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Camera Angle/Shot

Medium/Long shot.

Luke Wilkes(Footballer) George Ansell (Referee)

Football, Football kit, and Referee kit (Cards, pen and notebook)

Football and referee kit.

Football field.

Medium shot/Birds eye.

Close up, Extreme close up.

Luke Wilkes (Footballer) George Ansell (Referee) ------ (Manager) George Ansell (Referee) ----- (Manager) Luke Wilkes(Footballer) ------(Manager)

Football kit, football, and bottle of water.

Football kit, referee kit and tailored suit.

Football field.

Birds eye view, long shot, medium shot, and closes up.

Offside flag, bottle of water and chewing gum. Football kits, rack of bottles, footballs and white board.

Referee kit, and tailored suit.

Football field, on side line.

Football kits.

Dressing room.

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