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How did you attract/address your target audience?

Media Evaluation

The initial method to attract my target audience is through the front cover. This is the first thing that they see, and it must stand out to them among other magazines on the shelf. I made my front cover stand out by making the main image stand out, covering the majority of the page. The image is also a medium close up of my model holding a guitar. This type of shot provides an in your face effect towards the reader. The lighting created within my shot helped provide emphasis on my model.

The contrasting contents page helped address and engage the reader. Compared to the dark sophisticated look of the front cover, I used bright and light colours in order to stand out. I used several other smaller images that are spread out around the page to make it lively.

I created a social networking box on my contents page to help address as well as retain my target audience. As the majority of people are now connected through social media, I incorporated this to stay within reach of readers.

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