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Flash Cards



What Did You Say?

by Charlles Nunes

English-Portuguese Flash Cards

English-Portuguese Flash Cards 100 Phrases

By downloading this volume of the series English-Portuguese Flash Cards you are about to improve your performance overnight. Have you ever thought about which sentences people say at similar circumstances around the world? For instance, if you want to know the time and forgot your watch, what will you ask someone? The version for What time is it? in the language of the country you are in, of course! According to where, when or whom you are with, some phrases are likely to be said or heard, right? Thats how this e-book on Portuguese Phrases came to be. The pages on my Web site dedicated to this matter stand among the most visited ones. The present Flash Cards include only 100 of them, but you have specific audio and videos online to expand your vocabulary. Have I told you they are totally FREE? Here are some useful tips to use this e-book: Print pages 3 to 11. Cut the Flash Cards out. Keep some of them with you wherever you go. With some friends, shuffle the cards on a desk and try to organize them into 10 categories - greetings, expressions, directions... You will manage their pronunciation in a while. (Listen their corresponding audio online at the Portuguese Phrases page, or watch the videos at the Videos page.

If you have comments or suggestions on how to use them, please let me know. To learn Portuguese online For FREE! you already know where to go:
Its playtime. Enjoy!
Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007 2

English-Portuguese Flash Cards

Qual o seu nome?

Como se soletra?

Prazer em conhec-la!

Whats your name?

How do you spell?

Nice to meet you!

Voc fala Portugus?

Eu entendo mais do que falo. I understand more than I speak.

De onde voc ?

Do you speak Portuguese?

Where are you from?

Onde voc mora?

Onde voc trabalha?

Quantos anos voc tem? How old are you?

Where do you live?

Where do you work?

Voc casado?

Pode repetir, por favor? Can you repeat, please?

Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007

Pode falar mais devagar, por favor? Can you speak slower, please?

Are you married?

English-Portuguese Flash Cards

O que significa isso?

Como se diz free em Portugus? How do you say free in Portuguese?

Acho que sim.

What does it mean?

I think so.

Muito obrigado.

Com licena?


Thank you very much.

Excuse me?

Im sorry.

Que dia hoje?

Que horas so?

Com licena. Tem um banco aqui perto? Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?

What day is it today?

What time is it?

Como que eu chego l? How can I get there?

Vire a primeira esquerda. Take the first left.

Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007

Siga em frente.

Go straight on.

English-Portuguese Flash Cards

Desa a rua.

Vire direita no sinal.

Fica bem na esquina.

Go down the street.

At the traffic lights, turn right.

Its right on the corner.

Fica do outro lado da rua. Its across the street.

muito longe?

Muito obrigado!

Is it far from here?

Thank you very much!

Onde eu posso trocar dinheiro? Where can I exchange some money?

Bom dia. J foi atendido? Good morning. Can I help you?

Obrigado, estou s olhando... Thank you, I am just looking...

Quanto custa aquele ali? How much is that one?

Vai pagar em carto ou em dinheiro? Will you pay with a credit card or in check?
Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007

Vocs trabalham com carto? Do you take credit cards?


English-Portuguese Flash Cards

Quero pagar em dinheiro. I want to pay in cash.

Posso te ajudar?

Vai pagar em cheque ou carto? Will you pay in check or credit card?

Can I help you?

Obrigado. Pode assinar aqui? Thank you. Could you please sign up here?

Quero ir ao hotel Copacabana. I want to go to the Copacabana Hotel.

Quanto a corrida?

How much is the fare?

Bom dia. Eu reservei um quarto. Good morning. Ive booked a room.

Quanto a diria?

Tem quarto de casal?

How much is it per day?

Do you have a double room?

Solteiro ou casal?

Quero um quarto de solteiro e um de casal. Id like a single room and a double room.
Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007

Desculpe, mas est lotado. Im sorry. Its full.


Single or double?

English-Portuguese Flash Cards

Voc me chama um txi, por favor? Can you get me a cab, please?

Bom dia. A conta do 104, por favor. Good morning. The bill for 104, please.

Onde fica o balco de check-in? Where is the check-in stand?

Qual o horrio do vo? What is the departure time?

Como se soletra seu sobrenome? How do you spell your last name?

Quando vem o prximo nibus? When does the next bus come?

Tem lugar na janela?

Vamos descer no prximo! Lets get off on the next stop!

Uma passagem de ida e volta, por favor. A roundtrip ticket, please.

Is there a seat by the window?

Voc tem troco pra cinqenta? Do you have change for a 50?

Qual o nmero do porto de embarque? Whats the gate number?

Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007

Quantas horas de viagem? How long is the trip?


English-Portuguese Flash Cards

Mal passado ou bem passado? Rare or well-done?

Bem passado, por favor. Well-done, please.

Uma gua mineral, por favor. A mineral water, please.

Fica pronto em quanto tempo? How long will it take?

Quer que embrulhe pra viagem? Do you want a doggy bag?

Estou com um pouco de pressa. Im in a bit of a hurry.

pra viagem?

Voc me traz mais um copo? Can you bring me another glass?

Passa o acar, por favor? Pass the sugar, please?

Is it takeout?

Waiter, the bill, please! Garon, a conta, por favor!

Um momento, por favor. One moment, please.

Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007

Voc pode me transferir, por favor? Can you transfer me, please?

English-Portuguese Flash Cards

Quer deixar recado?

No, obrigado. Eu ligo mais tarde. No, thanks. Ill call again later.

S um minuto. Vou chamar... Hold on a minute. Ill call him.

Do you want to leave a message?

Qual o seu nome, por favor? Whats your name, please?

Desculpe. Foi engano. Sorry. Wrong number.

que horas ele volta? What time will he come back?

Fala mais alto, por favor! Speak louder, please!

Pode falar um pouquinho mais alto? Could you please speak a bit louder?

Boa sorte!

Good luck!

Boa viagem!


Tome cuidado!

Have a nice trip!

Have fun!
Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007

Be careful!

English-Portuguese Flash Cards

Feliz Aniversrio!

Feliz Ano Novo!

Meus parabns!

Happy birthday!

Happy New Year!


At logo!

At amanh!

Bom fim de semana.

See you later!

See you tomorrow!

Have a nice weekend.



Esta noite





Mais tarde...

Na prxima semana


Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007

Next week

English-Portuguese Flash Cards



Todo Mundo Pode Everyone Can Learn a Second Language. Aprender Uma Lngua EVERYONE. Estrangeira. Inclusive VOC.



Ontem noite

Last night

Everyone Can Learn a Second Language. Including YOU.


Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007 11

English-Portuguese Flash Cards

A Dream Coming True Each and Every Day

If Making a Dream Come True is Great, Imagine Two at Once!

For a long time, I had two dreams: 1. Make the Portuguese language available for as many people as possible 2. Take part more actively in my childrens development and education Nowadays, I am making both of them come true by dedicating in full time to build a Web site about the Portuguese language and creating FREE and low-cost resources for language learning. By visiting you can download the following e-books: 365 Common Portuguese Words My Portuguese Phrasebook English-Portuguese Flash Cards 100 Verbs English-Portuguese Flash Cards 100 Common Words

Watch the videos, download the audio and improve your Portuguese pronunciation! Remember: they are all FREE. In case you want to make a donation to support our work, you will also receive... Brazilian Portuguese Lessons Wed Love to Hear Your Accent!

The aim of that e-book is to enable you to express yourself in Portuguese after the very first classes. Please check the corresponding video classes online, and make the exercises. Anyway, find your own reasons and roll up your sleeves! Time to say good-bye. Among so many Portuguese phrases I could say to close this work, Ive chosen my favorite ones: Muito obrigado.
Courtesy by Charlles Nunes 2007 12

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