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Grade: 65/100 1.

How does the banquet scene blur the clear-cut and common-sense distinction that most of us make between the real and the imaginary? In what other scenes has this distinction also been blurred? 40/50: clarify what happened in banquet scene a. What happens in the Banquet scene? Theyre having a feast, there were a lot of people sitting at a table, about to make a toast, going to pass it around the table to each other, Macbeth came in, started talking to somebody, something suspicious, murderer came in, started to them. b. Where in this scene is there something that is imaginary or not-real? The ghost they were talking about. Banquo died and it was his ghost or whatever. c. What effect does this imaginary/not-real event have on the characters? Some of the people were shocked when they saw the ghost, but not everybody saw it. I guess they were terrified, since they seen somebody coming from the dead and the ghost floating. [How did it affect Macbeth? (physically, emotionally?) both, either.] Him being fearless, thinking a ghost is coming from the dead. Hes probably would be also afraid that if he did anything to him that he might hunt him down or go after him. Or make him think about things and not let him sleep and always have something on his mind. d. What might this tell us about the characters in the scene? Why do you think Shakespeare includes things that are imaginary/not real in this scene? Shakespeare might include to make the play more interesting and effective, or show us something through that, like some kind of symbol [what do you learn about Macbeth? Refer to her earlier line not let him sleep] He had some things going on between him, not really close friends, but likeMacbeth is cautious with things, because in the last scene when he killed Duncan, he felt guilty about it, he did it, he couldnt stop thinking about it, his wife said stop thinking about it, its not your fault. Hes also careful with things. Careful-stays away from things that might cause trouble or maybe interfere with his decisions or plans that he has. e. Think about the rest of the play. When else has Macbeth seen something imaginary/not real? When Lady Macbeth was calling onto the spirits. When she was downstairs in the basement or the dungeon so they could change her into a different gender, and she heard voices like the crows or the birds are calling. f. What conclusions can you make about the characters based on these two examples? You cant run from things, even if you want to. They still will go after you, or get you either way.

2. In what ways has Macbeths view of murder changed since he killed Duncan? What does this suggest about his downfall as a tragic hero? Cite textual evidence to support your answer. 25/50: Clarify how Banquo was murdered, then explain how this shows a change in Macbeth. a. Describe how and why Macbeth decided to kill Duncan. In the last scene when he killed Duncan, he felt guilty about it, he did it, he couldnt stop thinking about it, his wife said stop thinking about it, its not your fault. b. How did he feel after he killed Duncan? He thought it was wrong to kill; he couldnt believe his eyes, he probably hated himself. c. How did he feel when he heard that Banquo was dead? He felt shocked and felt sorrow. He started finding out from others what happened. d. What changes do you see in Macbeths view toward murder? When he killed Duncan he had to kill him because he looked like her father and she couldnt kill him. And the other murder, one of the others killed Banquo and he felt terrible about it. e. How do these changes help us predict Macbeths downfall? What do we expect to be the undoing of Macbeth, based on the changes in his character? I guess his downfall is that (Im not really sure but) him hiring to kill he didnt want to do it himself and he didnt want evidence or witnesses to go after him, like other people knowing, cause they would tell the others and they would go after Macbeth.

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