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A type or species of living thing that has completely died out either from natural causes or because of human action 2. One who illegally hunts on another's property. 6. A meat eating animal 9. To help a certain species repopulate an area 10. The environment in which a species lives and finds food, water and shelter 11. A plant eating animal 12. A type or species of living thing whose numbers are low because of pollution, habitat loss or overhunting. This living thing could begin to die out if it is not protected. 14. Harmful or troublesome animals such as mice or rats 16. (Of an animal, typically a bird or fish) Move from one region to another. 17. To import or export goods secretly or illegally 18. Contaminating material that pollutes.

DOWN 1. A type or species of living thing that has decreased so much that its population is in great danger of dying out The planting and growth of new trees 4. A person who cares about the natural world and makes an effort to protect it or raise awareness for its needs 5. The act of preserving and protecting from loss, destruction, or waste. 7. An animal that eats both plants and animals 8. The ongoing relationship between living things and their environment 12. A formal agreement between 2 or more independent states 13. The process of cutting and removing trees from a forest 15. An animal whose young feeds on its mothers milk

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