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hey are one of the most in sync groups that i've ever seen in my life.

not just in kpop but in general. not gonna wonder why these girls are being recognized around the globe. it's not about the talent, i'm telling you guys. you will hate me for saying this but it's true. it's about the teamwork, determination, passion, love and enjoyment that's why girls' generation are THIS AWESOME carylthebest 2 hours ago 100 Reply I love these kinds of videos! Just pure choreography, and we all know they have one of the best if not The Best choreography in not just Kpop but the whole music industry. We all know they can sing, we all know they are all pretty, we all know they can dance individually, but people who can sing, dance and are pretty are dime a dozen. I really think what gives them the edge above others, are their insane choreography, well plus their nice and dorky interior. leechjudd 1 hour ago 24 "creepy" is that they are children, who have obviously been strictly and unnaturally trained as automatons. The lack of emotion and artistry makes them not dissimilar to a trained circus act.

dx A4 x 4

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