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Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi 15 Nissan, 5772 April 7, 2012 Andrew Markowitz, Assistant Rabbi

April 6 Erev Shabbat/Yom Tov Candle - Lighting: 7:09PM Mincha: 7:14PM April 7 Shacharit 7:45/ 8:45/ 9:00AM Sof Zman Kriyas Shema: 9:45 AM Daf Yomi 6:20PM Mincha: 2:00PM/7:05PM Dvar Torah Yom Tov Candle - Lighting 8:23PM April 8 Daf Yomi 6:20PM Shacharit 7:45/ 8:45/ 9:00AM Sof Zman Kriyas Shema: 9:45 AM Mincha: 7:05PM Yom Tov Ends 8:24PM April 7 - Parsha: Artscroll: p354 The Living Torah: p312 Hertz: p257 April 8- Parsha: Artscroll: p680 The Living Torah: p618 Hertz: p518 / Haftorah: Artscroll: p1221 The Living Torah: p1293 Hertz: p1009 / Haftorah: Artscroll: p1222 The Living Torah: p1295 Hertz: p1012

Thank You: To the sponsors of the Seudas Mitzvah on Erev Pesach, Sondra and Norman Fox and Sharon and Michael Glass in honor of their families, Dr Jordy and Lisa Alter commemorating the yahrzeit of Rabbi Shaya Alter z'l, and Harold Shachter (Sara Robins brother) who is commemorating a yahrzeit. Thank you to Sid Goldschmidt who did all of the shopping for the Seudas Mitzvah. Rabbi Avi Hochman for giving the drasha in the young families minyan. Dr. Adam Karp, Jonathan Weinstein and Rabbi Andi Yudin for giving a siyum on Erev Pesach The Baal Kriah Upstairs- 1st Day Pesach - D. Ptashny, 2nd Day Pesach - S. Kreitman Young Couples- Both Days - Joseph Jarashow Youth Minyan- Both Days - Aharon & Zach Schreiber Mazal Tov to: Rabbi and Shevi Yudin on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Aharon Gedalia Yudin Refuah Shelaimah to: Faiga bas Yita Rivka, Bernice Grossman (Breina bat Leah), Leah Goldman (Leah Golda bat Esther Frimmet), Evelyne Hait (Esther Frimmet bat Raizel), Ceil Heller (Tzivia Rivka bat Naomi Chedvah), Regina Klepfisz (Rivka bat Tzipporah Sima), Jeff Packard (Chayim Zelig ben Sarah Rivkah), Stuart Schochet (Shimon Yaakov HaKohen ben Chava Sheindel), Lola Weisfeld (Leah Devorah bat Priba Tziral), Talya bat Yehudit Shlomit & Avichai ben Rivka. In Our Shul: There will be an early mincha at 2PM on the first day of Pesach / Shabbos April 7. Please remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin on Thursday April 12. Now is the time to purchase SCRIP for your Pesach shopping. SCRIP is available at Shoprite, Pathmark, Glatt Express, Food Showcase, Maadan,and all local kosher merchants. SCRIP can be purchased on line If more information is required you can contact Milty Frank directly" at 201 796-8260 or at Please note the following Simcha Kiddushim dates April 21, May 19 and June 16, 2012. To sponsor a Simcha Kiddush, please contact Alla Kavesh or Lina Fleyshmakher. Torah Tuesday on Thursday(4/19) learning and breakfast is sponsored by Gloria Baron to commemorate the yahrzeit of Bernie Baron A"H. Torah Tuesday presents on April 19th at 6:40PM - Dinner and a speaker at no charge. Reservations must be made by April 16th. After April 16th, there will be a $10 charge. The guest speaker will be Rabbi Neil Winkler, Rabbi at The Young Israel of Fort Lee, and author of "Bringing the Prophets to life" .Rabbi Winkler's topic will be "Malchut- Command or Accommodation". Rabbi Winker's book will be available for purchase that evening as well. The event is sponsored by the Bodner family in commemoration of the 10th yahrzeit of George Scneider A"H; by the Gore family in honor of Rabbi Yudin and by an anonymous sponsor. For more information and to make a reservation please contact Mendy Aron at torahtuesday@yahoo. Torah Tuesdays 6th annual breakfast will be held on Sunday May 6th 2012. Ralph Cheifetz will be this years honoree. A Special
memorial dedication honoring Regina Bowski will take place at the breakfast this year. For reservations and sponsorships contact Mendy Aron at A form to make a reservation and/or sponsor the event with all the information can be found in the rack of the shul lobby.

To sponsor a Seudah Shlishit please call Esther Silvestri at 201 741-5341 Important Mikvah Notice: For bulletins Friday March 30 Friday April 13: Please note the following change of schedule: 1. Beginning Sunday, March 25, 2012, weekday mikva hours will be 8:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. 2. Any arrival after 9:30 P.M. will be charged an additional late fee of $25. 3.The mikva continues to be open on Motzei Shabbat and Motzei Yom Tov 1 hour 15 minutes after Shabbat or Yom Tov ends, and stays open for 1 hours. Please note that any arrival after hour before closing will be charged an additional late fee of $25.On Motzei Pesach, April 14, 2012 only, the mikva will be open 10:00 P.M. - 11:30 P.M. Please call the mikva tape regularly for updates and important information. Please call Dossy Brandstatter with any questions or concerns 201-796-5839." Please remember not to park in the Mikvah spots when coming to the zman and 9PM maariv minyanim.

In our Nursery School: Registration is open for 2012-13 school year. Special discount for shul members. Call Debbie (201)791-6744 for info.

In Our Community: Yom Hashoah Holocaust Memorial Day Wednesday, April 18 2012 at 6:30PM in Temple Beth Shalom 40-25 Fair Lawn, Avenue. Keynote Speaker: Dr. David Marwell, Director, Museum of Jewish Heritage, NYC. The Jewish Community Relations Council of JFNNJ is coordinating an important community-wide Israel Advocacy Forum on Sunday, April 29th, at the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades from 9 1:15, which is free and open to the community. A light breakfast will be served. Representatives from major organizations including AIPAC, CAMERA, ISRAEL ACTION NETWORK, STANDWITHUS, and WRITE ON FOR ISRAEL will be conducting workshops on the ABCs of Israel Advocacy, Media Monitoring, Outreach to Non-Jewish Constituencies, and a special workshop for high school and college students. Please rsvp to Natalya Taleysnik at 201-820-3944 or natalyat@jfnnj,org by April 25th. SUN April 8 nd 2 Day Pesach 16 Nissan Omer 1 FRI April 13 Shevii Shel Pesach 21 Nissan Omer 6 5:23AM 9:40AM 7:45/ 8:45/ 9:00AM SHABBOS April 14 Acharon Shel Pesach 22 Nissan Omer 7 5:21AM 9:39AM 7:45/ 8:45/ 9:00AM Yizkor 10:30AM Mincha: 7:15 PM


MON April 9 17 Nissan Omer 2 5:30AM 9:44AM 5:35/ 6:30/ 8AM 7:15PM 1:31PM 7:45/ 9:00PM

TUES April 10 18 Nissan Omer 3 5:28AM 9:42AM 5:35/ 6:30/ 8AM 7:15PM 1:31PM 7:45/ 9:00PM

WED April 11 19 Nissan Omer 4 5:27AM 9:42AM 5:35/ 6:30/ 8AM 7:15PM 1:31PM 7:45/ 9:00PM

THURS April 12 20 Nissan Omer 5 5:25AM 9:40AM 5:35/ 6:30/ 8AM Candle-lighting: Early 6:17 Zman7:15PM Mincha: Early 6:02 Zman7:20PM

Earliest Tallis & Tephilin: 5:32AM SOF ZMAN K SHEMA: 9:45AM

Shacharit Mincha: (Earliest) Maariv

7:45/8:45/9AM 7:05PM Yom Tov Ends 8:24PM

Candle-lighting: Early 6:18 Zman 7:16PM Mincha: Shabbos/ Yom Tov Early 6:03 Ends:8:30PM Zman 7:20PM
THURS 4/12 6:30AM FRI 4/13 8:00 AM SHABBOS 4/14 8:00 AM


SUN 4/8 6:20PM

MON 4/9 6:30AM

TUES 4/10 6:30AM

WED 4/11 6:30AM

GEMORAH SHIURIM/ OTHER MONDAYS: 7:30PM Ladies Tehillim Shiur After Mincha

Pachim KTanim from Rabbi Yudin: In honor of this Shabbos and Yom Tov:

1. Kiddush B'makom Seudah means one is to eat their meal at the place they recited (heard) Kiddush. Therefore, one cannot begin his Seder in one home- even lead the Seder in that home- and eat their meal in another home. After the Birkat Hamazon, if necessary, one could complete the Hallel and the fourth cup of wine in another location. 2. Tomorrow is Shabbos, and therefore we have an obligation to eat Shalosh Seudos. However, as on Erev Pesach, one is not allowed to eat a meal after the ninth hour (approximately 4 P.M.). Therefore, one should eat Shalosh Seudos early. Either: Split the lunch: or after lunch A. Daven Mincha, B. Go for a walk to create a Halachic pause. C. Be finished with the third meal by about 4 P.M. 3. For Havdalah tomorrow night, no Bisamim, as the Neshama Yeseirah (additional soul) is still with us. Proof, we say Nishmas on Sunday morning, Yom-Tov. Nishmas is only said on days that we are endowed with a Neshama Yeseirah. 4. For Havdalah, tomorrow night for the Bracha over "Aish" it is not necessary to hold the two candles with their wicks next to each other, it is sufficient that the two candles stand next to each other. Thank you and Shabbat Shalom, and Chag Kasher V'sameach- to all.

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