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Time-space cases

Time-space cases stipulate an alternative identity for the adjudicator (as a specific person, group, or Organization) and an alternate time and/or place at which the debate is conducted.

1. You are Thakur in the movie Sholay and you have been handed custody of two notorious criminals Jai and Veeru. While moving from Bombay to Delhi, your train has to pass through the Chambal valley and a gang of dreaded dacoits has attacked your train. You are asked by Jai and Veeru to let them free so that they can fight the dacoits. You are, however, not permitted by law to release criminals for any reason whatsoever. Motion: Free Jai and Veeru hoping that they do not run away and fight the dacoits instead. 2. Four people are exploring a cave when it caves in. The explorers know (dont challenge) that help will arrive too late for them to survive but if they kill one of their own and eat him, the rest will survive. The men agree to draw lots to determine which one would be killed. At the last minute, Bob decides he wants to withdraw. The other men ignore his protests and draw for him as well (It was a perfectly fair draw) and as luck would have it, his number was drawn. They kill and eat him. They are subsequently tried for murder. Motion: Acquit them of the charges. 3. It is May 2, 2011. You are the team of United States Navy SEALs with its base camp at Afghanistan. You have been ordered by United States President Barack Obama as well as CIA to attack Abbottabad, Pakistan in order to kill osama bin laden. Motion :Do not attack abbotabad. 4. It's August 6,1945, and you're Harry Truman. Don't drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

THW support a power sharing agreement with the Taliban in return for their disarmament. THBT non-democratic nations must not have voting rights in international organisations. THW decline requests for political asylum by deposed dictators. FINALS: THBT the Indian government should auction street names to the highest bidder.

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