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Presentation Evaluation Sheet Student:

Feedback of Presentation Skills 1. FIRST IMPRESSION Signs of confidence / Signs of tension / Audience courtesy 2. INTRODUCTION Was the context stated? Was the scene set? 3. INFORMATION Is it clear & relevant? / Are there contradictions & ambiguities? / Is it presented within a sensible framework or as a simple listing of point? / Are there any areas of redundancy or repetition? / Is there evidence of additional research? 4. ARGUMENT Is it clear & logical? / does it relate to the material? / Is it sensitive to difficulties? 5. APPLICATION OF THEORIES Is the argument founded on research evidence? / Does it make use of appropriate theoretical frameworks? 6. VOICE & STYLE Clarity of speech & ease of hearing / Eye contact & body language / Does it engage the audience? 7. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Is it clear & straightforward? / Is it convincing or evasive? / Is the syndicate courteous? / Is it able to use the material logically? 8. VISUAL AIDS Do these illustrate the key points? / Is the font suitable? / Is the number of slides adequate? / Do they convey the right information? / Are they under control? 9. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY How compelling is the presentation? Is the opportunity worth investing? Is it feasible? Desirable? Viable?

Very Good Good

OK Poor Very Poor




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