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\end{frame} \AtBeginSubsection[] { \begin{frame}<beamer> \tableofcontents[current,currentsubsection] \end{frame} } \section{Ecua\c tii diferen\c tiale scalare liniare} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Definirea ecua\c tiilor diferen\c tiale scalare liniare} Fie \textit{J} un interval cu interior nevid( compact sau nu) al dreptei reale $\mathbb{R}$ \c si o func\c tie \textit{ $a(\cdot) : J\to \mathbb{R}$}.Ecua\c tia \dot{x}=a(t)x \label av\^ and ca necunoscut\u a func\c tia scalar\u a (real\u a) $\textit{x}(\cdot)$ este numit\u a \textbf{ecua\c tie di\-fe\-ren\-\c ti\-a\-l\u a scalar\u a liniar\u a.} Mai precis, ecua\c tia este: \begin{itemize} \item[a)] diferen\c tiala , deoarece \^ in rela\c tia apare func\c tia necunoscut\u a \c si derivata sa $\dot{x}=\frac{dx}{dt}$; \item[b)] ordinar\u a, deoarece necunoscuta este func\c tie de o singur\u a variabil\u a; \item[c)] scalar\u a, deoarece func\c tia necunoscut\u a are valori scalare(numerice); \item[d)] liniar\u a, deoarece \^ in rela\c tia membrul drept este liniar \^ in raport cu necunoscuta \textit{x}; \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Despre solu\c tii} \begin{de}\label{sol} O func\c tie $\varphi : J\to \mathbb{R}$, $ J'\subset J$, se nume\c ste solu\c tie pe J' a ecua\c tiei , dac\u a $\varphi \in C^1(J', \mathbb{R})$ \c si: \dot{\varphi}=a(t)\varphi(t), \ \ (\forall) t \in J'. \label{varphi:pct} \end{de} Dac\u a $J'=J$ atunci solu\c tia $\varphi$ se nume\c ste solu\c tie global\u a a ecua\c tiei diferen\c tiale liniare . A rezolva ecua\c tia liniar\u a \^ inseamn\u a a g\u asi toate solu\c tiile sale, adic\u a a g\u asi toate func\c tiile de clas\u a $C'(J',\mathbb{R})$, unde $J'$ este un interval oarecare situat \^ in $J$. \end{frame} \subsection{Ecua\c tii diferen\c tiale scalare afine} \begin{frame} Fie $J\subset \mathbb{R}$ un interval cu interior nevid \c si $a(\cdot), f(\cdot)$ dou\u a func\c tii definite pe $J$ cu valori reale.Ecua\c tia diferen\c tial\u a \dot{x}=a(t)x+f(t) va fi numit\u a \textbf{ecua\c tie diferen\c tial\u a scalar\u a afin\u a} (de ordinul I sub form\u a normal\u a) sau, pe scurt, \textbf{ecua\c tie diferen\c tial\u a afin\u a}. \begin{de} O fun\c tie $\varphi : J'\to \mathbb{R}, J'\subset J$, se nume\c ste solu\c tie pe $J'$ a ecua\c tiei dac\u a $\varphi \in C^1(J,\mathbb{R})$ \c si $$\dot\varphi(t)=a(t)\varphi(t)+f(t),\qquad (\forall)t\in J'.$$ \end{de} Dac\u a $J'=J$ atunci solu\c tia $\varphi$ se nume\c ste solu\c tie global\u a a ecua\c tiei diferen\c tiale . O solu\c tie pe $J'$ a problemei Cauchy( cu datele ini\c tiale $t_0\in J, x_0\in \mathbb{R}$) notat\u a \left\{\begin{array}{lr} \dot{x}=a(t)x+f(t)\\ x(t_0)=x_0 \end{array} \right. este orice solu\c tie pe $J'$ a ecua\c tiei cu proprietatea $t_0\in J$ \c si care verific\u a egalitatea $\varphi(t_0)=x_0$; dac\u a $J'=J, \varphi$ va fi numit\u a solu\c tie global\u a a problemei Cauchy. \end{frame}

\subsection{Ecua\c tii diferen\c tiale cu variabile separate} \begin{frame} Fie $f:(a,b)\to \mathbb{R}$ \c si $g:(c,d)\to \mathbb{R}$ dou\u a func\c tii date. \begin{de} O ecua\c tie diferen\c tial\u a de forma \dot{x}=f(t)g(x) va fi numit\u a ecua\c tie cu variabile separate. Prin solu\c tie a ecua\c tiei diferen\c tiale vom \^ in\c telege orice fun\c tie $\varphi$ definit\u a pe un interval $J'\subset (a,b),\enspace \varphi\in C^1(J',\mathbb{R})$, care are proprietatea \dot{\varphi}(t)=f(t)g(\varphi(t)), \qquad (\forall) t\in J'; \end{de}\^ in particular, dac\u a $J'=(a,b)$ atunci $\varphi$ va fi numit\u a solu\c tie global\u a a ecua\c tiei . Prin rezolvarea ecua\c tiei cu variabile separate vom \^ in\c telege g\u asirea tuturor solu\c tiilor sale. \end{frame} \subsection{Ecua\c tii diferen\c tiale de tip Bernoulli} \begin{frame} Dac\u a $a,b:J\subset \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ sunt func\c tii date \c si $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}\backslash \ {0,1\}$, atunci o ecua\c tie diferen\c tial\u a de forma \begin{equation} \dot{x}=a(t)x+b(t)x^\alpha \end{equation} este numit\u a \textbf{ecua\c tie diferen\c tial\u a de tip Bernoulli}. Pentru rezolvarea unei astfel de ecua\c tii facem schimbarea de func\c tie $y=x^{1-\alpha}$ a c\u arei derivat\u a este $\dot{y}=(1-\alpha)x^{-\alpha}\dot{x}$ \c si utiliz\^ and egalitatea (1.25) ob\c tinem ecua\c tia diferen\c tial\u a afin\u a \dot{y}=(1-\alpha)a(t)y+(1-\alpha)b(t) cu fun\c tia necunoscut\u a $y (=x^{1-\alpha})$. \end{frame} \subsection{Ecua\c tii diferen\c tiale de tip Riccati.} \begin{frame} Dac\u a $a,b,c : J \subset \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ sunt func\c tii date, atunci o ecua\c tie diferen\c tial\u a de forma: \dot{x}=a(t)x^2+b(t)x+c(t) este numit\u a \textbf{ecua\c tie diferen\c tial\u a de tip Riccati}. Putem rezolva o ecua\c tie diferen\c til\u a de tip Riccati dac\u a se cunoa\c ste o solu\c tie particular\u a a sa $\varphi_0 : J' \subset J \to \mathbb{R}$. \end{frame} \begin{frame} \begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{ChoWeDiss} {\sc S.~A. Chobanyan and A. Weron}, {\em Banach-space-valued stationary processes and their linear prediction}, Dissertationes Math., 125 (1975), pp.~1--45. \bibitem{PGaMono} {\sc P. Ga\c spar}, {\em Harmonic Analysis on Spaces of Random Variables}, Ser. "Monografii Matematice" no. 79, Ed. Univ. de Vest Timi\c soara, 2008. \bibitem{Hack71} {\sc W. Hackenbroch}, {\em Zur {V}orhersagetheorie station\"{a}rer {O}peratorfolgen}, Z. Wahr\-schein\-lich\-keits\-the\-orie verw. Geb., 18 (1971), pp.~305--321. \end{thebibliography} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \color{red} \begin{center} \Huge Sfar\c sit ! \end{center} \end{frame} \end{document}

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