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Are you exposed to Harmful Radiation? Why be Vegetarian? Baddhapadma Meruvakrasana for Upper Body Massage Interpretation of the Heart Sutra Food to Boost Memory Cucumber for a Complete Beauty Package Be Cleopatra for Your Skins Sake Whatsoever That You Push Against, Pushes Against You Detox with Broccoli Soup Pursue Your Passion The Dream Stealer So What? - Define Yourself!

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hat is radiation? Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves (also popularly known in short as EMF) or as subatomic particles. Day in and day out, we are surrounded with radiation. There are so many things in the world today that emanate radiation including electromagnetic fields of power lines, computers, radios, cell phones, natural grids and even water veins. Research has revealed that such fields are harmful to living organisms. Nevertheless, knowing its nature can help you reduce the negative effects as best possible. Radiation generally pervades space and has extra affinity for radioactive deposits, underground veins of water, heavy clay and more. The weather also plays an important role in determining the intensity and polarization of these harmful radiation rays. Water levels and floods contribute to the upheaval of these toxic radiations. Such factors are known as geopathic stress in the field of Radionics. Researchers have discovered a strong correlation between the influence of geopathic stress and diseases. A blood sample placed over two streams crossing underground was observed to mutate into cancer in two weeks. Plants growing over the crossing were also positively tested

for cancerous tumours, whereas smaller plants weakened and died. If exposure to radiation can harm other organisms, the human body is no exception. Exposure to harmful radiation over a sufficient period of time can cause measurable physiological effects. Simple symptoms may appear mild, which include (but not limited to) lethargy, fatigue, frequent mood swings, restlessness, aggression and depression. However, over-exposure can also result one to suffer from infertility, Parkinsons disease, brain damage, cancer, leukemia and even death. Therefore, protecting oneself from radiation is crucial because although in small

doses, symptoms do not appear severe, but when exposed for a longer period of time, it may even cause long-term genetic effects! When we sleep in a geopathic stress zone, the body directs all its subtle energy to ensure that the vital organs continue to work properly, and hence the immune system suffers as the body does not fully function in absorbing nutrients and combat infections. The position of the bed is therefore considered the most important for many geomancers (Feng Shui and Vastu practitioners) and also Radiesthetists. This is where we spend most of our time resting. Traditionally, Radiesthetists used angle rods (pendulums are used nowadays) to dowse for concentrated harmful radiation sites so that they can adopt natural ways to neutralize those harmful rays, or to minimise as much as possible their negative impact on the physical body. Studies have been conducted in hospitals revealing patients sudden significant improvement after moving their

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Founder & Editor-in-Chief: Genevieve Tan Shu Thung Authors: Genevieve Tan Shu Thung Wong Eileen Silambarasu Karuppiah Nicoleta Buru
Disclaimer: Holistic Living Annex (HLA) is not responsible for the use or misuse of the information provided under any circumstances. The information contained here within this Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources site are strictly for educational and informational purposes and are solely the opinions of the author(s) and publisher(s). Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas, information, products, or anything else found in Holistic Living Annex, you accept full responsibility for your actions and the results of those actions.

Blood samples placed over two streams crossing underground mutated into cancer in 2 weeks!

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beds from active radiation zones. You should also minimise your usage of items that radiate harmful rays such as cell phones, microwaves etc. Many people have the habit of hanging cell phones around the neck. This is danger-

ous as the phone is placed very close to the heart region. Cell phones have emanate a lot of harmful radiation. Since radiation causes the development of cancer in merely a blood sample, imagine how much more harm it can do to your heart?

Sleeping without any electronic items around you would also be a good idea so that the vital functions of bodily organs can be effectively carried out without disruptions.


he number of people choosing to be vegetarian is on the rise. This is due to the many benefits one can gain from consuming a vegetarian diet. Some of the famous personalities who are / were vegetarian include Sir Paul McCartney, Ozzy Osborne, Brad Pitt, Sinead OConnor, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Emerson, Buddha, Thoreau, Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Origen, Diogenes, Cicero, Sir Isaac Newton, Herodotus, Porphyry, Voltaire, Shelley, Plutarch, H.G. Wells and Ovid. First and foremost, what does the word vegetarian actually mean? Vegetarians are people who generally abstain from partaking meat of any nature, but consume only vegetables, nuts, grains and fruits. This, of course, is only a general definition as there are exceptions. In the practice of vegetarianism, groups can be further classified into the following examples: 1) Vegans: Do not consume meat in any form, and also abstain from consuming any animal products such as milk, cheese and eggs. 2) Lacto vegetarians: Do not consume any meat, but partakes animal products such as milk and cheese. 3) Ovo-lacto vegetarians: Do not consume any meat, but partakes animal products such as milk and cheese, INCLUDING eggs. 4) Pesco vegetarians: Those who do not consume any other meat except fish.

Many more types of vegetarians have been classified in recent years. This includes fruitarians who only consume diet consisting of fruits, nuts, seeds and any other plant materials that can be gathered without killing the actual plant itself (eg. apples may be picked without killing the plant, but carrots cannot). Within the Hindu culture itself, some have also chosen to abstain from consuming any dishes containing onion and garlic for their subtle qualities. For example, mushrooms have been thought to take on the quality of ignorance, while garlic and onions take on the quality of rajas (passion).

whatever resonates with their heart, and it should not be for others to judge. In recent years, there has also been an increase of people confining themselves to only consuming raw vegetables that are organically grown. It is believed that cooking reduces the vital nutrients and enzymes which are beneficial for health. This article aims to introduce the various reasons as to how one benefits from being a vegetarian. HEALTH One of the main reasons of why people resort to vegetarianism is due to health reasons. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), members of the American Medical Association (AMA), have stated that a vegetarian diet helps prevent heart diseases, diabetes, gallstones, kidney stones, asthma and osteoporosis as well as lowering blood pressure. The largest epidemiological study ever conducted (the China-Oxford-Cornell study) discovered that those who eat meat typical for Americans have 17 times more chances of dying from a heart disease, and for women, 5 times more to suffer from breast cancer, than those who get 5% or less of their protein from consuming meat. Cancer Meat eaters are more likely to contract cancer compared to vegetarians. Again, according to the PRCM, numerous epidemiological and clinical studies have

The China-Oxford-Cornell study revealed that those who eat meat typical for Americans have 17 times more chances of dying from a heart disease!
Jain vegetarianism also goes to the extent of not eating anything that has been grown underground such as carrots, potatoes garlic, onions and so on. Until today, there are endless debates all around the world as to what constitutes as true vegetarianism. Personally, we would say that it is a matter of preference. Should one choose to be a vegetarian, it is his or her personal choice. Therefore, they should practice it with

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shown that vegetarians are nearly 50% less likely to die from cancer than nonvegetarians. For example, a meat eaters risk of getting ovarian cancer is 3.6 times greater compared to vegetarians. Heart Diseases The common cause of death in most countries is heart attack. In the United States, 1 person dies of a heart attack every 45 seconds. Cholestrol found in meat is the main culprit for heart problems and strokes. According to Dr. W.A. Thomas from the Journal of the American Medical Association (6/3/61), a vegetarian diet is said to prevent 90% of thromboembolic disease and 97% of coronary occlusions.

biotic that they are already resistant to when being treated for a severe condition. ENVIRONMENT It has also been suggested that the reduction or elimination of eating meat can solve many of the worlds massive environmental problems such as global warming, loss of rainforests and extinction of species. Global Warming Global warming is caused by carbon dioxide gas released from burning fossil fuels (oil and natural gas). A meat diet requires 3 times more fossil fuel burning than a vegetarian diet. By going vegetarian, global warming which causes rising temperature of the Earth can be halted greatly. The primary reason for destroying natural forests is due to meat-eating. 260 million acres of the United States forest land has been cleared for cropland to support meat-centered diet (55-squarefeet of tropical rainforest is consumed to produce every quarter-pound of beef). Due to the loss of tropical rain forests, 1,000 species are eliminated each year, and the rate is growing annually. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation found that, the livestock sector generates more greenhouse gas emissions as measured in carbon dioxide equivalent 18 percent than transport. Becoming a vegetarian decreases the amount of carbon footprints far greater than not using cars or plastic bags. In fact, some experts claim that it is the number one way by which humans can reduce the most amounts of carbon footprints. Depletion of Natural Resources Meat-eating has undoubtedly caused rapid depletion of worlds natural resources. Raising livestock for their meat is a very inefficient way of generating food eg. pound for pound. Far more resources are expended to produce meat than to produce grains, fruits and vegetables.

Did you know that more than half of all water used for all purposes in the U.S. is used for livestock production?! According to sources, 100,000,000 gallons of water are used every day by just one plant that processes chickens. This amount of water is enough to service a community of 25,000 people. It is also interesting to note that the amount of water used in the production of the average cow is sufficient to float a destroyer! On the other hand, 25 gallons of water are needed to produce a pound of wheat in contrast to 5,000 gallons of water required to produce a pound of Californian beef! Meat-eating also contributes to the rapid depletion of oil reserves. Research sources quote that it takes nearly 78 calories of fossil fuel (oil, natural gas, etc.) energy to produce every 1 calory of beef protein whereas only 2 calories of fossil fuel energy are required to produce 1 calory of soybean. If the world would give up eating meat altogether, the oil reserve would last for a longer duration of time to pave way for further development of practical alternative for energy sources.

Dr. W.A. Thomas (JAMA): A Vegetarian Diet prevents 90% of thromboembolic disease and 97% of coronary occlusions.
The average cholesterol consumption of a meat-centered diet is 210mg per day. A study reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association demonstrated the effectiveness of a vegetarian diet in lowering blood cholesterol. Staying on a vegetarian diet for a whole year lowers your cholesterol by 24.3%. The results also suggest that a vegetarian diet is just as effective as statin drugs (drugs to reduce cholesterol in the body) in lowering ones blood cholesterol. It is important to note that the sales ofs tatin drugs are responsible for some of the big pharmaceutical companies massive profits! Why pay more to buy drugs when you can buy vegetables instead?! Drugged Livestock Antibiotics are also fed to livestock to control various diseases. The antibiotics and microorganisms are retained in the meat, and are eaten by Man. This has led to an increase of resistant strains of bacteria which pose danger to ones health. Some people are already finding themselves resistant to some types of antibiotics. Hence, one may find their body not responding to a particular anti-

Meat-eating has caused rapid depletion of the worlds natural resources.

ETHICS The main reason why most people become vegetarian is out of compassion for the lives of animals. Many cannot bear to live on the enjoyment of eating the meat of animals who have suffered a cruel death just to feed Man. More than 7 billion animals die yearly for human consumption. In the United States alone, 660,000 animals are killed for meat every hour just to cater the meat-eaters appetite. Experiences in slaughterhouses have turned many people to become vegetarians. Slaughterhouses often mistreat animals to reap massive profits. For example, veal calves are purposely kept in a state of induced anaemia to satisfy consumers appetite for their white flesh.

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Due to this, some drop dead when taken out of their crates. Some sources on the internet also show that the heads of chickens are banged on the walls to make them unconscious for later slaughter. This will keep the meat fresh as they are slaughtered alive. That is why most of the slaughterhouse workers are not on the job for long. Of all the occupations in the U.S., statistics show that slaughterhouses possess the highest turnover rate and the highest on-the-job injuries. More examples can be given for the mistreatment of animals, which are frequently reported by anti animal-cruelty organisations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Countering Malnourishment There are 20 million of people who die

annually due to malnutrition. A mere reduction of Americas meat intake alone can feed 100 million people. As already stated in the above, the land that can be used to grow plants to feed people are wasted on raising livestock (to accommodate them and to plant food for them). One acre of land can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes or 250 pounds of beef. But research shows that 56% of all U.S. farmlands are used for beef production. Out of 20 million tons of plant protein given to raise cows, only 2 million of protein is used. This translates to 18 tons of plant protein being wasted. Calculations by experts have shown that the percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain through livestock is 90%, which could have been used to counter the pro-

tein deficit for humans. It is evident here that plants yield 10 times more protein per acre than meat! Therefore, becoming a vegetarian in mass would certainly be the most ideal way of combating malnutrition in the world, helping especially the African continent, North Korea and so on. The list as to why one should choose to be a vegetarian is endless. Spiritual reasons are the main one of them all. It is evident in India that many Hindu denominations encourage their followers to be vegetarian. Many believe that sticking to a vegetarian diet raises their vibrations and help them live a more meaningful life in their spiritual journey.


his Baddhapadma Meruvakrasana (Locked Lotus SpinalTwist Pose) is the combination of Maruvakrasana and Baddhapadmasana. This pose concentrates on the torso part of the body. It stretches and massages the neck, shoulder, spine and waistline. The pose is ideal for those who stand or work on the computer for long hours as it helps massage the upper body. The Asana (pose) also tones up the muscles on the sides of the torso. The intestines and bladder are strengthened with the concentrated twist at the abdomen area. As the Asana also stretches both legs and hands, it also benefits people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism. Precaution: Practice some forward and backward bending exercises in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) position before attempting to perform this pose. Be very cautious while twisting both sides of the torso and spine to avoid injury. NOTE: Stretch only as much as you can without force!

Steps: 1) Sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose: see below) and relax the whole body. 2) Inhale slowly while twisting the shoulders to the left. Place the right palm on the left knee and slightly push further to twist the shoulder a little bit more to stretch to the left. Remember to keep the left hand straight. 3) Now put the left hand around the back and clutch onto the left legs big toe. 4) Turn the head parallel to the left shoulder and look forward. 5) Remain in this final position comfortably for as long as you can and breathe regularly. 6) When you are ready, slowly exhale while releasing both hands to return facing the front. 7) Continue in Padmasana sitting, and then twist the shoulder to right side and

carry on the same way as described in the above (but using the opposite hand and leg). Repeat twice for both sides. **Padmasana pose: Sit with spine upright, and place the right foot on the left thigh close to the hip. Similarly,the left foot should also be placed on the right thigh.

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his is the translation and interpretation of the Buddhist Heart Sutra, outlining the spiritual truth of Reality:

mind. It is not governed by sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, thoughts or even knowledge. IT is all there is; everything, yet nothing. There is no such thing for IT (Supreme Consciousness) as ignorance, therefore, there is no end for ignorance [Note: Ignorance, bad or good are examples of the terms Man have come up with for daily interaction / communication. Since Supreme Consciousness is all there ever is, it just IS, untainted with any values / terms Man have introduced in attempting to extol the Spiritual Truth]. Since It is neither beginningless nor endless, there is also no such thing as birth, ageing and death. The Supreme Consciousness does not suffer, nor does it cause suffering. Hence, there is no end of suffering. [Note: What does not begin, does not end]. From the State of the Whole, there is no attainment of wisdom, for there is no wisdom to attain. Knowing and accepting this Transcendental Truth will leave your mind untainted with delusion of a world of duality. With that, there shall be no fear and deluded desires. Remember, IT (Supreme Consciousness) is all there is. IT is all that exist. And because of this, it ceases to exist. Only when there are two will one know that he / she exists. When there is only ONE, it does not even appear to exist. It just IS. This is what we call the state of Nirvana (Enlightenment). Spiritual guides, be it of the past, present and future, have awakened from their deep slumber of this multi-faceted dream, realizing this Spiritual Truth. This is the key to be free from all bondages, leading to Ultimate Liberation (also known as Moksha).

The Heart Sutra (Xin Jing)

Guan zi zai pu sa The Jewelled One Upon the Lotus

A lotus flower symbolizes total detachment. Therefore, the Jewelled One upon the Lotus is one who is untainted with impurities and the weather of external circumstances. He / She who dwells deeply in the Ultimate Wisdom of Perfection will ultimately reach the realisation that all the five elements that seemingly exist are in fact, non-existent at all. This realisation is the one responsible for liberating all from suffering and distress. O Devoted Disciple of the Buddhic (Wisdom) Path, Know that the Form is not different from the Formless (perceived by the 5 senses as space). Divinity pervades the entire Universe, including what we see as space. In fact, there is no space. If divinity is all-pervasive, where is there space and form? Each cannot be known without the other; ie. the formless cannot be known without the form, and vice -versa. All activities, within or without, such as sensations, thoughts, impulses, awareness, feelings, speech and so on, are in fact nothingness. These only seem to exist from a limited worldly individual perception. From the view of the Great White Spirit (the Ultimate Whole), these do not exist. The Supreme Consciousness neither begins, nor does it end. It is never stained, nor is it pure. Nothing is ever gained, nor will it be lost. Therefore, the formless substance (Supreme Consciousness) that has no sensation, thoughts, impulses and awareness pervades all space. Since it is all-pervasive, this Substance too pervades all forms. It is not confined to the 5 senses. It has neither eye, ear, nose, tongue, body nor

Xing Shen Bo Ri Bo Lo Mi Duo Shi Who dwells deeply in the Ultimate Wisdom of Perfection

Zao Jian Wu Yun Jie Kong Will come to an ultimate realization that all the five elements are *empty (better used as space).

Du yi qie ku er This realisation will liberate one from all suffering and distress.

She li zi (Direct Translation: Shariputra - (This symbolises the devoted Disciple of the Buddhic Path) O Devoted Disciple of the Buddhic Path

Se bu yi kong, kong bu yi se Know that form does not differ from space, and space does not differ from form.

Se ji shi kong, kong ji shi se Form is in fact, space, and space is in fact, form.

Shou xiang xing shi yi fu ru shi Sensations, Thoughts, Impulses, Awareness all in fact also ARE

She li zi Direct Translation: Shariputra - (This symbolises the devoted Disciple of the Buddhic Path): O Devoted Disciple of the Buddhic (Wisdom) Path

Excerpts of the spiritual lecture delivered by Genevieve Tan Shu Thung Beijing, CHINA (January 19. 2011)

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Shi zhu fa kong xiang Despite their seeming existence (manifestation), are all in fact, nothingness.

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Wu zhi yi wu de No attainment of wisdom, and no wisdom to attain

Gu zi bo re bo luo mi duo Therefore, know that the Prajna Paramita (Transcendental Wisdom)...

Bu sheng, bu mie (Nothing) begins nor ends

Yi wu suo de qu As nothing is attained, therefore...

Shi da shen zhou Is a great Divine Mantra...

Bu gou, bu jing (Nothing) is stained, nor pure

Pu ti sa duo Bodhisattvas (Embodiments of Divinity)

Shi da ming zhou Is an enlightening Mantra...

Bu Zheng Bu Jian (Nothing) is gained, nor is it lost

Y bo ri bo luo mi duo gu Follow the Prajna Paramita (Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom), which leads to;

Shi wu shang zhou The Ultimate Mantra (Unsurpassed)...

(Shi gu) kong zong wu se

Therefore, amidst this space, there is actually no form

Xin wu gua ai A mind untainted with delusion... Shi wu deng deng zhou And an incomparable Mantra...

Wu shou xiang xing shi No sensations, thoughts, impulses, and awareness

Wu gua ai gu With no delusion (hindrance or obstruction), therefore;

Neng chu yi qie ku To remove / alleviate all suffering...

Zhen shi bu xu This is the Ultimate Truth that cannot be doubted.

Wu yan er bi she shen yi No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind

Wu you kong bu There is no fear

Wu se sheng xiang wei chu fa No form, sound, smell, taste, touch, and knowledge

Yuan li dian dao meng xiang Far away from deluded desire and dreams;

Gu shuo bo re bo luo mi duo zhou Hence the Prajna Paramita propagates..

Ji shuo zhou yie Saying this: Jiu jing nie pan And eventually attaining the state of Nirvana (Enlightenment).

Wu yan jie nai zhi wu yi shi jie No realm of sight, nor thoughts

Jie di jie di bo luo jie di Bo luo seng jie di pu di sa po he "Ascend,

Wu wu ming yi wu wu ming jing There is no ignorance, nor end of ignorance

San shi zhu fo All Buddhas (Enlightened beings) of the past, present and future

Nai zhi wu lao si yi wu lao si jing No ageing and death, hence there is also no end of ageing and death.

Yi bo re bo lu mi duo gu Follow the path of Prajna (Transcendental Wisdom) to... Paramita

Ascend, Ascend beyond, Ascend beyond altogether, Awakened So be it."

Wu ku ji mie dao No suffering, cause of suffering, and therefore end of suffering, as well as no path to follow

De a nuo duo luo san miao san pu ti Realise the Ultimate Truth and are completely awakened!

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The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it! - Anonymous

aving a great memory is an asset to all, both young and old. There are food items out there that may help you boost your memory strength. These include: Apples Recent studies have shown that apples, containing high levels of quercetin, are an antioxidant that may protect one against Alzheimers disease. It is useful for one to know that quercetin is mostly found in the skin of an apple, which many have the tendency to peel off before eating it. My suggestion is to eat an apple with the skin on, but do remember to wash the apples skin thoroughly first before consuming it. Grapes All red, purple and black grapes also contain quercetin and anthocyanin, which are good for memory-boosting. Cherries This fruit is another good source of anthocyanin and melatonin, another 2 potent antioxidants which enhance memory and learning. Melatonin is also responsible for inducing sleep. For one who has had a good sleep tends to study and perform better at school. Blueberries Numerous studies have also concluded that blueberries improve ones memory and brain capacity in general. This fruit too contains anthocyanin and other nutrients that help promote the brain to function healthily.

Eggplant Eggplant is a great source of anthocyanin. It also contains nasunin, an antioxidant that protects the lipids in brain cell membranes. Onions Red onions contain anthocyanin and quercetin. Yellow and white onions also contain good levels of quercetin. In India, where onions are an important staple, onions have been used as a folk remedy to boost memory for centuries.

Spinach Spinach is claimed to reverse memory loss due to the presence of folic acid content found in it, which is believed to protect one against Alzheimers disease or age-related memory loss. Note: Half-cup of cooked spinach provides you your 2/3 daily requirement of folic acid. Experts say that daily supplements of folic acid could improve memory and brainpower of elderly people. Broccoli This bushy vegetable also contains quercetin and is another good source of folic acid. Red Beets Beets are a good source of anthocyanin and folic acid.

Rosemary Researchers discovered that carnosic acid in rosemary is neuroprotective and may play a role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative brain disorders. One study even found that just the scent of rosemary improved the memories of office workers. Another important student-food are nuts and raisins. There is a myth that walnut is shaped like a brain, hence it is believed to be a good supplement for one's memory. So dear students, if you have not been very fond of fruits and vegetables, think again! By Genevieve Tan Shu Thung

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Below are few special skin recipes using cucumbers that you may use in your beauty regimen to reveal a more healthy and beautiful appearance. Facial Treatment Did you know that Cucumbers astringent properties can help reduce the oily-shine on your face, as well as refreshing it? Here are the different ways you can benefit from this. 1) Peel half of a cucumber, and cut it into small pieces. Blender the pieces and apply the paste all over your face. Leave it for 15 minutes, then wash it off with cool water. 2) To help get rid of dead skin cells, this is another natural mask recipe with a mixture of avocado and cucumber. Blend equal portions of chopped peeled cucumber and avocado, and two teaspoons of powdered milk. Refrigerate the paste for 30 minutes, then apply to the face and neck for another half-an-hour. Rinse with warm water first, then rinse the second time with cool water and pat dry. 3) To remove blemishes, blender a halfpeeled cucumber with one tablespoon of instant non-fat milk and one teaspoon of plain yoghurt. Apply the mask on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse and pat dry. 4) Recommended daily treatment for radiant skin: Add a splash of rosewater to one teaspoon of shaved cucumber and apply mixture on the face. Leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. 5) Need for speed? If youre in a hurry and have no time to prepare any of the masks above, just cut few slices of fresh cucumber and rub it on your face in circular motion for 10-15 minutes. Your skin will still feel fresh and smooth after the treatment.

A Quick-Eye Refresher Reduce inflammation, puffiness and tiredness around the eyes with a simple recipe that many use. Cut two thick slices of cucumber and apply to each eye for 10 minutes. This is a quick lift for tired eyes. Results are almost-instant!

re you suffering from a skin irritation such as acne, eczema, or dermatitis? Are you fed up of how the creams you buy in the pharmacy do not seem to work, and are now looking for a more natural and cheaper solution? You are looking at the right place! Did you know that a cucumber can do wonders to preserve ones natural beauty? Discovered over 10,000 years ago in westsouthern Asia and cultivated for at least 3,000 years cucumber is still used nowadays as food and for healing and beauty purposes. It is also interesting to note that cucumbers have been used to aid weight loss as well. Cucumbers have hydrant and astringent properties, which are why many beauty products have them in their ingredients. The application of cucumber leaves behind a cooling effect and it also contains the same pH level as our skin. This ensures that our skins protective layer is maintained and not harmed in any way at all by high levels of acid.

Cucumber juice contains Sulphur and Silicon that can help nourish hair and stimulate its growth.

Hair Mask Use cucumbers to prevent hair damage. Cucumber juice contains silicon and sulphur that helps nourish the hair and stimulate its growth. To benefit from this, you can either drink a mixture of cucumber and carrot juice regularly, or you can also create a hair mask. Blend a quarter of peeled cucumber with one egg and 5 tablespoons of olive oil. Spread the paste all over your hair and leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse. Do this regularly for best results. Hand Wash To minimize the chloride content in water that may damage the skin on your hands, blend a small peeled cucumber until very fine, and add one tablespoon of hazel. Mix it thoroughly, and massage the paste on the hands. You will feel the difference immediately. Weight Loss Cucumbers are high in minerals but low in calories. It is full of fibre and is fat free. For those who want to lose weight, this may be your answer. Try eating cucumbers more often in place of other fatty food items. Cucumbers are not only crunchy to bite, but also aids digestion due to its fibre content. Try eating cucumbers dipped in hummus, or just add them in your bowl of salad to make it a healthy snack.

Did you know that Cucumbers have the same pH level as our skin?
This wonder vegetable is also very useful during the summers. It is not only good for treating sunburns, it helps reduce the heat-induced greasy sensation of the body. Its application also helps soothes itchiness of the skin and speed up the skin cell renewal process to reveal a more radiant, glowing skin. Applying cucumbers on the face also helps tighten pores and reduce eye puffiness. As it contains a high level of caffeic acid and Vitamin C, it provides relief to a variety of skin irritations such as acne, eczema and dermatitis.

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ver heard of Cleopatras reputation for her flawless skin? Well, milk bath was Cleopatras secret! She used to soak herself in camel milk to maintain her skin. Indulging your skin regularly with milk baths will give you skin that is smooth, soft, supple and of beautiful complexion. The benefits of having a milk bath is more widespread these days as bath products now include milk as one of the ingredients. Nevertheless, the oldfashioned way to pamper the skin is still probably the best: to use real milk in your bath! Buy one litre of fresh cows milk every few day to bathe. The milk should be at room temperature. When the milk is stored in the refrigerator, leave it outside until it becomes room temperature. Very often, you will discover a creamy substance forming. Use that cream to wash your face, or even use it as a face mask. For a face mask, leave it on for 5-15 minutes before washing it off thoroughly. You can then pour the rest of the milk from top to toe, rubbing the milk all over your body. It is best to have your soap bath first,

then the milk. Make sure your final rinse washes all traces of milk from your body as some sources suggest that leaving milk on ones body may be harmful as it promotes bacteria growth. As long as you ensure that you have rinsed all traces of milk off your body, you are certain to keep only the benefits of a milk bath with you! Milk is rich with nutrients such as Lactic Acid, Vitamin A and D, which help promote the health of your skin, making it strong, yet allowing its texture to stay soft. Washing ones skin with milk is the best way to exfoliate the skin as dead skin cells are replaced with new ones. The exfoliation process tends to usually dry up ones skin. Using milk for exfoliation however, wont. Milk is full of protein and contains natural fats, which moisturises ones skin at the same time as it leaves your skin glowing like silk. Instead of using milk only for your skin, why not pamper your hair with a milk bath as well? Online sources reveal that hair follicles contain small scales that make ones hair appear dull and lifeless whenever ones hair is dry. Properties found in milk therefore flatten and seal up these scales, allowing ones hair to appear shinier and healthier.

Although cows milk is the most widely available choice, bathing with other types of milk may also be considered: 1) Goats milk: Possesses the same pH as human skin; promotes smoother skin. 2) Oat Milk: Great for sensitive skin as it soothes and moisturises the skin. 3) Soy / Rice Milk: Ideal for hydrating ones skin and promoting healthy new cells. You may also prefer to warm the milk before bath, as some believe this process enhances the quality of absorption during a milk-bath.

"Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will. - Zig Zagler

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y message for you today is: push

"Whatsoever that you against, pushes against you!"

taste for it because of its negative impact on health. Needless to say, the possibility of an addiction (just like the people I know of) does not seem very appealing too. Anyhow, back to the story. We both then parted ways and I carefully brought the cup of tea to my table and reached out for my sandwich. Before I could do that, my right hand accidentally knocked the tea cup down and my tea spilled on the floor. Now, I had NO tea to drink and a huge mess to clear! This was the first time I ever knocked over a tea cup. I was never clumsy to this extent before, so I thought to myself what could have gone wrong? Immediately came the replay of the earlier scene in my mind. I heard my very own voice saying to that 'tea-lover' 5 minutes ago: "Nahh... Never.. There just isn't any other better choice here. I NEVER drink tea, especially Indian tea." Could this really be? I spilled the tea because I pushed against it 5 minutes ago?

ordering tea again? Sheeeeesh~" After I was served, I had my breakfast and drank a little of that tea. Everything seemed fine. Then a friend came along and sat down to joke with me regarding the administration of the Epipen (automatic injector for anaphylactic reactions). Whilst trying to mimic the administration of the Epipen, he banged the table so hard that the table shook and there went my tea again! It spilled all over the floor and on my shoes! Oops! Doesn't that tell us something? All these happened because I pushed the tea away from me in my mind. Whatsoever I push against, pushes against me. This lesson is essential in every aspect of our lives. When people go to work, they dread about it; hence, it dreads them too! They complain about this and that, and then before they know it, everything around them goes wrong. This in turn gives them more reasons to complain about. Can you not see? The cycle never ends! Only a change in mind will break that cycle of suffering. You cannot expect to excel in your job if you spend your time complaining and cursing it. A deep respect for it will make you work towards a direction that is worthwhile So, whenever you are going to focus on something negative, think again. Take a U-Turn. It may seem difficult at first because it has already become a habit for Man to react to negative circumstances, but with practice, you will form a new habit, and that habit forms your attitude in life. Your attitude shapes your character, and your character in turn determines your destiny!

Today's article revolves around my personal experience with two little tea cups a few years ago. For those know know me, I do not have the habit nor do I encourage the habit of indulging in drinking tea and coffee. The only tea I would drink occasionally is Chinese tea. Nevertheless, when I was in Dubai in 2010, I came across a cafeteria that had nothing better on the menu to drink except Indian tea. I was feeling thirsty, so I had to make do with that. While I was waiting for my tea to be served, a 'tea-lover' came up to me and asked: "Oh, you love tea too?" I immediately replied, "Nahh... Never.. There just isn't any other better choice here. I NEVER drink tea, especially Indian tea." Do not get me wrong. Indian tea tastes good, but I never really did develop a

What was done, was done. I left it at that and never thought about it again until a few days later. I came back to the same place, and I ordered tea again! At the same counter, I had these thoughts running in my mind: "Oh my, Genevieve! You do not drink tea! Why are you

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conasturian and Glucobrassicin. All these are useful in helping the activation, elimination and neutralisation of unwanted contaminants. Naturopaths also propose that Broccoli helps prevent heart diseases and cataracts. Those who suffer from acute or chronic constipation will also find Broccoli as an ideal dish as it is rich in fibre. Portion: Serves 4 his easy-cooking Broccoli soup is full of nutrition. It provides you with Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene), Vitamin K, Folic Acid, Calcium and Fibre. Broccoli has the ability to control high-blood pressure and has also been quoted to prevent colon cancer. Recent research discovered that the vegetable helps with the detoxification process due to its content of Glucoraphanin, Glu-

1 Litre of water 100ml of Sour cream (Optional) Pinches of salt Coriander for garnish Method 1) Prepare a pot with water. Throw in the Celery, Potatoes, Carrot, Garlic and Onion to boil for 15 minutes. 2) In a separate pot, boil the Broccoli for 3 minutes. Then, drain the water. 3) Blend contents from both pots. 4) Then pour the blended mixture into a pot and put to boil on slow fire for 2 minutes. 5) You may then choose to add in the sour cream (optional) and salt. Stir until the mixture comes to boil. 6) Serve in a bowl garnished with coriander. Its simple, yet nutritiously delicious! Try it!

Ingredients: 2 Medium-sized Broccoli bundle, separate the flowers 3 Sticks of Celery 2 Medium-sized Potatoes, cubed 1 Medium-sized Carrot, cubed 2 Pieces of Garlic 1 Medium-sized Onion, halved

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yaza Shakh is a graduate in International Trade and Marketing. Nevertheless, the 25-year-old chose to pursue her dream to be a professional photographer. Her love for photography led her to further her studies in the art after her first degree. Since then, Syaza has been travelling around the world, capturing special moments with her professional Canon camera. Her work has been published in magazines and newspapers. Syaza Shakh is also a member of our editorial team for Holistic Living Annex. Todays interview focuses on how important it is to realise our dreams. When you believe in it, you will definitely achieve it. Why and how were you drawn to photography? I was drawn to photography because it enables me to capture moments that I would like to preserve and share it with everyone else. It all started when I was in Tanzania. At that time, I had only a video camera, and I really wished that I had a professional still camera with me so that I could capture all the colours and culture of the place. When did you start photography? I started back in 2003. My very first camera was a small Kodak camera. However, I only started taking photography seriously at the end of 2008 after graduating from my first degree, and after my trip to Tanzania. What photography really is for you? Photography is my passion. In fact, it is actually natural painkiller. I suffer from a condition called arthritis, and the pain can get unbearable sometimes. However, whenever I am engrossed in catching photos, I forget about the pain. At first, I thought it was all in my head but according to my doctor, doing what you love can induce endorphins that can help in relieving pain. Is the art of photography hard to master? Nothing in life is easy. Same goes for photography. Some people say that its either you have the eye for it or you simply dont. But in my opinion, if you work hard for something you love and learn all the necessary techniques, there is really no reason to fail. We know that you have a different first degree. Will you choose to build a career with that, or to continue pursuing your career in photography? I have a degree in Business majoring in International Trade and Marketing. That is an advantage because I am planning to combine both my knowledge in Business as well as photography for my career path. Currently, I am freelancing. Who knows, in a few years time I might be opening my own studio? How did photography help you as a person? Photography has helped me to be more alert to my surroundings, be more intuitive and definitely more patient. Where do you expect to go or what do you expect to achieve in this field? I hope to reach a level where I can contribute back to society with my photo-

graphs. I know the day will come when I will have my own solo exhibition for people to enjoy my works. I love capturing natural scenes that narrate actual stories of life. This will help others who see my work to connect with the people in the photographs I have taken. Although it has only been a short time since you started taking photography seriously, what have you achieved so far in this field? In this short span of 3 years, I personally feel very lucky to have achieved what I have achieved. I have entered many photography competitions including the International Photography Awards and Sony World Photography Awards. Although I did not actually win for some of them, I was delighted to know that I was shortlisted. It was quite an achievement for me because when I first started, I would not even dream that I would one day have the guts to enter these competitions to compete with some of the worlds best photographers. When I was shortlisted, I felt honoured that my works were appreciated by those who have the eye for photography. At least, it is a confirmation for me that I really do have a talent in this, and that I should continue pursuing it. My biggest achievement so far is me winning a place for the off-screen expedition to Saudi Arabia in December 2011. Please tell us more about this offscreen expedition to Saudi Arabia. I represented my country, Malaysia, for this expedition. Arabia off-screen is an international creative competition searching for talented young artists, designers, film-makers and photographers aged between 18 and 25 years of age in the United Kingdom, Egypt, Malaysia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to travel around Saudi Arabia to create an artistic portrait of the kingdom to be shared with youths around the globe. During that trip, we travelled from mountains to the deserts and met many of the kingdoms talented artists, who were willing to share their experiences

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with us. The main aim of the expedition was for us to see a different side of Saudi Arabia. This trip really broke down the stereotypes shown on the media about the Kingdom. After the 17 days, we realised that none of the stereotypes were true. I have learnt so much from the people I met along the way, especially from other fellow participants. We came from totally different backgrounds, but the one thing in common that we shared was the passion for the arts. Do you think it is important for someone to pursue their passion? I think it is very important to pursue your passion. You live this life only once and life is too short! Regardless of your age, it is never too late, even if you are already in your 50s! The field of photography is not a mainstream career. Many parents believe that one should not deviate from their main degree to chase after ones passion. Did you face the same problem with your parents when you wanted to study photography? After my first degree, my parents wanted me to pursue Masters in Islamic Finance. I gave it a try, but deep down in my heart, I knew that it was not what I really wanted to do. I told my parents about my decision to take photography instead, but they were quite reluctant in letting my do so. Parents want the best for their children, and they saw photography as something impractical. For them, the arts may not be a wise choice to ensure future monetary security. Nevertheless, a few months later, I showed them my artwork and I was shortlisted for the competitions I entered. That helped a lot. Now, they are very supportive of my efforts in photography. What is your advice to other youths who would like to pursue their passion, but are too afraid to take that first step due to the fear of failure? If you do not take the risk, you will never know. Failure is a stepping stone to push you to do better! Syazas Photography can be viewed at:

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BY JACK CANFIELD He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, `See me after class. The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, `Why did I receive an F?The teacher said, `This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later youll have to pay large stud fees. Theres no way you could ever do it. Then the teacher added, `If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade. The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, `Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you. Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He stated, You can keep the F and Ill keep my dream. Monty then turned to the assembled group and said, I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace. He added, The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week. When the teacher was leaving, he said, Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours.Dont let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what.

have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs. The last time I was there he introduced me by saying, I want to tell you why I let Jack use my horse. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boys high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch.

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eople are ever so bothered what others are talking behind their backs. They are so interested in finding out what others thought of them. The question is, WHY? So long you are leading your life in accordance to Nature's Law, why be afraid or worried what others have in mind? Why change your approaches or the way you are just to fit in, or be part of their circle of friends? Let me remind you that most 'successful' people were never "normal" in the eyes of others. Somehow, they were different because they dared to be different! They wanted to be different, that is why they are successful in achieving a different result compared to the rest who were merely run of the mill. Many worry of being socially ostracised if they just be who they really are. So they lose their uniqueness by being what others want them to be. For these people, the easiest path to walk is the one that has society's approval. But how many people can you please? Haven't you heard of the statement: "You just can't please everybody!" In the world, everything has its own definition. Human beings tend to define every single thing they see, touch, hear, smell, taste or feel. Not only that, they even define what they did not experience with their five senses! So yes! Life is a definition on its own! But the act of defining something is also very subjective in nature. It is subjected to various factors. For example, if I were to present an apple to three different people coming from three different backgrounds, their perception of the apple will of course, be different! Let us see: CAMERA to a/an: Photographer: A tool to express creativity. Scientist: A breakthrough in Science as it is an invention that captures light onto paper. Other ordinary person: A tool to capture special moments So at the end of the day, what does definition actually mean? For me, it simply means the reflection of ones internal beliefs or values, which influences ones perception. Nothing less, and nothing more. How you define an object, a person or a situation is the reflection of YOU! So, why do so many get carried away as to how others think of them? Yes, I do admit that it is important to have what sociologists call social control to a certain degree, but really, ONLY TO A CERTAIN DEGREE! This will make one analyse his/her next step before committing something bizarre. But at the end of the day, when social control takes over your life, thats what I call an unhealthy state of mind. You are not free. You are bound by what others think of you. You are bound by the values and expectations others set on you. No! This simply isn't what life really is. From my opinion, life is meant to be a free flowing river whereby you set your own course / cause. I would then say, the most important thing in your life, is how you define yourself! Who do you see yourself as? What do you think of yourself? Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now? The outside world can give you plenty of suggestions, but will you allow them to sentence you into whatever they have said you are or will be? NO! Your internal talk is what is of utmost

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importance to you. A healthy level of self-esteem is what will make your life not only good, but marvelous! When you are negatively swayed by what others say about you, it only reflects to yourself that you do not possess enough self-confidence. Remember that an empty can makes the most noise. Whenever you are faced with a negative situation, and you bark out at them, it is your self-defence mechanism coming into play. You feel threatened as you try to convince others, or rather yourself, that you are not what they said you are. But when you are so sure of being who you are, you wouldnt even bother wasting that precious time, trying to convince them of that. You will just turn your mind to something more productive, because you are 101% sure that you know yourself better than anyone else out there. So the next time you catch yourself saying: She said Im this and that........... Im not like this or that.....: STOP IT! Dont justify. Ask and answer yourself honestly. Once and for all: Am I really like this?.... If you are not, just throw everything he/ she said outside the window. If you have always lived your life trying to figure out what others thought of you, do you not think that life is just so painful? Do you not feel that trying to catch up with their game is an agony. Of course it is! You are always in doubt. You are always paranoid. By doing so, you have clogged your share of lifes happiness. So what if they said you are not a good friend? If you are the best friend one can have on earth, will their words change you? NO! You will still continue to be that good friend. So what if they said your charitable acts are only a show?

If you know for sure your acts were genuine, your conscience is clear. So you wouldn't even feel the pinch or guilt in you! So what if they said you are overambitious in your career? Are they living your life for you? Does it affect them in any way at all if you are willing to work harder for your job? NO! Who is going to be the one reaping the fruits of your hard labour? Them or you?! So what if they said your dream is too big? When you have finally attained it, are they still going to say it was too big? NO!

You will find them more silent than ever, until you wouldnt even know that they are there! Just remember. Define yourself! Do not let anyone have that power over you. Your power is within! The next time anyone tries to define you in any way that is not pleasant, just remember the two magic words: SO WHAT? I am that I AM. Remember that Excerpts of lecture delivered by Genevieve Tan Shu Thung - New York, USA (August 13, 2011)

Genevieve Tan Shu Thung / Sandhya, LL.B (Hons), M.D. (A.M.), Ph.D, is the founder and director of Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources. As a spiritual guide, she is known for her meditation technique named after her - "Sandhya Maarga Meditation", which brings about rapid transformation within an individual to realise that the innate consciousness is the cause of every activity within the Universe. It helps align an individual with the natural Universal forces and expand the awareness of the infinite Being within each and everyone to maximise their self-potential in all areas of life.. Genevieve has written many inspirational articles related to the power of right-thought and personal development to motivate all to cultivate confidence in the Self of which physical reality manifests from. She has delivered lectures and speeches around the world pertaining to Mental Science and Spirituality, and has disciples of different nationalities.

F or a n y en q ui ri es , fe el fr ee t o co nta ct u s a t : Ad mi n [ AT ] h o l i s ti cl i vi n ga n n e x. c o m

Also a long practitioner in Alternative Medicine, Genevieve specialises in mind-body medicine. She is currently authoring a book on the relationship between the mind and diseases. Genevieve is also the creator and editor-in-chief of Holistic Living Annex, the official magazine for Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources. She writes articles focusing on Spirituality, Mental Science, and Holistic Health and Lifestyle.

HolisticLivingAnnex .COM
Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources organisation aims to align all with the natural Universal forces and expand the awareness of the infinite Being within each and everyone, the determinant of all realities. Information shared on Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources official magazine, Holistic Living Annex (http:// is to help you maintain balance in every aspect of your life to shape it according to the ideal you desire. (Subject to the terms and conditions on Page 2) Workshops, seminars & lectures are constantly conducted to raise the awareness of the link between the mind and body in various areas of one's life including shaping circumstances to attain goals and objectives, and preserving health in holistic ways. Also receive inspirational updates by subscribing to Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources Page: Groups/SandhyaMaarga NOTE: All information and photographs found on Holistic Living Annex are copyrighted.

Wong Eileen, B.QS (Hons), M.D. (A.M.), specialises in the practice of Yoga for the Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources circle. Coming from a traditional Chinese family, Wong's interest in herbs, and the relationship between the breath and the physical body prompted her to further her studies in Alternative Medicine. Wong proposes that the proper regulation of vital energy within a body is crucial in maintaining good health. With years of experience in the practice of Yoga, she will be sharing her knowledge and expertise through her articles to be published in Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources' official online magazine: 'Holistic Living Annex'. Wong is also the chief instructor of Yoga for Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources. A vegetarian for some years now, Wong will also share her interest in cooking by sharing with readers various vegetarian recipes from different countries.

Silambarasu Karuppiah, B.Pharm (Hons), completed his degree in Pharmacy and is a student of Mental Science and the Sandhya Maarga Meditation under the guidance of Genevieve Tan. Possessing a strong link to the practice of spirituality and meditation since a young age, he holds on to his strong interest in Quantum Physics, believing that everything in the entire cosmos is vibrating with infinite energy. Silambarasu has also deep interest in alternative methods of healing. Although he is a pharmacist in conventional medicine (Allopathy), Silambarasu views that pharmaceutical drugs may not be the best option in maintaining health because of their accompanying side effects. He believes that the practice of holistic medicine such as Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and other Alternative Medicine systems offer better treatment in the long run as they aim to treat each disease from its root, instead of just alleviating the symptoms.

Nicoleta Buru, a graduate in Bachelors of Journalism and Mass Communication (B.J.M.C.), and Masters of Marketing and Business Communication, is a freelance writer who will be contributing some of her articles on natural beauty to be published on Holistic Living Annex. (Click "Read more..." to continue) Her curiosity and tireless thirst for knowledge pushed her to experience many interesting facets of life. Having lived in many different countries, she has been exposed to different cultures and traditions, and has gained invaluable knowledge of their practices, applicable in one's daily life. Nicoleta was once a reporter and the editor for the Moldavian Business Magazine and was also cabin crew with Emirates Airline. Both jobs were stressful with irregular working hours and also demanded high-standards of image and style. The young professional believes that everyone is a diamond who needs to be polished from all the negativity that taint their inner being. One's external beauty is reflected from the inside. It is therefore important to feel good even when working under pressure. Nature is Man's best friend. There are plenty of sources to help maintain beauty the most natural way possible, as well as uplifting the spirit so that beauty will shine from within.

Syaza Shakh, a graduate in International Trade and Marketing, is also a professional photographer. Her love for photography led her to further her studies in the art after her first degree. Since then, Syaza has been travelling around the world, capturing special moments with her professional Canon camera. Her work has been published in magazines and newspapers. She has also recently returned from her photography expedition in Saudi Arabia. She had won this opportunity to travel to Saudi Arabia to create an artistic portrait of the Kingdom to be shared with youth audiences from around the world. Out of 500 entries from talented young artists, designers, film-makers and photographers in the U.K., Egypt, Malaysia, Qatar and UAE, only the top 9 were selected, and Syaza was one of them! Link: http:// Inspiring photographs contributed by Syaza will be shared on Sandhya Maarga Holistic Living Resources' site for readers to enjoy and downloaded to be used as their desktop wallpaper.

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