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Endangered Animals Presentation

You will be researching, writing and presenting about an endangered animal. You will have small
amounts of homework every Wednesday night that is to be completed by Monday.
In February we will be researching and writing your speech about your animal.
In March we will be making the poster and practice presenting in front of a group.
My animal is: ____________________________________

Basic Information ( Due Monday February 13)

Description (What does the animal look like?):
Habitat (Where does it live? What does its home look like?):
Food (What does it eat?):


Causes (Due Monday, February 20)

This is where you will talk about how and why your animal is endangered.
What is happening to make them endangered?
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3
Why are these reasons bad?


Conservation Efforts (due Monday February 27)

You must find 3 things people are doing to help save your animal. Find out what they are doing and how
is it helping your animal.
Effort 1
Effort 2
Effort 3

Do you want to save your animal? Why or why not?



Speech Template (due Monday, March 5)

Paragraph 1 Introduction
This is where you talk about the basic information of your animal. Go in this order; name,
description, habitat and food
Paragraph 2
Causes of Extinction. This is where you talk about your 3 reasons for your animal becoming

Paragraph 3
This is where you talk about what people are doing to save your animal and if you would want to
save your animal.

Paragraph 4
This final paragraph is where you summarize (talk a little bit about) your information. You should
end your speech by asking people to help save your animal.

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