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TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 2012 Anti-crime bills headed for governor's signature (Associated Press)

The House on Monday approved two key pieces of Republican Gov. Bill Haslam's anti-crime package and sent the bills for the governor's signature. The chamber voted 91-0 to increase penalties for violent crimes committed by groups of three or more people. A bill to enhance penalties for gun possession by people with previous felony convictions was approved on a 95-0 vote with no debate. The companion bills were approved earlier by the Senate. Haslam included the estimated $6 million cost of the enhanced penalties in his budget proposal, but did not include funding for other parts of his crime package. As a consequence, some of those measures have faced a bumpier road in the Legislature. They include bills seeking to create a prescription drug database and to require mandatory jail time for people receiving repeat domestic violence convictions..|newswell|text|News|s

Tennessee House approves pair of anti-crime bills (Commercial Appeal/Locker)

The House approved and sent to Gov. Bill Haslam two anti-crime bills Monday night that he and law enforcement officials have sought for several years. One enacts tougher sentences for gun possession by people with prior violent felony convictions. The other enhances penalties for additional crimes committed by gangs, defined in the bill as three or more people. The governor is certain to sign them into law. The two bills are part of a public-safety package of legislation he presented to lawmakers in January, and he included funding for both in his budget proposal working its way through the General Assembly: $4.8 million for the gang-crime measure and $271,000 for the gun bill. Rep. Barrett Rich, R-Somerville, and Senate Majority Leader Mark Norris, R-Collierville, sponsored the bills, which passed both chambers without any negative votes. The Senate had passed the bills March 19. Tennessee Safety Commissioner Bill Gibbons -- the former Shelby County district attorney who has worked for both bills for years -- testified in favor of them in earlier committee hearings. (SUB)

Anti-crime legislature passes in House (WBIR-TV Knoxville)

Two key pieces of Gov. Bill Haslam's anti-crime package are now headed to his desk for a signature. The House voted unanimously Monday to increase penalties for violent crimes committed by groups of three or more people. It also approved a bill to enhance penalties for people with previous felony convictions who possess a gun. The Senate already approved the bills. Other measures in Haslam's anti-crime package have stalled, including a bill to require mandatory jail time for people with repeat domestic violence convictions, and a proposal to create a prescription drug database.

Tax Cut Proposals Aplenty (TN Report)

Expect a tax cut, Tennessees high-ranking lawmakers are telling the public. In fact, expect as many as four. Capitol Hill leaders are all but promising that Tennesseans should expect to pay less taxes on everything from their groceries to inherited multimillion-dollar estates. The important thing is we are sticking to the basic philosophy of our party, which is when additional revenue comes into the state, we look for ways to return it to the taxpayers instead of spending it, said House Speaker Harwell, R-Nashville. In past years under Gov. Phil Bredesen, a Democrat, lawmakers had considered raising taxes, such as by removing the local sales tax cap on high-priced items like boats and furs. With the GOP taking control of both chambers and the governors office last year, the Legislature reversed course and cut taxes by giving seniors a tax break on income from investments Inheritance Tax SB3762/HB3760 This tax kicks in only when someone inherits wealth or a property worth more than $1 million. Any dollar over the $1 million threshold is taxed at progressive rates from 5.5 percent to 9.5 percent. Gov. Bill Haslam wants to gradually raise the exemption to $1.25 million beginning

next year. adding 100 jobs in Bradley County expansion (TFP/Pare)

Amazon's distribution center here, which already can hold enough goods to fill an estimated 67,000 full-size pickup truck beds, soon will have space to handle even more. Starting today, Amazon will begin work to add about 150,000 cubic feet of storage as it tries to meet growing demand at its massive facility, officials said Monday. As part of the expansion, Amazon already has added 100 more full-time jobs, converting them from seasonal slots. Michael Thomas, the center's general manager, said the 1.2 million-square-foot facility now has a little more than 450 full-timers. "It's all based on customer demand," he said. The world's No. 1 Internet retailer last year opened the Bradley center and another similarly sized facility in Hamilton County in a $139 million investment. Work is under way at Amazon's Chattanooga facility to add on to an existing mezzanine and boost floor space. That work is expected to be done by midsummer.

Haslam signs bill that requires Amazon to charge sales tax by 2014 (Nooga)
Gov. Bill Haslam signed a bill last week that will require Amazon to collect sales tax by 2014. At the end of the year, retailers said they weren't totally satisfied with the deal that lawmakers and Amazon created. Its not a good thing for Tennessee retailers, Mike Cohen, spokesman for the Alliance for Main Street Fairness, said in October. Its too long a period before Amazon begins to pay. The new law will ensure that Amazon will pay Tennessee sales tax if federal leaders don't approve a national online sales tax law by 2014. After the lawmakers and Amazon leaders reached the agreement, Cohen said his organization's leaders are happy to have Amazon in Tennessee providing jobs, he said. But he wants a level playing field. He said that the timelineAmazon agreed to start collecting sales tax on Jan. 1, 2014gives Amazon three holiday seasons, which are huge for retailers.

Haslam Declares "Vietnam Veterans Day" (Clarksville Now)

Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner Many-Bears Grinder delivered Governor Bill Haslams proclamation to Barry Rice, President of Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 240 on Saturday. Haslam declared that March 29th, 2012 will be Vietnam Veterans Day. The 110th Congress established a Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day to be acknowledged nationwide at the end of March each year. The United States Armed Forces completed the withdrawal of combat troops from Vietnam on March 30th, 1973. As a member of Vietnam Veterans of America, I know how important it is to remember our fellow veterans who served in Vietnam and may continue to struggle with the pain of war, said Grinder. The support of fellow Tennesseans can sometimes be the encouragement a veteran needs to overcome injuries and heartache. Approximately 3,403,000 American troops deployed to Vietnam during the perios from 1964-75. More than 58,000 service members were killed in Vietnam and more than 153,000 were wounded in combat.

Commissioner Grinder presents governors proclamation in Sumner County (BC)

Saturday morning, TDVA Commissioner Many-Bears Grinder presented a proclamation honoring Vietnam veterans signed by Governor Bill Haslam. Commissioner Grinder presented the proclamation declaring March 29 as Day, Vietnam Veterans Day, to Barry Rice, President of Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 240. The proclamation was declared at the Thank You Day to All Veterans event in Sumner County. The event was hosted by Vietnam Veterans of America, VFW Post 9851, 73 New Shackle Island Road in Hendersonville. The 110th Congress established a W elcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day to be acknowledged nationwide at the end of March each year. The United States Armed Forces completed the withdrawal of combat troops from Vietnam on March 30, 1973. As a member of Vietnam Veterans of America, I know how important it is to remember our fellow veterans who served in Vietnam and may continue to struggle with the pain of war. The support of fellow Tennesseans can sometimes be the encouragement a veteran needs to overcome injuries and heartache, Grinder said. 2

DHS asks court to close daycare after license application denied (CP/Greenberg)
Tennessees Department of Human Services is asking a Davidson County Chancellor to shutter the operation of a child welfare agency in South Nashville after the facility failed to meet standards during an inspection. Kids 1st Kiddie Kollege #2, located at 237 Hermitage Ave., continued to operate as a daycare after a license application was denied on March 8, prompting the DHS to file a temporary injunction lawsuit against the daycare in Davidson County Chancery Court last week. The license was denied based on a state investigators reported observation of several violations. The alleged improprieties included failing to properly supervise children, omitting criminal background checks for some employees and failing to meet nutrition standards. According to the lawsuit, licensing counselor Joanne Rusie visited the daycare facility on March 20 after the deadline for an appeal of the states decision had passed.

Four corners of McClung facing repair (Knoxville News-Sentinel/Boehnke)

All four corners of McClung Tower will need to be repaired after a 7-foot slab of exterior concrete separated from the second-floor overhang late last month, University of Tennessee officials said Monday. UT does not yet know how much the repairs will cost but it is considered an emergency project, which could expedite the bid process, said spokeswoman Karen Simsen, based on information from Associate Vice Chancellor Dave Irvin. If the cost is between $100,000 and $500,000, the repairs would be approved by the state architect. If it's greater than that, it would have to be approved by the State Building Commission, Simsen said. Repairs are expected to begin shortly after the semester ends in May. The corners of the 12-story academic building have been cordoned off since late last month when workers discovered a section of concrete that had separated but still hanging from bolts on the northwest corner of the building. Settling brick on the tower's exterior likely caused the concrete border to pull away from the building, according to consulting engineers.

Economic development agency relocates (Jackson Sun)

The Southwest Tennessee Development District, an area agency that helps the elderly and disabled and offers grants to aid economic development in eight counties, has relocated to Downtown Jackson. Joe Barker is the executive director of the district. Barker said the Jackson office serves 35 cities in eight counties, including Chester, Decatur, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Madison and McNairy. Were excited about being here, he said. Barker said the Southwest Tennessee Development District has relocated to 102 E. College St. from its former location on 27 Conrad Drive in Jackson. He said the new office will be open by Wednesday. The Southwest Tennessee Development District was created by the Tennessee General Assembly, Barker said. He said there are nine districts across the state. Barker said every county and city in Tennessee is covered by a developmental district. He said the agency has 32 employees. Most of our work is in the rural areas (of Southwest Tennessee), Barker said. Many times they do not have the funds to have extra staff. We like the mayors to think we are part of their staff. Barker said a recent project was renovating downtown Henderson.

Tatum in race for judgeship (Jackson Sun)

Chester County attorney Lloyd Tatum is the third candidate to qualify in the race to fill the 26th district Circuit Court Judge position. The seat was left vacant when Judge Roger Page was appointed to the Tennessee Court of Appeals. Tatum, 55, qualified on Monday, according to the Chester County Election Commission. A native of Henderson, Tatum has practiced law for 26 years. He began his career as a prosecutor in Madison County. As a small-town lawyer, we have to do everything, Tatum said. In his career, Tatum said he has experience in criminal, domestic and personal injury cases. Tatum said he feels qualified for the position because of his broad legal expertise. Ive had involvement in various cases, including death penalty cases. And that is good training for the circuit court bench, he said.

Capitol Hill Conversation-The Legislature Gets Social (WPLN-Radio Nashville)

Legislators in the General Assembly have taken up a raft of bills dealing with social issues. They include a proposal to let teachers take part in worship at school. Another would change how school districts teach sex 3

education. Yet another would require the state to publish demographic information on women who receive abortions. In almost every case, public outcry has led to the bills being scaled back. The final product doesnt go as far as first proposed. WPLNs Bradley George talks about these bills with Capitol reporter Joe W hite.

Evolution bill headed to governor (Associated Press)

A proposal that would protect teachers who allow students to criticize scientific theories like evolution is headed to the governor for his consideration. The House moved the measure on after voting 72-23 on Monday evening to approve minor changes by the Senate, which approved the legislation 24-8 last week. The measure says neither the Tennessee Board of Education nor local education officials will prohibit public school teachers from "helping students understand, analyze, critique and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories." Critics believe the legislation would unfairly target evolution and possibly open the door for some religious teachings.|newswell|text|News|s

TN lawmakers approve evolution bill (Tennessean/Sisk)

Tennessee lawmakers passed a bill that would encourage classroom debate over evolution, sending it to Gov. Bill Haslam for signature. The state House of Representatives voted 72-23 on Monday night to concur with Senate Bill 893, which calls on schools to create an environment that helps students understand, analyze, critique, and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories, including evolution, the chemical origins of life, global warming and human cloning. The bill protects teachers from punishment if they encourage students to debate such topics. The Family Action Council of Tennessee and other social conservatives have backed the measure, but science organizations have opposed it, saying it will set back the states efforts to improve its education standards. The vote Monday was largely a formality. The House had passed a similar bill last year, and lawmakers needed only to reconcile some minor differences between its version and a version that passed the Senate last week. Lawmakers heard no debate before taking the vote. Eight Democrats joined the Houses one independent and all 63 Republicans who were present to pass the measure. odyssey=tab|topnews|text|News

Evolution bill goes to Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam (Times Free-Press/Sher)

A controversial bill that protects teachers who discuss with students "weaknesses" in evolution and other scientific theories is on its way to Gov. Bill Haslam, who is under pressure from prominent scientists to veto it. Scientists in Tennessee and across the nation charge the measure is a "backdoor" attempt to allow discussions of religion-based views such as "creationism" and "intelligent designs" in science classrooms. The House approved the bill Monday night on a 72-23 vote that included changes made last week by the Senate bill's sponsor, Bo Watson, R-Hixson. There was no debate. Watson has said he tried to address scientists' concerns with new language that directs science teachers to discuss evolution, climate change and other areas within the state's science education "framework." The bill's thrust, said W atson, who majored in biology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, is that "students should be encouraged to challenge current scientific thought and theory. Students should be encouraged to debate, to improve their critical thinking skills and to improve their communications skills."

Evolution bill heading to Gov. Haslam (Knoxville News-Sentinel/Humphrey)

A House vote Monday night sends to Gov. Bill Haslam a bill that has inspired a controversy the governor says he knows little about. The legislation HB368 sets guidelines for classroom discussion of evolution and other scientific theories and declares that teachers cannot be disciplined for permitting such discussions. Sponsors say it will encourage development of "critical thinking skills" by students. Critics say it encourages discussions of creationism as an alternative to evolution. Haslam was asked his views on the bill last week after announcing plans to use federal funds to build three new Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) schools in the state. "I don't know that I have any great insight there for you on that one," Haslam said, adding that he had heard of the bill but knew little about what was involved. The governor said he plans to ask state Board of Education officials about it. "I think it is a fair question as to what the General Assembly's role is, I think that's 4

why we have a state Board of Education," he said. "I think the General Assembly, though, does represent people and their votes and thoughts matter there."

House Completes Action on Question Evolution Bill (WPLN-Radio Nashville)

A bill to allow more questioning of scientific theories in the name of critical thinking got the final vote of approval from the state House of Representatives last night. Proponents say the bill is intended to keep teachers from being disciplined if they allow discussion on scientific controversies in their classrooms. The House approved language added by the Senate. In a preamble, the bill now lists subjects that the General Assembly feels are up for disputation: biological evolution, the chemical origin of life, global warming and human cloning. Opponents say the bill follows the strategy of creationists and others who want to cast doubt on the theory of evolution. Scientists say there is not scientific dispute over the theory just political opposition. But the sponsors say science classes will still have to stick to the curriculum approved by the state Board of Education. While some teachers and scientists opposed the bill, the state Department of Education steered clear of taking a position on it.

Expert: Bills on creationism off base (Daily News Journal)

Physical anthropologist and evolution expert Eugenie C. Scott emphatically believes the Tennessee state legislature should drop bills allowing religious and politically motivated statements on creationism in public middle- and high-school classrooms. But because politics is involved, Scott looks for the legislature to pass them. These bills are a bad idea pedagogically. Theyre a bad idea legally, said Scott, who was at MTSU Monday to deliver the keynote address for Scholars Week. The best thing would be for these bills to be withdrawn and forgotten about. But it looks like theyre going to pass. Scott referenced Tennessee HB 368 and SB 893 that, as introduced, protects a teacher from discipline for teaching scientific subjects in an objective manner. Scott is executive director of the National Center for Science Education in Oakland, Calif. She has been both a researcher and an activist in the creationism/evolution controversy for more than 25 years. By coincidence with her appearance at MTSU where she met and talked to students in biology and philosophy classrooms in the morning, had a mid-afternoon session with media and then was to speak in an hour-long presentation in front of students, faculty and staff and people from the surrounding community her centers website ( homepage highlighted Tennessee twice. S01/303270018/Expert-Bills-creationism-off-base

Ten Commandments bill headed to governor (Associated Press)

A proposal that would allow public buildings to display such "historically significant documents" as the Ten Commandments, the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence is headed to the governor for his consideration. The measure sponsored by Republican Sen. Mike Bell of Riceville was unanimously approved 300 by the Senate on Monday evening. The companion bill unanimously passed the House 93-0 last week. The proposal would allow the documents to be displayed in the form of statues, monuments, memorials, tablets or in any other way that in the words of the legislation "respects the dignity and solemnity of such documents."|newswell|text|News|s

Senate Says Senior Citizens Will Need Photos on Their Drivers Licenses (WPLN)
The state Senate has approved bill meant to outflank the controversy that erupted when the General Assembly required voters to show photo IDs. The measure passed last night does away with the exemption from photo IDs for drivers licenses of Tennesseans 60 and up. Opponents say the bill sets up a sharp change for older Tennesseans, who for years have been able to carry a drivers license with no photo. Nashville Democrat Doug Henry, cited a little history on the issue. Former governor Lamar Alexander, a Republican, actually vetoed a similar bill, as Henry tells it. And he said, you shouldnt make the old folks stand up in line to get these photos. And with all respect to the gentleman from Bedford, between the two of them on this particular point, Id have to go with the governor. The sponsor of the bill to require photos for drivers of all ages is Jim Tracy, from Bedford County. Tracy won the showdown 21 votes to eleven. Seniors without a photo on their drivers license would have to go in for a new picture as their renewal date comes up.

Guns in Trunks Sponsor Gets OK from Attorney General (WPLN-Radio Nashville)

Employers have solidly opposed letting their workers keep guns in their cars while at work. But legislation known as guns in trunks has gotten a boost from the state Attorney General, who says it would probably stand up in court. Senator Mike Faulk, a Republican from Hawkins County, says his proposal to let employees bring their guns to work at least as far as the parking lot has been defined as pitting gun rights against property rights. So he was encouraged by the state attorney generals opinion, and says the question should be simply about workplace safety. The fact that the attorney general believes it to be defensible, certainly puts it in that category of many, many other employer-employee relations bills that provides a degree of employee protection. When the bill comes up in committee this week, Faulk says he has two amendments. One would limit the law to gun carry permit holders instead of anyone who owns a gun. The other would exempt nuclear facilities.

Tamper-resistant pain pill bills considered in Tenn. (Herald-Courier)

Tennessee legislators are considering legislation that would require pharmacists to provide certain tamperresistant pain pills. The point of the bills: to help curb the prescription drug abuse problem in the state. "They reformulated OxyContin a few years ago to cut down on patients crushing the tablets and snorting them, or they would dissolve the medication and inject it into their veins," said Ronnie, Danner, retail pharmacy manager at Wilson Pharmacy in Boones Creek. If you go to the pharmacy with a prescription for the pain killer OxyContin, the pills you leave with will be tamper resistant. "We still see prescriptions for OxyContin, but I think it's more or less for the patients that legitimately need it versus the patients who are trying to abuse it," said Danner. That example is part of why Danner supports legislation that would require pharmacists to provide tamper-resistant pain pills. "I think it would make it harder for patients to overdose on the medications because they're looking for the immediate high of the medication and they would not be able to get that with these tamper-resistant medications," said Danner.

TN bill would limit number of foreign workers at charter schools (TN/Sisk)

A conservative group that has warned of the growing influence of Islam is promoting a bill that would limit how many legal immigrants charter schools can hire, drawing opposition from charter school and immigrant groups. The Tennessee Eagle Forum, an organization that has criticized U.S. immigration policy and last year pushed for passage of the so-called Shariah bill, is pressing Tennessee lawmakers to pass legislation that would cap the number of foreign workers charter schools can hire. The bill has drawn bipartisan support but has raised the concerns of charter school advocacy and immigrant rights organizations, which say it would place unfair and unnecessary limits on who can be hired or volunteer with charter schools. The Putting Tennessee First Act, which is scheduled to be heard in two committees this week, makes no reference to religion. But it comes amid worries from some groups about the involvement of Islamic organizations in running charter schools elsewhere in the country, although there are no such schools in Tennessee. The measure, Senate Bill 3345, says chartering authorities may not approve schools that plan to have more than 3.5 percent of their staff made up of legal immigrants with visa work permits.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

House votes to ignore federal regs on farm labor (Associated Press/Schelzig)

The House on Monday passed a bill declaring that Tennessee wouldn't enforce federal regulations governing child labor on family farms. The chamber voted 70-24 to approve the bill sponsored by Republican Rep. Jeremy Faison of Cosby in response to rules being considered by the U.S. Labor Department. "I believe it's incumbent on us as legislators to stand up against big D.C., big government and say enough is enough," Faison said in remarks on House floor. "And I'm hoping other state will join in and say you've gone far enough." "The Department of Labor in D.C. is doing everything they can to destroy America and the fiber of America," he said. "And they're coming after the farmers." The federal agency has said its goal is to better protect children who are more vulnerable to injury when performing tasks like driving tractors. The fatality rate for farm workers aged 15 to 17 is four times higher than in non-farm industries, according to a study from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. But farm groups complained that the initial rules proposed last year would upset traditions where children often work alongside their parents and relatives to learn how a farm operates.|newswell|text|News|s 6

Tennessee mountaintop removal ad comes as fight continues over bills (TN/Paine)

Conservationists try varied tactics to ban practice Conservationists supporting a bill to prohibit mountaintop removal in Tennessee are launching a second round of television ads, but this time photos of ridges in Tennessee that have been blown off are included. The first ad that the Tennessee Conservation Voters launched showed pictures from other states. Opponents of the bill, called the Tennessee Scenic Vistas Act, had slammed the campaign as deceptive, saying that mountaintop removal doesnt happen in the Volunteer State. Any ridges sheared off are replaced as much as possible to the original contours, they countered. Relatively little coal mining is done in Tennessee compared with other states, including Kentucky and West Virginia. The legislation, House Bill 0291, is on todays agenda of the House Conservation Subcommittee, which meets at 10:30 a.m. in Room 30 in Legislative Plaza. The companion bill in the Senate was amended in a way that supporters said gutted it, so that little if any change would occur in current mountaintop mining practices. That one, Senate Bill 0577, is on the agenda to be heard by the full Senate on Monday. The issue is the focus of a wide coalition of conservation, environmental and church groups.|topnews|text|News

American Indians launch protest over TN state recognition (Tennessean/Hubbard)

Some Tennessee residents that are members of various American Indian tribes across the nation said theyd be protesting in front of Rep. Mark Podys office right now in Lebanon. The tribe members say they are protesting HB 2284, which would allow lawmakers to recognize three groups as legitimate tribes. The bill goes before a House and Senate committee Tuesday. It was tabled aftre a hearing last week left some legislators saying they wanted more time to study the measure. We who are from federally recognized tribes have asked for the proof which is included in the bills, said Creek Nation of Oklahoma tribal member Melba Checote-Eads, a Woodbury, Tenn., resident who opposes the bill. W e have been ignored and have not received an opportunity to see the public document of proof of heritage. The Remnant Yuchi Nation, Tanasi Council and United Eastern Lenape Nation of Winfield say their tribes remained in Tennessee after Southeastern tribes, including the Cherokee, were removed under President Andrew Jackson in the 1830s, and now want to claim their heritage as artisans and gain access to federal funds for their communities.|newswell|text|News|s

Mike Carter Puts His Hat In The Ring for TN House District 29 (W DEF-TV Chatt.)
A familiar name throws his hat in the ring for JoAnne Favor's old House District. Mike Carter spoke to the Pachyderm club today...after he officially turned in his qualifying papers for Tennessee's District 29. The former lawyer and judge now has several small businesses. He ran to replace former Hamilton Mayor Claude Ramsey back in 2009 when Ramsey joined Governor Bill Haslam's administration. Now Carter wants to represent the newly re-drawn District 29. He told pachyderm members he's ready to work hard, put the time in and do a good job. Mike Carter, "I'm not going to go up there and play the games and be just another politician. I've got a bass boat that's allergic to water and it needs to be used. If I can't accomplish something then I'll start fishing." JoAnne Favors and Tommie Brown are now both running for the newly re-drawn District 28.

TEA wants teacher evaluation data closed to public (Associated Press)

Tennessee Education Association lobbyist Jerry Winters said Monday that he favors a proposal to close public access to teacher evaluation data because of the lack of confidence many educators have in the new evaluation system. The measure is headed for a full Senate vote, and the companion bill is awaiting a vote in the House State and Local Government Committee today. Sponsors say access to the data should be limited to school officials and not available to the general public. Winters spoke to reporters on Monday after hearing a presentation from a Tennessee Department of Education official on the implementation of the evaluation system. Under recent changes to state law, half of teachers assessments must derive from testing data, while the rest comes from classroom observations. The state has been implementing more data-driven approaches to education as part of federal Race to the Top grants and through Gov. Bill Haslams own policies since he took office two years ago. 7

Shelby County Commission briefs: Redistricting issue remains undecided (CA)

A solution to the Shelby County Commission's months-old redistricting fight remained elusive Monday, and the next significant steps will likely come in Chancery Court. Commissioners have spent months debating district maps for the 2014 commission elections and beyond. They were unable to agree in time for a Dec. 31 deadline. Some commissioners filed a lawsuit, and a court now appears likely to make the final determination. Seven commissioners had voted March 12 on final reading in favor of a single-member district map called 2J. It was short of the nine votes that commissioners had said were needed to pass. However, there were questions about whether seven votes or nine votes were required. State law says seven are needed, but the county charter says nine. Commissioners decided Monday not to reconsider the vote on 2J. And 10 of the commission's 13 members voted Monday in favor of a resolution that says that the county attorney's office should pick a legal representative who will argue in favor of the nine-vote standard. (SUBSCRIPTION)

Nashville police, fire departments request more money (Tennessean/Haas)

The mayor asked city departments to consider reducing their budgets in the coming year, but Nashvilles police and fire agencies say they need more money. Metro budget hearings began Monday morning. During the hearings, departments recap how they fared last year and make a pitch for what they will need to operate in the next year. Mayor Karl Dean had asked each department to consider the effects of an across-the-board 2 percent cut to funding, but Metros public safety agencies said that such cuts would drastically diminish their ability to function. Metro Police asked for the biggest increase, an extra $8.2 million that would keep dozens of officers on the street and help their upcoming DNA crime laboratory get off the ground. The Nashville Fire Department also is looking for more money to add an ambulance team and relieve overworked paramedics. But while the mayor has asked departments to think lean, he has floated the prospect of raising property taxes for the first time since he became mayor in 2007, which could accommodate some of the requested increases. At Mondays hearings he hinted again at how difficult it has been to freeze property tax rates, keeping open the idea that a tax hike could be in the future. Well make the decision when we have all the information, Dean said.|topnews|text|News

Cleveland, Tenn., wants a new sales tax deal (Times Free-Press/Higgins)

The Cleveland City Council voted 4-3 Monday to appeal a 1967 agreement with Bradley County on how local option sales tax revenue is shared. "That's the most important vote we as a City Council will ever make," said Councilman David May, casting an approval vote. He was joined by Avery Johnson, Charlie McKenzie and Bill Estes. Councilman Richard Banks, who with George Poe and Dale Hughes voted against filing the appeal with the Tennessee Court of Appeals, said city officials have "been fighting with the county too long." The dispute does not involve the half-cent sales tax increase approved by city voters in 2009 for capital projects such as roads and school construction. Like everywhere else in Tennessee, the first half of local sales tax revenue goes to education. Bradley County gets two-thirds of that revenue, based on student population, and the city gets one third. It is the second half of that revenue that is in dispute. Everywhere else in Tennessee, that half is based on the location of the purchase. Locally, Cleveland would get about 80 percent of that revenue. Instead, 45 years ago city officials agreed to just reverse the agreement that covers the first half of the revenue. Thus, Bradley gets a third and the city gets two-thirds.

Emergency drill to test first responders (Tennessean/Gonzalez)

A large-scale emergency preparedness drill will bring together first responders from Davidson, Rutherford, Sumner, Wilson and Williamson counties on Wednesday at LP Field. Officials said it will be the largest exercise since April 2006, with dozens of volunteers acting as injured patients. Some roads on LP Field property, as well as the pedestrian bridge, will be closed that morning from 9 a.m. to noon. The Department of Homeland Security drill will evaluate capabilities in responding to catastrophic events, as well as training emergency crews, city managers and policymakers. The regions Homeland Security District 5 also will test a new state-of-the-art emergency command vehicle, Command One. 8 odyssey=tab|topnews|text|News

County pension plans need $1.6 million budget boost (News-Sentinel/Donila)

Knox County in the upcoming fiscal year will need to contribute an additional $1.6 million combined to the Sheriff's Office retirement program and two others that have been closed for decades. The county's pension board actuary, USI Consulting Southeast President Bob Cross, told board members Monday that investments continue to under perform and that the extra money is needed to keep the plans healthy. Officials assume a 7.5 percent rate of return for the three plans one for the deputies, one for county employees and another for school teachers who were under the city's old plan before the county assumed it. So far, though, the Uniformed Officers Pension Plan, or UOPP, has failed to live up to those expectations since its inception in July 2007, and investments more often than not yield negative numbers. The stock market also hasn't been kind to the county's two closed defined benefit plans one that ended in 1986 that covers city school system employees and another in 1991 for county employees but those returns haven't suffered as drastically. They will, however, need contributions this year, Cross said. The UOPP will need $4.5 million up $500,000 from the current level of contributions.

Weston Wamp hits age to serve in U.S. House of Representatives (TFP/Carroll)

For most Americans, the milestones of youth happen at 16 (driving), 18 (voting) and 21 (drinking). For Weston Wamp, 25 is a bigger deal. Federal law requires members of the U.S. House to live at least a quarter-century before taking office, so the son of former U.S. Rep. Zach Wamp celebrated his 25th birthday Monday with a fundraiser designed to bankroll his quest to win his father's old seat. "This kind of lays to rest the question of whether I'm too young because the Constitution says you've got to be 25, and today I'm 25," Weston Wamp said in an interview. Starting in 1994, Zach Wamp served eight terms in Tennessee's 3rd Congressional District before unsuccessfully running for governor in 2010. Weston Wamp is one of four Republicans challenging his father's immediate successor, first-term U.S. Rep. Chuck Fleisch-mann, R-Tenn.

If It Looks Like a Tax, And Acts Like a Tax (Wall Street Journal)
If the Obama health-care law ultimately is struck down by the Supreme Court, the reason could be the absence of a single word: tax. The high court long has recognized broad congressional authority to levy taxes, and both supporters and opponents say the law would be on firmer ground if the penalty for those who refuse to carry health insurance were labeled a tax. In fact, a House version of the bill did just that, explicitly establishing a "tax on individuals without acceptable health-care coverage." But many supporters feared that already shaky support for the law would crumble if opponents could characterize it as a tax increase. Ultimately a Senate bill formed the basis of the law. It used the word "penalty" to describe the assessment that would be calculated according to income and paid to the Internal Revenue Service. The health language has pushed some government lawyers into contortions, having to argue that while the penalty isn't a tax, it falls within a wider array of assessments Congress can impose through its constitutional taxing authority. The government's lawyer, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, seemed only partially successful in executing that maneuver at Monday's arguments, when he said Monday the penalty isn't a tax under the definition of an 1867 lawthe Anti-Injunction Actthat bars preemptive challenges to tax assessments. (SUBSCRIPTION)

Can Congress require everyone to have health insurance? (Stateline)

Today, the Supreme Court will hear two hours of oral argument on the central issue in the case against the Obama administrations health law whether the federal government has the constitutional authority to make people either purchase health insurance or pay a fine. It is this question corresponding to a provision of the law known as the individual mandate that has been the primary focus of intense political opposition and public outcry ever since the law was proposed. It has been the focus of numerous lower court lawsuits as well. Of the four appeals court decisions on the constitutionality of the health law, two upheld the mandate, one found it unconstitutional, and one ruled the question could not be decided until the mandate takes effect. The challenge to the individual mandate, one of four separate issues in the case, stems from two lawsuits filed in 9

Florida and later consolidated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta. One was filed by the National Federation of Independent Businesses and two individuals who lacked health insurance. The other was filed by Florida and joined by 25 other states. The business group and individual plaintiffs challenged only the individual mandate. The states challenged the mandate and the Medicaid expansion provision, which will be argued tomorrow. The 11th circuit struck down the mandate, but found the Medicaid expansion constitutional.

TVA to lower water levels on Henry County project (Associated Press)

The Tennessee Valley Authority will lower water levels in the West Sandy Dewatering Project on Kentucky Reservoir in Henry County. The work will be done during the 2012-13 and 2013-14 winter waterfowl hunting seasons. TVA officials said the pumping station at the project needs repair and the water levels need to be lowered during the winter months. Available waterfowl for hunting may be minimal. The dewatering project consists of about 6,400 acres, which are managed jointly by TVA and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.|newswell|text|News|p

TVA hires new $235,000-a-year communications director (Times Free-Press)

The Tennessee Valley Authority has hired the communications director from NCR Corp. in Atlanta to serve as vice president of communications. Janet Brewer, who has previously served in key management posts for LexisNexis and The Reynolds and Reynolds Co., fills the vacancy created last June when former communications vice president David Mould left TVA. She will be based at TVA's headquarters in Knoxville and be paid a base salary of $235,000 a year, TVA officials said.

Dollywood track record bolsters Dolly Parton's Nashville project (NS/Morrow)

When Dolly Parton walked into the room to meet with Gaylord officials about a joint venture a few months ago, she had a confident stride that hadn't been there before. As the majority owner in Dollywood, she wasn't just an entertainer who wanted to dip her toe in the business world. She was someone with a track record, unlike the scenario in the early 1980s when she approached the Herschend family of Branson, Mo., about launching a theme park in Pigeon Forge that eventually became Dollywood. "I'm already proven now," Parton said of her business savvy. "I've already got Dollywood. It's already a success. "They know I'm a person who has been successful (in more than show business)." In January of this year, Parton and Gaylord Entertainment announced plans to build a $50 million water and snow park as part of a 114-acre project adjacent to Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center near downtown Nashville. Ground breaking is set for fall, with phase one opening in the spring of 2014. Dollywood will manage the yet-unnamed theme park, including the marketing and media relations aspects of it.

13 apply to lead Grundy County Schools (Chattanooga Times Free-Press/Benton)

Grundy County Schools netted 13 applicants to replace retiring Director of Schools Jody Hargis. Officials in the system's central office said the number of applicants jumped by 11 last week, with responses from as far away as Texas and Alaska, while four were from within the county. Board of Education member Willene Campbell said she was pleasantly surprised by the response. "I thought it was a good turnout, and I was surprised at how far away applicants came from," Campbell said Monday. "You know, the old saying is the more the merrier." Campbell said school board members have not yet seen application documents. "W e have a meeting [tonight] to go over them and to see what we've got," she said, adding that she was not sure how the board will want to proceed. Grundy's school director seat has been the center of controversy in recent years as it shifted from Hargis to former classroom teacher Clay Newsome for about six months in 2010, then back to Hargis as interim director after Newsome was removed from the post, newspaper archives show..

Shelby County Schools eyes possible teaching cutbacks (C. Appeal/Kelley)

Forty-eight teaching positions would be cut from the Shelby County Schools workforce, contributing to a net loss of 92 jobs in the system next year, under a preliminary budget discussed by the unified Memphis and Shelby County school board Monday night. Officials stressed that the numbers could change significantly, however, 10

because of uncertainty over state funding and a proposed pay raise for teachers. Budgets for SCS and MCS will not be ready for final approval until April or perhaps beyond. The SCS teaching corps reduction can be addressed to some extent through attrition, Supt. John Aitken said, and "Hopefully if we get a generous revenue estimate in April we're going to go back in and look at that." A lot depends, as well, on whether Gov. Bill Haslam's proposed 2.5 percent pay hike for teachers, which would be partially funded by the state, is passed. But if budgets had to be finalized today, SCS would cut back by $11.75 million on personnel costs, $3.46 million by delaying textbook purchases, $465,000 by declining to renew software leases and spending about $250,000 less on various other items, for a total savings of almost $16 million. The total general fund budget for the district would be $355 million. (SUBSCRIPTION)

Suburbs Consider Legal Challenges In Schools Fight (Memphis Daily News)

After a race to call special referendum elections in May, suburban leaders this week may be in a race to get to Chancery Court in a legal challenge of the Tennessee attorney generals opinion that last week stopped the referenda move. We are moving toward, at least in Bartlett, some legal action, Bartlett Mayor Keith McDonald said Friday on the WKNO-TV program Behind the Headlines. Ive said all along were going to hit some bumps. The Bartlett Board of Mayor and Alderman will discuss the latest bump Tuesday, March 27, at its regular meeting. McDonald said going to Chancery Court to put the question back on the ballot after the Shelby County Election Commission refused a first request to do so tightens an already tight timeline. The suburban leaders had a goal of getting the municipal school district question decided by their respective sets of voters in May in order to move ahead with electing separate school boards for each district on the November ballot and having those elected boards hire superintendents by January.

Sullivan/Kingsport STEM school will serve grades 6-7 (Times-News)

A new STEM platform school operated by Sullivan County and Kingsport will open serving grades 6 and 7 not 6, 7 and 8 as originally planned the schools governing body decided Monday. However, the group talked about the science, technology, engineering and math school adding grades 8 and 9 during year two of the school in 2013-14 instead of just adding a grade a year as originally planned. In addition, group members said the school may utilize an alternative calendar, the so-called year-round school calendar, when it opens in August. It (a year-around school) is not a far-fetched concept, but it may be out there for us, Sullivan County Director of Schools Jubal Yennie said. People will speak with their feet. Year-round calendars often have nine weeks of instruction with three weeks off except for a six-week summer vacation, group members said. University School in Johnson City is a year-around school.

4 arrested on meth charges (Jackson Sun)

Drug agents have arrested two Humboldt residents and two Bradford residents on drug charges after a Wednesday visit to a Humboldt trailer park, according to a news release issued Monday. Agents of the W est Tennessee Violent Crime and Drug Task Force of the 28th District along with officers of the Tennessee Probation and Parole Enforcement Unit went to the Humboldt Trailer Park on Wednesday to check on Troy Sollis, who is on parole from prior meth-related charges, according to the release. W hen approached by parole officers, Sollis and Brittany Nicole Patterson tried to escape on a motorcycle driven by Sollis, the release said. Drug Task Force agents knocked the motorcycle over and took Sollis and Patterson into custody. They were trying to escape with an active meth lab in a backpack they were carrying, authorities said. Agents then searched and quarantined Pattersons mobile home on Hawks Loop in Humboldt. The state Methamphetamine and Pharmaceutical Task Force Response Truck was called to the scene to assist in the cleanup at the mobile home. The Department of Childrens Services was contacted concerning a 1-year-old child who had been present where the methamphetamine was being manufactured, the release said.


OPINION Editorial: Finishing road would be good for Blount County (News-Sentinel)
Plans to extend the Pellissippi Parkway to U.S. 321 in Blount County have been on the drawing board for decades, with a final decision on the environmental impact a year away. That gives supporters and opponents of the project another 12 months to debate and discuss the controversial highway that connects to Interstate 140 on one end and will provide a more direct route to the "Quiet Side of the Smokies" on the other. Opposition to the project is understandable. Highways especially the four-lane, interstate kind take land and private property. No matter the level of attention paid to the environment, the area very likely will never be the same. Nevertheless, completing the highway to U.S. 321 ( Lamar Alexander Parkway) will be in the best interest of Alcoa and Maryville, as well as Blount County. Barring a major undiscovered obstacle, when federal highway officials make their decision about the final environmental impact, they are likely to agree. "Pellissippi Parkway will provide a major economic stimulus to the mountains for travelers as well as locals," said Alcoa City Manager Mark Johnson. He said plans for finishing the parkway include maintaining the rural nature of the land because the natural beauty helps bring industry and jobs as well as tourists.

Times Editorial: Tennessee tax breaks and racism (Chattanooga Times FreePress)
The Tennessee Legislature's Republican bent to favor the wealthy and appease racists has rarely been so obvious. Consider the Legislature's actions last week on two specific bills -- one to dismantle the inheritance tax on estates of more than $1 million, the other to block the merger and integration of Memphis City and Shelby County school districts. Helping Tennessee's most affluent residents by phasing out the state's inheritance tax was originally proposed by Gov. Bill Haslam, but Republic lawmakers seem equally eager to please the wellheeled crowd -- no doubt, in part, because that's where the bulk of their campaign donations originate. Eagerbeaver lawmakers Haslam has proposed to terminate the high-end inheritance tax over five years beginning in 2013, with each incremental step being paralleled by minuscule deductions in the state's sales tax on food. Eager-beaver lawmakers in the House last week accelerated the phase-out schedule to four years, which at that point would mean the complete loss of a state funding source that now amounts to $90 million a year.

Jim Cooper: Grab Congress by purse strings (Tennessean)

Ive been trying to get Congress to behave better, and thats a frustrating job. There are so many areas for improvement that its hard to know where to start. So I thought Id start simple, real simple. Congress should pay its bills on time. That principle should be obvious but, at least on Capitol Hill, very few people believe it. Many colleagues in Congress think that deadlines dont apply to them. They act like they are above the law, because they write the laws. In fairness to my colleagues, their disdain for deadlines used to be harmless. After all, Congress has not passed a budget and all its 12 appropriations bills on time since 1995. Key agencies have often been funded month-by-month, or week-by-week. Start/stop government is no way to run a superpower, yet hardly anyone noticed until the delays threatened total government shutdown. Finally, Americas patience snapped. Congressional delays got so bad last summer that America neared default for the first time in our history. After months of watching partisan wrangling, bond markets got tired of waiting for Congress to pay its bills. Some investors even worried that the national debt was so large that Congress couldnt pay its bills. Delay breeds larger fears. We lost our historic AAA credit rating. 12 odyssey=mod|newswell|text|Opinion|p








When Congress passed the health reform law, known as the Affordable Care Act, was it a necessary and proper (in the words of the Constitution) response to the national health insurance crisis? That is the question now before the U.S. Supreme Court. The answer will affect all of us. Few people deny that there is a national health insurance crisis. Without insurance, health care has become unaffordable for most Americans. But many people cannot get insurance, either because it is too expensive or because they have a pre-existing medical condition. Almost 50 million Americans lack health insurance. Another 50 million have insurance that is so riddled with limitations and loopholes that it provides little real protection if they have a major illness or injury. Of course, whether we have insurance or not, almost all of us need medical care sometime. If we lack adequate insurance, we usually cannot pay for it. In 2008, doctors and hospitals provided more than $43 billion in unpaid medical care. Providers pass much of this cost on to private insurers, who pass it on to their customers in the form of higher premiums. This cost-shifting increases annual premiums for insured families by more than $1,000. That makes insurance unaffordable for even more people. The lawyers who argue that the law is unconstitutional agree that Congress can, even should, address this spiral of rising costs and diminishing access to health insurance. They challenge only one of the means that Congress chose to address the crisis: the individual mandate.|newswell|text|Opinion|p

Clay Bennett Political Cartoon: Doctors Orders (Times Free-Press) ba5b5b122dd3d37cc13d83e92a6a0ec0d5bfa32a

Guest columnist: One school acts to make tuition more affordable (Tennessean)
Many college presidents met recently in Washington, D.C., to discuss strategies and best practices for helping their institutions thrive. Session topics ranged from marketing to fundraising to government relations and everything in between. The elephant in the room, however, was tuition. Long before President Obama urged college leaders to get a handle on rising tuition costs, college and university presidents have lost sleep thinking about this issue. Long-term solutions to alleviate the problem have been elusive for most schools. Part of that elusiveness is beyond our control. The cost of food, utilities, and competitive compensation for our faculty and staff leaves little room to maneuver. On the other hand, too many institutions have succumbed to the temptation to attract students by offering non-need (mistakenly called merit) financial aid and then continuing to dicker after the initial offer is made. This approach is neither efficient nor just, but it is very costly. For years, the alarm has been going off. Its time to stop hitting the snooze button. At The University of the South, familiarly known as Sewanee, weve taken measures to ensure that our institution is more affordable for families, including a 10 percent tuition decrease a year ago and a four-year tuition freeze for the Class of 2016 announced last month.|newswell|text|Opinion|p ###


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