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NOMBRE: ___________________________________________________
NO. CREDENCIAL: ________________ GRUPO: ______________________
FECHA: _____________________ ACIERTOS: _______________________
CALIFICACIÓN: __________

INSTRUCCIONES: Do what is requested below


II. Read the text and complete the following chart.

I am Luis Marquez. I Name: _______________________________

am a student. I am
Occupation: ___________________________
from Hermosillo,
Sonora. I am Hometown: ___________________________
Mexican. I am 15 Nationality: ___________________________
years old. My
Age: _________________________________
birthday is on
August 23rd. I am Birthday: _____________________________
single. Marital status: ________________________

III. Write down the correct answer.

1 What day is after Wednesday? _________________________________________
2 What is the second month of the year? __________________________________
3 What is the twelfth month of the year? __________________________________
4 What month is April and June? _________________________________________
5 What day is before Tuesday? ___________________________________________
6 What is the seventh month of the year? __________________________________
IV. Order the words to form sentences.

1. short / black / has hair / Andrés ____________________________________________

2. Amy / short / has hair / curly / blond ________________________________________
3. Carmen/ tall / thinand / is _________________________________________________
4. is / My / handsome / boyfriend _____________________________________________
V. Read the text and answer the questions.


I get up at 7:30 and I have breakfast with my parents and my younger sister Paola. I eat cereal, my
sister eats bacon and eggs, and my parents drink coffe and eat toast.

After breakfast, we take the bus to school, and my father goes to work by car. My mother works at
home because she writes books for children.

Paola and I have lunch at school because we do some activities. I go to my art class and my sister
plays tenis.

After school, we go home and do our homework. We also help at home. I clean the rooms and my
sister washes the dishes. In the evenings, we wacht TV day. My sister and I go to bed at 9:00.

1. What time does Lucy get up? _________________________________________________

2. Who take the bus to school? _________________________________________________
3. How does Lucy's father go to work? ___________________________________________
4. When do they watch TV? ____________________________________________________
VI. Write the correct question word to complete the questions.
1. _____________ do you do on Sundays? I visit friends.
2. _____________ do you go to school? I go to school by bus.
3. _____________ do you and your family go on vacation? We go to the beach.
4. _____________ do you like reading books? Because they are interesting.
5. _____________ do you go shopping? go shopping on weekends.
6. _____________ does your mom take to school? She takes my Little brother

VII. Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. My family and I go / are going to the mall right now.
2. I usually go / am going to the movies on Wednesday.
3. My family and I play / are playing soccer in the park on Saturdays.
4. We have / are having a great time now.
5. Sue watches / is watching a great show right now.
6. I usually take / am taking the bus to school, but today my father drives / is driving me to
7. Susan often goes / is going to the supermarket on Sundays.
8. I watch / am watching a play at this moment.
9. People visit / are visiting the zoo now because there is cultural event.
10. Children laugh / are laughing at the clowns now.

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