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TITLE IN BOLD LETTERS (Arial, bold, size 12)

(2 lines space, rest of text Arial size 11, regular) Authors (name and initials, title, in case of multiple institutes superscript letters) for example Frogman, OJ, Prof.Dr.a, Bloodsucker, P, DVMb (2 lines space) Institute for example aGecko University, Geckotown, bSnake clinic, Snakeville (3 lines space) above this part: center-justified, below this part: left-justified ABSTRACT (1 line space) Text maximum 3 pages It is up to You if You want to structure the text in ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, LITERATURE. Leave 1 line space under the headlines (which are in bold letters) and 2 lines space between the sections. Charts may be inserted in or after the text. First mentioning of species in title and in text must be accompanied by the scientific name in parenthesis and italic letters, for example deer geckos (Gecko cervicus) Drugs and other products should be mentioned like this: Averna (Fratelli Averna, Caltanissetta, Italy) Example for literature (should be in alphabetical order): TURTLEMAN J, BLOODSUCKER P. How to prepare baked dragon. J Reptile Cuisine 2010; 3:1116. 2 lines space ADDRESS Authors full address and Email Remove all the blue writing

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