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cu mechanism de inversare a sensului de miscare (mas mec) reversible cu urme de coroziune in puncte (mas) pihed cheie reglabila anjustable

able spanner cheie franceza adjustable wrench contact de troleu pentru preluarea curentului bow contact cot (de tub pentru instalatie electrica) (el) bend contra piulita nut lock capa a supapei valve cap cablu fara invelis de protectie plain cable cablu flexibil flexible wire (el) cu un singur motor = single-engined cu prize multiple multiserminal cu propulsie mecanica cu tractiune mecanica power propelled copastie (nav) rail cutit (mas) cutter cater (nav) cutter comert maritim = sea-borne trade cutie cu set de chei wrench set box calamina carbon coat cheie-vartej / cheie de afurcare = chain swivel camasa (etambreu) (nav) coat a fi neetans (nav) leak flota comerciala merchaut fleet

fixa(a) cu pava (mec) - wedge fixa(a) cu nituri - rivet fara current = de-energized fara tensiune flux (th) flow fathom (nav) fathom ( =1,83 m ) frider (el) feeder fascicul de tevi bank of tubes fascicul tubular back of tubes fabricatie (th) make fisa (th) card fisura - (th) crack a (se) fisura fereastra a cilindrului - cylinder furtun de aer (th) air pipe flota comerciala maritime - shipping fixa(a) (mas un) - make fast faleza amenajata - quay furtun (th) hose funie sling fisa de conectare (el) - plug fasie strip fiabilitate realiability (TH) fiabil -(TH) reliable

Fir pilot (el) fast lead Fir neutru (el) neutral conductor / wire zero lead Fir pentru prinderea de izolatori a unui conductor (el) tie-wire Fir de legatura (el) tie-wire Fir (nav) thread Fir al filetului (th) thred Filet etans tight thread Filet de surub (mas) filet Filet (th) thred, screw thread Fisa dubla two-pin, two-way plug Fisa bipolara twin plug Fund (nav) ground (hidr, nav , petr, th)- bottom Gura de magazie (nav) hatch Gol (th) blank Gaze de ardere waste gases / hot gases Gaze inerte inherent gas Gauri(a) = (mas-un) drill Geaman twin Gaura (th) opening

glisare (th) slip gruie (de ambarcatie) devit gresor cu picurare drip/ drop oiler / lubrificator golire (nav) stripping gaura de apa (nav) leak (age) gaze de combustie exhaust gas(es) generator auxiliar (el) booster gripare = (mas-un) freezing, (mas) gripa(a) (TH) freeze gre(e)a(a) (nav) rig greement (nav) rig (ging) garnitura de etansare la gaze gas gasket garnitura de etansare la ulei oil seal garnitura de etansare a aburului steam packing garnitura de etansare a pistonului piston packing

contra piulita nut lock cablu fara invelis de protectie plain cable cablu flexibil flexible wire (el) calamina carbon coat fisa (th) card furtun (th) hose fisa de conectare (el) - plug Fund (nav) ground (hidr, nav , petr, th)- bottom Gura de magazie (nav) hatch gruie (de ambarcatie) devit gre(e)a(a) (nav) rig

A nut lock is a nut that resists loosening under vibrations and torque / A nut lock is necessary for the tire not to be detached . Is not indicated the connectation with a plain cable. With the plane cable are made only some conections The flexible wire is used for the electric installation of the house. The flexible wire has more than one dimensions. The carbon coat is a residue that comes from the coals combustion The carbon coats deposition affects the normal function of the engine . The card which connects the spark plug is interrupted. The card must be replaced. The supply hose must be enduring The hose is time-worn . The plugs contact in not perfect. The ground is rocky, The ship is stuck in the sandy ground. This hatch is bigger than expected . The hatch has a new cover, A devit is a crane used on the ships board. The devid is used at lifting the elements of a ship. The ship was rigged before our living The elements that were necessary for the ships rigging were procured form the shipyard.

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