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1.Proteins functions are governed by their shape.

The complex folding of proteins into their final shape is governed by fairly weak hydrogen bonding between amino acids in different polypeptide chains. Anything which alters the shape of the molecule will prevent it from its normal function. eg extremes of temperature and pH When the molecule shape is distorted in this way the change is permanent and the protein ceases to function properly. 2.The isoelectric point (pI), sometimes abbreviated to IEP, is the pH at which a particular molecule or surface carries no net electrical charge. The pH value of the dispersion medium of a colloidal suspension at which the colloidal particles do not move in an eThere is least osmotic pressure because the least number of ions are produced. -The solubility of amino acids and proteins are at least amount at this pointlectric field..

3.The term denaturation is used more frequently than coagulation by scientific investigators at the present time to denote certain changes in proteins. Definite characteristics of the proteins are changed when they are coagulated, among which is loss of solubility in water and dilute salt solutions. In some instances and under certain conditions the coagulation process may be reversible. Manner in which denaturation may be brought about. Coagulation of proteins may be brought about by a variety of processes. In cookery one of the principal means of coagulation is heat. But in addition to heat the action of acids, alkalies, salts, alcohol, mechanical agitation, radiation, and ultra-sonic vibrations may denature the protein and convert it from a soluble into an insoluble form.

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