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Importance of Recruitment

Provides organization with a pool of qualified candidates The more qualified the pool the better the success rate in selection Can help the organization meet affirmative action goals Can increase organizational effectiveness

Internal Sources and Methods

Promotion from within Transfer Job rotation Rehires and recall

Job posting Skills inventory

External Sources
Employee referrals Walk-ins Employment agencies Other companies Temporary help Trade associations & unions Schools Hiring fairs Aliens

External methods
Radio & TV Newspapers and trade journals Computerized services

Increasing the Pool

Conveying the information
Job interview
The usual interview The realistic interview

Job matching Early entry: High school programs

Increasing the Pool, Cont.

Expanding Job opportunities
Examine entry position qualifications Provide training, career paths, mentoring

Alternative work arrangement

Flextime Compressed work week Telecommuting Job sharing

Increasing the Pool, Cont.

Core of full time employees Mantle of free lancers, contract workers, temps, and part-timers

Job Search from the Applicants Perspective

Sources Referrals Direct application Advertisements Employment agencies

Job Search, cont.

Intensity of search
financial need self-esteem training

Evaluation of choices
Occupational choice Organizational choice

Employee Socialization
Pre-entry Entry Orientation & mentoring

Work force diversity Evaluation of recruitment process Contract recruiting Rejection International comparisons

Backwards & Forwards

Summing up: Weve considered the importance of recruitment to the organization, internal & external sources for recruiting, ways to increase the pool of qualified applicant job searching, and some current issues. Looking ahead: Next time we begin examining staffing & selection

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