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Comments on the unification theory

The one thing Einstein overlooked in his search for the unification theory of
everything was simple. It was contained within his theory of relativity. The
theory of relativity relates to oneness. In a theory of the relativity of motion
how is motion defined. In relationship to another object. Think about it. A single
object in space could be moving at enormous speeds through space but how could you
measure the motion unless there is something relative to measure its motion by. A
singular object in space could be defined a the definition of one divided by zero.
Two objects in space allows measurement of motion removing the zero from the
undefined equation. In an atom, what is overlooked is there are two motions. The
neutron/proton vibration and the electron rotation. Two motions.
In the astrophysical world, the moon is in motion around the earth which rotates
on its axis which revolves around the sun which in turn is in motion relative to
other stars. An atom is the definition of one. A hydrogen atom. But the ultimate
complexity of the universe has to allow for more in the way of motion.
Volume (length x width x height) x mass x energy (speed of light) x motion
( distance/ time)x2
Where “x” is the number of motions to be considered. The simple made as complex as
you want it to be.

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