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Dissemination Plan for The Impact of Educational Gaming on Student Engagement

Student: Amy Barrieau Student No. 200975332 The dissemination plan for this paper includes a website (above), housing the central themes of the paper through a series of concept maps presented in narrated slidecast form. Also on the site are related resources and a link to the original paper. The website address for this dissemination has been distributed to my school-based colleagues at Harkins Middle School via staff email (see hardcopy of email, attached). Harkins Middle School has been recognized as a SMART Exemplary School and, as with other schools in New Brunswicks School District 16, teachers at Harkins are enthusiastic about the influence of technology on learning. Through a weblink from my personal teacher page (above), the website for dissemination has been made available to other teachers, administrators, district personnel and also parents who are curious about the impact of computer-based gaming on student engagement.

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