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Upper and Lower Limb Muscles

Upper Limb
Arm The arm has two compartments. The anterior compartment has 3 mucles and the posterior compartment has
one muscle

Anterior Compartment These muscles flex the forearm and are supplied by Musculocutaneous

Biceps brachii Corocobrachialis Brachialis

Posterior compartment These muscles extend the forearm and are supplied by Radial Nerve - Triceps Forearm The forearm has two compartments containing 17 muscles. The anterior compartment of the forearm
has 8 muscles and the posterior compartment has 9 muscles

Anterior compartment These muscles are flexors of the hand and are supplied by the median Superficial (4) - Flexor carpi Radialis - Flexor carpi Ulnaris - Palmaris Longus - Pronator teres Intermediate (1) - Flexor digitorium Superficialis

nerve (except for the listed exceptions). The compartment is divided into superficial, intermediate and deep sections

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