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LESSON PLAN Day / Date Week Term Theme Subtheme :1 :1 : Our Self : Family Material Our Self Submaterial

-Picture Match the picture My family Post Test Explanation - question & answer Find the pair : Monday / 12 of March 2012

Day/Date Subject Vocabulary Monday/ 12-32012 Sing a song Preview Activity

Sing together Translete English to Bahasa Tranlete Bahasa to English

- Prayer a. Opening Lets pray b. Closing Lets pray - Teaching Presentation a. Greeting Good morning everybody...How are you?

b. Now, we will study about family. Do you have family? Apa kalian semua

punya keluarga? Hom many people in your house? Ada berapa orang keluarga di rumahmu? Do you have brother? Apa kamu punya mas? Do you have sister? Apa kamu punya mbak? OK, before we start study about family, lets sing together... MY FAMILY Father bapak,mother ibu,brother mas,sister mbak Grandfather kakek, grandmother nenek Uncle paman and aunty bibi Please, look at the finger dolls in my hand... ____ show up the finger dolls____ Ini ibu, this is MOTHER...repeat again...MOTHER, Ini bapak, this is father...repeat again...FATHER, Ini mas, this is brother... repeat again...BROTHER, Ini mbak, this is sister...repeat again..SISTER,

And then...come here one by match the picture!

c. Post Test OK, lets repeat our lesson today... IBU is.... FATHER is.... KAKEK is... BROTHER is... d. Greeting OK kids...our lesson was finish...say goodbye to your friends, and see you e. Closing Les pray

Approved by, Tulungagung, 12 March 2012-03-12 English Teacher

( Principal )

( Diyah Nuryanti )

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