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HRD at micro and macro levels The human is recognized as the most effective input for maximum output

and efficiency of any organisation. Hence the development of competency of this human input is very necessary for the lasting growth and development of the organisation. Human resource development is process of helping people to acquire new competencies. In organizational context, it is continuous and planned way to acquiring news capabilities of employees and creating opportunities for them and developing a sound organizational culture. HRD is often taken as synonym of training but besides training, it is overall development of the employees. HRD applies to both micro as well as macro issues. HRD develops the newer capabilities in people to enable them to achieve organizational goals. It ensures the long-term growth and development of the organisation which helps the economy of the nation. Micro level At micro level, human resource development is related with grass-root development in organizations. It is well received by companies management as they realized its importance and foresee its future contribution for the individual and organizational development. Generally, HRD at micro level talks about organisations human resource planning, selection, training, performance appraisal, development, potential appraisal, compensation, organizational development etc. HRD involvement in all these areas mainly aims at developing new capabilities in people so that they could meet the present job challenges and prepare to accept future job requirements. Macro level At micro level, HRD is related with development of people for the nations well being. At this level, it involves health, skills, capabilities and attitudes of people which are more useful in development of nation as a whole. While calculating the national income and economic growth, HRD examines the individuals potential, attitudes, skill, aspirations, knowledge etc; and develops a concrete base for economic planning. However, HRD at macro level is not yet popular as it is at micro level.

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