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How Our Thriller Attracts Certain Audiences


Main Male Role

We chose to have a good looking male character as one of the lead roles, this is because it adds a sense of formality and heroism to the film, this would attract a young male audience and also attracts a female audience.

Main Female Role

Our main female character was chosen to attract a female audience by giving an aspect of love and compassion as well as a family oriented audience who will watch because of her being a mum something they may relate to.


We believe that the bomber will attract a more savvy, intuitive, young and misbehaving type of audience, this will add more of a thrill to the film for many people which widens our audience. This draws upon related events recently around a number of bomb plots and espionage which has been widely published in the media.

The Family

We wanted to capitalize on a wider audience range and using a family for this is a great way, providing characters who people can relate to immediately opens up doors for more viewers. The kitchen was an ideal setting for this

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