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4-T-2 SPELLCHECK 1. Watch the tutorial for 4-T-2 2. Log in to Google Docs and start a new document 3.

Click on Untitled document and rename this document 4-T-2 1. Type the document in the box below EXACTLY as you see it. Bold the characters names as shown. 2. Right click the words that have a red underline and choose the correct spelling (in bold at the top of the drop down menu) 4. Get work checked by the instructor, then close the browser tab

Marcellus. What, hass this thing appear'd again to-night? Bernardo. I havve seen nothing. Marcellus. Horatio ssays 'tis buut our fantsay, And will not let belieff take hold of him Touchinng this dreaeded sight, twice seen of us. Therefore I have enntreated him along, 35 With us to watcch the minutes of this niight, That, if aggain this appparition come, He may appprove our eyes and speak to it. Horatio. Tush, tush, 'twill not apppear. Bernardo. Sit dowwn awhile, 40 And lett us onnce again assail your eears, That are so fortified aggainst our stroy, What wwe twwo nights have seeen.
Name Date 4-T-2

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