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This is a procedure I wrote a few weeks back...

hope it helps: Create the vDisk in the Provisioning Services Console Create a Device Collection for the XenApp Servers Add a device, call it XAMaster and use the MAC address of the machine youre using to build the image. Attach the vDisk to this device and set to boot from Hard Disk. Build 2008 R2 Machine Join to domain, set up networking Attach the vDisk Install Install XenApp role, choose EdgeSight Agent (optional) and Provisioning Services Target Device in Optional Components Components this will install: -------------------------------------------------------------o Prerequisites: Remote Desktop Services Role Application Server Role Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable (x64) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable (x64) Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Microsoft Primary Interoperability Assemblies 2005 Group Policy Management Feature o Roles and Subcomponents XenApp XenApp Server XenApp Management EdgeSight Agent Provisioning Services Target Device ------------------------------- Join server to the farm & reboot Install applications and configure server as you like, including performing manual optimizations Ensure the vDisk is in Private Mode and is Active Run the XenApp Server Role Manager and hit Edit Configuration then Prepare this Server for Imaging and Provisioning. Run XenConvert to image the disk to the vDisk. Shut down guest Set vDisk to Standard Image mode and choose location for write cache Create XenApp virtual machines on the hypervisor layer and note the MAC addresses. Set the machines to boot from Network first (an configuration option in XenServer, via BIOS settings of VMware guest (set guest to boot into BIOS on next boot to simplify)) Create a target device for each XenApp virtual machine in the XenApp Servers device collection. Configure the MAC address to correspond to a virtual machine and set the machine to boot from vDisk. Set logging settings of the target device.

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