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5 Realising The Importance of Proper Management of Radioactive Substance

Our bodies are always exposed to the natural background radiation. The level of background radiation is very low and is not harmful to humans.

Negative effect of Radioactive Substances

When radioactive emissions strikes living cells, it can cause ionization to the molecules of the cells. This may cause the cells to be killed, resulting in tissue damage. At low doses of radiation, the damaged tissues can repair itself rapidly. High doses of radiation can cause burn effects known as radiation burns. The ionization effect of radiation can also cause genetic damage to the molecules of the cells. This may lead to the formation of cancerous cells and tumour development. If the radioactive substances gets inside the body, the most harmful effects come from the alpha particles because they have the highest ionization power. If the radioactive source is outside the body, the greatest danger is from gamma sources because gamma rays have the highest penetrating power. The alpha particles would not penetrate clothing and is highly unlikely to reach living cells in the body.

Somatic effect
Fatigue Organ failure Hair loss Vomitting Cataracs Skin burns Leukimia

Genetic effect
Abnormal repoduction cell Birth defects Premature death Genetic defects such as a)Down syndrom b)Klinefelter Syndrome c)Turner Syndrome

Safely Precautions in the Handling of Radioactive Substances

Wear special badges or dosimeter to detect the level of exposure to radiation. Experiments using radioactive substances are to be conducted in a room enclosed by thick concrete walls. Food and drinks are prohibited in radiation laboratories. The signs for radioactive substances are placed on rooms ,buildings ,containers , and radioactive storage. Instructions on equipment and radioactive sources must be read properly before starting work. Protective clothing and gears such as gloves , and eye glasses made of lead must be worn at all times when handling radioactive sustances. Radioactive substances must be kept in thick lead containers.

Management of Radioactive Substances

Radioactive wastes
Low level sources hospitals ,research laboratories , nuclear power stations , industries Paper ,shoes , biohazard suit , gloves , tools , filters short low Solid wastes are stored in special containers and then buried underground. Intermediate level High level

Nuclear power Nuclear power stations , industries , stations Research laboratories Component in nuclear reactors , chemical sludges long high
Liquid wastes are solidified in concrete before disposal. Other radioactive wastes are placed in concrete block and then buried underground.


Use fuel rods in nuclear power stations long high

Fuels road are placed in a pool of water to cool them . The rods then set in glass bridles (vitrification) before being buried in deep underground.

Half-life Radiation level management


1) Which of the following is not a safety precaution when handling radioactive substances? A Wear protective suits and gears. B Weak radioactive substances can be handled with bare hands. C Radioactive substances are kept in lead container. D Food and drinks must not be allowed in places where radioactive substances are handled. answer:B

2)Which of the following falls under the category of high level radioactive wastes ? A Biohazard suit B Chemical sediments in nuclear reactors C Gloves D Fuel rods in nuclear reactor answer: D

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