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HANNIBAL BEFORE CANNAE WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Born 247 in Carthage in North Africa, traditional enemy of Rome,

e, rival for control of the Mediterranean. Carthage had done badly in the First Punic War against Rome (218-202 B.C.). He was Hannibal Barca, son of Hamilcar, ruler of Carthage who had troubled the Romans by invading the Iberian peninsula and added parts of Spain to Carthaginian territory. He is said to have sworn his son to eternal hatred of Rome. In 220 B.C. Hannibal took over as ruler of Carthage, he captured Saguntum in Spain, which the Romans took as violation of a treaty. Hannibal appointed his brother Hasdrubal as Iberian commander and his army captures more of Spain. Rome now (218 B.C.) declares the Second Punic War. Hannibal decides on a bold invasion of Italy before the Romans are properly prepared. He leads a lightning campaign (50,000 infantry; 9,000 cavalry and 37 elephants) through the Pyrenees, across the Rhone and over the Alps. Many of the Gauls come over to his side. He wins a big victory at Trebia, then winters in Northern Italy where he loses an eye. Another great victory at Trasimene where two Roman legions were annihilated and their consul, Flaminius, was killed. Now the Romans appointed Quintus Fabius Maximus (cunctator) as dictator. He tailed Hannibal but avoided confrontation. The Romans lost patience with him. Now in 216 B.C. the two consuls Paulus and Varro got an army of 80,000 men and marched to the east coast of Italy, to Cannae to face Hannibal in early August 216.

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