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Section 1 A Identify one theme or issue from your close study film (1) B. Briefly describe what the film suggests about this theme or issue (3) c. How is this theme or issue explored in a key sequence from your film (6)

Section2 a. Choose one important setting from your chosen film (1) b. Briefly describe the setting (3) c. what does this setting suggest to audiences? (6) d. Choose a key scene from your film. Explain how one of the following is represented in it - age, gender, ethnicity, social class, disability. (10)

Section 3 Write either a blog entry or an internet film review focusing on why you think people should go and see your close study film. Include some of the following. (20) Camerawork or visual style Music or sound Performances or characters How it compares with other films youve seen Any other aspects that you find interesting

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