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PO ON COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION WONG SIU CHING SECONDARY SCHOOL Final Examination 2000 2001 General English Date : 19th

h June, 2001 No. of pages : 7

Form : Time : Full mark :

One 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 100

Section I

Reading Comprehension (22%) Read the following passage carefully.

Passage 1

Answer the questions in complete sentences. 1. How do Americans go to work? (4%) 2. Is it safe for people in China to ride their bikes to work? Why? (2%) 3. Many people in other countries ride their bikes to work and school. What are the advantages? Write 3 good points. (4%)

Passage 2 Read the following passage carefully.


Opened in January 1977, Ocean Park is going to celebrate its 25th birthday. Anson Chu, a reporter from SCMP, spoke to a representative from Ocean Park about its history and the changes that have taken place over the last twentyfive years. Whose idea was it to open Ocean Park? It was the Jockey Clubs idea. The Club realized that the people of Hong Kong needed more places where they could spend their leisure time. They therefore applied to the Government for some land where they could build an amusement park. The Government offered them this beautiful green site. What kinds of attractions did Ocean Park have when it opened? Well, Ocean Park in 1977 was very different from the Ocean Park we know today. In 1977, there were fewer attractions than today. On the headland, there were only three attractions : the Ocean Theatre, the Atoll Reef and an attraction called Wave Cove. Today there are more than ten. Were there more shows at Ocean Park in the past than now? No, I dont think so. Now, at weekends, we have nineteen shows a day. The most popular shows are in the 3500-seat Ocean Theatre where people can watch performing sea lions and dolphins. The Ocean Theatre is very big. I didnt know it could hold so many people. Well, in the past, there were even more seats than today. When the Ocean Theatre opened, there were 4000 seats. However, peoples bottoms have got bigger in the last twenty-five years, so we have had to reduce the number of seats and make them bigger. Are there any other interesting trends that youve noticed? Yes. People are much more interested in educational exhibits than they used to be. In the past, people were just interested in watching animals do tricks. Today they are more interested in finding out about the animals. So, today you have more educational shows than in the past. You also have more rides, dont you? Yes, thats right. In 2000, we opened the Mine Train and in 2001, we opened The Abyss. They are very exciting. Would you like to try them?


With the help of the information from the article, complete the fact sheet about Ocean Park. (12%)

Ocean Park

Section II

Multiple Choice (15%) Choose the best answer.

1. There ___________ a lot of food in the fridge. a. is b. are

c. isnt

d. arent

2. I __________ some tennis balls. ___________ to borrow them? a. am having, Are you wanting b. have, Do you want c. am having, Do you want d. have, Will you want 3. Which of the following is NOT correct? a. David turned the VCR on. c. David bought a new VCR and turned it on.

b. David turned on the VCR. d. David bought a new VCR and turned on it. F1/GE/P. 3

4. Give me a pair of chopsticks. Id like __________. a. plastic b. plastics c. plastic one 5. John : __________ television receives satellite TV? Mary : Mine does. a. Whose b. Whos c. Who 6. Jane : How many wild tigers are there in Hong Kong? Jack : There are ___________. a. no b. none c. a lot of 7. Susan : Who are those men? May : Theyre the ___________ husbands. a. teachers b. teachers 8. This is the ___________ dog. How lovely it is. a. childrens b. childrens

d. plastic ones

d. Which

d. enough

c. teacherss

d. teacher

c. childrenss

d. children

9. Admission to the Ocean Park is free for ___________ citizens aged 60 or above. a. old b. senior c. junior d. young 10. If you want to take part in the ___________, you can cast your votes before 30th June. a. election b. selection c. lucky draw d. carnival 11. We should have a ___________ diet if we want to get fit and stay healthy. a. balance b. balances c. balanced d. balancing 12. Some people in Hong Kong are always rushing to make money and are ____________ to miss money-making opportunities. a. happy b. reluctant c. rebellious d. willing 13. Pop music is very popular with ___________ who are aged between 13 and 19 years old. a. adults b. teenagers c. children d. young 14. Janet wants to save money, so she is visiting the Science Museum next Wednesday because admission is ___________. a. cheap b. expensive c. free d. high 15. Fruit contains a lot of ___________ D to help build strong bones. a. carbohydrate b. protein c. vitamin

d. fat

Section III

Vocabulary (15%) Fill in the blanks with the words given.

stream fare wash-basin sped

reservoir overcharge border disgusting

extinguish relaxed treatment route

thorough smog damage queue

Im water. The journey from China to Hong Kong was a long one for me. I remember I was in a cloud many days ago. I _____1_____ comfortably and met a lot of my friends there. While we were having a party, suddenly, the cloud dropped me into a _____2_____ and I _____3_____ down the mountain into the East River. The river carried me to a _____4_____ in Shenzhen. I made more friends there and we crossed the _____5_____. We reached Plover Cove in Tai Po. I was so dirty after the long journey that I needed a _____6_____ cleaning at the water _____7_____ works at Shatin. Then I waited quietly until someone turned on the tap. It was a lovely girl! How happy I was! I could serve people at last! F1/GE/p.4

Just then, the doorbell rang. The girl answered the door and left me in the _____8_____. When I was waiting, I heard a womans voice. She sounded very angry. What an unlucky day! I went shopping and bought a lot of things, so I decided to take a taxi home. When I went to the taxi-stand, there were many people in the _____9____. As I was waiting, the man walking past me spitted and made my shopping bag very dirty. He didnt say sorry and left. How _____10_____ it was. Whats more I had to wait for fifteen minutes before I could get on a taxi. When I was about to pay the_____11_____ before getting off, I found that it was much more than I expected. The taxi-driver said he didnt _____12_____ me. He explained he didnt take the shortest _____13_____ because of a fire in Happy Street. The Happy Shopping Centre was on fire and the firemen came to _____14_____ the fire, so all vehicles could not turn into Happy Street. He said the fire had caused a lot of _____15_____ to the shops there. I ... The girl interrupted, Mum, Im very hungry now. Did you buy anything for me to eat? Oh, Im sorry! Lets go to the restaurant now. I was left alone. It was also an unlucky day for me.

Section IV

Tenses (12%) Jack is writing his diary after dinner. Complete the diary with the right form of the verbs given in brackets.

Today is the first day of the summer vacation. I hope that everyone _____1_____ (enjoy) the holiday. Yesterday, I _____2______ (spend) all day shopping. I went to Festival Walk with my friends. We went to a lot of shops but we _____3_____ (not buy) anything. My friends enjoy looking at things but they _____4_____ (not enjoy) spending money! I _____5_____ (look) forward to my mothers birthday party tomorrow afternoon. My sister _____6_____ (wrap) a present for our mum at the moment. We _____7_____ (want) to give her a surprise and have planned something for her. First, we _____8_____ (make) her a birthday cake. My sister _____9_____ (say) she could help us because she _____10_____ (learn) how to make one last month. Next, we _____11_____ (buy) her some roses. At night, we want to eat out with her, but we _____12_____ (not have) enough pocket money. How I wish I had saved more!

Section V

Modal Verbs (10%) Fill in the blanks with can, cant, must, mustnt, may, could or would.

Johnson _____1_____ row a boat well, but he cant swim. Yesterday, he asked his mother, _____2_____ I go camping with my friends after the exam? Therere a lot of water sports at the campsite. No, Im afraid not. I worry about your safety. Does your teacher go with you? his mother asked. Yes, shes going with us. Dont worry! Johnson answered happily. OK. But you _____3_____ be very careful because you _____4_____ swim. You _____5_____ go rowing, but you _____6_____ row alone. Moreover, you _____7_____ put on a life jacket. Of course! I wont forget your advice. By the way, _____8_____ you prepare some food for Alans birthday party tomorrow? Yes, certainly. _____9_____ you like to go to the supermarket with me now? At the same time, you can choose the food you want, his mother suggested. F1/GE/p. 5

Id love to. _____10_____ I finish my homework first? Yes, you can.

Section VI

Pronouns (8%) Complete the letter by using the right pronouns.

Dear Peggy, Thank you for _____1_____ letter of June 1. I am very glad to know that you and your family are getting on well. We moved to our new house in the New Territories last week. _____2_____ is not very big, but its ours. I hope youll stay with _____3_____ when you come to Hong Kong again next month. _____4_____ sister has prepared a birthday present for you. _____5_____ made it _____6_____. We all hope you like it. Do you remember Mr Chan, _____7_____ former English teacher? _____8_____ house is not far from _____9_____. I visited _____10_____ last Sunday and ______11_____ talked happily for hours. He still remembers how naughty _____12_____ were in his class. I have enclosed his address and please write to _____13_____ when you have time. Thats all _____14_____ have to write for now. _____15_____ parents join me in sending _____16_____ regards to you and your family. Were all looking forward to seeing you next month. Love,


Section VII

Prepositions (8%) Fill in the blanks with the right prepositions where necessary. Put an X if no preposition is needed.

A. The Hong Kong Science Museum is celebrating its 10th anniversary _____1_____ this month. It has organized a series _____2_____ free exhibitions and activities. The Museum is located _____3_____ No. 2, Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon. The opening hours are _____4_____ one pm _____5_____ nine pm every day. Admission fee is $25 and half-price _____6_____ full-time students. _____7_____ enquiries, call 27323223 _____8_____ office hours. B. Boys and girls pay attention please! Want to keep fit? Want to be slim? Remember to eat properly _____9_____ health and cut down _____10_____ snacks. Some children have a habit _____11_____ having a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack every day. Actually, it is not necessary to have a big snack _____12_____ meals. C. A recent survey has revealed that SAR youth are unhappy and more rebellious than before. Many people think the problem stems from a lack _____13_____ parental attention and concern. In Hong Kong, people are always rushing to make money and do not spend enough time _____14_____ their family. Some parents do not have time _____15_____ their children, while others have the time but do not communicate _____16_____ them. F1/GE/p. 6

Section VIII Proofreading (10%) There are some mistakes in the following article. The mistakes are underlined. Write the correct words on the answer sheet. There is an example for you. e.g. little

Matsuko : Lots of fans but only a few time

Matsuko is a Japanese singer and shes got a (1) lots of fans in Hong Kong. Now her fans have got (2) any good news because Matsuko is coming to Hong Kong for a (3) little days. Matsuko doesnt speak (4) many English, but shes got (5) anything to say to her Hong Kong fans. I havent got much time and there are too (6) few things I want to do, for example, shopping, Matsuko said. (7) Anyone told me Hong Kong is a nice place for shopping. Do you listen to (8) much Chinese songs? I asked her. I listen to a few only because I dont understand (9) some Putonghua or Cantonese, but my favourite singer is Faye Wong. When I listen to her, I usually understand (10) something. But I like her singing very much.

PO ON COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION WONG SIU CHING SECONDARY SCHOOL Final Examination 2000 2001 General English Answer Book Form : 1 Full mark : 100 Total no. of pages : 2 Name : _________________________ Class : _________ Class no. : ______ Score : _________


Reading Comprehension (22%)

Passage 1 1. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Passage 2 1. ___________________ 4.. ___________________ 7. ___________________ 2. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 8. ___________________ 3. __________________ 6. __________________ 9. __________________

10. ________________________________________________________________________ 11. ________________________________________________________________________ 12. ________________________________________________________________________


Multiple Choice (15%) 1 a b c d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Vocabulary (15%) 2. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 8. ___________________ 11. ___________________ 14. ___________________ 3. __________________ 6. __________________ 9. __________________ 12. __________________ 15. __________________

1. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 7. ___________________ 10. ___________________ 13. ___________________ SECTION IV

Tenses (12%) 2. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 8. ___________________ 11. ___________________ 3. __________________ 6. __________________ 9. __________________ 12. __________________

1. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 7. ___________________ 10. ___________________ SECTION V

Modal Verbs (10%) 2. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 8. ___________________ 3. __________________ 6. __________________ 9. __________________

1. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 7. ___________________ 10. ___________________ SECTION VI 1. __________ 6. __________ 11. __________ 16. __________ SECTION VII 1. __________ 6. __________ 11. __________ 16. __________ SECTION VIII

Pronouns (8%) 2. __________ 7. __________ 12. __________ 3. __________ 8. __________ 13. __________ 4. __________ 9. __________ 14. __________ 5. __________ 10. __________ 15. __________

Prepositions (8%) 2. __________ 7. __________ 12. __________ 3. __________ 8. __________ 13. __________ 4. __________ 9. __________ 14. __________ 5. __________ 10. __________ 15. __________

Proofreading (10%) 2. ___________________ 5. ___________________ 8. ___________________ T H E 3. __________________ 6. __________________ 9. __________________ E N D

1. ___________________ 4. ___________________ 7. ___________________ 10. ___________________

PO ON COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION WONG SIU CHING SECONDARY SCHOOL Final Examination 2000 2001 General English Answer Book Form : 1 Full mark : 100 Total no. of pages : 2 Name : _________________________ Class : _________ Class no. : ______ Score : _________


Reading Comprehension (22%)

Passage 1 1. Americans ride their bikes, drive or take public transport to work. 2. Yes. It is because there are special cycle paths on the roads. 3. They can save money. It is good for health. / They can keep fir. It causes no pollution. / It is good for the environment. / It helps to keep the environment cleaner and safer for everyone.

Passage 2 1. 1977 4. Ocean Theatre 7. headland 2. Jockey Club 5. Atoll Reef 8. 4000 3. Government 6. Wave Cove 9. 3500

10. Peoples bottoms have got bigger and they make the seats bigger. 11. Mine Train 12. Abyss


Multiple Choice (15%) 1 a b c d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

SECTION III 1. relaxed 4. reservoir 7. treatment 10. disgusting 13. route SECTION IV

Vocabulary (15%) 2. stream 5. border 8. wash-basin 11. fare 14. extinguish Tenses (12%) 2. spent 5. am looking / look 8. will make / are making / are going to make 11. will buy / are buying / are going to buy Modal Verbs (10%) 2. May / Can / Could 5. can 8. Would / Can / Could 3. did not buy 6. is wrapping 9. said 12. do not have 3. sped 6. thorough 9. queue 12. overcharge 15. damage

1. enjoys / will enjoy 4. do not enjoy 7. want 10. learnt / learned SECTION V 1. can 4. cant 7. must 10. Can SECTION VI 1. your 6. herself 11. we 16. their SECTION VII 1. X 6. for 11. of 16. with SECTION VIII 1. lot 4. much / any 7. Someone / Somebody / Everyone / Everybody 10. nothing / little

3. must 6. mustnt 9. Would

Pronouns (8%) 2. It 7. our / your 12. we / you 3. us 8. His 8. My / Our 13. him 4. My 9. mine / ours 9. his 14. I 5. She 10. him 15. My

Prepositions (8%) 2. of 7. For 12. between / before / after 3. at 8. during 13. of 4. from 9. for 14. with / on 5. to 10. on 15. for

Proofreading (10%) 2. some 5. something 8. many T H E 3. few 6. many 9. any / much E N D

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