually wears headphones to listen to his tapes.
hike, v /hak/ ísť pešo na túru I've hiked the canyon four times.
historical, adj /h'stɒrkəl/ historický We visited many places of historical interest.
homeless, n /'həυmləs/ bezdomovec We give food and blankets to the homeless on the streets of London.
chalk, n /tʃɔ:k/ krieda We use chalk for writing or drawing.
challenge, n /'tʃ{ləndZ/ výzva I like the challenge of learning new things.
cheerful, adj /'tʃəfəl/ veselý, radostný 'I'm Robyn,' she said with a cheerful smile.
cheque book, n /'tʃek bυk/ šeková knižka You can pay your bills using a cheque book.
chore, n /tʃɔ:/ domáca práca Who does all the everyday chores like shopping and housework?
inform, v /n'fɔ:m/ informovať They decided to inform the police.
iron, n /'aən/ železo The huge gate was made of iron.
islander, n /'aləndə/ ostrovan An islander is someone who lives on an island.
jockey, n /'dZɒki/ žokej A jockey is someone who rides horses in races.
kayak, v /'ka{k/ plavenie sa na kajaku My sister is really interested in canoeing and kayaking.
landmine, n /'l{ndman/ mína Children are the main victims of landmines.
lemur, n /'li:mə/ lemur Lemurs look like monkeys and have long thick tails.
look forward, phr v /lυk 'fɔ:wəd tə, tešiť sa na I'm really looking forward to our holiday.
luxury, n /'lökʃəri/ luxus We stayed in five-star luxury at the Palace Hotel.
material, n /mə'təriəl/ materiál, látka Could I have six metres of that curtain material?
mine, n /man/ mína A mine is a bomb hidden under the ground or underwater.
mixture, n /'mkstʃə/ zmes The town is a mixture of the old and the new.
murderer, n /'mÆ:dərə/ vrah Do you think the police will ever catch her murderer?

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
narrow, adj /'n{rəυ/ úzky We followed the narrow path that led to the beach.
on sale, prep phr /ɒn 'sel/ na predaj Stephen King's new novel will go on sale next week.
order, v /'ɔ:də/ objednať We don't have that book in stock, but we can order it for you.
part, v /pɑ:t/ odlúčiť He has parted from his wife.
part-time, adj /"pɑ:t 'tam/ čiastočný My sister got a part-time job as a shop assistant.
peak, n /pi:k/ vrchol, hrot We couldn't see the mountain peak because of the fog.
personalise, v /'pÆ:sənəlaz/ zosobniť Why not do something to personalise your office?
physically, adv /'fzkli/ fyzický She is young and physically fit.
picturesque, adj /"pktʃə'resk/ farebný, malebný We visited the picturesque fishing village of Lochinver.
pile, n /pal/ kopa His mother came in carrying a pile of clothes in her arms.
pocket money, n /'pɒkt "möni/ vreckové How much pocket money do you get?
poverty, n /'pɒvəti/ chudoba Millions of people live in poverty.
produce, v /prə'dju:s/ produkovať This factory produces 100 cars per hour.
product, n /'prɒdökt/ produkt None of our products are tested on animals.
pronounce, v /prə'naυns/ vyhlásiť I now pronounce you man and wife.
provide, v /prə'vad/ poskytnúť The hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service for guests.
put off, phr v /pυt 'ɒf/ odložiť The match has been put off until tomorrow because of bad weather.
quality, n /'kwɒləti/ kvalita The glass is of good quality.
question, v /'kwestʃən/ pýtať sa Are you questioning what I'm saying?
receipt, n /r'si:t/ potvrdenie, predpis Keep your receipt in case you want to bring it back.
re-examine, v /"ri: g'z{mn/ prešetriť, znovu vyšetriť They had to re-examine the witness.
refund, n /'ri:fönd/ náhrada They refused to give me a refund.
regular, adj /'regjələ/ pravidelný Do you do any regular exercise?
replacement, n /r'plesmənt/ výmena, náhrada Our old car is badly in need of replacement.
reply, n /r'pla/ odpoveď I tried calling, but there was no reply.
representative, n /"repr'zentətv/ predstaviteľ, zástupca They refused to send a representative to the talks in
result, n /r'zölt/ výsledok Lots of accidents are the result of driving too fast.
retired, adj /r'taəd/ v dôchodku, v penzii Both my parents are retired now.
rude, adj /ru:d/ hrubý It's rude to interrupt people when they are speaking.
salary, n /'s{ləri/ plat, mzda Some managers earn annual salaries of over £80,000.
savings, n /'sevŋz/ úspory Buying a house had taken up all their savings.
service, n /'sÆ:vs/ servis, služba, obsluha The service was terrible and so was the food.
shell, n /ʃel/ mušľa The children were collecting shells on the beach.
shoot, irr v /ʃu:t/ strieľať He had been shot in the back while trying to escape.
side effect, n /'sad "fekt/ vedľajší účinok Does this drug have any side effects?
slightly, adv /'slatli/ trocha, nepatrne Lynn's daughter is only slightly older than mine.
slipper, n /'slpə/ papuča Richard took off his slippers and put on his black shoes again.
snow-capped, adj /'snəυ k{pt/ pokrytý snehom Snow-capped mountains are covered in snow at the top.
solution, n /sə'lu:ʃən/ riešenie I'm afraid there aren't any easy solutions to this problem.
spade, n /sped/ rýľ The children played in the sand with buckets and spades.
start out, phr v /"stɑ:t 'aυt/ začať 'The Star' started out as a small weekly newspaper.
thigh, n /θa/ stehno Your thigh is the top part of your leg, between your knee and your hip.
tin, n /tn/ cín The hut had a roof made of tin.
unemployed, n /"önm'plɔd/ nezamestnaný človek We want to create jobs for the unemployed.
unexploded, adj /"önk'spləυdd/ nevybuchnutý They managed to find the two unexploded bombs.
unspoiled, adj /"ön'spɔld/ nenarušený We discovered an unspoiled fishing village on the Mediterranean
unworn, adj /"ön'wɔ:n/ nenosený Although she bought the dress years ago, it was literally unworn.
value, n /'v{lju:/ hodnota What's the value of that house?
velvet, adj /'velvt/ zamatový She wore a dark blue velvet dress.
villa, n /'vlə/ vila Last year his family bought a villa in a smart Athens suburb.

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wage, n /wedZ/ mzda Some companies pay higher wages than others.
war zone, n /'wɔ: zəυn/ vojnová zóna If they stayed in the war zone they would face almost certain death.
wildlife, n /'waldlaf/ divočina The Sea of Cortez is rich with wildlife.
wise, adj /waz/ múdry I think you were wise to leave when you did.
withdraw, irr v /wð'drɔ:/ vzdať sa A knee injury forced her to withdraw from the competition.
worth, n /wÆ:θ/ cena, hodnota £4 million worth of souvenirs were produced for the event.
zip, n /zp/ zips The zip on my skirt had broken.
Module 5 Water
adopt, v /ə'dɒpt/ adoptovať The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to adopt.
advance, v /əd'vɑ:ns/ stúpať The plane slowly advanced down the runway and then paused, ready for
ammunition, n /"{mjə'nʃən/ strelivo, munícia The soldiers kept on firing until they had no more ammunition.
amongst, prep /ə'möŋst/ medzi The girl quickly disappeared amongst the crowds.
associate, v /ə'səυʃiet, pridružiť, spojiť Shoppers tend to associate certain brand names with high
ə'səυsi-/ quality.

at lightning speed, phr /ət "latnŋ rýchlosť svetla They can move at lightning speed.
authorities, n /ɔ:'θɒrətiz/ úrady Please report any suspicious activities to the authorities immediately.
avoid, v /ə'vɔd/ vyvarovať sa, vyhnúť sa Road safety is taught to young children to avoid road
behaviour, n /b'hevjə/ správanie His behaviour in school is beginning to improve.
bird of prey, n /"bÆ:d əv 'pre/ dravý vták A bird of prey is a bird that kills other birds or small animals for food.
bitter, adj /'btə/ horký I love strong, bitter coffee.
blow over, phr v /"bləυ 'əυvə/ sfúknuť The hurricane blew some palm trees over.
border, n /'bɔ:də/ hranica The river lies on the border between the US and Mexico.
break out, phr v /"brek 'aυt/ vypuknúť Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks out?
breathtaking, adj /'breθ"tekŋ/ úchvatný, závratný The view from my bedroom window was absolutely
Brit, n /brt/ Brit Brits are famous for their sense of humour.
Buddhist, adj /'bυdst/ budhistický I read an interesting book about Buddhist philosophy.
cannon, n /'k{nən/ A cannon is a large heavy powerful gun that was used in the past to fire heavy metal
canyon, n /'k{njən/ kaňon We parked the truck just past Wino Tank and began hiking up the canyon.
compass, n /'kömpəs/ kompas You will need a map and a compass to find your way out.
complicated, adj /'kɒmplketd/ komplikovaný For young children, getting dressed is a complicated business.
constructor, n /kən'ströktə/ staviteľ, konštruktér Who are the constructors of this building?
consumer, n /kən'sju:mə/ konzument, spotrebiteľ Consumers have a right to know what they are buying.
contain, v /kən'ten/ obsahovať The thieves stole a purse containing banknotes.
controversy, n /'kɒntrəvÆ:si, spor, sporná otázka There has been huge controversy over the judge's decision.
course, n /kɔ:s/ dráha The plane changed course to avoid the storm.
craze, n /krez/ móda, mánia The jogging craze began in the 1970s.
cubic, adj /'kju:bk/ kubický Up to 1.2 million cubic metres are expected to be used this year.
deafening, adj /'defənŋ/ ohlušujúci When she finished speaking, the applause was deafening.
decimal, n /'desəməl/ desatinné číslo The numbers 0.5, 0.175, and 0.661 are decimals.
delay, v /d'le/ meškať Our flight was delayed by bad weather.
dense, adj /dens/ hustý The jungle is so dense you cannot walk through it.
developing, adj /d'veləpŋ/ rozvíjajúci, rozvojový Girls receive less health care and less education in the
developing world than boys.
disease, n /d'zi:z/ choroba Cigarette smoking causes death and disease.
disgusting, adj /ds'göstŋ/ hnusný, odporný Smoking is a really disgusting habit.
diverse, adj /da'vÆ:s/ rôzny, rozmanitý The category of "mammals" contains creatures as diverse as
whales, elephants, and human beings.
document, n /'dɒkjəmənt/ dokument Your birth certificate is an important document and you must keep it safe.
dramatic, adj /drə'm{tk/ dramatický The movie starts with a dramatic car chase across the desert

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ecosystem, n /'i:kəυ"sstəm/ ekosystém The rainforest is a self-supporting ecosystem.
efficient, adj /'fʃənt/ schopný Service at the restaurant is efficient and friendly.
emperor, n /'empərə/ vládca An emperor is a man who rules an empire.
endangered, adj /n'dendZəd/ ohrozený The lizards are classed as an endangered species.
enormous, adj /'nɔ:məs/ obrovský, ohromný Their house is enormous – it's got 24 bedrooms.
environment, n /n'varənmənt/ životné prostredie Some of these chemicals are very damaging to the
estimate, n /'estəmət/ predbežný výpočet According to some estimates, almost two-thirds of the city
has been destroyed by the earthquake.
experience, v /k'spəriəns/ zažiť, skúsiť Children need to experience things for themselves in order to learn
from them.
exploration, n /"eksplə'reʃən/ výskum, prieskum In explorations of the Japan Sea, scientists examined the sea
face, v /fes/ čeliť You must face your problems now.
fall, n /fɔ:l/ vodopád Have you ever visited Niagara Falls?
finance, v /'fan{ns, financovať The concerts are financed by the Arts Council.
fizzy drink, n /"fzi 'drŋk/ sýtený nápoj Fizzy drinks are sweet non-alcoholic drinks with bubbles of gas.
form, v /fɔ:m/ formovať, tvoriť Love and trust should form the basis of a marriage.
fortune, n /'fɔ:tʃən/ bohatstvo, majetok The carpet must have cost a fortune.
fraction, n /'fr{kʃən/ zlomok, podiel, časť A fraction is a part of a whole number in mathematics, such
as ½ or ¾.
frequent, adj /'fri:kwənt/ častý, frekventovaný Simmons is a frequent guest on daytime TV talk shows.
friar, n /'fraə/ fráter A friar is a member of one of several Catholic religious groups.
galleon, n /'g{liən/ galeóna, španielska plachetnica A galleon was a sailing ship used mainly by
the Spanish from the 15th to the 17th century.
get around, phr v /"get ə'raυnd/ ísť okolo We had to use public transport to get around.
get off, phr v /get 'ɒf/ zbaviť sa, odložiť si, vystúpiť Why don't you get those wet clothes off?
glacier, n /'gl{siə/ ľadovec A glacier is a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley.
go down, phr v /gəυ 'daυn/ klesnúť, zísť Computers have gone down in price.
gorge, n /gɔ:dZ/ roklina, úžina It is well worth doing the five-hour walk along the bottom of the
habitat, n /'h{bt{t/ miesto výskytu, domov The grassland is an important habitat for many wild
harbour, n /'hɑ:bə/ prístav About 7000 yachts had been in the harbour for days.
chest, n /tʃest/ truhla, debna We use a cedar chest to keep wool blankets in.
iced, adj /ast/ ľadový I'd like some iced tea, please.
ideal, adj /"a'dəl/ ideálny I believe this is an ideal place for a walk.
in the wild, prep phr /n ðə 'wald/ v divočine There are very few pandas living in the wild now.
incredibly, adv /n'kredəbli/ neuveriteľný Raising money for the homeless has been incredibly difficult.
investigation, n /n"vest'geʃən prieskum The investigation continued for nearly three years.
keen, adj /ki:n/ náruživý Chris is a keen photographer – he's won several competitions.
landscape, n /'l{ndskep/ kraj, krajina, terén The trees and the mountains made the landscape more
leak, v /li:k/ zatekať The roof is leaking.
legend, n /'ledZənd/ legenda According to legend, the whole castle was washed into the sea.
liquid, n /'lkwd/ tekutina She screamed as the boiling liquid burned her skin.
locate, v /ləυ'ket/ lokalizovať, umiestniť The business is located right in the centre of town.
make up, phr v /"mek 'öp/ skladať, tvoriť Insects are made up of tens of thousands of proteins.
mangrove, n /'m{ŋgrəυv/ mangrovník A mangrove is a tropical tree that grows in or near water and grows
new roots from its branches.
mania, n /'meniə/ mánia A mania for a game called Nibs ran through the school.
manufacture, v /"m{njə'f{ktʃə vyrábať The car was manufactured in Germany until 1961.
marsh, n /mɑ:ʃ/ močiar Marshes are areas of low flat ground that are always wet and soft.
mist, n /mst/ hmla Next morning, the whole town was covered in mist.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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monk, n /möŋk/ mních Monks usually live in monasteries.
nest, n /nest/ hniezdo Young eagles leave the nest after only two months.
non-alcoholic, adj /"nɒn nealkoholický We got some non-alcoholic wine for Lisa because she doesn't drink.
notice, v /'nəυts/ všimnúť si spozorovať Have you noticed any change in him?
obvious, adj /'ɒbviəs/ jasný, očividný The obvious way of reducing pollution is to use cars less.
occasionally, adv /ə'keZənəli/ občas, príležitostne Occasionally Alice would look up from her books.
oil tanker, n /'ɔl "t{ŋkə/ tanker Oil tankers are large ships that carry oil.
on board, prep phr /ɒn 'bɔ:d/ na palube There are 12 children on board the ship.
order, v /'ɔ:də/ rozkaz, nariadenie Her doctor had ordered her to rest for a week.
organisation, n /"ɔ:gəna'zeʃən organizácia It's an organisation which helps disabled people with their transport
/ needs.

ownership, n /'əυnəʃp/ vlastníctvo, vlastnícke práva The price of home ownership is increasing.
partner, n /'pɑ:tnə/ partner Are we allowed to bring our partners to the staff party?
prayer, n /preə/ modlitba Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
preserved, v /pr'zÆ:vd/ konzervovaný The house is part of local history and should be preserved.
pretty, adv /'prti/ pekný I'm pretty sure he'll say yes.
producer, n /prə'dju:sə/ producent, výrobca Japan is the biggest producer of stereo equipment.
provoke, v /prə'vəυk/ provokovať The dog would not have attacked if it hadn't been provoked.
pure, adj /pjυə/ pravý, číry, čistý Our burgers are made of 100% pure beef.
rafting, n /'rɑ:ftŋ/ plavenie na rafte On the river, Val and the boys did whitewater rafting.
rare, adj /reə/ vzácny, zriedkavý It is very rare for her to miss a day at school.
reason, n /'ri:zən/ dôvod The reason I called was to ask about the plans for Saturday.
recovery, n /r'kövəri/ delo, kanón They offer a reward for the recovery of the stolen painting.
refreshing, adj /r'freʃŋ/ osviežujúci Herbs have been used for centuries to make refreshing drinks.
reveal, v /r'vi:l/ odhaliť He revealed that he had been in prison twice before.
robe, n /rəυb/ rúcho Monks in saffron-coloured robes were everywhere.
samovar, n /'s{məvɑ:/ samovar We finished with mugs of hot tea from the samovar on the table.
sample, n /'sɑ:mpəl/ ukážka, vzorka I'd like to see some samples of your work.
shipwreck, n /'ʃip-rek/ vrak lode Divers discovered a 450-year-old shipwreck near here.
shortage, n /'ʃɔ:tdZ/ nedostatok There is a shortage of nurses and doctors in this area.
sight, n /sat/ pohľad As he reached the front door he saw a strange sight.
sink, irr v /sŋk/ ponoriť sa, klesnúť The kids watched as the coin sank to the bottom of the pool.
species, n /'spi:ʃi:z/ druh, druhy Scientists have discovered a new species of eucalyptus tree.
spectacular, adj /spek't{kjələ/ veľkolepý The view from the top floor is absolutely spectacular.
spill, n /spl/ rozliať sa An oil spill can seriously damage wildlife.
spray, n /spre/ spŕška, vodná triešť The spray from the falls is so dense that you can hardly
steam, v /sti:m/ variť v pare Steam the vegetables lightly.
storm, n /stɔ:m/ búrka In the evening the wind became stronger and soon a great storm broke above
stretch, v /stretʃ/ tiahnuť sa Row after row of orange trees stretched to the horizon.
strike, irr v /strak/ naraziť na A snowball struck him on the back of the head.
swallow, v /'swɒləυ/ prehĺtať If you drink some water it will make the pills easier to swallow.
swamp, n /swɒmp/ močiar, bažina Elephants were often to be found in swamps in eastern Kenya
around the Tana River.
swarm, n /swɔ:m/ roj When you see bee swarms, you'd better take cover.
take part in, v phr /tek 'pɑ:t n/ zúčastniť sa About 400 students took part in the competition.
tank, n /t{ŋk/ nádrž The water tank is leaking.
tap, n /t{p/ vodovodný kohútik I washed my hands under the kitchen tap.
tasteless, adj /'testləs/ bez chuti, nechutný Why is airline food always so tasteless?
tax, n /t{ks/ daň People are angry that the tax on petrol has gone up again.
threat, n /θret/ vyhrážka, hrozba Your threats don't scare me.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
thunder, v /'θöndə/ hrmieť, dunieť Guns roared and thundered all around us.
treasure, n /'treZə/ poklad Nobody ever found the buried treasure.
trek, v /trek/ putovať Maria's going to trek through the Himalayas this year.
typical, adj /'tpkəl/ typický Kim's a typical teenager – she doesn't want anything to do with her parents.
unique, adj /ju:'ni:k/ jedinečný Joan has a unique talent for languages.
unstable, adj /ön'stebəl/ nestabilný The political situation is still very unstable.
upper, adj /'öpə/ vrchný The upper floors were private flats.
valuable, adj /'v{ljuəbəl, - vzácny, cenný Don't lose this ring – it's very valuable.
variety, n /və'raəti/ rozmanitosť I really like the variety the store has to offer.
vessel, n /'vesəl/ plavidlo The vessel is about 30 miles off the Baja California coast, in international
warship, n /'wɔ:"ʃp/ vojnová loď A warship is a ship with guns that is used in a war.
waterfall, n /'wɔ:təfɔ:l/ vodopád Angel Falls is the world's highest waterfall.
weak, adj /wi:k/ slabý Weak tea contains a lot of water and has little taste.
whitewater, adj /"wat'wɔ:tə/ spenená, divoká voda My brother often goes whitewater canoeing.
world-class, adj /"wÆ:ld 'klɑ:s/ svetový He's a world-class tennis champion.
wreck, n /rek/ vrak lode Divers discovered the wreck of an old German warship.
Module 6 Save the Planet
absorb, v /əb'sɔ:b, absorbovať Lead that gets into your body is absorbed into the bones.
altitude, n /'{lttju:d/ nadmorská výška At high altitudes it is difficult to get enough oxygen.
approve, v /ə'pru:v/ potvrdiť Bob doesn't approve of alcohol.
at last, prep phr /ət 'lɑ:st/ konečne, napokon At last it was time to leave.
bargain, n /'bɑ:gən/ výhodná kúpa That second-hand table was a real bargain.
brutally, adv /'bru:təli/ brutálny He was brutally murdered.
care, n /keə/ starostlivosť They shared the care of the children.
census, n /'sensəs/ sčítanie ľudu The census of the towns gave a total of just under 300,000 people.
clarification, n /"kl{rəf'keʃən objasnenie, vysvetlenie Email us if you need further clarification on how to
/ order.

clarify, v /'kl{rəfa/ objasniť, ozrejmiť Could you clarify one or two points for me?
climate change, n /'klamət klimatická zmena Unfortunately, climate change has become a reality.
compulsive, adj /kəm'pölsv/ donútený Compulsive shoppers often never even open the goods they buy.
conscience, n /'kɒnʃəns/ vedomie, svedomie It was his guilty conscience that made him offer to help.
control, v /kən'trəυl/ kontrolovať Police had to be called in to control the crowds.
cut of, irr v /köt/ odrezať, ubrať, znížiť You need to cut the amount of fat and sugar in your diet.
deal, n /di:l/ uzavretý obchod You can get some good deals on the internet.
decent, adj /'di:sənt/ náležitý They've got a house with a decent-sized garden.
deforestation, n /di:"fɒrə'steʃən odlesnenie Some parts of tropical America have seen over 70% deforestation.
differ, v /'dfə/ líšiť sa We soon found that prices differed enormously.
diplomatic, adj /"dplə'm{tk/ diplomatický A good secretary needs to be efficient, and above all, diplomatic.
disastrous, adj /d'zɑ:strəs/ katastrofálny A disastrous fire destroyed much of the city in the early 1900s.
disconnected, adj /"dskə'nektd/ nepripojený That washing machine doesn't work. It's been disconnected.
discount, n /'dskaυnt/ zľava Do you get a discount if you pay in cash?
drought, n /draυt/ sucho Central Africa is suffering one of the worst droughts of the century.
durable, adj /'djυərəbəl/ odolný Wood is a durable material.
ecology, n /'kɒlədZi/ ekológia She's interested in the natural history and ecology of the sea shore.
economy, n /'kɒnəmi/ ekonómia A country's economy is the wealth that it gets from business and industry.
electric, adj /'lektrk/ elektrický Are electric blankets safe to use?
energy, n /'enədZi/ energia It's important to save energy as much as possible.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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equipment, n /'kwpmənt/ zariadenie Thieves stole all the video equipment from the college.
exploit, v /k'splɔt/ využívať, vykoristiť Homeworkers can easily be exploited by employers.
fair trade, n /"feə 'tred/ čestný obchod Fair trade bananas
financial, adj /fə'n{nʃəl, fa-/ finančný It was a wonderful film, but not exactly a financial success.
flood, n /flöd/ povodeň, záplava The village was cut off by floods.
flooding, n /'flödŋ/ záplava The heavy rain has led to serious flooding in some areas.
fossil fuel, n /"fɒsəl 'fju:əl/ pevné palivo We mainly use fossil fuels to heat our houses.
get hold of, v phr /get 'həυld əv, zmocniť sa Something had got hold of her feet and was trying to pull them.
global warming, n /"gləυbəl globálne oteplenie Global warming is the gradual rise in the Earth's temperature.
gradually, adv /'gr{dZuəli/ postupne Gradually, my ankle got better.
green, adj /gri:n/ zelený, "ekologický" We need to develop greener cleaning products.
greenhouse gases, n /"gri:nhaυs skleníkové plyny Greenhouse gases make the air warmer.
grow, irr v /grəυ/ rásť Britain grows 6,000,000 tonnes of potatoes a year.
guarantee, v /"g{rən'ti:/ garantovať, zaistiť A good education doesn't guarantee a good job.
guerrilla, n /gə'rlə/ partizán He decided to join the guerrilla forces.
handmade, adj /"h{nd'med/ ručne vyrobený All our goods are handmade, and we use only natural materials.
heating, n /'hi:tŋ/ kúrenie He refused to put in central heating, even though he felt the cold badly.
hybrid, n /'habrd/ hybrid, zmiešanina Brownies are a hybrid – part fudge, part cake.
charge, v /tʃɑ:dZ/ nabíjať Did you charge the camcorder's batteries?
charger, n /'tʃɑ:dZə/ nabíjač, nabíjačka This charger can recharge two batteries at once.
imitate, v /'mətet/ napodobniť He has a unique ability to imitate any sound he has heard.
in case, prep phr /n 'kes/ v prípade He had his camera ready, just in case he saw something that would make
a good picture.
ingredient, n /n'gri:diənt/ prísada The food is home-cooked using fresh ingredients.
install, v /n'stɔ:l/ inštalovať They've installed the new computer network at last.
interview, n /'ntəvju:/ interview, rozhovor Elton John gave an interview to Rolling Stone magazine.
label, n /'lebəl/ štítok It says 'Dry clean' on the label.
labour, n /'lebə/ pracovná sila These countries are a source of cheap labour.
layer, n /'leə/ vrstva A thick layer of dust lay on the furniture.
lean, irr v /li:n/ nahýnať sa He was leaning on the bridge, watching the boats go by.
lift, n /lft/ zvezenie Do you want a lift into town?
light bulb, n /'lat bölb/ žiarovka We need to change that light bulb.
logo, n /'ləυgəυ/ logo His costume had the Superman logo across the chest.
media, n /'mi:diə/ médiá There wasn't much about the event in the media.
murder, v /'mÆ:də/ vrah She was murdered before she could call for help.
nasty, adj /'nɑ:sti/ zlý, ohavný, nechutný Drivers often have a nasty habit of driving too close to
offend, v /ə'fend/ uraziť Liddy was offended by such a personal question.
organic, adj /ɔ:'g{nk/ organický Organic farming is better for the environment.
packaging, n /'p{kdZŋ/ balenie More than 30% of the cost of our food goes on packaging.
perseverance, n /"pÆ:sə'vərəns/ vytrvalosť Stories about hard times teach the value of perseverance and hard work.
pesticide, n /'pestsad/ pesticíd You should avoid spraying your plants with pesticides.
poacher, n /'pəυtʃə/ pytliak His son built a stone wall high enough to keep the poachers out.
poison, v /'pɔzən/ otráviť He killed several people by poisoning their tea.
potentially, adv /pə'tenʃəli/ potenciálny, možný Clearly this is a potentially dangerous situation.
powered, adj /'paυəd/ poháňaný Is this radio battery-powered only?
rain forest, n /'ren "fɒrəst/ dažďový prales Farming is reducing the rain forest by 1.5% of its area annually.
range, n /rendZ/ škála Herbs provide a range of aromas and flavours for cooking.
recycle, v /"ri:'sakəl/ recyklovať Plastic bottles can be recycled into clothing.
recycling, n /ri:'saklŋ/ recyklácia Recycling is important to help protect our environment.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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renewable, adj /r'nju:əbəl/ obnoviteľný The problem with fossil fuels is that they are not renewable.
rescue, v /'reskju:/ zachrániť Survivors of the crash were rescued by helicopter.
resource, n /r'zɔ:s/ zdroj The country's rich in natural resources.
re-usable, adj /"ri: 'ju:zəbəl/ znovu použiteľný These bottles are re-usable.
rise, irr v /raz/ zvýšiť, stúpnuť Sales rose by 20% over the Christmas period.
run out, phr v /"rön 'aυt əv/ minúť sa We've run out of milk. Could you get some from the supermarket?
shopaholic, n /"ʃɒpə'hɒlk/ závislý na nakupovaní Shopaholics often buy many things that they don't really
smooth, adj /smu:ð/ hladký Her skin felt smooth and cool.
snowfall, n /'snəυfɔ:l/ sneženie There was very little snowfall last year.
solar, adj /'səυlə/ solárny, slnečný Solar energy uses the power of the sun.
solar panel, n /"səυlə 'p{nl/ solárny panel Solar panels collect and use the sun's energy to heat water or make
sum up, phr v /"söm 'öp/ spočítať To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop
tactic, n /'t{ktk/ taktika We may have to use more aggressive tactics to get rid of him.
thanks to, phr /'θ{ŋks tə/ vďaka niečomu, niekomu Some ski resorts opened early, thanks to a late-
October snowstorm.
till you drop, phr /tl jυ 'drɒp/ pokiaľ sa unavíme We're going to dance till we drop!
tough, adj /töf/ tvrdý Normal floor paint might not be tough enough for the garage.
toxic, adj /'tɒksk/ toxický Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.
treat, v /tri:t/ liečiť Some sleep problems can be treated with sleeping pills.
vegetarianism, n /"vedZə'teəriən vegetariánstvo Vegetarianism is the practice of not eating meat or fish.
vet, n /vet/ veterinár Jane's taking her kitten to the vet on Friday.
waste, v /west/ mrhať Leaving the heating on all the time wastes electricity.
wind farm, n /'wnd fɑ:m/ veterná elektráreň In wind farms, the power of the wind is used to produce
world-famous, adj /"wÆ:ld 'feməs/ svetovo známy, slávny Madonna is a world-famous singer.
Module 7 Fashion
all of a sudden, phr /"ɔ:l əv ə 'södn/ znenazdajky, z ničoho nič All of a sudden the lights went out.
ambassador, n /{m'b{sədə/ ambasádor He is the new British ambassador to Washington.
armpit, n /'ɑ:m"pt/ pazucha The nurse put the thermometer under my armpit.
arthritis, n /ɑ:'θrats/ artritída Arthritis is a disease that causes the joints of your body to become swollen
and very painful.
autobiography, n /"ɔ:təba'ɒgrəfi/ životopis Her autobiography will be published next month.
baggy, adj /'b{gi/ vrecovitý She was wearing jeans and a baggy T-shirt.
beauty salon, n /'bju:ti "s{lɒn/ salón krásy It is also worth going to a beauty salon to have your make-up done.
body piercing, n /'bɒdi "pəsŋ/ prepichnutie, body piercing Body piercing has been practised all over the
world from ancient times.
bring into, phr v /"brŋ 'n/ priniesť, vniesť The years after the war brought an independence into women's
by chance, prep phr /ba 'tʃɑ:ns/ náhodou I met an old friend by chance on the train.
campaign, v /k{m'pen/ agitovať, zúčastniť sa kampane They have been campaigning to improve
the status of women.
cardigan, n /'kɑ:dgən/ vlnená vesta He was wearing a browny beige cardigan.
career, n /kə'rə/ kariéra Like his father, Tommy chose a career in the Army.
casual, adj /'k{Zuəl/ bežný Jean felt more comfortable in casual clothes.
consist, v /kən'sst/ pozostávať, skladať sa The area does not consist entirely of rich people.
corduroy, n, adj /'kɔ:dZərɔ, - manchester, manchestrový The child was wearing corduroy jeans and a red
djə-/ jersey.

corset, n /'kɔ:st/ korzet In those days women wore corsets.

cotton, n, adj /'kɒtn/ bavlna, bavlnený The towels are 100% cotton.
courage, n /'kördZ/ odvaha Sue showed great courage throughout her illness.
cover, v /'kövə/ dať správu, report o I'd just returned from covering the Cambodian war.
creation, n /kri'eʃən/ tvorba, výtvor The dress is a stunning creation in green, gold and white.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
criminal, n /'krmənəl/ zločinec, kriminálnik Police have described the man as a dangerous criminal.
crinoline, n /'krnəln/ krinolína Couples strolled in the afternoon sunshine, the ladies in crinolines, the men
in three-piece suits.
cut-away, n /'köt əwe/ odstrihnutý I just love cut-away jeans.
deal with, phr v /'di:l wð, wθ/ poradiť si s Don't worry, I'll deal with this problem.
decade, n /'deked/ desaťročie, dekáda I've been at the top in television for a decade.
denim, n, adj /'denəm/ rifľovina, rifľový He was wearing denim jeans and a denim jacket.
depend, v /d'pend/ spoľahnúť sa, byť závislý You can depend on Jane – she always keeps her
dull, adj /döl/ nudný, hlúpy Life is never dull when Elizabeth is here.
dye, v /da/ farbiť She's dyed her hair red.
dye, n /da/ farbenie Dozens of eggs were boiled in bright red dye.
elaborate, adj /'l{bərət/ podrobný, precízny Nick examined the elaborate carvings on the door.
elegant, adj /'eləgənt/ elegantný An elegant young woman sat at the next table.
embassy, n /'embəsi/ ambasáda Do you know where the Italian Embassy is in Paris?
ethnic, adj /'eθnk/ pôvodný, etnický She always listens to ethnic music.
evil, n /'i:vəl/ zlo There is too much evil in the world.
exceptional, adj /k'sepʃənəl/ výnimočný Graham Greene had exceptional talents as a story-teller.
exchange, n /ks'tʃendZ/ výmena I've offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week's accommodation.
fashion show, n /'f{ʃən ʃəυ/ módna prehliadka Next came a fashion show of ladies' hats designed by Teddy
fashionable, adj /'f{ʃənəbəl/ módny Strong colours are very fashionable at the moment.
fingernail, n /'fŋgənel/ necht Stop biting your fingernails.
flapper, n /'fl{pə/ žena z 20-tych rokov She'd had to wear her short hair flat like a twenties flapper
for the play.
flat, adj /fl{t/ plochý, rovný Flat shoes have very low heels.
flowery, adj /'flaυəri/ kvetnatý She had on a flowery cotton dress.
foreign, adj /'fɒrən/ cudzí Can you speak any foreign languages?
formal, adj /'fɔ:məl/ formálny We insist on formal dress for dinner.
frozen, adj /'frəυzən/ zamrznutý The ground is frozen for most of the year.
glamorous, adj /'gl{mərəs/ čarovný On television, she looks so glamorous.
go onto, v phr /gəυ 'wald/ vyjsť na The crowd went wild as soon as the singer stepped onto the stage.
go with, phr v /'gəυ wð, wθ/ ísť dohromady, hodiť sa k sebe Do you think this shirt will go with the skirt I
gorgeous, adj /'gɔ:dZəs/ nádherný You look gorgeous, Maria.
guru, n /'gυru:/ odborník He's the company's computer guru.
handsome, adj /'h{nsəm/ pekný Sam was tall, dark and handsome.
henna, n /'henə/ hena (farba) Eva had put henna on her hair and the sun had turned it reddish-gold.
high-heel, adj /'ha hi:l/ s vysokým podpätkom Two well-dressed ladies in high-heel shoes entered the
checked, adj /tʃekt/ kockovaný He wore a checked shirt and tight blue jeans.
childbirth, n /'tʃaldbÆ:θ/ narodenie dieťaťa, pôrod His wife died in childbirth.
illegal, adj /'li:gəl/ ilegálny It is illegal to sell tobacco to someone under 16.
immigrant, n /'mgrənt/ prisťahovalec Jae Min's parents are immigrants from South Korea.
in trouble, prep phr /n 'tröbəl/ mať problém He was in serious trouble.
influence, v /'nfluəns/ ovplyvniť Do TV programs influence children's behaviour?
introduce, v /"ntrə'dju:s/ predstaviť Nearly 60 notebook computer models were introduced in 1991.
leather, n, adj /'leðə/ koža, kožený My father gave me a pair of leather gloves as a present.
linen, n, adj /'lnən/ plátno, ľan, ľanový She was wearing an elegant white linen suit.
lipstick, n /'lp"stk/ rúž I don't really like this shade of lipstick.
long-sleeved, adj /"lɒŋ 'sli:vd/ s dlhým rukávom I want a long-sleeved dress in case it gets cold later.
loose, adj /lu:s/ voľný In hot weather, loose cotton clothes are more comfortable.
maid, n /med/ služobná, slúžka The maid brought me breakfast at half past eight.
master, n /'mɑ:stə/ pán, pani, nadriadený You'll have to ask the master's permission.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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Anglicko – slovenský slovník
matching, adj /'m{tʃŋ/ hodiaci sa (oblečenie) Emily was wearing a dark green skirt and matching
modelling, n /'mɒdlŋ/ modeling I've always wanted a career in modelling.
mummy, n /'mömi/ múmia A mummy is displayed at the Archeological Museum.
old-fashioned, adj /"əυld 'f{ʃənd/ staromódny She wears really old-fashioned clothes!
on the move, prep phr /ɒn ðə 'mu:v/ sťahovať sa Roy is constantly on the move.
original, adj /ə'rdZnəl/ originálny His work is truly original.
out of work, adj /"aυt əv 'wÆ:k/ bez práce, nezamestnaný He's been out of work for six months.
pale, adj /pel/ bledý You look kind of pale. Are you feeling okay?
pierce, v /pəs/ prepichnúť I had my belly-button pierced.
plain, adj /plen/ bez vzoru I just want a plain blue suit – nothing fancy.
platform shoes, n /"pl{tfɔ:m topánky s hrubou podrážkou Platform shoes are back in fashion.
please, v /pli:z/ vyhovieť She did everything she could to please him.
pointed, adj /'pɔntd/ špicatý I don't really like pointed boots.
polka-dot, adj /'pəυlkə dɒt/ bodkovaný Kate was wearing a green and purple polka-dot shirt.
polo-neck, n /'pəυləυ nek/ rolák A polo-neck is a sweater with a high collar that folds down and fits closely
around the neck.
position, n /pə'zʃən/ pozícia, poloha Our hotel was in a central position near St Mark's Square.
refer, v /r'fÆ:/ zmieniť sa o, hovoriť o We agreed never to refer to the matter again.
relative, n /'relətv/ príbuzný Are your relatives from Denmark coming to the wedding?
rely, v /r'la/ spoliehať sa Many working women rely on relatives to help take care of their
remarkable, adj /r'mɑ:kəbəl/ mimoriadny, neobyčajný She has made remarkable progress.
right, n /rat/ právo Everyone should have the right to freedom of expression.
round neck, n /'raυnd nek/ okrúhly výstrih This sweater has a round neck and long sleeves.
run away, phr v /"rön ə'we/ utiecť They ran away together to get married.
scruffy, adj /'skröfi/ otrhaný, špinavý, úbohý She's wearing that scruffy old sweater again.
shade, n /ʃed/ odtieň I prefer this bright shade of pink.
shades, n /ʃedz/ okuliare proti slnku Shades is a fashionable term for sunglasses.
shave, v /ʃev/ oholiť I didn't have time to shave my legs.
short-sleeved, adj /"ʃɔ:t 'sli:vd/ s krátkym rukávom He wears short-sleeved shirts to work because the office is
silk, n, adj /slk/ hodváb, hodvábny I bought dad a red silk tie for his birthday.
sleeveless, adj /'sli:vləs/ bez rukávov She wears sleeveless T-shirts to show off her arms.
smart, adj /smɑ:t/ elegantný That's a smart suit, Sam.
spiky, adj /'spaki/ účes "na ježka" He had a leather jacket and short, spiky hair.
spirit, n /'sprt/ duch Although Laurie is dead, I can feel his spirit with me.
sporty, adj /'spɔ:ti/ športový Someone who is sporty likes sport and is good at it.
striped, adj /strapt/ prúžkovaný My aunt knitted me a blue and white striped sweater for Christmas.
stylish, adj /'stalʃ/ štýlový She was wearing a stylish black woollen dress.
suffer, v /'söfə/ trpieť I'm suffering from a bad back.
suit, v /su:t, sju:t/ pristať Jill's new hairstyle doesn't really suit her.
symbol, n /'smbəl/ symbol The dove is a symbol of peace.
tattoo, v /tə'tu:, t{'tu:/ tetovať She's got a heart tattooed on her right shoulder.
toenail, n /'təυnel/ necht na nohe What colour should I paint my toenails?
top, n /tɒp/ vrchná časť oblečenia, top I can't find my pyjama top.
torn, adj /tɔ:n/ roztrhaný He was wearing torn trousers.
trendy, adj /'trendi/ moderný I got a really trendy baseball cap.
unattractive, adj /"önə'tr{ktv/ neatraktívny He was physically unattractive.
underneath, prep /"öndə'ni:θ/ pod He got out of the car and looked underneath.
V-neck, n /'vi: nek/ výstrih v tvare "V" A V-neck sweater has an opening for the neck shaped like the
letter V.
waist, n /west/ pás The skirt was too big around the waist.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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well-off, adj /"wel 'ɒf/ majúci dosť peňazí, dobre situovaný Stella's family is well-off.
woolly, adj /'wυli/ vlnený She always wears woolly hats in winter.
Module 8 Sport
admit, v /əd'mt/ pripustiť You may not like her, but you have to admit that she's good at her job.
aerobics, n /eə'rəυbks/ aerobik My mum's started going to an aerobics class.
achieve, v /ə'tʃi:v/ dosiahnuť, uspieť Frances achieved very good exam results.
achievement, n /ə'tʃi:vmənt/ úspech We try to celebrate the achievements of our students.
alarming, adj /ə'lɑ:mŋ/ alarmujúci An alarming number of young girls are worried about their weight.
all the same, phr /"ɔ:l ðə 'sem/ predsa, rovnako I'm not likely to run out of money, but all the same, I'm careful.
analysis, n /ə'n{ləss/ analýza You'll get the results when the analysis is complete.
apart from, prep /ə'pɑ:t frəm, okrem Apart from the ending, it's a really good film.
arena, n /ə'ri:nə/ aréna The city is planning to build a new sports arena.
athletics, n /{θ'letks, əθ-/ atletika In the summer, athletics, cricket and tennis take over from the winter sports.
attack, n /ə't{k/ útok There have been several attacks on foreigners recently.
attract, v /ə'tr{kt/ priťahovať, lákať What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.
barefoot, adj /'beəfυt/ bosý He walked barefoot across the sand.
beat, v /bi:t/ biť, poraziť v zápase Brazil were beaten 2–1 by Scotland.
boxing, n /'bɒksŋ/ boxovanie The boxing match will be held at the Arena.
captain, n /'k{ptən/ kapitán Mike's brother is the captain of the football team.
club, n /klöb/ klub Our chess club really needs new members.
coach, n /kəυtʃ/ tréner She's the coach of the volleyball team.
colourful character, n /"köləfəl pestrý, farbistý A colourful character is someone who is interesting and unusual.
phr 'k{rktə/
commentator, n /'kɒməntetə/ komentátor A sports commentator describes an event as it is happening.
competitor, n /kəm'pettə/ súťažiaci, pretekár Two of the competitors failed to turn up for the race.
congratulate, v /kən'gr{tʃəlet/ gratulovať She congratulated me warmly on my exam results.
controversial, adj /"kɒntrə'vÆ:ʃəl/ sporný, polemický His ideas are very controversial.
cosmetics, n /kɒz'metks/ kozmetika Cosmetics are creams, powders etc that you use on your face and body
in order to look more attractive.
counterpart, n /'kaυntəpɑ:t/ náprotivok Bars in Madrid offer more, and better, food than their American
cricket, n /'krkt/ kriket During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.
criticism, n /'krtəszəm/ kritika You must learn to accept criticism.
crown, n /kraυn/ koruna Kings and Queens used to wear crowns on their heads.
dietician, n /"daə'tʃən/ odborník v dietetike Dieticians give people advice about what it is healthy for
them to eat and drink.
disappoint, v /"dsə'pɔnt/ sklamať I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there aren't any tickets left.
discus, n /'dskəs/ disk They were all good athletes, but who could throw the discus farthest?
distribute, v /d'strbju:t/ distribuovať, rozdať Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the
dominate, v /'dɒmənet/ dominovať, ovládať You shouldn't allow your job to dominate your life like that.
doping, n /'dəυpŋ/ doping Several athletes failed a doping test after taking drugs.
draw, n /drɔ:/ remíza The match ended in a draw.
drop out, phr v /"drɒp 'aυt əv, vypadnúť Bill dropped out of college after his first year.
earn, v /Æ:n/ zarábať, zaslúžiť si I think you've earned a rest.
effort, n /'efət/ úsilie, snaha Lou lifted the box easily, without using much effort.
emotional, adj /'məυʃənəl/ emocionálny The funeral was a very emotional experience for all of us.
entertain, v /"entə'ten/ zabávať She entertained the children with stories, songs and drama.
environmental, adj /n"varən'ment environmentálny An oil spill can cause a lot of environmental damage.
evolve, v /'vɒlv/ vyvinúť The school has evolved its own style of teaching.
express, n /k'spres/ expres, rýchlik The first train to come along was an express.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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extraordinary, adj /k'strɔ:dənəri/ výnimočný My mother was an extraordinary woman.
facial, adj /'feʃəl/ tvárový Victor's facial expression didn't change.
factory, n /'f{ktəri/ továreň That building over there is a shoe factory.
fencing, n /'fensŋ/ šermovanie Fencing is the sport of fighting with a long thin sword.
fist, n /fst/ päsť She held the money tightly in her fist.
fitness, n /'ftnəs/ telesná kondícia Join a health club to improve your fitness.
get away with, phr v /get ə'we wð, uniknúť The thieves got away with jewellery worth over £50,000.
give out, phr v /"gv 'aυt/ rozdeliť Can you give the drinks out, please?
glory, n /'glɔ:ri/ sláva, česť She dreamt of future glory as an Olympic champion.
go on, phr v /gəυ 'ɒn/ pokračovať She went on to become a successful doctor.
go to head, v phr /"gəυ tə ma stúpnuť do hlavy She never let success go to her head.
goalkeeper, n /'gəυl'ki:pə/ brankár The goalkeeper made a brilliant save.
gymnast, n /'dZmn{st/ gymnasta Top-flight gymnasts practise eight hours a day for decades.
gymnastics, n /dZm'n{stks/ gymnastika We don't do gymnastics at school.
honour, v /'ɒnə/ poctiť, vyznamenať Two firefighters have been honoured for their courage.
chariot, n /'tʃ{riət/ dvojkolesový voz A chariot moves at the speed of the horses pulling it.
cheat, v /tʃi:t/ podvádzať, opisovať He had cheated in the test by using a calculator.
ice hockey, n /'as "hɒki/ ľadový hokej Its ice hockey team is one of the best in the country.
ice skating, n /'as "sketŋ/ ľadové korčuľovanie I like to watch ice skating competitions on TV.
importance, n /m'pɔ:təns/ význam, dôležitosť We mustn't forget the importance of regular exercise.
in record time, prep phr /n "rekɔ:d v rekordnom čase She was out of bed and ready for school in record time that
'tam/ morning.

instead, adv /n'sted/ namiesto Could I have tuna instead of ham?

interestingly, adv /'ntrəstŋli/ zaujímavo Interestingly, none of their three children ever married.
ironically, adv /a'rɒnkli/ ironicky Ironically, his cold got better on the last day of his holiday.
javelin, n /'dZ{vəln/ oštep Dana won the gold medal in the javelin.
keep your nose out /"ki:p jə "nəυz nestrkať nos do niečoho I wish he'd keep his nose out of my business!
of, phr 'aυt əv, ɒv/
lack, n /l{k/ nedostatok There is a lack of facilities for young people.
lane, n /len/ cestička We rode our bicycles along pretty country lanes.
leader, n /'li:də/ vodca He's the leader of the local community.
league, n /li:g/ liga He makes his football league debut tomorrow.
let down, phr v /"let 'daυn/ sklamať niekoho The worst feeling is having let your loved ones down.
level, n /'levəl/ úroveň Few athletes can compete at international level.
long jump, n /'lɒŋ dZömp/ skok do diaľky I hurt my foot in the last round of the long jump.
machine, n /mə'ʃi:n/ prístroj Is the washing machine working now?
marathon, n /'m{rəθən/ maratón Garcia ran the marathon in just under three hours.
medal, n /'medl/ medaila She won a gold medal at the last Olympics.
mention, v /'menʃən/ spomenúť, zmieniť sa Some of the problems were mentioned in his report.
native, n /"netv 'spi:kə/ rodený, pôvodný For the spoken language, students are taught by native
Nazi, n /'nɑ:tsi/ nacista Some of the guards were real Nazis.
net, n /net/ sieť Henry kicked the ball into the back of the net.
nickname, n /'nknem/ prezývka We had nicknames for all the teachers.
opponent, n /ə'pəυnənt/ odporca, súper Graf's opponent in today's final will be Sukova.
overweight, adj /"əυvə'wet/ majúci nadváhu Sally was 10 kilos overweight.
pain, n /pen/ bolesť I had a nasty pain in my leg.
pant, v /p{nt/ dychčať He came in panting after running up the steps.
paragliding, n /'p{rə"gladŋ/ paragliding You need a parachute to do paragliding.
performance, n /pə'fɔ:məns/ predstavenie Franklin gave a memorable performance at last year's festival.

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positive, adj /'pɒzətv/ pozitívny You've got to be more positive about your work.
predict, v /pr'dkt/ predpovedať No one can predict which team will win.
Premier League, n /"premiə 'li:g/ Premier League, prvá liga The Premier League is the top group of professional
football clubs in England and Wales.
professional, adj /prə'feʃənəl/ profesionálny Professional basketball players can earn huge sums of money.
publicly, adv /'pöblkli/ verejne She and her family agreed never to discuss the matter publicly.
punch, v /pöntʃ/ udrieť päsťou He punched Jack in the face.
quarter-final, n /"kwɔ:tə 'fanl/ štvrťfinále Liverpool beat Porto 2–0 in the quarter-final.
racing, n /'resŋ/ pretekanie We're watching the racing on television.
record, n /'rekɔ:d/ rekord As a student, he broke the Scottish record for the 100 metres.
referee, n /"refə'ri:/ rozhodca The referee should never have allowed the first goal.
regret, v /r'gret/ ľutovať I now regret leaving school so young.
religious, adj /r'ldZəs/ náboženský My mother is so religious that she won't even watch TV on Sundays.
report, v /r'pɔ:t/ hlásiť, referovať Journalists in Cairo reported that seven people had been shot.
respectable, adj /r'spektəbəl/ vážený, slušný He came from a respectable family.
result, v /r'zölt/ vyplynúť, vzniknúť We are still dealing with problems resulting from errors made
in the past.
rowing, n /'rəυŋ/ veslovanie There are many competitions in rowing, swimming and water skiing.
rugby, n /'rögbi/ ragby The man was thickset and heavy, like a rugby player.
score, v /skɔ:/ skórovať dať gól He has scored 12 goals so far this season.
scuba diving, n /'sku:bə potápanie My hobbies were water skiing and scuba diving.
sky diving, n /'ska "davŋ/ skákanie s padákom Sky diving became an international sport in 1951.
speak out, phr v /"spi:k 'aυt hovoriť otvorene Smith was not afraid to speak out against the war.
spectator, n /spek'tetə/ divák The match attracted over 40,000 spectators.
sponsor, n /'spɒnsə/ sponzor His company is a major sponsor of the Olympics.
spot, v /spɒt/ spozorovať I spotted a police car behind us.
standing ovation, n phr /"st{ndŋ veľký potlesk, standing ovation Miller got a standing ovation when he
əυ'veʃən/ entered the game.

surfing, n /'sÆ:fŋ/ surfovanie When we were in Hawaii we went surfing every day.
take place, v phr /tek 'ples/ konať sa The next meeting will take place on Thursday.
test for, v phr /"test 'pɒzətv/ testovať na Athletes who test positive for steroids are immediately banned.
time, v /tam/ merať čas They timed the winner at 2 minutes and 14.05 seconds.
top-of-the-table, adj /"tɒp əv ðə vrchná priečka rebríčka Malik's brilliant form got him a top-of-the-table position
'tebəl/ in the rankings

track, v /tr{k/ stopovať Police have been tracking the four criminals all over Central America.
train, v /tren/ trénovať Brenda spends two hours a day training for the marathon.
trick, n /trk/ trik He didn't really make the rabbit disappear – that's just a trick.
unlikely, adj /ön'lakli/ nepravdepodobne The weather is unlikely to improve over the next few days.
viewer, n /'vju:ə/ divák The concert was seen by 500 million viewers around the world.
warrior, n /'wɒriə/ bojovník A warrior is a soldier or fighter who is brave and experienced .
water polo, n /'wɔ:tə "pəυləυ/ vodné pólo Water polo is a ball game played in water between two teams.
weightlifting, n /'wet"lftŋ/ vzpieranie Weightlifting is the sport of lifting specially shaped pieces of metal that
weigh an exact amount.
wheeze, v /wi:z/ dychčať, chripieť People with asthma may start to wheeze.
with your bare hands, /wð jə "beə holými rukami He had killed a man with his bare hands.
phr 'h{ndz/
World Cup, n /"wÆ:ld 'köp/ svetový pohár The World Cup is the most important international competition.
wrestling, n /'reslŋ/ wrestling Sumo wrestling originated in Japan.
Module 9 Detectives
adapt, v /ə'd{pt/ adaptovať sa The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.

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ageing, adj /'edZŋ/ starnúci John lives with his ageing mother.
alibi, n /'{ləba/ alibi He had a perfect alibi and the police let him go.
amount, n /ə'maυnt/ množstvo The water here contains small amounts of calcium and other minerals.
analyse, v /'{nəlaz/ analyzovať You need to sit down and analyse why you feel so upset.
analytical, adj /"{nə'ltkəl/ analytický During the course, students will develop their analytical skills.
archeologist, n /"ɑ:ki'ɒlədZst/ archeológ The mummy was discovered by archeologists in Egypt.
black sheep, n /"bl{k 'ʃi:p/ čierna ovca Amy's always been the black sheep of the family.
blood, n /blöd/ krv She lost a lot of blood in the accident.
bog, n /bɒg/ močiar As we walked up the river we entered a bog.
bone, n /bəυn/ kosť The X-ray showed that the bone was broken in two places.
boss, n /bɒs/ šéf Can you ask your boss if she'll let you leave early today?
brain, n /bren/ mozog My brain worked fast as I tried to decide what to do.
butler, n /'bötlə/ komorník, vrchný sluha The head of the staff was Mr Davenport, the butler.
calorie, n /'k{ləri/ kalória A potato has about 90 calories.
cannibal, n /'k{nəbəl/ kanibal A cannibal is a person who eats human flesh.
cause, n /kɔ:z/ príčina It's our job to find the cause of the fire.
cliff, n /klf/ útes The car rolled over the edge of a cliff.
clue, n /klu:/ stopa (k záhade) We now have an important clue to the time of the murder.
compete, v /kəm'pi:t/ súperiť, súťažiť I had to compete against 19 other people for the job.
contact, n /'kɒnt{kt/ kontakt The town is cut off from contact with the outside world.
corner, n /'kɔ:nə/ roh Ruth walked with her as far as the corner of the road.
creature, n /'kri:tʃə/ tvor The movie's about creatures from outer space.
crime, n /kram/ zločin Women commit far fewer crimes than men.
crime scene, n phr /'kram si:n/ kriminálna scéna Detectives are now at the crime scene, searching for clues.
crop, n /krɒp/ úroda, plodina Most of the land is used for growing crops.
currently, adv /'körəntli/ v súčasnosti He is currently working on his first novel.
custom, n /'köstəm/ zvyk It's the custom for the bride's father to pay for the wedding.
dead, adj /ded/ mŕtvy Her mother had been dead for ten years.
death, n /deθ/ smrť After her husband's death, she moved back to California.
detective, n /d'tektv/ detektív I'm a detective with the Bristol police. Do you mind if I ask you a few
DNA, n /"di: en 'e/ DNA Police are now using DNA testing in an attempt to track down the killer.
dwarf, adj /dwɔ:f/ trpaslík A dwarf plant or animal is much smaller than the usual size.
elementary, adj /"elə'mentəri/ základný You've made a very elementary mistake.
erode, v /'rəυd/ erodovať The rocks have gradually eroded away.
erupt, v /'röpt/ vybuchnúť Pompeii was destroyed when the volcano erupted in 79 AD.
eruption, n /'röpʃən/ výbuch, erupcia Over 200 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions.
escape, v /'skep/ uniknúť He broke down the locked door and escaped.
evidence, n /'evdəns/ dôkaz The most important piece of evidence, the murder weapon, has not been
extinct, adj /k'stŋkt/ vyhynutý Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.
fertile, adj /'fÆ:tal/ úrodný The valley was fertile.
final, n /'fanəl/ finále He's through to the men's tennis final for the first time.
fingerprint, n /'fŋgə"prnt/ odtlačok prsta He was careful not to leave any fingerprints.
foggy, adj /'fɒgi/ hmlistý You shouldn't drive in foggy conditions.
footprint, n /'fυt"prnt/ odtlačok chodidla We followed the footprints of a deer in the snow.
forehead, n /'fɒrəd, 'fɔ:hed/ čelo Your forehead is the part of your face above your eyes and below your hair.
giant, adj /'dZaənt/ obrovský Be careful. The forest is full of giant snakes and spiders.
heart attack, n /'hɑ:t ə"t{k/ srdcový infarkt Mark recently suffered his second heart attack.
hound, n /haυnd/ lovecký pes People use hounds for hunting.
human, n /'hju:mən/ človek The disease affects both humans and animals.
hunt, v /hönt/ loviť The leopard hunts at night.

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chin, n /tʃn/ brada Your chin is the front part of your face below your mouth.
infested, adj /n'festd/ zamorený The kitchen was infested with cockroaches.
isolated, adj /'asəletd/ izolovaný Not many people visit this isolated spot.
kidnapper, n /'kdn{pə/ únosca His kidnappers have threatened to kill him.
kidnapping, n /'kdn{pŋ/ únos There's been a series of kidnappings in the area.
light sleeper, phr /"lat 'sli:pə/ človek s ľahkým spánkom I'm a very light sleeper and I can hardly get any
sleep at all.
logical, adj /'lɒdZkəl/ logický They tried to find a logical explanation for his actions.
luckily, adv /'lökəli/ našťastie Luckily the museum was not damaged by the earthquake.
major, adj /'medZə/ hlavný There is a major problem with parking in London.
massive, adj /'m{sv/ masívny The bell is massive, weighing over 40 tons.
monument, n /'mɒnjəmənt/ monument Ancient monuments are protected by law.
moor, n /mυə/ slatina He was holding a torch in his hand and looking out onto the moor.
motive, n /'məυtv/ motív What do you suppose the killer's motive was?
murder, n /'mÆ:də/ vrah Ronny Jones was found guilty of the murder of a 15-year-old girl.
murder weapon, n phr /'mÆ:də "wepən/ vražedná zbraň Police are searching for the murder weapon.
murderer, n /'mÆ:dərə/ vrah Do you think the police will ever catch her murderer?
mysteriously, adv /m'stəriəsli/ záhadný Jackson had mysteriously disappeared.
nearby, adj /'nəba/ neďaleko Dinah lives in a nearby cottage.
palm trees, n /pɑ:m/ palmy The streets in the village are clean, the grass and the palm trees green.
plant, v /plɑ:nt/ pestovať We've planted tomatoes and carrots in the garden.
portrait, n /'pɔ:trət/ portrét A full-length portrait of the Queen hung on the wall.
predator, n /'predətə/ predátor A predator is an animal that kills and eats other animals.
prehistoric, adj /"pri:h'stɒrk/ praveký, prehistorický Dinosaurs are prehistoric animals.
prison, n /'przən/ väzenie They'll probably put him in prison for a long time.
prisoner, n /'przənə/ väzeň All the soldiers were either killed or became prisoners of the enemy.
property, n /'prɒpəti/ majetok Some of the stolen property was found in Mason's house.
ransom, n /'r{nsəm/ výkupné The kidnappers were demanding a ransom of £250,000.
ransom note, n phr /'r{nsəm nəυt/ odkaz so žiadosťou o výkupné Police sources revealed earlier that the
ransom note had been handwritten.
reaction, n /ri'{kʃən/ reakcia What was Jeff's reaction when you told him about the job?
recorder, n /r'kɔ:də/ prehrávač Have you still got your tape recorder?
remains, n /r'menz/ zvyšky These rocks contain the remains of extinct animals.
remote, adj /r'məυt/ vzdialený, odľahlý The helicopter crashed in a remote desert area.
require, v /r'kwaə/ vyžadovať Most house plants require regular watering.
ridiculous, adj /r'dkjələs/ smiešny, komický That's a ridiculous idea!
roller, n /'rəυlə/ valec The boats are moved down to the sea on rollers.
safe and sound, phr /"sef ən 'saυnd/ v bezpečí a nezranený The missing children were found safe and sound.
scream, n /skri:m/ výkrik We heard screams coming from the flat.
sharply, adv /'ʃɑ:pli/ ostro Prices have risen sharply over the last few months.
signal, v /'sgnəl/ dať znamenie Graham finished his drink and signalled to the waiter.
skeleton, n /'skelətən/ kostra Have you ever seen a human skeleton?
slope, v /sləυp/ klesať The garden sloped down gradually towards the sea.
soil, n /sɔl/ pôda The soil here is very poor – nothing can grow.
sophisticated, adj /sə'fstketd/ vyspelý Our hospital has got the most sophisticated equipment.
spitting image, n /"sptŋ 'mdZ/ vzor She was the spitting image of her cousin.
statue, n /'st{tʃu:/ socha His statue stands outside the parliament building.
stranger, n /'strendZə/ cudzinec Children must not talk to strangers.
supply, n /sə'pla/ zásoba Supplies were brought in by air.
suspect, n /'söspekt/ podozrivá osoba A 32-year-old man from London is the main suspect in the
murder investigation.
suspicious, adj /sə'spʃəs/ podozrivý They found a suspicious package under the seat.
take a look around, v /"tek e lυk prezrieť si I have a special interest in old houses. Do you mind if I take a look

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phr ə'raυnd/ around?
take legal action, v phr /"tek 'li:gəl podať legálnu sťažnosť na They are threatening to take legal action against
"{kʃən/ the hospital.

theft, n /θeft/ krádež Most of the thefts occurred during the weekend.
theory, n /'θəri/ teória There are different theories about how the brain works.
thief, n /θi:f/ zlodej Thieves broke into the offices and stole £150,000 worth of computer
threatening, adj /'θretnŋ/ strašidelný His voice sounded threatening.
tie up, phr v /"ta 'öp/ poviazať, zviazať The thieves tied Kurt up and left him.
tiny, adj /'tani/ drobný Have you seen Vic's apartment? It's tiny.
trader, n /'tredə/ obchodník Her father is a small trader who sells hats in Oxford.
tradition, n /trə'dʃən/ tradícia Both brothers followed the family tradition and became doctors.
transport, v /tr{n'spɔ:t/ prepravovať The statue was transported to London.
trap, v /tr{p/ chytiť sa do pasce Workers were trapped in the ship's engine room by the fire.
treeless, adj /'tri:ləs/ nezalesnený It was a town built on a sandy, treeless area.
triangle, n /'tra{ŋgəl/ trojuholník His nose was a small triangle on his wide face.
UFO, n /'ju:fəυ, "ju: ef UFO I don't believe in UFOs or strange creatures from other planets.
unknown, n /"ön'nəυn/ neznáme prostredie The astronauts began their journey into the unknown.
vast, adj /vɑ:st/ obrovský Vast areas of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed.
volcanic, adj /vɒl'k{nk/ sopečný Many oceanic islands are volcanic.
volcano, n /vɒl'kenəυ/ sopka It's an active volcano – it can explode at any time.
warn, v /wɔ:n/ varovať, vystríhať I warned you not to walk home alone.
whisper, v /'wspə/ šepkať You don't have to whisper, no one can hear us.
witness, n /'wtns/ svedok One witness to the accident said the driver appeared to be drunk.
Module 10 Imagination
abstract, adj /'{bstr{kt/ abstraktný A lot of people don't like abstract art.
access, v /'{kses/ vstúpiť Can disabled people easily access the new library?
admired, adj /əd'maəd/ uznávaný, obdivovaný She is the widely admired boss of Channel 8.
alien, n /'eliən/ mimozemšťan Do you really believe that aliens have invaded Earth?
argument, n /'ɑ:gjəmənt/ dôvod, spor, tvrdenie We had an argument about who was responsible for the
arrest, v /ə'rest/ zatknúť Police officers arrested the murderer last night.
astronomy, n /ə'strɒnəmi/ astronómia Astronomy is the scientific study of the stars and planets.
author, n /'ɔ:θə/ autor He was the author of two books on China.
available, adj /ə'veləbəl/ dosiahnuteľný, k dispozícii Tickets are available from the box office.
believer, n /bə'li:və/ veriaci I'm a great believer in regular exercise.
biography, n /ba'ɒgrəfi/ biografia, životopis A biography is a book that tells what has happened in
someone's life.
brochure, n /'brəυʃə, -ʃυə/ leták, brožúra I read about this island in a holiday brochure.
by the way, prep phr /"ba ðə 'we/ mimochodom By the way, have you seen my keys anywhere?
colourful, adj /'köləfəl/ farbistý Riva is a welcoming town with a colourful history.
come into/to power, v /"köm ntə dostať sa k vláde By the time he came to power in 1951 he was already 70.
phr 'paυə, tə/
commit suicide, v phr /kə"mt spáchať samovraždu She's tried to commit suicide several times but she
'su:əsad, 'sju:- couldn't do it.

commonly, adv /'kɒmənli/ všeobecne, bežne Teachers commonly believe that the reason they are so tired
is that they have so much to do.
compose, v /kəm'pəυz/ komponovať, skladať Mozart composed his first symphony when he was still a
confusing, adj /kən'fju:zŋ/ zmätočný The instructions were really confusing.
congress, n /'kɒŋgres/ kongres, zhromaždenie A congress is a large meeting that is held to discuss
ideas and policies.
consequence, n /'kɒnskwəns/ následok If we don't protect our planet, there will be serious consequences.

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creative, adj /kri'etv/ tvorivý This job is so boring. I wish I could do something more creative.
creativity, n /"kri:e'tvəti/ tvorivosť Creativity is the ability to use your imagination to produce new ideas.
department, n /d'pɑ:tmənt/ oddelenie Which department do you work in?
depression, n /d'preʃən/ depresia He has been suffering from depression since his wife died last year.
disorder, n /ds'ɔ:də/ porucha, zdravotná ťažkosť Anorexia is a serious eating disorder.
display, n /d'sple/ predstavenie, výstava Did you see the fireworks display last night?
drink to, phr v /'drŋk tə, tυ/ pripiť na Let's drink to your success in your new job.
eccentric, adj /k'sentrk/ excentrický Our neighbour is an eccentric old lady who has about 25 cats.
educate, v /'edjυket/ vzdelávať The Omerod School educates handicapped children.
education, n /"edjυ'keʃən/ vzdelanie She hopes her children will get a good education.
end up, phr v /"end 'öp/ skončiť I fell asleep on the bus and ended up in Aberdeen.
entertainment, n /"entə'tenmənt zábava The town provides a wide choice of entertainment.
expense, n /k'spens/ výdavok He borrowed £50,000 and used the money for travel expenses.
extent, n /k'stent/ do určitej miery We all to some extent remember the good times and forget the
fame, n /fem/ sláva, povesť She won fame as a singer before she became an actress.
fantasy, n /'f{ntəsi/ fantázia My son seems to live in a fantasy world sometimes.
fiesta, n /fi'estə/ sviatok El Carnaval is a historic fiesta dating back more than 100 years.
firework, n /'faəwÆ:k/ ohňostroj Jeff and David were in the back garden setting off fireworks.
freezing, adj /'fri:zŋ/ mrazivý It's freezing in this house. Can't I turn on the heating?
full moon, n /"fυl 'mu:n/ spln mesiaca A blue moon is the second full moon in one month.
fully-grown, adj /"fυli 'grəυn/ vyrastený, dospelý Suddenly we saw a large fish, almost the size of a fully-
grown dolphin.
gambling, n /'g{mblŋ/ hazardná hra The lottery is probably the most popular form of gambling.
genius, n /'dZi:niəs/ génius Einstein was probably the greatest mathematical genius of all time.
get away, phr v /get ə'we/ uniknúť The three men got away in a stolen car.
get by, phr v /get 'ba/ vyjsť I don't earn a huge salary, but we get by.
govern, v /'gövən/ vládnuť We must choose carefully the leaders who will govern the country.
gravity, n /'gr{vəti/ gravitácia Mars's gravity is only about 38% of Earth's.
hearing, n /'hərŋ/ sluch She has remarkable hearing for a lady of her age.
heavy, n /'hevi/ ochrankár He got two heavies to protect him.
chance, n /tʃɑ:ns/ šanca, príležitosť I'm sorry, I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.
imagination, n /"m{dZə'neʃə predstavivosť You don't have to use your imagination when you're watching
n/ television.

imaginative, adj /'m{dZnətv/ nápaditý He was one of the most imaginative writers of his time.
impossibility, n /m"pɒsə'bləti/ nemožnosť One hundred percent airline security is a practical impossibility.
impress, v /m'pres/ spraviť dojem Steve borrowed his dad's sports car to impress his girlfriend.
impressionist, n /m'preʃənst/ impresionista Impressionist painters used colour to produce the effects they
impressive, adj /m'presv/ pôsobivý The rich variety of animal life we found was very impressive.
in the original, prep phr /n ðə v originály I'd prefer to read it in the original.
incompetent, adj /n'kɒmptənt/ nekompetentný, neschopný Some drivers are totally incompetent.
indeed, adv /n'di:d/ naozaj, skutočne I didn't mind at all. Indeed, I was pleased.
intelligence, n /n'teldZəns/ inteligencia John showed high intelligence from an early age.
interrupt, v /"ntə'röpt/ prerušiť Sorry to interrupt, but I need to ask you to come downstairs.
laugh at, phr v /'lɑ:f ət, {t/ vysmievať sa I'm afraid the other kids will laugh at me because I don't understand.
lead, irr v /li:d/ viesť What led him to kill his wife?
librarian, n /la'breəriən/ knihovník A librarian works in a library.
lifestyle, n /'lafstal/ životný štýl Regular exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.
literature, n /'ltərətʃə/ literatúra He has read many of the major works of literature.
location, n /ləυ'keʃən/ poloha His apartment is in a really good location.

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luxurious, adj /lög'zjυəriəs, luxusný The hotel we stayed in was really luxurious.
masterpiece, n /'mɑ:stəpi:s/ majsterský kúsok Jones's performance was a masterpiece.
maze, n /mez/ bludisko We got completely lost in the maze.
mental, adj /'mentl/ mentálny The centre provides help for people suffering from mental illness.
mentally, adv /'mentli/ mentálny Many of these homeless people have been mentally ill at some time.
merchant, n /'mÆ:tʃənt/ kupec He had a job with an Edinburgh wine merchant.
military, adj /'mlətəri/ vojenský The building is now a museum of military history.
nerve, n /nÆ:v/ nervozita A lot of people suffer from nerves before they go on stage.
nervously, adv /'nÆ:vəsli/ nervózne She smiled nervously.
Nobel prize, n /"nəυbel 'praz/ Nobelova Cena A Nobel prize is given each year to people who have done
important work.
open-air, adj /"əυpən 'eə/ otvorený, open air In summer there are open-air concerts in the park.
optical illusion, n /"ɒptkəl optický klam An optical illusion is something that you think you see, but which is
'lu:Zən/ not really there.

orangutan, n /ɔ:"r{ŋu:'t{n/ orangutan An orangutan is a large ape with long arms and long orange-brown hair.
ordinary, adj /'ɔ:dənəri/ bežný The book is written in friendly, ordinary language.
personality, n /"pÆ:sə'n{ləti/ osobnosť Everyone loves her for her cheerful personality.
philosophical, adj /"flə'sɒfkəl/ filozofický Some old people are philosophical about death.
philosophy, n /f'lɒsəfi/ filozofia Emma studies philosophy at university.
plasma, n /'pl{zmə/ plazma Plasma is the yellowish liquid part of blood that contains the blood cells.
principle, n /'prnsəpəl/ princíp, zákon A principle is a basic rule.
progress, n /'prəυgres/ progress, pokrok I'm afraid we're not making much progress.
prove, v /pru:v/ potvrdiť I knew he had done it, but there was no way I could prove it.
psychological, adj /"sakə'lɒdZkəl/ psychologický She works with children who have psychological problems.
quarrel, v /'kwɒrəl/ hádať sa I always seem to be quarrelling with my parents.
realistic, adj /"rə'lstk/ realistický A lot of people like paintings to look realistic.
reasonably, adv /'ri:zənəbli/ primerane, rozumne The car is in reasonably good condition.
relaxing, adj /r'l{ksŋ/ oddychový We spent a relaxing evening at home.
remind, v /r'mand/ pripomenúť Your face reminds me of my younger brother.
rest, v /rest/ odpočinúť si Rest your head on my shoulder.
ruler, n /'ru:lə/ vládca King Priam was a strict but fair ruler.
run into, phr v /"rön 'ntə/ naraziť do He ran into Kathy in the corridor a few minutes later.
satirical, adj /sə'trkəl/ satirický It's a well-known satirical magazine.
sergeant, n /'sɑ:dZənt/ seržant The sergeant ordered us not to move.
sharp, adj /ʃɑ:p/ ostrý She's a journalist with an extremely sharp mind.
show up, phr v /"ʃəυ 'öp/ ukázať sa, objaviť sa He always shows up late.
schizophrenia, n /"sktsəυ'fri:niə schizofrénia Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness.
, -sə-/
scholar, n /'skɒlə/ učenec A scholar is an intelligent and well-educated person.
skeletal, adj /'skelətəl/ kostnatý The African hospital was filled with skeletal children.
stuck, adj /stök/ zaseknutý Sara tried to open the window but it was stuck.
study, n /'stödi/ štúdium More studies are needed before anything can be proved.
subject, n /'söbdZkt/ vec, téma, podmet Stop trying to change the subject!
suggest, v /sə'dZest/ navrhnúť A child's behaviour might suggest to others that there are problems at
surprising, adj /sə'prazŋ/ prekvapivý In such a small town it was surprising to find so many really good
swap, v /swɒp/ vymeniť si, prehodiť si The girls chatted and swapped clothes with each other.
sympathise, v /'smpəθaz/ sympatizovať I can sympathise with those who have lost loved ones.
symphony, n /'smfəni/ symfónia A symphony is a long piece of music usually in four parts, written for an
talented, adj /'t{ləntd/ talentovaný The Brazilian team includes some highly talented young players.
tanned, adj /t{nd/ opálený Their skin was tanned and glowing from their weeks at sea.

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Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,
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task, n /tɑ:sk/ úloha Our first task is to gather information.
technological, adj /"teknə'lɒdZkəl technologický What's the most important technological achievement?
translate, v /tr{ns'let, preložiť Can you translate this into French?
translator, n /tr{ns'letə, prekladač She worked in Geneva as a translator.
treat, v /tri:t/ zaobchádzať, jednať She treats me like one of the family.
unlike, prep /ön'lak/ nepodobný, nie taký Unlike most people in the office, I don't come to work by
unusual, adj /ön'ju:Zuəl, - nezvyčajný Alan's work shows unusual talent.
vegetarian, n /"vedZə'teəriən/ vegetarián Vegetarians never eat meat.
violent, adj /'vaələnt/ násilný I think Tarantino's films are too violent.
vision, n /'vZən/ vízia, videnie As Martha grew older, her vision began to fail.
vote, n /vəυt/ volebný hlas It's the club secretary that counts the votes.
vote, v /vəυt/ voliť In 1918 British women got the right to vote.
wealthy, adj /'welθi/ bohatý He left as a poor, working-class boy and returned as a wealthy man.
well-paid, adj /"wel 'ped/ dobre platený This kind of job is always well-paid.
werewolf, n /'weəwυlf/ vlkolak The film is about a lawyer who turns into a werewolf.
wizard, n /'wzəd/ čarodejník Wizards are supposed to have magic powers.

Slovak Ventures, s.r.o,

Kasalova 6, 949 01 Nitra, tel: 037 - 65 20 261, fax: 037- 77 20 190,

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