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CONSTRUNCTION MANAGEMENT ENGLISH MARKS 50 SECTION A Answer any four of the following options (5 x 4 = 20)

01. Was the launch of Prithvi smooth? What was the response of the West to the launch of Prithvi? (WOF) 02. How did Delia and Joe earn their dollars which they placed on the table? (LE) 03. Provide the one-word substitute for the following sentences: (LE) One who is an expert in matters of taste? One who compiles a dictionary? One who knows several languages? One who takes up the study of humankind? One who treats ailments of the feet? 04. Using the prefix MULTI fill in the blanks for the following sentences? (WOF) Mr. Balakumar speaks several languages. He is a ----------------. Mrs.Rachana owns several millions of rupees, She is a --------Podhigai news channel is hosting an event that is being covered by both television and radio. It is a -------------------event. Expensive theatres is now a ---------------. It has several screens exhibiting at least four movies simultaneously. When politicians speak in Tamilnadu----------------------assemble to listen to them. 05. What were the setbacks in the successful launch of Agni? (WOF) 06. Explain the meanings of the following phrasal verbs and use them in sentences of your own: TO GIVE UP, TO GIVE AWAY, TO GIVE OFF, TO GIVE OUT, TO KEEP ON, TO KEEP TO, TO KEEP UP. (LE)


Answer any three of the following options

(3 x 10 = 30)

01. Define reading skills and itemize its categories in columns headed as GENERAL, ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL? 02. Define writing skills and do the same as mentioned above? 03. Enumerate the useful points to remember when writing memorandums? 04. Define reading comprehension and complete the exercise provided below?

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