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S-1 through S-3

What are the elements of a sentence? Subject (noun or pronoun) and Predicate (verb). What is a sentence fragment? group of words that is capitalized and punctuated as a sentence but is not a sentence Needs at least one independent clause, which contains a SUBJECT and VERB and does not start with a subordinating word Subordinating words: after, before, although, if, as, since, because, that, though How does a writer correct a sentence fragment? Remove subordinating word, add a subject or a verb, or attach the fragment to a sentence What is a comma splice? two independent clauses joined by only a comma What is a fused sentence? one independent clause follows another with no punctuation in between How does a writer correct a comma splice/fused sentence? (1) (2) (3) (4) make the clauses into two sentences, add a comma and a COORDINATING CONJUNCTION, add a semicolon recast one clause as a SUBORDINATE CLAUSE.

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