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Ground / Sur Terre / Yer st Semi Underground / Semi Enterr / Yar Gml Underground / Souterrain / Yer Alt

Introduction / Introduction / Tantm

Our Profile EKOS GROUP efforts to be a corporation of being respected and trusted within its 5 companies; and to provide world class service with its quality manufacturing and engineering. EKOS GROUP has activities in electrical engineering, production and marketing within the boards of Turkey, North Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle-West Asia and Middle East-Gulf. EKOS GROUP companies are EKOSinerji Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., OSEL Elektrik Sanayi A.S., EKOSinerji Dis Ticaret Koll. Sti, Sarl EKOS ENERGIE, EKOS ENERGIE Canada. The company, especially in gas insulated switchgear technology, is the first and the largest manufacturer of Turkey and intends to provide high quality, proven reliability in operating conditions and flexible technology eliminating the need for brand loyalty products. Company has the ISO Quality Management System, ISO Environmental System, OHSAS The Occupational Health & Safety Management System Certificates, which are the necessity of quality principle that we never give up. Also, the company provides the criterias required by the latest version standards and proves this by the type test reports, taken from independent and internationally accredited laboratories. EKOS GROUP exports 70% of its productions by the existence of homologation certificates, which means the products are utilisable in that country, taken from several transmission and distribution companies all around the world. Notre Profile Le GROUPE EKOS constitu de 5 socits est fier dtre une structure de rfrence dans le domaine de llectricit avec son service de qualit en matire de production et dingnierie en respectant les normes internationales. Le GROUPE EKOS mne ses activits dans le domaine de llectricit avec son ingnierie, sa production et sa commercialisation en Turquie, en Afrique du Nord, au Moyen Orient, dans les pays du Golf et au Canada. Les socits qui constituent le GROUPE EKOS sont: EKOSinerji Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., OSEL Elektrik Sanayi A.S., EKOSinerji Dis Ticaret Koll. Sti, Sarl EKOS ENERGIE, EKOS ENERGIE Canada. Notre socit est la premire et la plus grande socit de fabrication de cellules moyenne tension spcialement en cellules isoles au gaz en Turquie. Notre socit fournis des cellules qui ont prouv sur le terrain leur qualit et fiabilit liminant lobligation de rester attach une marque donne et qui sontcompatibles avec toutes les autres marques reconnues. Notre socit ayante toujours comme principale proccupation la qualit et la scurit est certifie; ISO Systmes de Management de la Qualit, ISO Sytmes de Management Environnemental, OHSAS Systmes de Management de la sant et de la scurit. Aussi la socit possde les rapports types des laboratoires indpendants internationallement accrdits pour fournir une qualit repondante aux dernires normes de la CEI. 70% de la production de notre socit est destine lexportation et nos produits sont homologus par les socits nationales dlectricit de tout ces pays partenaires. Profilimiz EKOS GROUP, bnyesindeki 5 irketle saygn ve gvenilir bir kurum olmann, kaliteli retim ve mhendisliiyle dnya standartlarna bir hizmet sunmann gayreti ierisindedir. EKOS GROUP Trkiyede, Avrupada, Afrikada, Orta Dou ve Krfez lkelerinde, Trk Cumhuriyetlerinde ve Kanadada elektrik sektrnde mhendislik, retim ve pazarlama-sat konularnda faaliyet gstermektedir. EKOS GROUP irketleri EKOSinerji Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.., OSEL Elektrik Sanayi A.., EKOSinerji D Ticaret Koll. ti, Sarl EKOS ENERGIE, EKOS ENERGIE Canadadr. zellikle gaz izoleli hcre teknoloji konusunda Trkiyenin ilk ve en byk reticisi konumundaki irket; elektrik enerjisinin datmda yksek kaliteli, gvenirlilii iletme koullarnda ispatlanm, marka bamll yaratmayan esnek teknoloji rnlerinin var olmasn ilke edinmitir. irket, hibir zaman vazgemedii kalite ilkesinin gereklilii olan, Kalite Ynetim Sistemleri, evre Ynetim Sistemi ve Sal ve Gvenlii Ynetim Sistemi sertifikalarna sahip olmasnn yannda, en son versiyon uluslararas standartlarn tm gerekliliklerini karlamakta ve bunu uluslararas bamsz ve akredite laboratuarlardan alnm tip test raporlar ile kantlanmaktadr. EKOS GROUP, bir ok iletim ve datm kurumundan alnm sistemde kullanlabilir anlamna gelen yeterlilik belgelerine sahip bir ekilde retiminin %70ini ihra etmektedir.

Our Scope of Activities -Production, sales and marketing of MV Switchgears with our own engineering and without any license agreement -Project management of protection, control, monitoring, optimization and SCADA systems by the distributorship of GE Digital Energy -Acting as an electrical contractor; HV/MV/ LV switching and substations, cabling, data transferring, and their installations, HV/MV secondary protections systems, erections, settings, site tests and energizinge world

Notre Domaine dActivit -La fabrication, la vente, la commercialisation des cellules MT avec notre ingnierie propre sans aucun contract de license -Gestion des projets relatifs aux systmes de protection, de controle et de SCADA de GE Digital Energy dont nous sommes distributeur -La sous-traitance pour; Appareillage et poste de transformation HT/MT/BT, cablage, Transmission de donnes, et leur installation, systmes de protection secondaire HT/MT, installation, tests sur site et mise en service

Faaliyet Alanlarmz -Herhangi bir lisans anlamas olmadan, tamamen kendi mhendisliimiz ile orta gerilim alt ekipmanlar retimi, sat ve pazarlamas -GE Digital Energy distribtrlklerimiz ile koruma, kontrol, optimizasyon, izleme ve SCADA sistemleri proje ynetimi -Elektrik mteahhidi olarak, YG/OG/AG anahtarlama ve transformatr merkezleri, kablolama, veri transferi ve kurulumlar, YG/ OG sekonder koruma sistemleri, montaj ayar, saha testi ve enerjilendirme

Our Expertise -Primary and secondary distribution products and substations -Protection, control and monitoring (SCADA) systems -Substation automation -Complete site works and contracting -Project design up to 400 kV -Complete site tests -Transformer monitoring-diagnostic systems and transformer oil regeneration -Local presence and continuous consultancy -Operation and maintenance support

Notre Expertise -Appareillage de distribution primaire et secondaire et postes prefabriqus -Protection, contrle et systme de surveillance (SCADA) -Automation des postes de transformation -Sous-traitance et tous les tests sur site -Conception de projet jusqua 400 kV -Tous les tests sur sites -Surveillance, diagnostic et systme de regnration de lhuile des transformateurs -Support pour lexploitation et la maintenance

Uzmanlk Alanlarmz -Primer, sekonder datm ve transformatr merkezleri rnleri -Koruma, kontrol ve izleme (SCADA) sistemleri -Transformatr merkezleri otomasyonu -Komple saha testleri -400 kV seviyesine kadar proje dizayn -Transformatr ya rejenerasyonu -Transformatr izleme ve bakm sistemleri -letme ve bakm destei

Our Markets - Customers -Electricity network (generation, transmission and distribution) -Oil and gas (refineries) -Transportation (railways, highways, pipelines) -Water (treatment, waste facilities) -Heavy industry (mining, metals, cement) -Buildings (house, hotel, hospital, shopping center)

Nos Marchs - Clients -Rseau dElectricit (production, transmission et distribution) -Ptrol et gaz (rafineries) -Transport (chemins de fer, autoroute) -Eau (traitement, gestion des eaux uses) -Industries lourdes (mine, metals, ciment) -Btiments (appartements, hotels, hopitaux, centre commerciaux)

Hizmet Ettiimiz Pazarlar -Elektrik sistemi (retim, iletim, datm) -Petrol ve gaz (rafineriler) -Ulam (tren yolu, otoban, havaliman) -Su (artma, pompa) -Ar sanayi (maden, demir&elik, imento) -Yaplar (konut, otel, hastane, alveri mer.)

Concrete Kioks / Postes Prfabriqus en Bton / Beton Kkler

Why Concrete Kiosk? The concrete kiosks, produced by EKOS GROUP, are designed to protect the medium voltage and low voltage switching units and the distribution transformer against the hard environmental conditions, to use the space efficiently and to maximize the operator safety. Pourqoui des Postes en Bton? Les postes en bton produits par le GROUPE EKOS sont dvelopps pour protger les postes de distribution BT et MT el les postes de transformation des conditions difficiles de lenvironnement, pour optimiser lutilisation du terrain et pour maximiser la scurit de loprateur. Neden Beton Kk? EKOS GROUPun rettii beton kkler, orta ve alak gerilim anahtarlama niteleriyle datm transformatrn zorlu evre koullarndan korumak, bulunduu alan optimum ekilde kullanmak ve operatr gvenliini maksimuma karmak iin tasarlanmtr.

Our Production EKOS GROUP is manufacturing ground, semi underground and underground concrete kiosks in its facility, located in industrial zone in Hendek / Adapazari / Turkey. The concrete kiosks can be operated for many years, through being produced with high quality materials and quality work. EKOS GROUP concrete kiosk, which are produced in accordance with national and international standards, are serving all around Turkey.

Notre Production Le GROUPE EKOS produits, dans ses installations dans la Zne Industrielle Adapazar / Hendek / Turquie, des postes souterrains, semi enterrs et sur terre. Grace la haute qualit des composants et de la main doeuvre ces postes fonctionnent durant plusieures annes sans problme. Ces postes, conformes aux normes nationaux et internationaux sont en service travers toute la Turquie.

retimimiz EKOS GROUP, Adapazar / Hendek 2. Organize Sanayi Blgesinde bulunan tesislerinde, yer st, yar gml ve yer alt beton kk imalat yapmaktadr. Yksek kalitedeki malzeme ve kaliteli iilik sayesinde retilen beton kkler, uzun yllar sorunsuz iletilebilmektedir. Ulusal ve uluslararas standartlara uygun olarak retilen beton kkler, Trkiyenin drt bir yannda hizmet vermektedir.

Tailor Made Design EKOS GROUP is producing the concrete kiosk depending totally on customers requirements. According to usage purpose, 1, 2 or 3 of medium voltage compartment, transformer compartment and low voltage compartment can be chosen. The dimensions and the locations of these compartments are optional. Also the doors and the ventilation panels are designed according to customers needs. EKOS GROUP is also manufacturing semi underground and underground concrete kiosks, which eliminate the esthetic concerns and area problems, in addition to traditional ground concrete kiosks. EKOS GROUP is the first domestic company, manufacturing these types of kiosks and offers unlimited solutions to customers, who need medium voltage concrete kiosk.

Design sur Commande La production des postes en beton chez le GROUPE EKOS est ralise selon les demandes du client. Il est possible de choisir, selon lemplacement, 1, 2 ou 3 compartiments parmi les compartiments de basse tension, de moyenne tension et de transformation. La place et les dimensions de ces compartiments dans le poste sont aussi optionelles. De mme la place de portes et des fentres de ventillation est au choix du client. En dehors des postes classiques le GROUPE EKOS est la premire socit locale fabriquer des postes en bton semi enterrs et souterrains pour viter les problmes dspace et dsthtique. Ainsi le GROUPE EKOS prsente un choix illimit ses clients qui ont besoin dun poste de moyenne tension.

Terzi Usul Tasarm EKOS GROUPta beton kk retimi mteri ihtiyacna gre yaplmaktadr. Kullanm yerine gre, orta gerilim blmesi, transformatr blmesi ve alak gerilim blmelerinden 1, 2 veya 3 tercih edilebilmektedir. Bu blmelerin kk iindeki yerleri ve boyutlar da opsiyonel olup ayn ekilde kap ve havalandrma pencerelerinin de yerleri mteri ihtiyacna gre tasarlanmaktadr. EKOS GROUP, klasik yer st beton kkn yan sra, alan problemini ve estetik kayglarn ortadan kaldran yar gml ve yer alt beton kklerin de imalatn yapan ilk yerli firmadr. Bu geni rn yelpazesi sayesinde EKOS GROUP, orta gerilim beton kk ihtiyac olan mterilerine snrsz zm olana sunmaktadr.

Concrete Kiosk Type Codification Concrete kiosk type codification intends to determine the informations, that the customers indicate in their order, in one code. So, choosing the product becomes easier. This code is accepted after the approval of EKOS GROUP. Please contact EKOS GROUP for support.

Codification des Postes en Bton La codification des postes a comme objectif de couvrir toutes les informations fournies par le client lors de la commande. Ainsi, il est trs simple de choisir le produit. Aprs la confirmation par le GROUPE EKOS, ce code est saisi comme le code du produit command. Pour plus dinformations veuillez contacter le GROUPE EKOS.

Beton Kk Tip Kodlamas Beton kk tip kodlamas, mterilerin sipari verirken belirtecekleri tm bilgileri tek bir kodun ierisinde belirtmeyi amalar. Bylece rn semek daha kolay olacaktr. Bu kod, EKOS GROUPun onayndan getikten sonra sipari kodu olarak ileme alnr. Destek iin EKOS GROUP ile irtibata geilmelidir.

OTS1036 - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * *
Defines the length / Defini la longueur / Uzunluu tanmlar

* Defines the type of kiosk / Defini le type de poste / Kk tipini tanmlar *

Defines the insulation type of MV switchgear / Defini lisolation de la cellule / OG hcrenin yaltm tipini tanmlar

Defines the low voltage compartment / Defini le compartiment BT / Alak gerilim blmesini tanmlar

Defines the medium voltage compartment / Defini le compartiment de moyenne tension / Orta gerilim blmesini tanmlar

Defines the power of transformer / Defini la puissance du transformateur / Transformatr gcn tanmlar

Defines the operation type) / Defini le type dexploitation / letme tipini tanmlar

Defines the position of LV compartment) / Defini o a se position le compartiment BT / AG blmnn hangi tarafta olduunu tanmlar

Defines the height / Defini la hauteur / Ykseklii tanmlar

Defines the width / Defini la largeur / Genilii tanmlar

Equipments / Pourvoirie / Donatm

Earthing All metal parts, which are not used directly in an electrical system, should be earthed according to national and international standards. So, metal enclosed medium voltage switchgears, metal partitions, doors, ventilation panels, raised floors and all other metal parts are connected to the earthing busbar. This increases customers confidence in the products of EKOS GROUP. Mettre la Terre Selon les normes nationaux et internationaux, dans un systme lectrique, toutes les pices qui ne sont pas directement utilises doivent tre mises la terre. Les cellules de moyenne tension coffre mtalliques, toutes les autres pieces mtalliques, les sparateurs mtalliques, les portes, les fentres de ventillation, le plancher mtallique sont connects la barre de mise la terre. Par ce caractre, les clients ont de la confience pour les produits de GROUPE EKOS. Topraklama Ulusal ve uluslararas standartlara gre, bir elektrik sistemindeki, dorudan kullanlmayan (kap, gvde gibi) metal paralarn hepsi topraklanmaldr. Bu yzden, metal mahfazal orta gerilim hcreleri, metal blmeler, kaplar, havalandrma panelleri, montaj zeminleri ile tm metal blmler topraklama barasna balanmtr. Bu da mterilerin, EKOS GROUPun rettii rnlere olan gvenini bir kat daha artrmaktadr.

Transformer Rail System Steel rails, which provide flexible solutions, are used in transformer compartment of medium voltage transformer substations. Transformers are fixed in concrete kiosks, through this rails. Also the replacement of transformer is easy through a wheeled system.

Transformateur sur les Rails Dans les postes de transformation de moyenne tension, les rails en acier placs dans le compartiment de transformateur permettent de trouver des solutions flexibles. Le transformateur est fix sur ces rails. Avec un systme de roue, le changement du transformateur est facilit.

Transformatr Ray Sistemi Orta gerilim transformatr merkezlerinin transformatr blmelerinde esnek zm imkn veren elik raylar kullanlmaktadr. Bu raylar sayesinde transformatr kkn ierisinde sabitlenerek transformatrn montaj yaplmaktadr. Ayrca tekerlekli bir sistem sayesinde transformatrn deitirme ilemi kolaylkla yaplabilmektedir.

Raised Floor Different types of raised floors are used in concrete kiosks, produced by EKOS GROUP. These floors make easy to connect the cables of equipments. In classical applications, these floors are made by concrete, but if it is requested, it can be made by different materials like metal.

Estrade Diffrents types dstrades sont utiliss dans les postes en bton du GROUPE EKOS. Ces strades facilitent la connection des cables. Le plancher qui est en beton dans lapplication standarte peut tre fabriqu en acier ou autre selon la demande du client.

Ykseltilmi Zemin EKOS GROUPun rettii beton kklerde, farkl ykseltilmi zemin tipleri kullanlmaktadr. Bu zeminler ekipmanlarn kablo balantlarn kolaylatrmaktadr. Klasik uygulamalarda beton olan zemin, mteri isteine bal olarak metal gibi farkl malzemelerden de yaplabilir.

Cable Penetration Systems Cable penetration system is one of the important parts of concrete kiosks. The electrical connection is provided by these system, between the inside and the outside of the substation. This penetration system, which is underground when the substation is installed, should be resistant to environmental effects like pressure or humidity. Through this system, cable connection is provided into the substation as much as required and to each direction.

Canaux de Cable Les canaux de cable sont les pieces les plus importantes des postes. Grce ces canaux que les cables sont connects entre le poste et lextrieur. Ces canaux, qui sont dans la partie souterrainne du poste, doivent tre trs resistants aux influences de lenvironnement comme pression et humidit. Cest grce ces canaux quon peut faire pntrer autant de cables quon souhaite et dans la direction choisie.

Kablo Giri Kanallar Kablo giri kanallar, beton kklerin nemli ksmlarndan biridir. Bu kanallar sayesinde, beton kk ile dars arasndaki elektriksel balant salanr. Transformatr merkezlerinin, topran altnda kalan ksmnda bulunan kablo giri kanallar, basn, nem gibi evresel etkilere maksimum derecede dayankl olmaldr. Bu kanallar sayesinde, beton kkn ierisine istenilen ynde ve miktarda kablo giri k salanmaktadr.

Electrical Installations There is an electrical installation, for making easier the usage of medium and low voltage equipments, in the concrete kiosks. There is a standard 230 VAC electrical installation for providing the interior lighting (may be changed according to customer requirement). If these energy is interrupted, the rechargeble emergency lighting system supplies the lighting. DC power supply is placed into the LV panel of switchgear or in a suitable place in the concrete kiosk due to the isolation type of switchgear and the voltage of the DC power supply

Installation Electrique Dans les postes en bton il existe une installation lectrique pour faciliter lutilisation des quipments internes de moyenne et de basse tension. Pour lclairage intrieure une installation de 230 VAC est place en standart (Cela peut tre chang sur la demande du client). En cas de coupure dnergie, les armatures dclairage batterie entrent en service. La boite dalimentation DC est place dans larmoire de BT de la cellule ou dans un emplacement convenable dans le poste selon le type disolation de la cellule et la tension de lalimentation.

Elektriksel Tesisat Beton kklerde, ierilerinde bulunan orta ve alak gerilim ekipmanlarnn kullanmn kolaylatracak ekipmanlar iin bir elektrik tesisat bulunmaktadr. Beton kklerde, i aydnlatmay salamak iin standart 230 VAC tesisat bulunmaktadr (stee gre deiebilir). Bu enerjinin kesilmesi durumunda aydnlatmay, arjl acil aydnlatma armatrleri salamaktadr. Hcrenin izolasyon tipine gre ve DC g kaynann gerilimine gre DC g kayna, hcrenin AG blmesine ya da kkn ierisinde uygun bir yere konulmaktadr.

Factory / Usine / Fabrika Hendek, Adapazar, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Ventilation and Doors / La Ventilation et les Portes / Havalandrma ve Kaplar

Ventilation Ventilation of prefabricated concrete transformer and distribution systems, produced by EKOS GROUP, is provided by blinds on the doors and ventilation panels. Any auxiliary equipment is not used for ventilation. Cooling of equipments in the substation is made by natural ways. Also special ventilation and air conditioning options are available for specific conditions. These concrete kiosks have been subjected to the necessary warm-up tests and they passed these tests. Ventilation Dans les postes en bton fabriqus par le GROUPE EKOS la ventilation est fournie par les panels de ventilation sur les portes et par les fentres de ventilation. Dautre quipments auxilliaires ne sont pas utiliss pour la ventilation. Ainsi les quipments internes du poste sont refroidis naturellement. Pous les conditions spcialles, il existe dautres solutions pour la climatisation et pour la ventilation. Les postes ont pass avec succs les tests de rchauffement. Havalandrma EKOS GROUPun rettii betonarme transformatr ve datm merkezlerinde havalandrmay, kap zerilerindeki havalandrma panelleri ve havalandrma pencereleri salar. Havalandrma iin herhangi bir yardmc ekipman kullanlmamaktadr. Beton kkn ierisindeki ekipmanlarn soumas doal yollarla salanm olur. Ayrca zel koullar iin zel havalandrma ve iklimlendirme seenekleri de mevcuttur. retilen beton kkler gerekli snma testlerine tabi tutulmu ve bu testlerden baaryla gemitir. Havalandrma Elemanlar Kullanlan havalandrma panelleri, enerji altndaki ekipmanlarn soumas iin gerekli hava sirklasyonunu en iyi ekilde salayacak biimde tasarlanmtr. Bununla birlikte, havalandrma panjurlar IP23 (istee bal olarak IP33) koruma snfn salayacak ekilde tasarlanmtr.

Ventilation Equipments Used ventilation panels are designed according to provide the necessary air circulation for cooling of equipments under the energy. Besides, ventilation shutters are designed according to IP23 (optionally IP33) protection class.

Equipments de Ventilation Les panels de ventilation sont conus de manire assurer la circulation dair pour refroidir les quipments sous nergie. En mme temps ces panels de ventilation sont conformes aux normes IP23 (IP33 sur demande).

Ventilation Dome The remaining parts of underground transformer substations on the ground are the ventilation domes. Through the large cross-section areas on these domes, ventilation of the underground concrete kiosk can be provided easily, without any auxiliary equipments.

Tours de Ventilation Dans les postes de transformation souterrain, les seules parties qui restent sur la terre sont les tours de ventilation. Grce la large section, ces tours fournissent facillement assez de ventilation sans avoir besoin dun autre quipment de support.

Havalandrma Kuleleri Yer alt transformatr merkezlerinin, toprak zemininin stnde kalan ksmlar havalandrma kuleleridir. Bu kulelerde bulunan geni havalandrma kesitleri sayesinde, yer alt beton kklerin havalandrmas, herhangi bir yardmc ekipmana ihtiya duyulmadan, kolaylkla salanabilmektedir.

Doors The doors on the concrete kiosks, produced by EKOS GROUP, prevents uncontrolled access into the energized compartments, which have the medium and low voltage equipments. Also these doors are resistant to pressure and the stress, occurs in an internal arc fault, in the highest degree. Used hundreds of concrete kiosks prove the accuracy of all these features. The position, the number and the dimensions of these doors are totally designed according to customer requirements.

Les Portes Dans les postes en bton produits par le GROUPE EKOS, les portes empchent tout accs non contrls dans les compartiments o les quipments de base et de moyenne tension sont placs. Ces portes sont resistantes larc interne et la pression. Ces proprits sont prouves par des centaines de postes en fonction aux environs. La quantit, la place et les dimensions de ces portes sont dfinis sur la demande du client.

Kaplar EKOS GROUPun rettii beton kklerde kullanlan kaplar, orta ve alak gerilim ekipmanlarnn bulunduu enerjili blmlere kontrolsz eriimi engeller. Ayrca basnca ve i ark gibi oluabilecek arzalardaki strese son derece dayankldr. Tm bu zelliklerin doruluunu, devredeki yzlerce beton kk gstermektedir. retilen beton kklerdeki kaplarn yerleri, saylar ve boyutlar tamamen mteri isteine gre belirlenmektedir.

Locking Systems Locking systems are important as the doors. Key locking systems in use, protect the medium and low voltage equipments from the people who may want to harm and also prevent the accidental access to the energized compartments. This feature is a factor which supports the safety principle that EKOS GROUP always keeps in front.

Systme de Verrouillage Un autre systme aussi important que les portes est le systme de verrouillage. Ce systme de verrouillage empche les gens qui voudront endomager les quipments de base et de moyenne tension qui sont dans le poste, et en mme temps empche aussi les contacts par erreur. Ce caractre renforce la scurit que le GROUPE EKOS tient toujours en attention.

Kilitleme Sistemleri Kaplar kadar nemli olan bir dier ekipman da kilitleme sistemleridir. Kullanlan kilit sistemleri, beton kklerin ierisindeki orta ve alak gerilim ekipmanlarna zarar vermek isteyecek kiileri engelledii gibi enerjili olan bu elemanlara, yanllkla eriimi de engellemi olur. Bu zellik, EKOS GROUPun her zaman n planda tuttuu gvenlik ilkesini de destekleyen bir unsurdur.

Resistance / Rsistance / Dayankllk

Resistance to Internal Arc In EKOS GROUP, the concrete kiosks are designed as being not affected from thermal and mechanical effects, which may occur in an internal arc fault. The concrete kiosks, which are tested in international accredited laboratories according to IEC 62271-202 norms, have passed the tests successfully for the 16 kA 1s values. Tenu lArc Interne Les postes en bton de GROUPE EKOS sont conus de manire protger loprateur des ffects thrmiques et mcaniques qui peuvent saverer par un arc interne cr par un incident. Ces postes ont pass avec succs les tests darc interne sur les normes CEI 62271-202 avec les valeurs 16kA 1s dans les laboratoires internationallement accrdits. Arka Dayankllk EKOS GROUPun rettii beton kkler, operatrn, bir arzada oluacak i ark nedeniyle meydana gelecek sl ve mekanik etkilerden zarar grmeyecei ekilde tasarlanmtr. Uluslararas akredite olmu laboratuvarlarda IEC 62271202 normuna gre i ark arza testine tabi tutulan beton kkler, 16 kA 1s deerleri iin bu testi baaryla gemilerdir.

Protection Against Electromagnetic Fields As it is known, an electromagnetic field occurs in where electrical current exists. One of the most important points , when designing a medium voltage transformer substation, is to provide the protection against this field, which may harm the people. The concrete kiosks are designed by considering these issues in EKOS GROUP, who always take care of the safety and the human health.

Protection Anti-Electromagntique Comme on le sait, un champ magntique est cr en prsence dun courant lectrique. Il faut veiller ce point qui peut causer des dangers pour la sant humaine pendant la conception dun poste de transformation de moyenne tension. La conception des postes de GROUPE EKOS qui sengage veiller la scurit et la sant humaine, prend en charge ces effets.

Elektromanyetik Alana Kar Koruma Bilindii gibi elektrik akmnn olduu yerde, elektromanyetik bir alan meydana gelir. Bir orta gerilim transformatr merkezi tasarlanrken dikkat edilmesi gereken nemli hususlardan biri de, insanlarn, sala zararl olabilecek bu alandan korunmalarn salamaktr. Gvenlii ve insan saln her zaman n planda tutan EKOS GROUPun rettii beton kkler, bu husus dikkate alnarak tasarlanmaktadr.

Resistance to Fire Equipments, used in medium voltage distribution and transformer substations, should be fire resistant. In a fire that may occur, the main part of kiosk, doors, ventilation panels and the other connection equipments should not be affected from the fire. The equipments are carrefully chosen according to this feature.

Tenu au Feu Les matriaux utiliss dans les postes de distribution et de transformation de moyenne tension doivent rsister au feu. En cas dincendie, le corps, les fentres, les portes et les quipments de connection ne doivent pas tre affects par le feu. Le choix des materiaux est fait sur ce critre.

Atee Dayankllk Orta gerilim datm ve transformatr merkezlerinde kullanlan malzemeler atee dayankl olmaldr. Meydana gelebilecek bir yangnda gvde, kaplar, havalandrma panelleri ve dier balant ekipmanlar ateten etkilenmemelidir. Kullanlan malzemeler, bu zellik dikkate alnarak seilmektedir.

Environmentally Sensibility EKOS GROUP consider environmentally sensibility important in all stages of its production. EKOS GROUP uses environmentally friendly materials in concrete kiosk production, as well as the other medium voltage equipments.

Sensible lEnvironnement Le GROUPE EKOS est sensible lenvironnement chaque phase de la production. Le GROUPE EKOS utilise des materiaux sensible lenvironnement dans ses quipments de moyenne tension et aussi dans les postes en bton.

evreye Duyarllk EKOS GROUPun retimin tm aamalarnda en ok nem verdii konu, evreye duyarllktr. EKOS GROUP, rettii dier orta gerilim ekipmanlarnda olduu gibi beton kklerde de, evreye duyarl malzemeler kullanmaktadr.

Safety As it is known, medium voltage transformer substations are usually located in uninhabited areas. The safety of the equipments in the concrete kiosks, which are placed in some places where they can easily be damaged by bad people, is very important. The concrete body, which has thickness of 10 cm and metal reinforcement, is extremely resistant to shocks. Also the other equipments support this situation.

La Scurit Comme on le sait, les postes de moyenne tension sont gnralement placs dans des endroits ouverts. La scurit des quipments internes est trs importante car les gens de mauvaise volonts voudront les endomager. Le corps en beton de 10 cm dpaisseur minimum et renforc avec du fer est trs resistant aux chocs. Ce caractre est renforc par les autres quipments utiliss.

Gvenlik Bilindii gibi orta gerilim transformatr merkezleri genellikle ak alanlarda kurulmaktadrlar. Kt niyetli kiilerin kolaylkla zarar verebilecei yerlerde bulunan beton kklerde, ierilerinde bulunan ekipmanlarn gvenlii ok nemlidir. Minimum 10 cm olan duvar kalnl ve ierisindeki demir donat sayesinde beton gvde, darbelere son derece dayankldr. Kullanlan dier ekipmanlar da bu durumu desteklemektedir.

Partitioning / Partitionnement / Blmelendirme

General Partitioning in medium voltage transformer and distribution substations is made by customers requirements. Besides, concrete kiosks, which are produced as a standard, are given below. 3 Compartments / 3 Compartiments / 3 Blmeli

Gnrale La rpartition des compartiments dans les postes de transformation et de distribution MT est faite selon les besoins du client. En mme temps il existe des postes standarts prfabriqus.

Genel Orta gerilim transformatr ve datm merkezlerinde blmelendirme, mteri ihtiyalar gz nnde tutularak yaplmaktadr. Bununla birlikte standart olarak retilmekte olan beton kkler aada verilmitir. These are transformer substations, consistig low voltage, medium voltage and transformer compartments. The position of low voltage and medium voltage compartments can be designed reverse. Ces sonts des postes de transformation constitus des compartiments de basse tension, moyenne tension et de transfomateur. La place des compartiments de basse tension et de moyenne tension peut tre inverse. Alak gerilim, orta gerilim ve transformatr blmelerinden oluan transformatr merkezleridir. Alak gerilim ve orta gerilim blmelerinin yerleri ters olarak dizayn edilebilir.

A: MV Comp. / Comp. MT / OG Blmesi B: TR Comp. / Comp. TR / TR Blmesi C: LV Comp. / Comp. LV / AG Blmesi

2 Compartments / 2 Compartiments / 2 Blmeli


These are transformer substations, consistig low voltage and transformer compartments. A seperate concrete kiosk is used for medium voltage compartment. Low voltage compartment can be designed on the right or left side. Ces sonts des postes constitus des compartiments de basse tension et de transformateur. Un autre poste est utilis pour le compartiment de moyenne tension. Le compartiment de basse tension peut tre plac gauche ou droite. Alak gerilim ve transformatr blmelerinden oluan transformatr merkezleridir. Orta gerilim blmesi iin ayr bir beton kk kullanlmaktadr. Alak gerilim blmesi sada ya da solda olarak tasarlanabilir.

A: TR Comp. / Comp. TR / TR Blmesi B: LV Comp. / Comp. LV / AG Blmesi

1 Compartments /1 Compartiments / 1 Blmeli


These are distribution substations, consisting only medium voltage compartment. Also, this is suitable for special applications through the advantages of being 1 partitioned. Ces sont des postes qui ont seulement le compartiment moyenne tension. Avec lavantage davoir un seul compartiment, ils sont utilisables pour les besoins spciaux. Sadece orta gerilim blmesinden oluan datm merkezleridir. Tek blmeli olmasnn avantajyla, zel ihtiyalar iin de uygundur.

A: MV Comp. / Comp. MT / OG Blmesi

Interior Operating / Operation par lIntrieur / eriden letmeli


These are transformer substations, consisting low voltage, medium voltage and transformer compartments and the LV and MV compartments are together. They can be operated from interior. Ces sont des postes qui ont 3 compartiments, BT,MT et TR et dont les compartiment BT et MT sont conus ensembles. Ces sont des postes de transformation quon peut exploiter de lintrieur. Alak gerilim ve orta gerilim blmelerinin bir arada olduu, AG, OG ve TR blmelerinin 3nden oluan beton kk tipidir. eriden iletilebilir transformatr merkezleridir.

A: MV and LV Comp. / Comp. MT et BT / OG ve AG Blmesi B: TR Comp. / Comp. TR / TR Blmesi

Caddebostan, stanbul, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Ground / Sur Terre / Yer st

Gas Insulated / Isole au Gaz / Gaz zoleli

Introduction The ground concrete kiosks are manufactured for gas insulated medium voltage switchgears and the other distribution equipments, which are used in secondary distribution systems up to 36 kV, in open areas. The design and the production of the concrete kiosks, which are manufactured appropriate to the international specifications, are built due to the worst operating conditions. The walls of concrete kiosks are waterproof and concrete kiosk and ventilaton panels are manufactured as appropriate to IP23 Class. C35-quality, appropriate to TS 500, concrete is used in the concrete kiosks which passed succesfully the pressure withstand test, made in Istanbul Technical University Laboratories. The concrete kiosks, which are tested in accordance with IEC standards, maximize the safety of operator and the environment.
Technical Specifications Spcifications Techniques Teknik zellikler Length Longueur Uzunluk (I)

Introduction Les postes sur terre sont produits pour lutilisation dans des espaces ouvertes, des cellules isolation gaz, des quipments dinterruption et dautres quipments MT, des centres de distribution secondaires jusqu 36 kV. Ces postes en bton sont produits conformment aux normes internationnaux et les plus dfovorables conditions dxploitation sont prises en compte pour la production. Le corps de ces postes est parfaitement tanche et les panels de ventilation sont conformes la classe de protection IP23. Le bton utilis dans ces postes est de qualit C35 selon la norme TS 500 et ils ont pass avec succs des tests de pression de lUniversit Technique dIstanbul. Ces postes sont produits conformement aux normes CEI pour maximiser la scurit de loprateur et de lenvironnement.

Giri Ak alanlarda, orta gerilim hcreleri ve dier alt ve datm ekipmanlar iin 36 kVa kadar sekonder datm sistemlerinde kullanm amacyla retilmektedir. Uluslararas standartlara uygun olarak retilen beton kklerin gvdelerinin tasarm ve imalat, iletme koullarndaki en zor artlar gz nne alnarak yaplmaktadr. Beton kklerin gvdesi su geirmez olup beton kk ve havalandrma panelleri IP23 koruma snfna uygun olarak retilmektedir. Beton kklerin retiminde kullanlan beton, TS 500e gre C35 kalitesindedir ve stanbul Teknik niversitesinde yaplan basn dayanm testinden baaryla gemitir. IEC standartlarna uygun olarak test edilen beton kkler, operatr ve evre gvenliini en st seviyeye karacak ekilde retilmektedir.

OTS1036 -

Type of Kioks Type de Paste / Kk Tipi Type of Switchgear Type de Cellule / Hcre Tipi LV Compartment Compartiment BT / AG Blm MV Compartment Compartiment MT / OG Blm Transformer Compartment Compartiment Transformateur Transformatr Blm Operation Type Type dOpration / letme Tipi Position of LV Compartment Position de Tableau BT AG Blm Pozisyonu Height Hauteur / Ykseklik (h) Width / Longeur / Genilik (w)

* 25 31 38 43 52 58 64 73

Definition / Dfinition / Aklama 2500 mm 3100 mm 3800 mm 4300 mm 5200 mm 5800 mm 6400 mm 7300 mm Ground / Sur Terre / Yer st

G G 0 L

0 M

00 06 10 16


0 L R

33 34


Gas Insulated / Isole au Gaz /Gaz zoleli Without LV Panel / Sans Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panosuz With LV Panel / Avec Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panolu Without MV Switchgear / Sans Cellule MT / Orta Gerilim Hcresiz With MV Switchgear / Avec Cellule MT / Orta Gerilim Hcreli Without Transformer / Sans Transformateur / Transformatrsz With Transformer / Avec Transformateur / Transformatrl (630 kVA) With Transformer / Avec Transformateur / Transformatrl (1000 kVA) With Transformer / Avec Transformateur / Transformatrl (1600 kVA) Interior / Intrieur / eriden Exterior / Extrieur / Dardan Without LV Panel / Sans Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panosuz Left LV Compartment / Tableau BT Gauche / AG Blm Solda Right LV Compartment / Tableau BT Droite / AG Blm Sada 3300 mm 3400 mm 2500 mm

Notes 1-All together, low voltage, medium voltage and transformer compartments can be chosen for 3800 mm (38) length and above. In 3-partitioned kiosks, operating type can be chosen interior (I) for these lengths. Under these lengths, medium voltage compartment can not be chosen and the maximum transformer power can be chosen 1000 kVA (10). 2-When low voltage compartment is chosen L, the position of LV must be chosen right (R) or left (L). 3-Both together, medium voltage and transformer compartments can be chosen as 2-partitioned for 3800 mm (38) length and above.

Remarques 1-Pour les postes 3 compartiments, BT, MT et TR il faut choisir des longueurs de 3800 mm (38) ou plus. Lopration par intrieur (I) peut tre choisi comme mode dopration. La puissance maximale du transformateur peut tre de 1000 kVA (10) et il nest pas possible de choisir une longueur infrieur pour un compartiment de moyenne tension. 2-En cas du choix L pour le compartiment de basse tension, la position peut tre droite (R) ou gauche (L). 3-En cas dun poste de 2 compartiments, moyenne tension et transformateur ensemble, la langueur doit tre choisie 3800 mm (38) ou plus.

Notlar 1- Alak gerilim, orta gerilim ve transformatr blmelerinin 3 birden, 3800mm (38) ve zeri uzunluklar iin seilebilir. 3 blmelilerde iletme tipi, bu uzunluklar iin ieriden (I) seilebilir. Bu uzunluun altnda orta gerilim blmesi seilemez ve maksimum transformatr gc 1000 kVA (10) seilebilir. 2- Alak gerilim blmesi L seildiinde AG pozisyonu sa (R) ya da sol (L) seilmelidir. 3- Orta gerilim ve transformatr blmelerinin 2si birden, 3800 mm (38) ve zeri uzunluklar iin, 2 blmeli olarak birlikte seilebilir.

Air Insulated / Isole dans lAir / Hava zoleli

Ground / Sur Terre / Yer st

Introduction The ground concrete kiosks are manufactured for air insulated medium voltage switchgears and the other distribution equipments, which are used in secondary distribution systems up to 36 kV, in open areas. The design and the production of the concrete kiosks, which are manufactured appropriate to the international specifications, are built due to the worst operating conditions. The walls of concrete kiosks are waterproof and concrete kiosk and ventilaton panels are manufactured as appropriate to IP23 Class. C35-quality, appropriate to TS 500, concrete is used in the concrete kiosks which passed succesfully the pressure withstand test, made in Istanbul Technical University Laboratories. The concrete kiosks, which are tested in accordance with IEC standards, maximize the safety of operator and the environment.
Technical Specifications Spcifications Techniques Teknik zellikler Length Longueur Uzunluk (I) (I)

Introduction Les postes sur terre sont produits pour lutilisation dans des espaces ouvertes, des cellules isolation air, des quipments dinterruption et dautres quipments MT, des centres de distribution secondaires jusqu 36 kV. Ces postes en bton sont produits conformement aux normes internationnaux et les plus dfovorables conditions dxploitation sont prises en compte pour la production. Le corps de ces postes est parfaitement tanche et les panels de ventilation sont conformes la classe de protection IP23. Le bton utilis dans ces postes est de qualit C35 selon la norme TS 500 et ils ont pass avec succs des tests de pression de LUniversit Technique dIstanbul. Ces postes sont produits conformment aux normes IEC pour maximiser la scurit de loprateur et de lenvironnement.

Giri Ak alanlarda, hava izoleli orta gerilim hcreleri ve dier alt ve datm ekipmanlar iin 36 kVa kadar sekonder datm sistemlerinde kullanm amacyla retilmektedir. Uluslararas standartlara uygun olarak retilen beton kklerin gvdelerinin tasarm ve imalat, iletme koullarndaki en zor artlar gz nne alnarak yaplmaktadr. Beton kklerin gvdesi su geirmez olup beton kk ve havalandrma panelleri IP23 koruma snfna uygun olarak retilmektedir. Beton kklerin retiminde kullanlan beton, TS 500e gre C35 kalitesindedir ve stanbul Teknik niversitesinde yaplan basn dayanm testinden baaryla gemitir. CEI standartlarna uygun olarak test edilen beton kkler, operatr ve evre gvenliini en st seviyeye karacak ekilde retilmektedir.

OTS1036 -

Type of Kioks Type de Paste / Kk Tipi Type of Switchgear Type de Cellule / Hcre Tipi LV Compartment Compartiment BT / AG Blm MV Compartment Compartiment MT / OG Blm Transformer Compartment Compartiment Transformateur Transformatr Blm Operation Type Type dOpration / letme Tipi Position of LV Compartment Position de Tableau BT AG Blm Pozisyonu Height / Hauteur / Ykseklik (h) Width / Longeur / Genilik (w)

* 25 31 38 43 52 58 64 73

Definition / Dfinition / Aklama 2500 mm 3100 mm 3800 mm 4300 mm 5200 mm 5800 mm 6400 mm 7300 mm Ground / Sur Terre / Yer st

G A 0 L

0 M

00 06 10 16


0 L R



Air Insulated / Isole dans lAir / Hava zoleli Without LV Panel / Sans Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panosuz With LV Panel / Avec Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panolu Without MV Switchgear / Sans la Cellule MT / Orta Gerilim Hcresiz With MV Switchgear / Avec la Cellule MT / Orta Gerilim Hcreli Without Transformer / Sans Transformateur / Transformatrsz With Transformer / Avec Transformateur / Transformatrl (630 kVA) With Transformer / Avec Transformateur / Transformatrl (1000 kVA) With Transformer / Avec Transformateur / Transformatrl (1600 kVA) Interior / Intrieur / eriden Exterior / Extrieur / Dardan Without LV Panel / Sans Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panosuz Left LV Compartment / Tableau BT Gauche / AG Blm Solda Right LV Compartment / Tableau BT Droite / AG Blm Sada 3400 mm 2500 mm

Notes 1- All together, low voltage, medium voltage and transformer compartments can be chosen for 3800 mm (38) length and above. Under these lengths, medium voltage compartment can not be chosen and the maximum transformer power can be chosen 1000 kVA (10). 2- In 3-partitioned kiosks, operating type can be chosen interior (I) for 4300 mm (43) length and above. In these types, the maximum transformer power can be chosen 1000 kVA (10). 3- When low voltage compartment is chosen L, the position of LV must be chosen right (R) or left (L). 4- Both together, medium voltage and transformer compartments can be chosen as 2-partitioned for 3800 mm (38) length and above.

Remarques 1- Pour les postes 3 compartiments, BT, MT et TR il faut choisir des longueurs de 3800 mm (38) ou plus. Lopration par intrieur (I) peut tre choisi comme mode dopration. La puissance maximale du transformateur peut tre de 1000 kVA (10) et il nest pas possible de choisir une longueur infrieur pour un compartiment de moyenne tension. 2- Pour les postes 3 compartiments, le mode dopration peut tre choisi comme opration par intrieur dans les postes o la longueur est 4300 mm (43) ou plus. La puissance maximale du transformateur est de 1000 kVA (10). 3- En cas du choix L pour le compartiment de basse tension, la position peut tre droite (R) ou gauche (L). 4- En cas dun poste de 2 compartiments, moyenne tension et transformateur ensemble, la langueur doit tre choisie 3800 mm (38) ou plus.

Notlar 1- Alak gerilim, orta gerilim ve transformatr blmelerinin 3 birden, 3800 mm (38) ve zeri uzunluklar iin seilebilir. Bu uzunluun altnda orta gerilim blmesi seilemez ve maksimum transformatr gc 1000 kVA (10) seilebilir. 2- 3 blmeli kklerde iletme tipi, 4300 mm (43) ve st uzunluklar iin ieriden (I) seilebilir. Bu tiplerde maksimum transformatr gc 1000 kVA (10)dr. 3- Alak gerilim blmesi L seildiinde AG pozisyonu sa (R) ya da sol (L) seilmelidir. 4- Orta gerilim ve transformatr blmelerinin 2si birden, 3800 mm (38) ve zeri uzunluklar iin, 2 blmeli olarak birlikte seilebilir.


Ground / Sur Terre / Yer st

Design Flexibility The concrete kiosk production is made according to customers requirements in EKOS GROUP. The width of concrete kiosks can be chosen from 2500 mm to 7300 mm. The positions of medium voltage, low voltage and transformer compartments are determined according to customer requests. Also, the position of doors and ventilation panels are determined according to customer requests. With this flexibility, the most appropriate shape of concrete kiosk is chosen according to environmental conditions and the best solution can be ensured. La Flexibilit de Design Le GROUPE EKOS produit des postes en bton compltement sur la demande du client. La largeur peut varier du 2500 mm 7300 mm. Lemplacement des compartiments MT, BT et du transformateur est aussi au choix du client. Les places des portes et des fentres de ventilation sont aussi adapts la demande du client. Avec cette flexiblit, la solution optimale est trouvable selon la place o le poste sera utilis.

Features / Caractristiques / zellikler

Tasarm Esneklii EKOS GROUPta beton kk retimi tamamen mteri isteine gre yaplmaktadr. 2500 mmden 7300 mmye kadar istenilen genilik tercih edilebilmektedir. Orta gerilim, alak gerilim ve transformatr blmelerinin yerleri de tamamen mteri isteine gre belirlenir. Ayrca blmelendirme ile kap ve havalandrma yerleri de mteri isteine gre belirlenmektedir. Bu esneklik sayesinde, kkn kullanlaca yerin durumuna gre en uygun ekil belirlenerek, istenen zm salanm olur.
Hendek, Adapazar, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Advantages -The maximum operator safety (Key interlock systems, fully compartment structure, IEC standards) -Tailor made design -Flexible compartment and door positions -16 kA 1 s internal arc withstand -Fast and easy installation, reducing time and minimizing costs -Low operating costs -Trouble-free operating in all environmental conditions -Long life -Short-time delivery

Les Avantages du Systme -Scurit de loprateur maximis (Interverouillage cl, conformit aux normes CEI, construction sectionne) -Design spcial selon le besoin -Compartiments et lemplacement des portes flexibles -Tenue larc intern de 16 kA 1 s -Mise en place facile et rapide pour bnficier du temps et des couts -Couts dxploitation diminus -Fonctionnement sans problmes dans toutes les conditions denvironnement -Longue dure de vie -Delais de livraison rapide

Avantajlar -Maksimum operatr gvenlii (Anahtarl kilitleme, tamam blmelendirilmi yap, IEC standartlarna uygun) -htiyaca gre zel tasarm -ok esnek blmelendirme ve kap pozisyonlar -16 kA 1 s i ark dayanm -Zaman ve masraflar minimuma indiren hzl ve kolay montaj -Dk iletme maliyeti -Tm evre koullarnda sorunsuz iletme -Uzun mr -Ksa srede teslim

Experienced Staff / Personnel Experiment / Tecrbeli Personel

Application Areas -Medium voltage distribution systems -Transformer substations -The wind and hydroelectric power plants -Generator power supply units -Power supply units in industrial facilities -Large infrastructure projects (airport, subway, port tunnel, etc.) -High energy demand structures (shopping mall, hotel, residential sites, etc.)

Utilisation -Centres de distiribution MT -Centres de transformation -Centres hydroelectriques et centres oliennes -Les units dalimentation de gnrateurs -Alimentations des centres industriels -Projets avec une large fondation de base (airport-mtro-porttunnel) -Les batiments qui ont besoin de grande puissance

Kullanm Alanlar -Orta gerilim datm sistemleri -Transformatr merkezleri -Rzgar ve hidroelektrik santralleri -Jeneratr besleme niteleri -Endstriyel tesislerin enerji besleme niteleri -Byk alt yaps olan projeler (Havaliman, metro, liman tnel vb.) -Yksek enerji ihtiyac olan yaplar (AVM, otel, konut sitesi vb.)

Application Areas / Utilisation / Kullanm Alanalar

Maximum Safety The concrete kiosks, produced by EKOS GROUP, are tested in internationally accredited laboratories, in accordance with IEC standards and passed succesfully the internal arc test for 16 kA 1 s values. Switchgears, partitions, doors, ventilation panels, mounting bases and all metal parts, inside the concrete kiosks, are connected to the potential equlization busbar. Also, key interlock sysytems maximize the operator safety.

Securit Maximise Les postes en bton produits par le GROUPE EKOS, sont tests dans les laboratoires internationnaux accrdits sur les normes CEI pour larc interne et ont pass avec succs pour les valeurs 16 kA et 1 s. Les cellules, les compartiments, les portes, les panels de ventilation et toutes les pices mtalliques sont connects avec la barre dquilibre. En plus avec le systme de verrouilage cl, la scurit de loprateur est maximise.

Maksimum Gvenlik EKOS GROUPun rettii beton kkler, uluslararas akredite olmu laboratuvarlarda, IEC standartlarna uygun olarak i ark testine tabi tutulmu ve 16 kA, 1 s deerlerinde testten baaryla gemitir. Beton kk ierisindeki hcreler, ara blmeler, kaplar, havalandrma panelleri, montaj kaideleri ve tm metal aksamlar potansiyel dengeleme barasna balanmtr. Ayrca, uygulanan anahtarl kilit sistemleriyle operatr gvenlii maksimuma karlmtr.

Last Check / Dernire Contrle / Son Kontrol


Applications / Applications / Uygulamalar

Application Samples Some of the medium voltage transformer substations, which are produced by EKOS GROUP and still used, are given below. These concrete kiosks, which are consisting air insulated or gas insulated switchgears, are used in urban distribution and industrial facilities.
Caddebostan, stanbul, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Ground / Sur Terre / Yer st

Marmaris, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Examples dApplications Quelques examples des postes de transformation et de distribution produits par le GROUPE EKOS et qui sont en fonction sont montrs ciaprs. Ces postes en bton, munis des cellules isolation gaz ou air, sont utiliss dans plusieurs domaines comme distribution urbaine et installation industrielles.

Hendek, Adapazar, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Production / Production / retim

Uygulama rnekleri EKOS GROUPun rettii ve devrede olan orta gerilim datm ve transformatr merkezlerinden bazlar aada gsterilmitir. Gaz ve hava izoleli hcrelerin kullanld bu beton kkler, ehir datm ve endstriyel tesisler gibi birok alanda kullanlmaktadr.
zmir, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye 2. OSB Adapazar, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Kozyata, stanbul, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye


Semi Underground / Semi Enterr / Yar Gml

Gas Insulated / Isole au Gaz / Gaz zoleli

Introduction The semi underground concrete kiosks, widely used transformer substations all around the world, attract attention with their lower dimensions, keeping esthetics and easy operation. These type of concrete kiosks are chosen usually in city centers, sites, shopping malls where the mounting space is limited and precious. Utilization rate of semi underground concrete kiosks, the new technology in Turkey, will increase rapidly in the near future.
Technical Specifications Spcifications Techniques Teknik zellikler Length Longueur / Uzunluk (I) Type of Kioks Type de Paste / Kk Tipi Type of Switchgear Type de Cellule / Hcre Tipi LV Compartment Compartiment BT / AG Blm MV Compartment Compartiment MT / OG Blm Transformer Compartment Compartiment Transformateur Transformatr Blm Operation Type Type dOpration / letme Tipi Position of LV Compartment Position de Tableau BT AG Blm Pozisyonu Height Hauteur / Ykseklik (h) Width Longeur / Genilik (w) OTS1036 * 31 38

Introduction Les postes en bton semi enterrs sont des centres de transformation qui ont une large utilisation mondiale avec ses proprits doccuper peu de place, de ne pas dranger lesthtique et davoir une exploitation facile. ls sont utiliss spcialement aux centres villes o le terrain est peu et valeureux, dans les cites dhabitation et les centres dachats. Le taux dutilisation en Turquie des postes semi enterrs augmentera rapidement dans le futur proche.

Giri Yar gml beton kkler, dnyada ok yaygn olarak kullanlan, az yer kaplamas, estetii bozmamalar ve kolay iletilmeleriyle dikkat eken transformatr merkezleridir. zellikle montaj alannn dar ve kymetli olduu ehir merkezleri, siteler, alveri merkezleri gibi yerlerde sklkla tercih edilirler. Trkiyede ilk olan yar gml beton kklerin kullanm oran, yakn zamanda hzl bir ekilde artacaktr.

Definition / Dfinition / Aklama 3100 mm 3800 mm Semi Underground / Semi Enterr / Yar Gml

S G 0 L

0 M

00 06 10 E 0 L R

Gas Insulated / Isole au gaz /Gaz zoleli Without LV Panel / Sans Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panosuz With LV Panel / Avec Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panolu Without MV Switchgear / Sans Cellule MT / Orta Gerilim Hcresiz With MV Switchgear / Avec Cellule MT / Orta Gerilim Hcreli Without Transformer / Sans Transformateur / Transformatrsz With Transformer / Avec Transformateur / Transformatrl (630 kVA) With Transformer / Avec Transformateur / Transformatrl (1000 kVA) Exterior / Extrieur / Dardan Without LV Panel / Sans Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panosuz Left LV Compartment / Tableau BT Gauche / AG Blm Solda Right LV Compartment / Tableau BT Droite / AG Blm Sada 2415 mm 2720 mm 1900 mm 2500 mm

24 27

19 25

630 kVA



Notes 1-If the length is chosen 3100 mm (31); it must be chosen that the TR is 630 kVA (06), height is 2415 mm (24) and the width is 1900 mm (19). 2-If the length is chosen 3800 mm (38); it must be chosen that the TR is 1000 kVA (10), height is 2700 mm (27) and the width is 2500 mm (25).

A: MV Comp. / Comp. MT / OG Blmesi B: TR Comp. / Comp. TR / TR Blmesi C: LV Comp. / Comp. LV / AG Blmesi

Remarques 1-Si une longueur de 3100 mm (31) est choisie; il faut choisir TR 630 kVA (06), 2415 mm (24) de hauteur et 1900 mm (19) de largeur devront tre choisies. 2-Si une longueur de 3800 mm (38) est choisie; il faut choisir TR 1000 kVA (10), 2700 mm (24) de hauteur et 2500 mm (25) de largeur devront tre choisies. Notlar 1-Uzunluk 3100 mm (31) seilirse; TR 630 kVA (06), ykseklik 2415 mm (24) ve genilik 1900 mm (19) seilebilir. 2-Uzunluk 3800 mm (38) seilirse; TR 1000 kVA (10), ykseklik 2700 mm (27) ve genilik 2500 mm (25) seilebilir.

1000 kVA


A: MV Comp. / Comp. MT / OG Blmesi B: TR Comp. / Comp. TR / TR Blmesi C: LV Comp. / Comp. LV / AG Blmesi


Semi Underground / Semi Enterr / Yar Gml

Compact Design The semi underground concrete kiosks, are designed concidering the space limitation and esthetic concerns. Semi underground concrete kiosks consisting from 2 incoming-outgoing switchgears with load break switch, 1 transformer protection switchgear with load break switch-fuse combination, 1 distribution transformer and 1 low voltage panel, which are the most common used equipments in ring type networks, have very low base area such as 4.6 m2 (for 630 kVA TR power). Also, when they are installed, with the height of lower then a human, they do not close the view and do not affect the esthetics. Easy Transportation As mentioned before, semi underground concrete kiosks have lower dimensions. These kiosks can fit in a truck with their width starting from 1.9 meter. Parallel to the lower dimensions, the weight of kiosks reduces and so, the difficulties in loading, transportation, loading and mounting are minimized. Compact Design Les postes semi enterrs sont exclusivement conus pour le contrainte de place et desthtique. Ces postes de transformation qui sont frquemment utiliss dans les rseaux en boucle et qui ont 2 cellules darrives et de dparts avec sectionneur, 1 cellule de protection transformateur avec la combination sectionneurfusible, 1 transformateur et un armoire de BT, occupent seulement une place de 4,6 m2 (pour 630 kVA TR). Aprs la mise en place la hauteur ne dpasse pas la taille humaine (1665 mm pour 630 kVA) et ne ferme pas la vue. Kompakt Tasarm Yar gml beton kkler, tamamen alan sknts ve estetik kayglar gz nnde bulundurularak tasarlanmtr. Halka ebekelerde sklkla kullanlan, 2 yk ayrcl giri-k, 1 yk ayrc-sigorta bileii ile transformatr korumas, 1 datm transformatr ve alak gerilim panosunu ieren bu yar gml transformatr merkezleri, 4.6 m2 gibi olduka dk bir alan kaplamaktadrlar (630 kVA TR. gc iin). Ayrca montaj yapldndaki ykseklii, ortalama insan boyundan dk olmasyla (630 kVA iin 1665 mm) gr alann kapatmayarak estetii bozmamaktadr.

Features / Caractristiques / zellikler

Facile Transporter Comme prcis, les dimensions des postes en bton semi enterrs sont reduites. Avec la largeur partir de 1,9 m, ils sont transportables facilement avec un camion standart. Avec la dimension le poids est aussi diminu qui minimize toutes difficults de chargement, transport, dchargement et de mise en place.

Kolay Nakliye Daha nce de vurguland gibi, yar gml beton kklerin boyutlar olduka kktr. 1,9 mden balayan genilik sayesinde standart bir kamyona rahatlkla sabilirler. Boyutun kk olmasna paralel olarak arlk da dmekte, bylece ykleme, tama, indirme ve montaj srasndaki zorluklar minimuma inmektedir.

Installation Flexibility When the traditional concrete kiosks are installed, there should be a space at each side of kiosks, because of having ventilation panels. In semi underground concrete kiosks, the doors are designed as ventilation panels and there is no door or ventilation panel on one side of these kiosks. So, they can be installed adjacent to a wall or to a structure. This feature is the one of most important for why they are commonly used in city centers all around the world.

Flexiblit de Mise en Place Les postes en bton classiques sont placs en laissant assez despace sur les quatres cots pour la ventilation. Dans les postes semi enterrs, les portes sont en mme temps desines pour servir comme fentre de ventillation et lun des murs na pas de porte ni de fentre de ventillation. Grce cette structure le poste peut tre coll un mur ou une autre construction. Cest grce cette caractrisrique, ces postes semi enterrs sont frquamment utiliss dans les centres villes.

Montaj Esneklii Klasik beton kklerin montaj yapldnda, havalandrma pencerelerine sahip olduklar iin, drt bir taraflarnda belirli bir boluk olmas gerekmektedir. Yar gml beton kklerde, blme kaplar ayn zamanda havalandrma penceresi olarak dizayn edildikleri iin, bir duvarda herhangi bir kap ya da havalandrma penceresi bulunmamaktadr. Bu sayede bir duvara ya da yapya yaslanarak monte edilebilirler. Bu zellik, yar gml beton kklerin dnya genelinde, ehir merkezlerinde ska kullanlmalarnn sebeplerinden biridir. stn Boyut Avantaj Bilindii gibi artk alanlar ok deerli hale gelmi ve tm yaplar kk boyutlarda tasarlanmaya balamtr. Bu durum elektrik datmna da yansm ve kullanlan ekipmanlarn boyutlarnn drlmesi iin yatrmlar artmtr. Bu gelimelere paralel olarak tasarlanan yar gml beton kkler, ayn zelliklerdeki klasik beton kke gre yar taban alanna sahiptirler. Bu zellii, yar gml beton kklerin dnya genelinde tercih edilmelerinin en byk sebebidir.

Superior Size Advantage As it is known, the terrains has become so valuable and all buildings are started to be designed more compact. This situation is also reflected to the electrical distribution plants and the investments have increased to minimize the dimensions of electrical equipments. Semi underground kiosks, which are designed parallel to these developments, have half base area, compared to traditional concrete kiosks which have same properties. This feature is the biggest reason of being chosen of underground concrete kiosk in the world.

Avantages dans les Dimensions Le prix des terrains devenant cher, toutes les construction sont desines avec des dimensions rduites. Cette situation influenc les constructions de distribution lectrique et les investissements ont dmarr pour rduire leur dimensions. Les postes en bton semi enterrs qui ont t dvelopps sur cet objectif occupent la moiti de lspace des postes classiques. Par cette raison les postes semi enterrs sont les plus preferrs dans le monde.

Advantages -About half weight compared to ground type kiosks -About half base area compared to ground type kiosks -Low height, does not affect the view -Easy installation and assembly -Possibility of placement adjacent to another building, because of not having window in one side -2 types of 630 kVA and 1000 kVA

Les Avantages du Systme -La moiti des postes classiques -Occupent moins de place (approx. la moiti des postes classiques) -Hauteur reduite qui ne drange pas lesthtique -Simple mise en place -Un fentre de ventillation, do la possiblit de placer cte cte avec une autre construction (pour 630 kVA) -2 types de 630 kVA et 1000 kVA

Avantajlar -Klasik kklere gre yaklak yar arlk -Klasik kklere gre yaklak yar taban alan -Dk ykseklik sayesinde estetii bozmayan yap -Kolay kurulum ve montaj olana -Bir tarafnda pencere olmamas sayesinde, baka bir yapya bitiik yerletirme imkan (630 kVA iin) -630 kVA ve 1000 kVA gcnde 2 tip

Maximum Safety Operator safety is maximized in semi underground concrete kiosks, as all the products of EKOS GROUP. Each 2 types, which are produced for 630 and 1000 kVA transformer power, have passed from internal arc tests, successfully. Also they were subjected to heating test and they passed these tests successfully. To prevent the access of unauthorized people and animals, the key locking systems are used.

Scurit Maximum La scurit de loprateur est maximis dans les postes semi enterrs en bton, comme tous les autres produits de GROUPE EKOS. Tous les deux types, de puissance de 630 et 1000 kVA, ont pass les tests darc interne avec succs. En mme les tests de chaleur ont t aplliqu et les postes ont pass ces tests aussi avec succs. Pour viter laccs des personnes non-autorises ou des animaux, un systme de verrouillage est utilis.

Maksimum Gvenlik EKOS GROUPun rettii tm rnlerde olduu gibi, yar gml beton kklerde de operatr gvenlii maksimumda tutulmutur. retilen rnler 630 kVA ve 1000 kVA iin i ark deneylerinden baaryla gemitir. Bu testin yannda, yar gml beton kkler snma testine de tabi tutulmu ve bu testten de baaryla gemitir. Yetkisiz kiilerin ve hayvanlarn girmesini engellemek iin, gerekli kilit sistemleri uygulanmtr.


Underground / Souterrain / Yer Alt

Gas Insulated / Isole au Gaz / Gaz zoleli

Introduction The underground concrete kiosks are the transformer substations which are designed for usage in under the ground, in electrical distribution. They can be used up to 36 kV nominal voltage and up to 1000 kVA transformer substation. Produced underground concrete kiosks are tested in internationally accredited laboratories, in accordance with IEC standards and passed succesfully the internal arc test for 16 kA 1 s values. The underground concrete kiosks produced with Turkish engineering and with the capital of EKOS GROUP, can be adapted to ambient easily through being under the ground. They can be mounted in places such as parks, gardens, squares and traffic islands. So, without disturbing the people, they used the space efficiently. EKOS GROUP is the first local manufacturer of underground kiosks in Turkey. Underground concrete kiosks which are in progress all around the Turkey, continue to operate without trouble.

Introduction Les postes en bton souterrains sont des centres de transformation qui sont conus pour tre plac sous la terre. ls peuvent tre utiliss pour les transformations au niveau de 36 kV jusqu 1000 kVA. Ces postes en bton souterrains ont pass avec succs des tests darc interne pour les valeurs 16 kA 1 s dans les laboratoires internationnaux accredits. Le GROUPE EKOS produit des postes en bton souterrains, avec le savoir faire et le capital turc qui collent parfaitememnt avec lenvironnement. ls peuvent tre mises en place facilement dans les jardins, dans les parcs, dans les places et dans les rfuges. Sans dranger lenvironnement, le terrain est utilis trs efficacement. Le GROUPE EKOS est le premier fabriquer des postes enterrs en Turquie. Ses postes continuent fonctionner sans problme travers le pays.

Giri Yer alt beton kkler elektrik datmnda, yer altna gmlerek kullanlmak zere tasarlanm transformatr merkezleridir. 36 kV gerilim seviyesinde, 1000 kVAya kadar olan transformatr glerinde kullanlabilirler. retilen yer alt beton kk, uluslararas akredite olmu laboratuvarlarca yaplan deneyler sonucunda, 16 kA 1 s i ark dayanm testinden baaryla gemitir. EKOS GROUPun Trk mhendislii ve sermayesiyle rettii yer alt beton kkler, yerin altnda olmas zellii sayesinde konulduu alana kolayca uyum salar. Park, bahe, meydan ve yol refj gibi yerlerde rahatlkla monte edilebilirler. Bylece evredekileri rahatsz etmemenin yannda alan da maksimum derecede verimli kullanm olur. EKOS GROUP Trkiyedeki ilk yerli yer alt beton kk reticisidir. Trkiyenin drt bir yannda devrede olan yer alt beton kkler sorunsuz iletilmeye devam etmektedir.

Technical Specifications Spcifications Techniques Teknik zellikler Length Longueur / Uzunluk (l) Type of Kioks Type de Paste / Kk Tipi Type of Switchgear Type de Cellule / Hcre Tipi LV Compartment Compartiment BT / AG Blm MV Compartment Compartiment MT / OG Blm Transformer Compartment Compartiment Transformateur Transformatr Blm Operation Type Type dOpration / letme Tipi Position of LV Compartment Position de Tableau BT AG Blm Pozisyonu Height / Hauteur / Ykseklik (h) Width / Longeur / Genilik (w)

OTS1036 -

* 58 64

Definition / Dfinition / Aklama 5800 mm 6400 mm Underground / Souterrain / Yer alt

U G 0 L

0 M

00 06 10 I -

Gas Insulated / Isole au gaz /Gaz zoleli Without LV Panel / Sans Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panosuz With LV Panel / Avec Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panolu Without MV Switchgear / Sans Cellule MT / Orta Gerilim Hcresiz With MV Switchgear / Avec Cellule MT / Orta Gerilim Hcreli Without Transformer / Sans Transformateur / Transformatrsz With Transformer / Avec Transformateur / Transformatrl (630 kVA) With Transformer / Avec Transformateur / Transformatrl (1000 kVA) Interior / Intrieur / eriden Without LV Panel / Sans Tableau BT / Alak Gerilim Panosuz Left LV Compartment / Tableau BT Gauche / AG Blm Solda Right LV Compartment / Tableau BT Droite / AG Blm Sada 3400 mm 2500 mm

34 25


A: MV Switchgears / Cellules MT / OG Hcreler B: Transformer / Transformateur / Transformatr C: LV Panel / Tableau BT / AG Pano


Underground / Souterrain / Yer Alt

Esthetical Design Today, people live in crowded cities and therefore esthetic concerns came important. These concerns are reflected to the electrical distribution plants. Transformer substations, which are located in everywhere, are the most remarkable equipments in electrical distribution. Especially the municipulities and urban planners are trying to remove these type of structures out of the sight. The best solution, which eliminates these concerns, is the underground kiosk which has small dimensions and which are not disrupting the esthetic of the city. Design Esthtique A aujourdhui, les contraintes desthtique sont prioritaires dans les villes o les hommes vivent en grande nombre. Les contraintes se refltent aussi dans le domaine de distribution lectrique. Les quipments en vue sont les centres de transformation qui figurent prsque partout. Les municipalits se forcent loigner ces gendres de construction qui drangent lesthtique. La meilleure solution est le poste souterrain qui noccupe pas de place et ne drange pas lesthtique. Estetik Tasarm nsanlarn, kalabalk ehirlerde yaad gnmzde, estetik kayglar n plana kmaktadr. Bu kayglar, elektrik datmna da yansmtr. Elektrik datmnn en gz nnde olan ekipmanlar ise her ke banda grlebilecek olan transformatr merkezleridir. zellikle belediyeler ve ehir planlama uzmanlar, ehir estetiini bozacak byklkteki bu tip yaplar gz nnden kaldrmaya almaktadr. Bu kayglar ortadan kaldracak en uygun zm, yer kaplamayan ve ehir estetiini bozmayan yer alt beton kklerdir.

Features / Caractristiques / zellikler

Advantages -Perfect solution for area problem -Design which does not disturb the esthetics -100% water proof -Withstand hard environmental conditions -Appliance to international IEC standards -The opportunity of working up to 1000 kVA -Experienced installation team

Advantages -Excellente solution pour le problme despace -Conception qui ne drange pas lesthtique -100% tanche -Tenue aux conditions difficiles denvironement -Conformit aux normes CEI -Possiblit de fonctionner jusqu 1000 kVA -Equipe experimente pour la mise en place

Avantajlar -Yer problemi iin mkemmel zm -Estetii bozmayan tasarm -%100 su yaltm -Zorlu evre koullarna dayanm -Uluslararas IEC standartlarna uygunluk -1000 kVAya kadar alma olana -Konusunda deneyimli montaj ekibi

Maximum Security The underground concrete kiosks, produced by EKOS GROUP, are designed to hold the safety of the operator and the environment at the highest level. Interlock system is used to prevent access of unauthorized people. Distribution transformer in the underground concrete kiosk is surrounded by a wire cage to prevent accidentally touching. Also, if it is requested, interruption of energy can be provided by a control mechanism, located just below the door, which provides the access into the kiosk.

Securit Maximum Le GROUPE EKOS produit des postes souterrains qui sont conus pour maximiser le scurit de loprateur et de lenvironnement. Un systme de verrouillage est utilis pour interdire laccs des personnes non authorises. Le transfarmateur est entourr dune grillage qui limine la possiblit de toucher par erreur. l est aussi possible de mettre en place la demande un systme de commande qui coupe lnergie sous le couvecle qui donne accs au poste.

Maksimum Gvenlik EKOS GROUPun rettii yer alt beton kkler operatr ve evre gvenliini en st seviyede tutacak ekilde tasarlanmtr. Yetkisiz kiilerin eriimini engellemek iin kilitleme sistemi kullanlmaktadr. Yer alt beton kkte bulunan datm transformatr bir tel kafes ile evrelenerek kazayla dokunma engellenmitir. Ayrca istenirse, yer alt kk eriimi salayan kapan hemen altna bir kumanda dzenei kurularak kkn ierisine girmeden enerjinin kesilmesi salanabilmektedir.


Underground / Souterrain / Yer Alt

Features / Caractristiques / zellikler
Installation Installation of underground concrete kiosks, which are designed to not disrupt the esthetics of the city, is different from installation of traditional concrete kiosks. First, a pit is dug in accordance with the dimensions of the underground concrete kiosks. A special concrete is poured on the floor of this pit and is covered with an isolation material. Each side of the kiosk, which will be placed on this floor, is covered with a special isolating material, for not being affected from water and humidity. After doing the necessary operations for the isolation, kiosk is placed in the space, prepared before, by the experienced installation team. External connections of the kiosk is provided by cable access holes, on the concrete wall. Finally, after all these operations, kiosk is buried, only ventilation panels remain on the ground, and the installation is completed. La Mise en Place La mise en place des postes en bton souterrains est un peu diffrant de la mise en place des postes classiques. l faut dabord creuser assez dspace selon les dimensions du poste. Sur la base de cette espace on coule un bton spciale et on le couvre avec du materiel isolant. Les murs du poste en beton aussi sont couverts par un materiel isolant pour viter linfluence de leau et de lhumudit sur les murs. Aprs ces oprations disolation, le poste est mise en place par lquipe spcialise. Les connexions des cables sont ralises des trous qui existent sur les murs du poste. Aprs ces operations le poste est enterr en laissant les fentres de ventillation en dehors. Montaj ehir estetiini bozmayacak ekilde tasarlanan yer alt beton kklerin montaj, klasik beton kklerin montajndan farkldr. ncelikle kkn boyutlarna uygun olarak bir ukur kazlr. Bu ukurun zeminine zel bir beton dklr ve betonun zeri yaltm malzemesiyle kaplanr. Bu zemine oturtulacak olan yer alt beton kkn duvarlar da su ve nemden etkilenmemesi iin zel bir yaltm malzemesiyle kaplanr. Yaltm iin gerekli ilemler yapldktan sonra kk, konusunda deneyimli montaj ekibi tarafndan, hazrlanan bolua yerletirilir. Beton kkn d balantlar, beton gvdedeki kablo giri delikleri yardmyla salanr. Tm bu ilemlerden sonra kk, toprak stnde sadece havalandrma panjurlar kalacak ekilde gmlerek montaj tamamlanm olur.

Operation Entrance of the operator into the underground concrete kiosks is provided by the operator door. For the operations such as changing the MV or LV fuses, maintenance on transformer etc. a space is left for the operator. All precautions, which keep the operator safety maximum, are taken during these processes.

lExploitation lAccs de loprateur dans les postes en bton souterrains se fait par une porte propre. Le changement de fusible MT et BT, la maintenance du transformateur et des autres quipments se font dans un emplacement reserv loprateur. Les prcautions sont prises pour maximiser le scurit de loprateur pendant ces oprations.

letme Yer alt beton kklerde operatrn kkn ierisine girii, operatr giri kapsyla salanr. OG ve AG sigortalarnn deiimi, transformatr zerindeki bakm vb. gibi ilemler, operatr iin ayrlan blmde gerekletirilir. Tm bu ilemler srasnda operatr gvenliini maksimumda tutacak nlemler alnmtr.

Ventilation System Ventilation of the underground concrete kiosks is made without use of any auxiliary equipment. Air flow is provided by two ventilation panels, so the cooling of the distribution transformer and the other equipments is provided by natural solution. The forced ventilation system, provided by air conditioning system, is also applicable optionally, if the kiosk is used in warm area. In this system, which has 2 air conditioners, the redundancy is made in 3 ways. In the first system, one of the air conditioners runs 24 hours, the other one does not. If the oparating machine stops, the other one starts. In the second way, each air conditioner runs 12 hours in a day. In the last system, each air conditioner runs 24 hours in a day, in half of load. The energy continuity is maximized by one of these redundancy systems.

Systme de Ventillation La ventillation des postes souterrains se fait sans utiliser des quipments secondaires. 2 canaux de ventillation facilite lentre de lair et le transformateur et les autres quipments sont refroidis naturellement. Si le poste devra travailler dans une zne o il fait chaud il est possible dutiliser un systme de climatisation. Ces systmes possedent 2 units de climatisations et la scurit est cr de 3 faons. Dans la premire lun des units travaille 24 heures sur 24 sous la charge alors que lautre est en position ferm. Si le premier tombe en panne le deuxieme commence fonctionner. La deuxieme possiblit consiste faire fonctionner les 2 units alternativement pendant 12 heures chaquun. Dans le troisieme cas, les deux units de climatisation marchent en mme temps sous demi charge. Selon les conditions denvironnement lun de ces 3 possiblits est choisir pour garantir la continuit.

Havalandrma Sistemi Yer alt beton kklerin havalandrmas, herhangi bir yardmc ekipman kullanlmadan salanmaktadr. ki adet havalandrma boluu sayesinde hava ak salanmakta, datm transformatr ve dier ekipmanlarn soumas doal yollarla salanmaktadr. Yer alt beton kk scak bir blgede kullanlacaksa, tercihe gre klima sistemi de kurulup zorlamal havalandrma sistemi de uygulanabilmektedir. 2 adet klimann kullanld bu sistemlerde yedekleme ilemi 3 ekilde yaplmaktadr. Birincisinde klimalardan biri 24 saat tam ykte alrken dieri kapal konumdadr. Devredeki klima durursa, dier klima devreye girer. kinci sistemde her bir klima 12er saat altrlarak yedekleme yaplr. nc tip yedeklemede ise 2 klima da yar ykte altrlarak salanr. evre koullarna gre bu 3 tip yedeklemeden biri tercih edilerek devamllk maksimuma karlmaktadr.


Underground / Souterrain / Yer Alt

Application Samples Underground transformer substations, as mentioned before, have small dimensions and do not disrupt the esthetics. EKOS GROUP underground transformer substations are operated in all environmental conditions smoothly, for years.
Gztepe, stanbul, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Applications / Applications / Uygulamalar

mraniye, stanbul, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Examples dApplication Les postes souterrains attirent lattention avec leur proprits de ne pas occuper dspace et de ne pas dranger lesthtique des villes. Les postes de transformation souterrains de GROUPE EKOS fonctionnent depuis des annes sans probleme dans des differants conditions denvironnement.

Uygulama rnekleri Yer alt transformatr merkezleri, daha nce de vurguland gibi, yer kaplamamalar ve ehir estetiini bozmamalaryla dikkat ekmektedirler. Aada resimlerle rnekleri gsterilen EKOS GROUP yer alt transformatr merkezleri, yllardr, tm evre koularnda, sorunsuz olarak iletilmektedir.
Balkesir, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

zmir, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Bozcaada, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye

Moda, stanbul, Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye


Certificates / Certificats / Sertifikalar

EKOS GROUP has the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental System, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System Certificates. Also, manufactured medium voltage switchgears have type test reports, taken from internationally acredited laboratories, such as KEMA, ICMET, IPH.

Le GROUPE EKOS possde les certificats de ISO 9001 Systmes de Management de la Qualit, ISO 14001 Sytmes de Management Environnemental OHSAS 18001 Systmes de Management de la sant et de la scurit. Les cellules de moyenne tension possedent les rapports de type test des laboratoires accredites internationnaux comme KEMA, ICMET, IPH.

EKOS GROUP, ISO 9001 Kalite Ynetim Sistemleri, ISO 14001 evre Ynetim Sistemi ve OHSAS 18001 Sal ve Gvenlii Ynetim Sistemi sertifikalarna sahiptir. Ayrca, retimi yaplan orta gerilim hcreleri, KEMA, IPH, ICMET gibi uluslararas akredite olmu laboratuvarlardan alnm tip test raporlarna sahiptir.

EKOS World / Le Monde dEKOS / EKOS Dnyas

EKOS GROUP exports the 70% of its products to Czech Republic, Algeria, Senegal, Canada, Germany, Uruguay, Burkina Faso, Kazakhistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Tunisia, Marocco, Libya, Jordan and Syria. Le GROUPE EKOS exporte 70% de ses porduits vers le Rpublique Tchque, lAlgrie, le Sngal, le Canada, lAllemagne, lUruguay, le Burkina Faso, le Kazakhistan, le Turkmenistan, lAzerbaijan, lIran, lIrak, la Palestine, la Tunisie, le Maroc, la Libye, la Jordanie et la Syrie. rettii orta gerilim ekipmanlarnn %70ini ihra eden irketin alt lkeler arasnda ek Cumhuriyeti, Cezayir, Senegal, Kanada, Almanya, Uruguay, Burkina Faso, Kazakistan, Trkmenistan, Azerbaycan, ran, Irak, Filistin, Tunus, Fas, Libya, rdn ve Suriye yer almaktadr.


Notes / Notes / Notlar

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EKOSinerji Elektrik San. ve Tic. A.S. Sirasogutler Mah. Guney Yan Yol No: 78 41420 Cayirova Gebze Kocaeli Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye T: +90 262 656 4767 F: +90 262 656 4770 | |

EKOSinerji Elk. San. Ve Tic. A.S. and OSEL Elk. San. A.S. and Sarl EKOS ENERGIE and EKOSinerji Dis Tic. Kol. Sti. companies belong to EKOS GROUP that is the Authorized Distributor and the Value Added Reseller of General Electric Digital Energy in Turkey and Algeria. All precautions have been taken for the content of this catalog is accurate and up to date. According to continuous product development policy, EKOS GROUP and constituent companies reserves the right to make changes to this catalog. EKOSinerji Elk. San. Ve Tic. A.S. et OSEL Elk. San. A.S. et Sarl EKOS ENERGIE et EKOSinerji Dis Tic. Kol. Sti. sont les socits du GROUPE EKOS, qui est le Distrbuteur Authoris et Revendeur Valeur Ajoute de General Electric Digital Energy en Turquie et en Algerie. Le GOUPE EKOS et les socits constituants le groupe rservent le droit dapporter des modifications sur ce catalogue. EKOSinerji Elk. San. Ve Tic. A.. ve OSEL Elk. San. A.. ve Sarl EKOS ENERGIE ve EKOSinerjiD Tic. Kol. ti. irketleri EKOS GROUPa bal olup, GROUP Trkiyede ve Cezayirde General Electric Digital Energy Yetkili Bayisi ve Katma Deerli Satcsdr. Kataloun ieriinin doru ve gncel olmas iin tm nlemler alnmtr. Srekli rn gelitirme politikas erevesinde, EKOS GROUP ve bal irketler bu katalogda deiiklik yapma hakkn sakl tutar.

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